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Archimbaud, Jacques; De Saint-Pulgent, Noel; Chevallier, David; Roudier, Jacques; Augagneur, Floran; Helas, Jean-Francois; Jarry, Isabelle; Abbed, Moveda
Commission Nationale du Debat Public (CNDP), 244 boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris (France)2018
Commission Nationale du Debat Public (CNDP), 244 boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris (France)2018
[en] After a presentation of some key figures characterising the organisation and process of the public debate launched by the French government on the Energy Multi-Year Programming (PPE), a first document describes the debate process and context (recall of the PPE, role of the public debate, preliminary meetings, limited means for the public debate, fruitful initiatives of the Commission, lessons learned from technical work groups, documentation published by interest groups, disputes about the Commission). Results are then discussed by describing how the law on energy transition is facing difficulties for its application, and how the law and associated authorities (ADEME, Ministry) have been disputed, and by outlining that, while suggesting improvement, the public kept on giving importance to the compromise present within the law. Recommendations are then made to the Ministry. Then, about two hundred documents are proposed, each one being a 'cahier d'acteur' (actor leaflet) published by the Commission, each issue being written by an actor involved in the energy sector (industrial actor, environmental association, and so on) and giving its opinion and propositions regarding the energy issue.
Original Title
Debat public programmation pluriannuelle de l'energie du 19 mars au 30 juin 2018. Compte rendu etabli par le President de la Commission Particuliere du Debat Public
Primary Subject
30 Aug 2018; 1072 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue