[en] A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted to assess the accuracy, effectiveness and extent of the double balloon enteroscope screening in the diagnosis of small intestine diseases in children. Eight patients were studied by means of physical examination and negative complementary ones of small intestine disease, seen between November, 2008 and October, 2009. In three patients there was the clinical and radiological suspicion of Crohn's disease; in other three the suspicion of small intestine tumor and remainder were seen due to hidden bleeding of intestinal origin
Original Title
Enteroscopia de doble balon para el diagnostico de las enfermedades del intestino delgado en los ninnos
Primary Subject
Also available on line at the web site http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/ped/vol82_4_10/ped05410.htm
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista Cubana de Pedriatria (Online); ISSN 1561-3119; ; v. 82(4); [vp.]
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[en] Colorectal cancer is preventable and responds effectively to treatment when diagnosed at an early stage. Determination of fecal occult blood is a method used to screen for early colorectal cancer and its precursor lesion, the adenoma. A validation study was conducted of a new Cuban immunochemical test (RapiLat-Hemo) to detect FOB. The study sample was composed of 161 patients attending colon consultation at the Institute of Gastroenterology of Havana in the period 2008-2010 who were undergoing colonoscopy and met the inclusion criteria. All patients underwent FOB determination (RapiLat-Hemo), and results were correlated with those of the reference reagent and colonoscopy
Original Title
Validacion de tecnica inmunoquimica para deteccion de sangre oculta en heces
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Also available on line at the web site http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-03002014000100003&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es; 42 refs., 6 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas; ISSN 0864-0300; ; v. 33(1); vp
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Hano Garcia, Olga Marina; Wood Rodriguez, Lisette; Villa Jimenez, Oscar Manuel, E-mail: olga.hano@infomed.sld.cu2011
[en] Obesity is a chronic and multifactor disease characterized by presence of excess body fat harmful for health. Several studies have been conducted to assess the possible risk character of different factors for colorectal cancer including the following modifying factors: a diet rich in saturated fats, a diet low in vegetables, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption and obesity. A case-control study was conducted to include 276 adult patients (93 cases and 184 controls) consecutively seen from May, 2008 to May, 2009 in the Institute of Gastroenterology determining a possible association between obesity as risk factor and colorectal cancer. Variables measures included: sex, age, skin color, body mass index, hip-waist circumference and endoscopic location of cancer. We conclude that the colorectal cancer with predominance in female sex and in white people in both groups. Obesity according to a great relation hip-waist had an strong relation with colorectal cancer, which had predominance towards distal colon in both sexes
Original Title
Obesidad y riesgo de cancer colorrectal
Primary Subject
Also available on line at the web site http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/ibi/vol30_2_11/ibi06211.htm
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas; ISSN 0864-0300; ; v. 30(2); [vp]
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Hano Garcia, Olga Marina; Wood Rodriguez, Lisette; Villa Jimenez, Oscar Manuel, E-mail: olga.hano@infomed.sld.cu2010
[en] Colorectal carcinoma is recognized as the second death cause from cancer in most of developed countries; the increasing exposure to risk factor such as smoking, changes in diet, in lifestyles, as well as environmental and infectious factors is conductive to its morbidity and mortality increase. A prospective and descriptive study was conducted in 65 patients older than 18 years seen from April, 2007 to April, 2008 in the Endoscopy Service of the National Institute of Gastroenterology, diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma by colonoscopy and histology. In collection form were registered: sex, age, personal backgrounds of colon cancer, polyps, intestinal inflammatory disease and cholecystectomy; family backgrounds of colon cancer or another location; toxic habits: smoking and alcoholism; diet as regards: vegetal fiber ingestion and animal fat; anatomic location of cancer and histology. We conclude that there was predominance of female sex, the more frequent diagnosis age was between 60 and 70 years. The personal background of colon polyp and the family background of colon cancer were the more frequent. There was also predominance of smokers and heavy drinkers with or without effect. There was a great ingestion of animal fat and few ingestion of vegetal fiber. The more frequent anatomical location was the rectosygmoid, where the histological colon adenocarcinoma had the greater frequency
Original Title
Caracterizacion clinico-epidemiologica y endoscopica en pacientes con cancer colorrectal
Primary Subject
Also available on line at the web site http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/med/vol_49_1_10/med02110.htm
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista Cubana de Medicina (Online); ISSN 1561-302X; ; v. 49(1); [vp.]
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