[en] The operating procedures for nuclear power plants are presented in electronic form in the screen-based main control room. Hence, the operating manual and the testing manual are produced not only in traditional paper format, but also in a special electronic format (eOM), where the set of operator instructions, including text and/or graphical elements, are displayed on the operator workstations in the control room. (orig.)
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Berlin (Germany); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany); 1017 p; May 2010; 5 p; Annual meeting on nuclear technology 2010; Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2010; Berlin (Germany); 4-6 May 2010
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[en] Purpose: Treatment results and the pattern of relapse were evaluated in the multimodal treatment of Ewing's sarcomas of the chest wall. Methods and Materials: In a retrospective analysis, 114 patients with non-metastatic Ewing's sarcoma of the chest wall were evaluated. They were treated in the CESS 81, CESS 86, or EICESS 92 studies between January 1981 and December 1993. The treatment consisted of polychemotherapy (VACA, VAIA, or EVAIA) and local therapy, either surgery alone (14 patients), radiotherapy alone (28 patients) or a combination of both (71 patients). The median follow-up was 46.6 months (range 5-170). A relapse analysis for all patients with local or combined relapses was performed. Results: Overall survival was 60% after 5 years, event-free survival was 50%. Thirty-seven patients had a systemic relapse (32.4%), 11 patients had a local relapse alone (9.6%), and 3 patients had a combined local and systemic relapse (2.6%). The risk to relapse locally after 5 years was 0% after surgery alone, 19% after radiation alone, and 19% after postoperative irradiation. None of the 8 patients with preoperative irradiation have failed locally so far. With the introduction of central radiotherapy planning in CESS 86, local control of irradiated patients improved. Ten of 14 patients with local failure could be evaluated in the relapse analysis: 3 patients had an in-field relapse, 4 patients had a marginal relapse, 2 patients had a relapse outside the radiation fields, and 1 patient failed with pleural dissemination. Six treatment deviations were observed. Conclusion: Local control was best after surgery alone in a positively selected group of patients. Local control after radiation or combined radiation and surgery was good. With diligent performance of radiotherapy, it will be possible to further improve the results in the radiotherapy group
Primary Subject
S0360301698002946; Copyright (c) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics; ISSN 0360-3016; ; CODEN IOBPD3; v. 42(5); p. 1001-1006
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[en] Purpose: In the present study the reduction of artifacts using an extended CT scale technique was examined in 5 vitallium and 5 titanium-aluminium-vanadium tumor prostheses. Methods: 5 titanium-aluminium-vanadium and 5 vitallium distal femur Mutars trademark tumor prostheses (Mutars trademark - Modular Universal Tumor And Revision System) were implanted in 10 human femur specimens. 110 artifical drill hole lesions of 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 5 mm and 8 mm diameter were placed in the bone around the hexagonal stem of the tumor prosthesis and furthermore in the proximal part of the femur. All specimens were examined using conventional CT and an extended CT scale technique in a slice thickness of 3 mm. Results: In the proximal part of the femur all drill holes could be detected using 3 mm slices, no artefacts were observed. Along the hexagonal stem smooth lines arising from each hexagonal plane could be observed. This made it impossible to detect a 1 mm drill in 1 vitallium and in 1 titanium-aluminium-vanadium stem. There was no difference between the extended CT scale and conventional CT. Conclusion: The extended CT scale did not significantly (p > 0.05, t-test) improve the imaging of artifical drill hole lesions along the hexagonal Mutras trademark stem. (orig.)
Zielsetzung: Diese experimentelle Studie untersucht die Moeglichkeit der Artefaktreduktion bei Tumorprothesen durch Verwendung der extended-field CT-Technik. Methode: In 10 anatomischen Praeparaten wurde jeweils ein Mutars trademark -Tumorendoprothesenschaft (Mutars trademark - modular universal tumor and revision system) in zementfreier Technik in die Femurdiaphyse implantiert (5 Kobalt-Chrom-Molybdaen-Schaefte, 5 Titan-Aluminium-Vanadium-Schaefte). Insgesamt wurden 110 Bohrungen mit unterschiedlichen Durchmessern (1, 2, 3, 5 und 8 mm) entlang der intramedullaeren Schaefte sowie proximal der Schaefte in den kortikalen Knochen eingebracht. Alle anatomischen Praeparate wurden in herkoemmlicher Technik und mit der extended-field CT-Technik mit einer Schichtdicke von 3 mm untersucht. Ergebnisse: Proximal des Prothesenschaftes liessen sich saemtliche Bohrungen darstellen. Entlang des hexagonalen Prothesenschaftes trat in allen Faellen ein feines, regelmaessiges Artefaktmuster auf. Dies machte die Abgrenzung der 1 mm durchmessenden Bohrloecher bei einem Kobalt-Chrom-Molybdaen-Schaft und einem Titan-Aluminium-Vanadium-Schaft unmoeglich. Ein signifikanter Unterschied der Artefaktreduktion zwischen der herkoemmlichen Technik und der extended-field CT-Technik war bei dem verwendeten Implantat nicht festzustellen (p > 0,05; t-test). Schlussfolgerung: Die extended-field CT-Technik zeigte bei dem verwendeten hexagonalen Schaftsystem keinen Vorteil im Vergleich zur herkoemmlichen CT. (orig.)Original Title
