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Gopalan, A.; Jacobs, H.; Koshti, N.; Stark, P.; Huber, V.; Dasaradhi, L.; Caswell, W.; Smith, P.; Jarvinen, G.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1995
[en] Specific chelating polymers targeted for actinides have much relevance to problems involving remediation of nuclear waste. Goal is to develop polymer supported, ion specific extraction systems for removing actinides and other hazardous metal ions from wastewaters. This is part of an effort to develop chelators for removing actinide ions such as Pu from soils and waste streams. Selected ligands are being attached to polymeric backbones to create novel chelating polymers. These polymers and other water soluble and insoluble polymers have been synthesized and are being evaluated for ability to selectively remove target metal ions from process waste streams
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1995; 10 p; 5. annual waste-management education and research consortium (WERC) technology development conference; Las Cruces, NM (United States); 18-20 Apr 1995; CONF-9504135--3; CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-36; Also available from OSTI as DE95016429; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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[en] Full text: The JET ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) combines plasma-facing components (PFC) made of bulk beryllium for main chamber limiter tiles and of bulk tungsten as well as tungsten coated CFC tiles for divertor tiles. The risk of damaging the metallic PFCs caused by beryllium melting or cracking of tungsten owing to thermal fatigue required a new reliable active protection system. To address this issue, a real-time protection system comprising newly installed imaging diagnostics, real time algorithms for hot spot detection and alarm handling strategy has been integrated into the JET protection system. This contribution describes the design, implementation, and operation of the near infrared (NIR) imaging diagnostic system of the JET-ILW plasma experiment and its integration into the existing JET protection architecture. The imaging system comprises four wide-angle views, four tangential divertor views, and two top views of the divertor. Regions of interest (ROI) on the selected PFCs of different materials are analyzed in real-time and the maximum temperature measured in each ROI is sent to a real-time algorithm called vessel thermal map (VTM) to determine the likely cause of the overheating and to request an appropriate response from the plasma control system. Postpulse data visualization and advance analysis of all types of imaging data is provided by the new software framework JUVIL (JET Users Video Imaging Library). The hot spots formation at the reionization zones due to impact of the reionized neutrals as well as due to RF-induced fast ion losses is recognized as a big threat due to quick surface temperature rise. Because it could trigger the protection system to stop a pulse, it is important to identify the mechanisms and conditions responsible for the formation of such hot spots. To address this issue a new software tool Hotspot Editor has been developed. Future development of the JET real-time first wall protection is focussed on the DT campaign and the ITER relevant conditions which will cause failure of camera electronics within the Torus hall. To provide the reliable wall protection, two more sensitive logarithmic NIR camera systems equipped with new optical relays to take images and cameras outside of the biological shield have been installed on JET-ILW and calibrated with in-vessel calibration light source. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Physics Section, Vienna (Austria); 844 p; 16 Oct 2018; p. 225; FEC 2018: 27. IAEA Fusion Energy Conference; Ahmedabad (India); 22-27 Oct 2018; IAEA-CN--258-238; Also available on-line:
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Huber, V.; Huber, A.; Sergienko, G.; Brezinsek, S.; Mertens, Ph.; Kinna, D.; Matthews, G.F.; Balboa, I.; Lomas, P.J.; Mailloux, J.; McCullen, P.; Rimini, F.G.; Silburn, S.; Valcarcel, D.; Zastrow, K.-D., E-mail:
JET Contributors2019
JET Contributors2019
[en] For the first time, the JET operation in deuterium–tritium (D–T) plasma, which is scheduled to take place on JET in 2020, will be performed in the ITER mix of plasma-facing component materials. In view of the preparation of the DT campaign (DTE2), several aspects of the plasma operation require significant improvements, such as a real-time protection of the first wall. The risk of damaging the metallic PFCs caused by beryllium melting or cracking of tungsten owing to thermal fatigue required a new reliable D–T compatible active protection system. Therefore, the future development of the JET real time first wall protection is focused on the D–T campaign and the ITER relevant conditions which may cause failure of camera electronics within the Torus hall. In addition to the technological aspect, the intensive preparation of the diverse software tools and real time algorithms for hot spot detection as well as alarm handling strategy required for the wall protection is in progress. This contribution describes the improved design, implementation, and operation of the near infrared (NIR) imaging diagnostic system of the JET-ILW plasma experiment and its integration into the existing JET protection architecture. To provide the reliable wall protection during the DTE2, two more sensitive logarithmic NIR camera systems equipped with new optical relays to take images and cameras outside of the biological shield have been installed on JET-ILW and calibrated with an in-vessel calibration light source (ICLS). Additionally, post-pulse data visualization and advanced analysis of all types of imaging data is provided by the new software framework JUVIL (JET users video imaging library). The formation of hot spots is recognized as a significant threat due to rapid surface temperature rise. Because it could trigger the protection system to stop a pulse, it is important to identify the mechanisms and conditions responsible for the formation of such hot spots. To address this issue the new software tool ‘Hotspot Editor’ has been developed. