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Gulomov, M.M.; Dzhumaev, S.S.; Safarov, M.M., E-mail:, E-mail: mahmadl@list.ru2020
[en] This work presents the results of experimental and numerical calculation of thermal conductivity coefficient of chemical frequent isobutane without addition of single-walled carbon nano tubes and with the addition of up to 2.5% single-walled carbon nano tubes in the temperature ranges 293-660 K and pressures from 0.101 to 2.5 MPa and concentration 0 - 2.5% of single-walled carbon nano tubes. To measure the thermal conductivity of studied systems (isobutane + single-walled carbon nano tubes), an experimental setup have been used developed on the basis of the method of a reasonable thermal regime of first kind. To determine the numerical calculations of thermal conductivity of studied samples, the Einstein model was applied. The total relative error in the measurement of thermal conductivity of solutions, liquids of installation at a confidence level of 0.95 is 3.5%, and the error of numerical calculations depends on the error in determining the initial data. It has been defined that with increasing temperature, the thermal conductivity of nano-fluids of the system decreases, and an increase in external pressure leads to an increase in thermal conductivity of solutions. Using the law of thermodynamic similarity and experimental data, an empirical dependencies have been obtained that allow to determine the thermal conductivity of studied samples at different temperatures and pressures. (author)
Original Title
Vliyanie odnostennykh uglerodnykh nanotrubok na izmenenie teploprovodnosti izobutana pri razlichnykh temperaturakh i davlenii
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Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoj SSR. Otdelenie Fiziko-Matematicheskikh, Khimicheskikh i Geologicheskikh Nauk; ISSN 0002-3485; ; CODEN IATOAN; v. 4(181); p. 49-62
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Safarov, M.M.; Gulomov, M.M.; Zaripova, M.A., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2015
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2015
[en] The paper presents results of experimental study of thermal conductivity of diethyl ether + carbon nano tubes system at temperature range 293-670 K and pressures 0.101-49.01 MPa, including the critical and supercritical regions 3.6 MPa and concentration of carbon nano tubes from 0.1 up to 0.5 g. To measure the thermal conductivity of samples, the method of regular thermal mode of first kind has been used. The total relative error in the measurement of thermal conductivity at a confidence level of α = 0.95 is 3.2%. When processing experimental data using the law of thermodynamic similarity, the empirical equations have been obtained. (author)
Original Title
Vliyanie uglerodnykh nanotrubok (0,1-0,5 gr.) na izmenenie teploprovodnosti zhidkogo dietilovogo efira pri razlichnykh temperaturakh i davleniyakh
Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1-6(191); p. 57-62
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Safarov, M.M.; Khakimov, D.Sh.; Nematov, A.; Davlatov, R.; Gulomov, M.M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2017
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2017
[en] The article studies the relationship between surface tension coefficient and density of benzene and diisopropyl ether solutions. The results of an experimental determination of density and surface tension coefficient of solutions of benzene and diisopropyl ether system at mass concentration range from 0 to 100% solvents, at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. (author)
Original Title
Vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu koeffitsiyentom poverkhnostnogo natyazheniya i plotnost'yu rastvorov sistemy benzol i diizopropiloviy efir
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Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1-3; p. 118-123
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Safarov, M.M.; Nazarov, Kh.Kh.; Zaripova, M.A.; Davlatov, N.B.; Nazrulloev, A.S.; Nematov, A.; Gulomov, M.M.; Rizoev, S.G.; Davlatzoda, F.S.; Asomiddinov, Z.Sh.; Nematov, G.N.; Kurbonov, M.F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2016
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2016
[en] The paper presents the results of a numerical study of chemical and phase equilibrium solutions in the temperature range 298 - 573 K and a pressure 0.101-49.01 MPa. with using the monotonic warming method for heat capacity measuring. The total heat capacity relative measurement error at a confidence level α = 0.95 is 3.6%. (author)
Original Title
Komp'yuternoe modelirovanie khimicheskikh i fazovykh ravnovesiy v sistemakh s neideal'nymi rastvorami
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Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1-4(216); p. 166-169
