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Humphrey, D.L.; Pedrotti, L.R.
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1979
California Univ., Livermore (USA). Lawrence Livermore Lab1979
[en] The Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) vacuum chamber cover is sealed by 0-rings without the aid of mechanical fasteners. Under vacuum loading and component weights, the edges lifted no more than 0.005 in. (by a SAP4 computer code analysis). This report explains the model used for this investigation and, in addition, shows the maximum deflection expected at the center of the cover is less than 0.047 in. Also, no stresses are expected to exceed 13,700 psi
Primary Subject
10 Sep 1979; 11 p; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01
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Vourvopoulos, G.; Humphrey, D.L.; Vancleve, T.; Hensley, D.C.; Gross, E.E.
Western Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA)1987
Western Kentucky Univ., Bowling Green (USA). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (USA)1987
[en] Earlier inelastic scattering experiments at energies above the Coulomb barrier have shown that angular distributions for the ground state and strongly coupled excited states can provide an accurate determination of a number of nuclear deformation parameters. An inelastic scattering experiment of 24Mg on 208Pb indicates that indeed this is a viable technique. 8 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs
Primary Subject
1987; 10 p; International conference on nuclear shapes; Crete (Greece); 28 Jun - 4 Jul 1987; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE88000584; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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[en] On-line analytical instrumentation for monitoring elements such as S in coal must have short response time and should be reliable, cost effective and require limited maintenance. Requirements such as the above, make it difficult to transplant usual laboratory techniques as on-line equipment in coal-fired plants or coal-processing centers. PGNA have been found to be a useful technique for on-line multi-element analysis. (orig.)
Primary Subject
10. conference on the application of accelerators in research and industry; Denton, TX (USA); 7-9 Nov 1988
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B; ISSN 0168-583X; ; CODEN NIMBE; v. 40/41(pt.2); p. 853-856
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[en] Differential cross sections are reported for elastic scattering and for exciting the 21+ (1.81 MeV), 22+ (2.94 MeV), 41+ (4.32 MeV), and the 42+ (4.90 MeV) states of 26Mg from 26Mg (200 MeV)+208Pb scattering. In addition, we have measured complete particle-γ angular correlations for the 21+→01+, 22+→21+, and 42+→21+ γ decays. Coupled-channels analysis was performed to extract E2 and E4 matrix elements. For the ground-state rotational band we find M(E2;01+↔21+)=-16.79±0.13 e fm2, M(E4;01+↔42+)=+95±10 e fm4, and Q2(21+)=-20.9±1.9 fm2, where we have identified the 42+ (4.90 MeV) state as a member of the ground-state band rather than the 41+ (4.32 MeV) state. The 22+ (2.94 MeV) state is not well accounted for by the asymmetric-rotor model
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Journal Article
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Numerical Data
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[en] Differential cross sections for exciting the low-lying states in 24Mg by heavy-ion inelastic scattering were measured with a new technique that uses a 4π γ-ray detector in coincidence with charged-particle detectors. The resulting data were subjected to a coupled-channels analysis to obtain a set of E2 and E4 matrix elements for exciting the 21+(1.37 MeV), 41+(4.12 MeV), and 22+(4.24 MeV) states of 24Mg as well as the interconnecting and self-coupling matrix elements for these states. Our results disagree with electron scattering measurements for the charge shape of 24Mg. The data on the 22+(4.24 MeV) state is not well accounted for by the asymmetric rotor model
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Numerical Data
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[en] As part of an experimental study of the πNN system, the pion-deuteron breakup reaction π+rvec d→pnπ+ was investigated at intermediate energies. Distributions of the vector analyzing power iT11 versus outgoing proton momentum Pp are presented for 36 πp angle pairs in the range of scattering angles 20 degree ≤θp≤51 degree, 62 degree ≤θπ≤124 degree at 228 and 134 MeV. These include 7 previously unmeasured angle pairs at 228 MeV and 20 new pairs at 134 MeV. In all regions of overlap with previous measurements, there is excellent agreement. There is generally excellent agreement with relativistic Faddeev predictions, except in the np final-state interaction region at 228 MeV. This is in contrast to the cross-section measurements, which are not well described by the theory
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Galonsky, A.; Sackett, D.; Kruse, J.J.; Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI; Ieki, K.; Deak, F.; Horvath, A.; Seres, Z.; Kolata, J.J.; Warner, R.E.; Humphrey, D.L.