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] Hot spots on the divertor tiles at JET result in overestimation of the tile surface temperature which causes unnecessary termination of pulses. However, the appearance of hot spots can also indicate the condition of the divertor tile surfaces. To analyse the behaviour of the hot spots in the outer divertor tiles of JET, a simple image processing algorithm is developed. The algorithm isolates areas of bright pixels in the camera image and compares them to previously identified hot spots. The activity of the hot spots is then linked to values of other signals and parameters in the same time intervals. The operation of the detection algorithm was studied in a limited pulse range with high hot spot activity on the divertor tiles 5, 6 and 7. This allowed us to optimise the values of the controlling parameters. Then, the wider applicability of the method has been demonstrated by the analysis of the hot spot behaviour in a whole experimental campaign. (authors)
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Available from doi:; Country of input: France
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Journal Article
Fusion Engineering and Design; ISSN 0920-3796; ; v. 139; p. 115-123
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Huber, V.; Huber, A.; Mertens, Ph.; Sergienko, G.; Kinna, D.; Balboa, I.; Collins, S.; Conway, N.; Maggi, C. F.; Matthews, G. F.; Meigs, A. G.; Price, M.; Silburn, S.; Zastrow, K.-D.; Drewelow, P.; Wynn, A., E-mail: V.Huber@fz-juelich.de2016
[en] The in situ absolute calibration of the JET real-time protection imaging system has been performed for the first time by means of radiometric light source placed inside the JET vessel and operated by remote handling. High accuracy of the calibration is confirmed by cross-validation of the near infrared (NIR) cameras against each other, with thermal IR cameras, and with the beryllium evaporator, which lead to successful protection of the JET first wall during the last campaign. The operation temperature ranges of NIR protection cameras for the materials used on JET are Be 650-1600 °C, W coating 600-1320 °C, and W 650-1500 °C.
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(c) 2016 EURATOM; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Field, A R; Balboa, I; Flanagan, J; Guillemaut, C; Harrison, J R; Matthews, G; Meigs, A; Stamp, M; Walkden, N; Drewelow, P; Huber, A; Huber, V; Lipschultz, B; Schmitz, J, E-mail:
JET contributors62017
JET contributors62017
[en] The dynamics and stability of divertor detachment in seeded, type-I, ELMy H-mode plasmas with dominant NBI heating in the JET ITER-like wall device is studied by means of an integrated analysis of diagnostic data from several systems, classifying data relative to the ELM times. It is thereby possible to study the response of the detachment evolution to the control parameters (SOL input power, upstream density and impurity fraction) prevailing during the inter-ELM periods and the effect of ELMs on the detached divertor. A relatively comprehensive overview is achieved, including the interaction with the targets at various stages of the ELM cycle, the role of ELMs in affecting the detachment process and the overall performance of the scenario. The results are consistent with previous studies in devices with an ITER-like, metal wall, with the important advance of distinguishing data from intra- and inter-ELM periods. Operation without significant degradation of the core confinement can be sustained in the presence of strong radiation from the x-point region (MARFE). (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Romazanov, J; Borodin, D; Kirschner, A; Brezinsek, S; Huber, A; Borodkina, I; Eksaeva, A; Linsmeier, Ch; Silburn, S; Huber, V; Bufferand, H; Firdaouss, M; Brömmel, D; Steinbusch, B; Gibbon, P; Lasa, A, E-mail:
JET Contributors2017
JET Contributors2017
[en] ERO is a Monte-Carlo code for modeling plasma-wall interaction and 3D plasma impurity transport for applications in fusion research. The code has undergone a significant upgrade (ERO2.0) which allows increasing the simulation volume in order to cover the entire plasma edge of a fusion device, allowing a more self-consistent treatment of impurity transport and comparison with a larger number and variety of experimental diagnostics. In this contribution, the physics-relevant technical innovations of the new code version are described and discussed. The new capabilities of the code are demonstrated by modeling of beryllium (Be) erosion of the main wall during JET limiter discharges. Results for erosion patterns along the limiter surfaces and global Be transport including incident particle distributions are presented. A novel synthetic diagnostic, which mimics experimental wide-angle 2D camera images, is presented and used for validating various aspects of the code, including erosion, magnetic shadowing, non-local impurity transport, and light emission simulation. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Physica Scripta (Online); ISSN 1402-4896; ; v. 2017(T170); [10 p.]
