Musset, D.; DeLaveaucoupet, J.; Heran, F.; Brenot, F.; Simonneau, G.; Labrune, H.; Duroux, P.
Radiological Society of North America 74th scientific assembly and annual meeting (Abstracts)1988
Radiological Society of North America 74th scientific assembly and annual meeting (Abstracts)1988
[en] In 101 consecutive patients suspected of having pulmonary embolism, DSA and CPA were randomly performed with selective injections in the two main pulmonary artery branches by means of a pigtail catheter introduced via an antecubital vein. CPA and DSA images were reviewed independently by two pairs of consultants, pneumologists and radiologists. The percentage of unsatisfactory results for CPA was 5.0% (n = 5), and 21% (n = 21) for DSA (P < .001). Since CPA is considered the gold standard procedure, the five patients for whom there were unsatisfactory results on CPA were excluded from the final comparative diagnostic evaluation. Among the 96 remaining patients, 41 had pulmonary embolism and 55 did not. DSA compared with CPA gave 0 false-positive results (specificity, 100%) and 3% false-negative results (sensitivity 92%). The three false negatives with selective DSA had a miller index less than or equal to 3. This prospective study shows an excellent accuracy of selective DSA for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism when the examination is technically satisfactory. However, the percentage of unsatisfactory results with selective DSA suggests a complementary role for CPA in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
Primary Subject
Anon; p. 18; 1988; p. 18; Radiological Society of North America Inc; Oak Brook, IL (USA); 74. scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA); Chicago, IL (USA); 27 Nov - 2 Dec 1988
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[en] The new imaging techniques modify the diagnostic, or even sometimes therapeutic, decision lines. Their efficiency is much greater than that of the old techniques, while pretium doloris and side-effects are considerably reduced. Such advances are not without a major disadvantage: the ever increasing cost of imaging explorations. Radiological guidance (with conventional radiology, ultrasounds and computerized tomography) facilitates percutaneous procedures for diagnostic (biopsy) or therapeutic purposes (emptying of abscesses, chemonucleolysis of herniated lumbar disc, etc.)
Les nouvelles techniques d'imagerie modifient les arbres de decision diagnostique, voire meme parfois therapeutique. Leur efficience, par rapport aux anciennes techniques, s'est considerablement accrue, alors que, parallelement, le pretium doloris et les effets secondaires ont diminue de facon majeure. De tels progres ne se font pas sans un inconvenient important: le prix de revient de plus en plus eleve des explorations par imagerie. Enfin, le guidage radiologique (grace a la radiologie conventionnelle, aux ultrasons ou au scanographe) facilite les ponctions percutanees soit a visee diagnostique (biopsie) soit a visee therapeutique (drainage d'abces, chemonucleolyse de hernie discale lombaire, etc.)Original Title
Les nouvelles techniques d'imagerie: principes theoriques, limites, notions de cout
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[en] We studied nine cases of endometrial carcinoma and twenty of cervix carcinoma. Correlation with histology is made after curietherapy in 8 cases of endometrial carcinoma. Tumor is not always seen and particularly when there is no mass effect on macroscopic examination. Myometral invasion is not seen with accuracy: the interruption of junctional zone is not a good sign. The cervix tumors are well seen on T2 sequences before any treatment. There extra uterine extension is difficult to appreciate. The best results of RMI were in the follow-up after radiotherapy. Therefore it appears actually to us the best indication of RMI
Notre etude repose sur neuf cas de cancer de l'endometre, et 20 cas de cancer du col uterin. La correlation anatomo-pathologique apres curietherapie a ete faite huit fois dans le cancer de l'endometre. Elle revele tres inconstamment la tumeur, et ce d'autant qu'elle ne realise plus d'effet de masse a l'histologie. L'extension au myometre est difficile a voir, l'interruption eventuelle de la zone jonctionnelle quand elle est presente n'etant pas un critere fiable. Les tumeurs du col uterin sont avant tout traitement bien individualisables sur les sequences ponderees en T2. L'appreciation de leur extension est bien plus aleatoire. Mais surtout, l'IRM nous a permis d'apprecier avec une remarquable fiabilite l'effet de la radiotherapie sur la tumeur. Peut-etre l'IRM a-t-elle dans ce domaine un avenir tres prometteurOriginal Title
Interet de l'imagerie par resonance magnetique des cancers du col et du corps de l'uterus. Etude preliminaire a propos de 9 cas de cancer du corps et de 20 cas de cancer du col
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[en] The aim of this study was to analyze the CT and MR features of multiple glioblastomas, and to determine the best imaging modality for the initial diagnosis. The CT (four exams) and MR imaging (eight exams) of eight patients with proven multiple glioblastomas were reviewed by two neuroradiologists. The lesions were always hypo- or isodense on CT and hyperintense on T2-weighted images (100%). They were usually hypo- or isointense on T1-weighted images (90%). Edema and mass effect were very variable. After contrast media administration, the enhancement was mostly strong (71% on CT and 70% on MR), often either heterogeneous or ring-like. The different lesions of a patient often had a different pattern on MR (75% of cases). Meningeal or ventricular enhancement, suggestive of a possible way of dissemination, was rare. In case of multiple cerebral masses, multiple glioblastomas should be considered as a possible diagnosis in addition to the better known diagnosis of brain metastases, abscesses, or multifocal lymphomas. Moderate edema and mass effect on MR associated with strong and heterogeneous enhancement are suggestive of feature of multiple glioblastomas. Magnetic resonance allows rarely the visualization of a dissemination route. (orig.)
Primary Subject
ECR 2001: 13. European congress of Radiology, with exhibits; Vienna (Austria); 2-6 Mar 2001
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[en] To measure the frequency of infraorbital nerve enlargement (IONE) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in European patients suffering from an IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD) as compared to patients suffering from non-IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (non-IgG4-ROD). From January 2006 through April 2015, 132 patients were admitted for non-lymphoma, non-thyroid-related orbital inflammation. Thirty-eight had both pre-therapeutic orbital MRI and histopathological IgG4 immunostaining. Fifteen patients were classified as cases of IgG4-ROD and 23 patients as cases of non-IgG4-ROD. Two readers performed blinded analyses of MRI images. The main criterion was the presence of an IONE, defined as the infraorbital nerve diameter being greater than the optic nerve diameter in the coronal section. IONE was present in 53% (8/15) of IgG4-ROD cases whereas it was never present (0/23) in cases of non-IgG4-ROD (P < 0.0001). IONE was only present in cases where, on MRI, the inflammation of the inferior quadrant was present and in direct contact with the ION canal. In European patients suffering from orbital inflammation, the presence of IONE on an MRI is a specific sign of IgG4-ROD. Recognition of this pattern may facilitate the accurate diagnosis for clinicians and allow for the adequate management and appropriate care of their patients. (orig.)
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