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Safarov, M.M.; Nazarov, Kh.Kh.; Davlatov, N.B.; Nazrulloev, A.S.; Zaripova, M.A.; Tilloeva, T.R.; Gulomov, M.M.; Rizoev, S.G.; Taurov, E.Sh.; Sulaymoni, F.D.; Khakimov, D.Sh.; Nazrimadov, D.A.; Rafiev, S.S.; Radzhabov, A.R., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2016
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2016
[en] The paper presents the results of experimental measurements of thermal conductivity and heat capacity of hydrazine-fullerene-C60 and carbon nano tube systems at various temperatures and pressures. The total relative error in measurement of thermal conductivity and heat capacity at confidence probability of α = 0.95 is 4.3 and 3.2%. (author)
Original Title
Teplofizicheskie svoystva nekotorykh nanouglerodnykh materialov
Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1-4(216); p. 40-45
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Safarov, M.M.; Nazarzoda, Kh.Kh.; Rafiev, S.S.; Gulomov, M.M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2017
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2017
[en] Studies on influence of water on change of surface tension coefficient of ethylene glycol under atmospheric pressure have been conducted. The results of an experimental determination of surface tension coefficient of a solution of ethylene glycol and water at room temperature have been discussed. Based on experimental data and law of the corresponding states an empirical equation has been obtained. The total relative error in coefficient measuring of surface tension at a confidence level of α = 0.95 is ~ 2.5%. (author)
Original Title
Vliyaniye vody na izmenenie koeffitsienta poverkhnostnogo natyazheniya etilenglikolya pri atmosfernom davlenii
Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 1-2; p. 97-101
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gulomov, M.M.; Radzhabova, D. Sh.; Abdulloev, M.A.; Safarov, M. M.; Mirzomamadov, A.G.; Abduzhalilzoda, F.; Davlatov, N.B., E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
[en] The unusual properties of fullerene solutions and single-walled carbon nano tubes and multi-walled carbon nano materials, associated, on the one hand, with the structure of molecules of fullerenes themselves, and, on the other hand, with the possibility of cluster formation, make them interesting for research objects exhibiting unusual thermophysical , thermodynamic, kinetic and other properties. Technological features of separation in purification of fullerenes from soot, as important nano technological materials, are determined both by the properties of sorbents used in this case and by behavior of fullerene molecules of single-walled carbon nano tubes and multi-walled carbon nano materials in a medium of various solvents. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of single-walled carbon nano tubes and multi-walled carbon nano materials on structure, thermal conductivity, and kinetic characteristics of water. The paper presents the experimental values of thermal conductivity coefficient and adsorption of a multi-walled carbon nano tube in a water humidification environment. To study the adsorption coefficient of a multi walled carbon nano tube gravimetric method has been used, and to measure thermal conductivity coefficient, the method of regular thermal regime has been used. For the experiment, the amount of nano powder, respectively, was equal to 0.1; 0.15; 0.2; 0.25; 0.3 g. The total relative error in measuring the coefficient of adsorption of thermal conductivity of the studied nano-powders at a confidence level of α = 0.95, respectively, is 1.4 and 4.5%. In this work, the dependence of thermal conductivity on adsorption coefficient and on time for the investigated multi-walled amorphous carbon nano tubes in the process of humidification has been considered. (author)
Original Title
Effektivnaya teploprovodnost' i koeffitsiyent adsorbtsii mnogostennykh uglerodnykh nanotrubok-voda
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Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 2; p. 115-122
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Khakimov, D.Sh.; Radzhabov, A.R.; Davlatov, R.D.; Safarov, M.M.; Gulomov, M.M.; Tymerkaev, B.A., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
IV International Scientific Conference 'Problems of Physical and Coordination Chemistry' dedicated to memory of Doctors of Chemical Science, Professors Yakubov Khamid Mukhsinovich and Yusufov Zukhuriddin Nuriddinovich Proceedings2019
IV International Scientific Conference 'Problems of Physical and Coordination Chemistry' dedicated to memory of Doctors of Chemical Science, Professors Yakubov Khamid Mukhsinovich and Yusufov Zukhuriddin Nuriddinovich Proceedings2019
[en] The paper presents the results of experimental determination of density of benzene-diisopropyl ether system and carbon nano tube. The experimental setup for density measure of samples mainly consists of a glass cell (tube), quartz papermaking analytical balance. Determination of density of studied systems was carried out by hydrostatic weighing. Using the theory of thermodynamic similarity of experimental data, empirical equations are obtained by which the density of solutions with an error of 0.3% can be numerically determined. (author)
