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[en] A fairly straightforward consideration of the interaction between a southward interplanetary magnetic field and the Earth's magnetic field will result in the prediction of a two cell convection pattern in the high latitude ionosphere. This is shown schematically where the antisunward flow at high latitudes results from the application of the solar wind electric field to the ionosphere and the return sunward flow results from an electric field generated in the plasma sheet to ensure continuity. This convection pattern can be quite easily characterized in terms of the radius of the approximately circular region containing the antisunward flow, called the polar cap and the maximum potential difference applied across this region. The convection pattern described is at least understandable in terms of solar wind/magnetosphere interaction in which open field lines are recirculated in the polar cap and a viscous interaction process exists near the flanks of the magnetosphere's equatorial plane giving rise to the lower latitude convection cells
Primary Subject
Mayr, H.G.; Miller, N.J.; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (USA). Goddard Space Flight Center; vp; Jun 1986; vp; Thermosphere dynamics workshop; Beltsville, MD (USA); 3 Oct 1984; Available from NTIS, PC A20/MF A01
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Conference; Numerical Data
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Marklund, G.; Heelis, R.A.
Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Electron and Plasma Physics1984
Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden). Dept. of Electron and Plasma Physics1984
[en] Electric field observations from two high-altitude rocket flights in the polar cusp have been combined with satellite observations of ion drifts to infer details of the electric field and convection pattern of the dayside auroral ionosphere. A region of shear flow reversal can be inferred from the electric field observations on one flight near 15.30 MLT 20 minutes after the Dynamics Explorer 2 satellite crossed through the same region. The drift patterns observed by the two spacecrafts were very similar although shifted by 0.5 degrees, a shift which is expected from the observed change in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B(sub)Z component during this time. A region of rotational flow reversal was covered by the other flight shortly after magnetic noon, at the same time the DE-2 satellite travelled along roughly the dawn-dusk meridian. By joining points of equal potential, integrated from the two datasets and assuming the reversal boundary to be an equipotential, the instantaneous convection pattern could be drawn showing crescent-shaped convection contours in the dusk cell and more circular shaped contours in the dawn cell. (author)
Primary Subject
Jun 1984; 33 p
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[en] The contribution of the Dynamics Explorer (DE) program to the study of small-scale structure in the equatorial ionospheric number density and the bulk motion of the plasma in the equatorial ionosphere is considered. DE results have helped elucidate the role of E region and F region winds in decreasing the magnitude of variations in the east-west plasma drift at night, as a function of magnetic flux tube apex height, with increasing height above the altitude of the peak F region concentration. Other results concern the ionospheric convection pattern at high latitudes during periods of southward IMF, the magnetosphere/solar-wind interaction that may be involved in the production of the convection pattern, and the characteristics of the high-latitude ionospheric plasma motion during periods of northward IMF. 41 references
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[en] The paper examines the advances achieved between 1983 and 1986 on understanding ionospheric electrodynamics and associated plasma processes, including an assessment of the roles of the E- and F-region neutral winds in providing the large-scale electric field in the ionosphere, as well as of the influence of electric fields of magnetospheric origin on the motion and distribution of plasma. Studies of the factors affecting the creation and evolution of plasma structure with many different scale sizes are discussed. Consideration is also given to the ground-based and in situ techniques used in these studies. 219 references
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[en] In the altitude region between 350 and 550 km, variations in the ion temperature principally reflect similar variations in the local frictional heating produced by a velocity difference between the ions and the neutrals. Here the authors show the distribution of the ion temperature in this altitude region and discuss its attributes in relation to previous work on local Joule heating rates. In addition to the ion temperature, instrumentation on the DE 2 satellite also provides a measure of the ion velocity vector representative of the total electric field. From this information they derive the local Joule heating rate. From an estimate of the height-integrated Pedersen conductivity it is possible to estimate the global (height-integrated) Joule heating rate. Here they describe the differences and relationships between these various parameters
