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Haller, G.M.; Fox, J.D.; Smith, S.R.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1988
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1988
[en] In this paper the physical packaging and the logical organization of the Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAC) electronics system for the Stanford Linear Collider Large Detector (SLD) at SLAC are described. This system processes signals from approximately 44,000 calorimeter towers and is unusual in that most electronic functions are packaged within the detector itself as opposed to an external electronics support rack. The signal path from the towers in the liquid argon through the vacuum to the outside of the detector is explained. The organization of the control logic, analog electronics, power regulation, analog-to-digital conversion circuits, and fiber optic drivers mounted directly on the detector are described. Redundancy considerations for the electronics and cooling issues are discussed. 12 refs., 5 figs
Sep 1988; 5 p; IEEE nuclear science symposium; Orlando, FL (USA); 9-11 Nov 1988; CONF-881103--17; Available from NTIS, PC A02 - OSTI; 3 as DE89003785; Paper copy only, copy does not permit microfiche production.
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Haller, G.M.; Nelson, D.; Freytag, D.R.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1986
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1986
[en] The analog processing system for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter for the SLD project at SLAC is described. Amplification, storage of the analog information, and multiplexing is realized on specially developed hybrids, which will be mounted directly on the detector. This leads to a substantial reduction of the cable plant. Test results for the amplifier and for the sampling and multiplexing hybrid (CDU hybrid) are presented. The latter hybird contains a custom monolithic device, the Calorimeter Data Unit
Secondary Subject
Sep 1986; 6 p; Nuclear science and nuclear power systems symposium; Washington, DC (USA); 29-31 Oct 1986; CONF-861007--10; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE87003271; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products. Original copy available until stock is exhausted.
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[en] The potential of switched-capacitor technology for acquiring analog signals in high-energy physics (HEP) applications has been demonstrated in a number of analog memory designs. The design and implementation of a switched-capacitor memory suitable for capturing high-speed analog waveforms is described. Highlights of the presented circuit are a 900 MHz sampling frequency (generated on chip), input signal independent cell pedestal and sampling instances, and cell gains that are insensitive to component sizes. A two-channel version of the memory with 32 cells for each channel has been integrate in a 2-μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process with polysilicon-to-polysilicon capacitors. The measured rms cell response variation in a channel after cell pedestal subtraction is less than 0.3 mV across the full input signal range. The cell-to-cell gain matching is better than 0.01% rms, and the nonlinearity is less than 0.03% for a 2.5-V input range. The dynamic range of the memory exceeds 13 bits, and the peak signal-to-(noise + distortion) ratio for a 21.4 MHz sine wave sampled at 900 MHz is 59 dB
Secondary Subject
NSS-MIC '93: nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference; San Francisco, CA (United States); 30 Oct - 6 Nov 1993; CONF-931051--
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Haller, G.M.; Freytag, D.R.; Walker, J.T.; Chae, S.I.
Stanford Univ., CA (USA)1985
Stanford Univ., CA (USA)1985
[en] Test results on a newly developed Multi-Channel Sample-And-Hold Calorimeter Data Unit (CDU) are presented. The device is organized as 32 input channels, each consisting of four storage cells to take samples of the 32 analog signals at four separate times. The design goals for the development were wide dynamic range and long hold times. Therefore, each storage cell is laid out in a fully differential way and consists of a sampling stage for the signal and another identical stage for a reference voltage. Results on the performance of the device are described
Sep 1985; 5 p; IEEE nuclear science symposium; San Francisco, CA (USA); 23-25 Oct 1985; CONF-851009--24; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE86003824
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[en] Results of performance tests on electronics for the Liquid Argon Calorimeter (LAC) for the SLD experiment at SLAC are presented. The behavior of a sub-unit called a ''tophat,'' which processes 720 detector signals, is described. The electronics consists of charge sensitive preamplifiers, analog memories, A/D converters, and associated control and readout circuitry. An internal charge injection system is used to calibrate the overall response of the devices. Linearity is better than 1% of 0--28 pC charge at the input of the amplifiers. Noise (expressed as equivalent input charge) is less than 3000 electrons at a shaping time of 4 μs, with a slope of 2600 e/sup /minus///nF. Crosstalk to adjacent channels is less than 0.5%. The power consumption at a duty cycle of 13% is 61 W. 3 refs., 7 figs
Secondary Subject
Oct 1988; 4 p; IEEE nuclear science symposium; Orlando, FL (USA); 9-11 Nov 1988; CONF-881103--5; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE89002838; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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Freytag, D.R.; Haller, G.M.; Kang, H.; Wang, J.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA); Tsinghua Univ., Beijing (China)1985