Original Title
Vliyanie odnostennikh uglerodnikh nanotrubok na izmenenie plotnosti rastvorov sistemi benzol-diizopropiloviy efir pri normal'nom sostoyanii
Primary Subject
Tajik National University (Tajikistan); [385 p.]; 2019; p. 221-227; 4. International Scientific Conference 'Problems of Physical and Coordination Chemistry' dedicated to memory of Doctors of Chemical Science, Professors Yakubov Khamid Mukhsinovich and Yusufov Zukhuriddin Nuriddinovich; Dushanbe (Tajikistan); 3-4 May 2019; Also available from the library of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
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Safarov, M.M.; Khasanova, S.S.; Gulomov, M.M.; Radzhabova, D.Sh.; Davlatov, R.Dzh.; Khakimov, D.Sh.; Rafiev, S.S.; Radzhabov, A.R.; Oymatova, Kh.Kh.; Khusainov, Z.Kh., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
[en] Few physical laws are universal in nature, for example, the laws of energy conservation and momentum (for closed systems). These laws and their consequences are precise and have no exceptions. The equation of state of matter cannot be classified as such. Currently, there are a huge number of such equations, and none of them has a universal character (the possibility of applying to all classes of substances), sufficient theoretical justification of required accuracy. The paper proposes a derivation of equation of state for liquid, in functional form, similar to Tate equation, based on basic principles of statistical mechanics without involving model considerations. It is assumed that the liquid molecules are spherically symmetric, and the interaction potential is similar to Lennard-Jones potential. There are many modifications of Tate equation. Moreover, some of them work better for some classes of liquids and in a certain interval of state parameters, while others - for other classes and intervals of temperatures and pressures. There are also three-parameter modifications of Tate-type equation. The article also analyzed in detail the modified Tate-type equation of state and possibility of its application to various classes of condensed media. A survey of works devoted to Tate-type equation has been carried out. The parameters A and B of modified Tate-type equation for aromatic hydrocarbons, their halogen-substituted, nematic liquid crystals have been calculated using the example of specific volume of substances. The dependence of parameters A and B on temperature has been studied. (author)
Original Title
Analiz primenimosti uravneniya tipa Teyta k razlichnym klassam veshestv v kondensirovannom sostoyanii na primere plotnosti. II. Vychislenie plotnosti
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Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 2; p. 92-99
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Safarov, M. M.; Mirzoev, S.Kh.; Sobirov, Dzh.F.; Davlatov, N.B.; Gulomov, M.M.; Rizoev, S. G.; Davlatov, R.Dzh.; Rafiev, S. S.; Khakimov, D.Sh., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
Tajik State National University(Tajikistan)2018
[en] The paper presents a model of cylindrical contact with flat substrate of nano tube system, liquids, and on its basis the effective thermal conductivity of studied nano liquids has been calculated depending on temperature at atmospheric pressure. It has been shown that heat transfer can take place only through the isthmus between the materials, i.e. such heat transfer exists between two contacting particles in close-packed nanoparticle structures. The maximum value of the gap between nano wire and the substrate is D / 2, i.e. the gap is comparable to the mean free path of air molecules. In some cases, gas or liquid may be present inside the gap between the nano structure and substrate. Calculations show that thermal resistance of air in gap is much higher than in the purely diffusion case, i.e. for nano scale geometries, the thermal boundary resistance between a liquid and a solid can be decisive. Analysis of the results of experimental-theoretical determination of thermal conductivity coefficient of gaseous ethers showed that with an increase in temperature, the effective thermal conductivity coefficient increases linearly, except for gaseous diethyl ether. As a result of the experiment, gaseous diethyl ether decomposes. The results of calculating the effective thermal conductivity (nastenon and solvents) showed that it decreases with temperature increasing and the addition of nano wires increases the effective thermal conductivity of solvent. (author)
Original Title
Model' tsilindricheskogo kontakta s ploskoy podlozhkoy i raschet effektivnoy teploprovodnosti nano niti
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Journal Article
Vestnik Natsionalnogo Universiteta; ISSN 1993-6923; ; v. 2; p. 122-128
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