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Huber, A.; Brezinsek, S.; Kirschner, A.; Sergienko, G.; Linsmeier, C. H.; Mertens, P. H.; Strom, P.; Huber, V; Borodkina, I.; Douai, D.; Jachmich, S.; Lomanowski, B.; Matthews, G. F.
JET Contributors2019
JET Contributors2019
[en] The identification of the sources of atomic tungsten and the measurement of their radiation distribution in front of all plasma-facing components has been performed in JET with the help of two digital cameras with the same two-dimensional view, equipped with interference filters of different bandwidths centred on the W I (400.88 nm) emission line. A new algorithm for the subtraction of the continuum radiation was successfully developed and is now used to evaluate the W erosion even in the inner divertor region where the strong recombination emission is dominating over the tungsten emission. Analysis of W sputtering and W redistribution in the divertor by video imaging spectroscopy with high spatial resolution for three different magnetic configurations was performed. A strong variation of the emission of the neutral tungsten in toroidal direction and corresponding W erosion has been observed. It correlates strongly with the wetted area with a maximal W erosion at the edge of the divertor tile. (authors)
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Available from doi:; Country of input: France
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Journal Article
Nuclear Materials and Energy; ISSN 2352-1791; ; v. 18; p. 118-124
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Huber, A.; Wiesen, S.; Brezinsek, S.; Sergienko, G.; Esser, H.G.; Bernert, M.; Chankin, A.V.; Carralero, D.; Eich, T.; Kallenbach, A.; Lang, P.; Huber, V.; Abreu, P.; Guillemaut, C.; Boboc, A.; Brix, M.; Kruezi, U.; Delabie, E.; Jachmich, S.; Joffrin, E.
JET contributors; ASDEX Upgrade Team2017
JET contributors; ASDEX Upgrade Team2017
[en] In order to understand the mechanisms for the H-mode density limit in machines with fully metallic walls, systematic investigations of H-mode density limit plasmas in experiments with deuterium and hydrogen external gas fuelling have been performed on JET-ILW. The observed H-mode density limit on JET in D- as well as in H-plasmas demonstrates similar operation phases: the stable H-mode phase, degrading H-mode, breakdown of the H-mode with energy confinement deterioration accompanied by a dithering cycling phase, followed by the L-mode phase. The density limit is not related to an inward collapse of the hot core plasma due to an overcooling of the plasma periphery by radiation. Indeed, independently of the isotopic effect, the total radiated power stay almost constant during the H-mode phase until the H-L back transition. It was observed in D- and H-plasmas that neither detachment, nor the X-point MARFE itself do trigger the H-L transition and that they thus do not present a limit on the plasma density. It is the plasma confinement, most likely determined by edge parameters, which is ultimately responsible for the H-mode DL. By comparing similar discharges but fuelled with either deuterium or hydrogen, we have found that the H-mode density limit exhibits a dependence on the isotope mass: the density limit is up to 35% lower in hydrogen compared to similar deuterium plasma conditions (the obtained density limit is in agreement with the Greenwald limit for D-plasma). In addition, the density limit is nearly independent of the applied power both in deuterium or hydrogen fuelling conditions. The measured Greenwald fractions are consistent with the predictions from a theoretical model based on an MHD instability theory in the near-SOL. The JET operational domains are significantly broadened when increasing the plasma effective mass (e.g. tritium or deuterium–tritium operation), i.e. the L to H power threshold is reduced whereas the density limit for the L-mode back transition is increased. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Huber, A; Linsmeier, Ch; Kinna, D; Arnoux, G; Balboa, I; Carman, P; Collins, S; Conway, N; McCullen, P; Lomas, P J; Maggi, C F; Matthews, G F; May-Smith, T; Huber, V; Balorin, C; Jachmich, S; Carvalho, P; Jouve, M; Lomanowski, B; Lowry, C G
JET contributors2017
JET contributors2017
[en] This paper describes the design, implementation and operation of the near infrared (NIR) imaging diagnostic system of the JET ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) plasma experiment and its integration into the existing JET protection architecture. The imaging system comprises four wide-angle views, four tangential divertor views, and two top views of the divertor covering 66% of the first wall and up to 43% of the divertor. The operation temperature ranges which must be observed by the NIR protection cameras are, for the materials used on JET: Be 700 °C–1400 °C; W coating 700 °C–1370 °C; W bulk 700 °C–1400 °C. The Real-Time Protection system operates routinely since 2011 and successfully demonstrated its capability to avoid the overheating of the main chamber beryllium wall as well as of the divertor W and W-coated carbon fibre composite (CFC) tiles. During this period, less than 0.5% of the terminated discharges were aborted by a malfunction of the system. About 2%–3% of the discharges were terminated due to the detection of actual hot spots. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Physica Scripta (Online); ISSN 1402-4896; ; v. 2017(T170); [7 p.]
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