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[en] Data from the polar-orbiting satellite DE 2 are used to calculate one-dimensional electrostatic potential distributions across the polar cap region. Using passes that lie within ± 3 hours MLT of the dawn-dusk line, various parameters of the polar potential distribution (location and magnitude of the maxima and minima, location of the zero potential point, etc.) are analyzed in relation to each other and to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The resulting dependences are used to derive a two-dimensional model of the distribution of the electrostatic potential in the high-latitude ionosphere during times of southward IMF. This model can be generated using as inputs either the ionospheric potential parameters or, based on the relationships analyzed here, the IMF conditions. The capabilities of the resulting mathematical model are illustrated, and the importance of retaining a flexibility in the model to accommodate individual observations is emphasized
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[en] Subauroral ion drifts (SAID) are latitudinally narrow regions of rapid westward ion drift located in the evening sector and centered on the equatorward edge of the diffuse aurora. Observations of SAID as identified by the ion drift meters on the Atmosphere Explorer C and Dynamics Explorer B spacecraft are utilized to determine their effect on the F region ion composition, their relationship to the mid-latitude trough, and their temporal evolution. At altitudes near the F peak a deep ionization trough is formed in regions of large ion drift where the O+ concentration is considerably depleted and the NO+ concentration is enhanced, while at higher altitudes the trough signature is considerably mitigated or even absent. SAID have been observed to last longer than 30 min but less than 3 hours, and their latitudinal width often becomes narrower as time progresses. The plasma flows westward equatorward of the SAID and becomes more westward as invariant latitude increases. Poleward of the SAID, the flow is, on average, westward throughout the auroral zone in the evening, while near midnight it becomes eastward
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[en] Zonal ion drifts measured from the polar orbiting DE 2 spacecraft are examined to determine the effects of dynamo electric fields and penetration of high latitude electric fields at middle latitudes. Construction of a local time distribution from satellite data results in a mixture of local time and season as well as a range of magnetic activity encompassing Kp ≤ 2 and Kp ≥ 3. Thus some combination of magnetospheric effects, expected to dominate during disturbed times, are seen during both quiet and disturbed times and solar tidal influences are most easily observed during quiet times. During quiet times, at invariant latitudes near 25 degrees, the solar diurnal tide dominates the local time distribution of the ion drift. At latitudes above 50 degrees a diurnal component of comparable magnitude is also present, but its magnetospheric origin produces a shift in phase of almost 180 degrees from the lower latitude diurnal tide. In the intervening region, between 20 degrees and 50 degrees invariant latitude, semidurnal and terdiurnal components in the local time distribution of the drift velocity are also seen. These components are generally larger than those seen by ground based radars during quiet times and may be attributable in part to a difference in solar activity and in part to a combination of the solar tides and magnetospheric penetration fields
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No abstract available
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Journal Article
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics; v. 36(8); p. 1387-1394
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[en] Ionospheric convection signatures observed over the polar regions are provided by the DMSP F8 satellite. The authors consider five passes over the southern summer hemisphere during a time when the z component of the interplantary magnetic field was stable and positive and the y component changed slowly from positive to negative. Large-scale regions of sunward flow are observed at very high latitudes consistent with a strong z component. When By and Bz are positive, but By is greater than Bz, strong evidence exists for dayside merging in a manner similar to that expected when Bz is negative. This signature is diminished as By decreases and becomes smaller than Bz resulting in a four-cell convection pattern displaced toward the sunward side of the dawn-dusk meridian. In this case the sign of By affects the relative sizes of the two highest-latitude cells. In the southern hemisphere the duskside high-latitude cell is dominant for By positive and the dawnside high-latitude cell is dominant for By negative. The relative importance of possible electric field sources in the low-latitude boundary layer, the dayside cusp, and the lobe all need to be considered to adequately explain the observed evolution of the convection pattern
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