Extended-field CT-Technik zur Evaluation von periprothetischen Knochenlaesionen
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Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der Bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 1438-9029; ; v. 173(12); p. 1099-1103
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[en] Purpose: To define MR imaging characteristics of primary aneurysmal bone cyst. Materials and methods: MR imaging studies of 38 patients with histologically proven primary aneurysmal bone cyst were reviewed with reference to morphological features, signal characteristics, and patterns of contrast-enhancement. Result: Most lesions wer well marginated towards bone and soft issues (95%), either surrounded by a complete (84%) or incomplete (16%) rim of low signal intensity on images of all pulse sequences. Frequent features were polycyclic margins (84%), cortical expansion (87%), cystic spaces (100%), contrast-enhancing cyst walls (100%), internal septations (89%), fluid levels (71%) and diverticula-like projections of cyst walls (68%). Solid tissue components could be identified by MR imaging in all lesions which, on pathological examination, contained larger portions of solid material (18%). Edema of surrounding soft-tissues was observed in 29% of the cases. Conclusions: Primary aneurysmal bone cysts demonstrate a relatively uniform MR imaging appearance, which reflects the patho-anatomic composition of the lesion. (orig.)
Ziel: Analyse MR-tomographischer Charakteristika der primaeren aneurysmatischen Knochenzyste. Material und Methoden: Die MR-Untersuchungen von 38 Patienten mit histologisch gesicherter primaerer aneurysmatischer Knochenzyste wurden retrospektiv bezueglich morphologischer Befunde, Signal- und Kontrastmittelanreicherungsverhalten analysiert. Ergebnisse: Die Mehrzahl der Laesionen zeigte eine scharfe Begrenzung gegenueber dem Knochen und den umgebenden Weichteilen (95%) und war vollstaendig (84%) oder partiell (16%) von einem in allen Pulssequenzen signalarmen Randsaum umgeben. Polyzyklische Begrenzung (84%), kortikale Expansion (87%), zystische Hohlraeume (100%), kontrastmittelanreichernde Zystenwaende (100%), innere Septierungen (89%), Fluessigkeitsspiegel (71%) und divertikelartige Aussackungen der Zystenwaende (68%) stellten haeufige Befunde dar. Solide Gewebekomponenten konnten mittels MRT bei allen Laesionen, welche histopathologisch groessere Anteile soliden Materials enthielten (18%), identifiziert werden. Ein Oedem der umgebenden Weichteile wurde in 29% der Faelle beobachtet. Schlussfolgerung: Die primaere aneurysmatische Knochenzyste zeigt MR-tomographisch ein relativ einheitliches Befundmuster, welches die pathologische Anatomie dieser Knochenlaesion wiedergibt. (orig.)Original Title
MR-Morphologie der primaeren aneurysmatischen Knochenzyste: Retrospektive Analyse von 38 Faellen
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 0936-6652; ; CODEN RFGNDO; v. 172(7); p. 591-596
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[en] We treated a patient with large multiple chondrosarcomas derived from multiple cartilaginous exostoses. One sarcoma originated in the left pubic bone and the other sarcoma in the posterior aspect of the greater trochanter of the left femur. Thirty months after hindquarter amputation, the patient is alive without relapse. This is the first report of a patient with synchronous multiple malignant transformation of multiple cartilaginous exostoses. (orig.)
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With 7 figs., 14 refs.
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[en] The only curative approach for osteoid osteoma is operative removal of the nidus, but intraoperative detection of the nidus is difficult even when an X-ray amplifier is used. A simple probe-guided operative procedure using technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate is described, and the results and follow-up in 12 patients are reported. In addition physical properties of the probe have been evaluated by phantom measurements. (orig.)
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[en] Objective. To evaluate the potentials of magnification radiography as compared with conventional radiography in diagnosing bone tumors. Design and patients. Sixty-two patients with primary bone tumors and tumorlike lesions underwent radiography with both conventional (non-magnified) and magnification (fivefold) techniques. All radiographs were analyzed by four radiologists and the findings correlated with the histopathology findings. The microfocal X-ray unit used for magnification radiography had a focal spot size of 20-130 μm. Digital luminescence radiography was employed with magnification, while normal film-screen systems were used with conventional radiography. Results. The diagnosis of benign and malignant lesions as well as the individual tumor diagnosis were determined with higher accuracy using magnification compared with conventional radiography (88% vs 75% and 71% vs 52%, p<0.01). Margins of destruction, periosteal reactions and matrix patterns were evaluated with higher certainty by all of the radiologists (p<0.01). Conclusion. Magnification radiography may improve the evaluation and diagnosis of bone tumors. (orig.). With 6 tabs
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