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA); Tsinghua Univ., Beijing (China)1985
[en] A Waveform Sampler Module (WSM) for the measurement of signal shapes coming from the multi-hit drift chambers of the SLAC SLC detector is described. The module uses a high speed, high resolution analog storage device (AMU) developed in collaboration between SLAC and Stanford University. The AMU devices together with high speed TTL clocking circuitry are packaged in a hybrid which is also suitable for mounting on the detector. The module is in CAMAC format and provides eight signal channels, each recording signal amplitude versus time in 512 cells at a sampling rate of up to 360 MHz. Data are digitized by a 12-bit ADC with a 1 μs conversion time and stored in an on-board memory accessible through CAMAC
Secondary Subject
Sep 1985; 5 p; IEEE nuclear science symposium; San Francisco, CA (USA); 23-25 Oct 1985; CONF-851009--15; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE86002938
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Haller, G.M.; Freytag, M.L.; Mazaheri, G.; Olsen, J.; Paffrath, L.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1990
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1990
[en] In this paper the logical organization, physical packaging, and operation of the drift chamber electronics for the SLD at SLAC is described. The system processes signals from approximately 7000 drift wires and is unusual in that most electronic functions are packaged on printed circuit boards within the detector. The circuits reside on signal-processing motherboards, controller boards, signal-transition boards, power-distribution boards, and fiber-optics-to-electrical conversion boards. The interaction and interconnection of these boards with respect to signal and control flow are presented. 11 refs., 7 figs
Oct 1990; 6 p; 1990 IEEE nuclear science symposium; Arlington, VA (USA); 23-27 Oct 1990; CONF-9010220--11; CONTRACT AC03-76SF00515; NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE91002970; OSTI; INIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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Haller, G.M.; Moss, J.; Freytag, D.R.; Nelson, D.; Yim, A.; Lo, C.C.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA); Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1987
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA); Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1987
[en] Current design and fabrication techniques of hybrid devices are explained for the Drift Chamber and the Liquid Argon Calorimeter for the Stanford Linear Collider Large Detector (SLD) at SLAC. Methods of developing layouts, ranging from hand-cut templates to advanced designs utilizing CAD tools with special hybrid design software were applied. Physical and electrical design rules for good yield and performance are discussed. Fabrication and assembly of the SLD hybrids are described. 7 refs., 10 figs
Secondary Subject
Oct 1987; 6 p; Nuclear science symposium; San Francisco, CA (USA); 21-23 Oct 1987; CONF-871006--22; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE88004392; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products. Original copy available until stock is exhausted.
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[en] The design and implementation of an analog floating-point sampling integrated circuit for the BaBar detector at the SLAC B-Factory is described. The CARE (Custom Auto-Range Encoding) circuit is part of an 18-bit dynamic range sampling system with a 4-MHz waveform digitization rate for the CsI calorimeter. The architecture and methodology of the system are described. The CARE integrated circuit receives dual-range (gain of 1 and 32) 13-bit signals from the 18-bit range preamplifiers mounted directly on the CsI crystals and converts the input at a rate of 4 MHz to an auto-range floating-point format with a 10-bit analog mantissa and 2 digital range bits (for 4 ranges). Additional functions integrated on the chip are averaging and selection circuitry for signals originating from two independent diodes per crystal and range-selection overwrite circuitry. The circuit will be mounted within the detector structure and thus low power dissipation is essential. The circuit has been fabricated in a 1.2 microm BiCMOS process with polysilicon-to-polysilicon capacitors and polysilicon resistors. Measurement results are presented. One complete CARE channel dissipates 25 mW
Secondary Subject
IEEE nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference; San Francisco, CA (United States); 23-28 Oct 1995; CONF-951073--
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[en] A Waveform Sampler Module (WSM) for the measurement of signal shapes coming from the multi-hit drift chambers of the SLAC SLD detector is described. The module uses a high speed, high resolution analog storage device (AMU) developed in collaboration between SLAC and Stanford University. The AMU devices together with high speed TTL clocking circuitry are packaged in a hybrid which is also suitable for mounting on the detector. The module is in CAMAC format and provides eight signal channels, each recording signal amplitude versus time in 512 cells at a sampling rate of up to 360 MHz. Data are digitized by a 12-bit ADC with a 1 μs conversion time and stored in an on-board memory accessible through CAMAC
IEEE nuclear science symposium; San Francisco, CA (USA); 23-25 Oct 1985; CONF-851009--
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