International workshop on multiparticle correlations and nuclear reactions. CORINNE II1995
International workshop on multiparticle correlations and nuclear reactions. CORINNE II1995
[en] A kinematically complete measurement of the Coulomb dissociation of 11Li into 9Li + 2n by a Pb target was made for 11Li excitation energies up to ∼1.5 MeV. The 9Li velocity is greater than the average neutron velocity, indicating Coulomb acceleration of the 9Li by the Pb nucleus and, therefore, a prompt decay rather than a soft dipole resonance for the breakup process. The n-n momentum and angle correlations show no evidence for a dineutron in the ground state of 11Li. A brief discussion of two neutron walls under construction and of the problems of neutron spectroscopy with large detectors are given. (authors). 16 refs., 8 figs
Primary Subject
Aichelin, J.; Ardouin, D. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 44 - Nantes (France). Lab. de Physique Subatomique et des Technologies Associees) (eds.); [492 p.]; ISBN 981-02-2118-5; ; 1995; p. 129-139; World Scientific; Singapore (Singapore); CORINNE II: International workshop on multiparticle correlations and nuclear reactions; Nantes (France); 6-10 Sep 1994
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[en] Photodisintegration of 11Li was accomplished by sending a beam of 11Li at 28 MeV/nucleon through the equivalent photon field of a lead target. By measuring the complete kinematics of the disintegration products, 9Li+n+n, we constructed the correlation of the angle between the two neutrons in the rest frame of the 11Li. The correlation is independent of angle. This result argues against the existence of a bound dineutron in the ground state of 11Li. copyright 1996 The American Physical Society
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] We have performed a kinematically complete measurement of the Coulomb dissociation of 28 MeV/nucleon 11Li into 9Li and two neutrons by a Pb target. From the energies and angles of the emitted neutrons and of 9Li, the excitation energy E of 11Li was determined on an event-by-event basis, and the Coulomb dissociation cross section as a function of excitation energy was constructed. The photonuclear cross section σE1(E) and the dipole strength function dB(E1)/dE were determined from the Coulomb dissociation cross section. σE1(E) has a peak at E=1.0 MeV and a width Γ=0.8 MeV. These parameters are consistent with the picture of a soft dipole mode. However, a significant post-breakup Coulomb acceleration of 9Li suggests instead a direct breakup. The complete kinematical measurement also allowed neutron and 9Li momentum distributions to be constructed in the rest frame of the 11Li. The momentum distributions were fitted with Gaussian functions, yielding width parameters σ9=18±4 MeV/c and σn=13±3 MeV/c. A more general feature of the breakup mechanism of 11Li could be deduced from these measurements. It was found that the 9Li and neutron momentum distributions and the neutron-neutron relative momentum distribution could be reproduced if the 11Li excitation energy was partitioned between the 9Li and the neutrons by a three-body phase space distribution. This indicates there is no directional correlation between the halo neutrons, and shows that the halo neutrons do not exist as a dineutron bound to a 9Li core
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[en] Kinematically complete measurements for Coulomb dissociation of 11Li into 9Li+2n were made at 28 MeV/nucleon. The n-n correlation function suggests a large source size for the two-neutron emission. The electromagnetic excitation spectrum of 11Li has a peak, as anticipated in low-energy dipole resonance models, but a large post-breakup Coulomb acceleration of the 9Li fragment is observed, indicating a very short lifetime of the excited state and favoring direct breakup as the dissociation mechanism
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Numerical Data
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