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Hwang, I. A.; Shin, B. C.; Hwang, I. A.; Kim, H. N.; Seo, K. W.; Won, J. Y.; Ju, Y. C.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejon (Korea, Republic of)2011
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejon (Korea, Republic of)2011
[en] This report was written as following contents, to develop a program for university students majoring in science and technology, which is intended to provide the students with opportunities to obtain hands on experience and knowledge on various nuclear technology, through experiments using HANARO and its facilities. Thus obtain experience and knowledge are expected to be a great help for their current study and for their selection of a specific future study area. The purpose of this research is as follows: - Development of various curricula for specific research using HANARO and continuous operation of the developed curricula to provided university students with opportunities to use HANARO as part of their university study. - Continuous operation of research reactor experimental programs for university students in nuclear field to make contribution to cultivating specialists. - Development and operation of training programs of experiments using research reactor for university students majoring in nuclear engineering and also for university students majoring in diverse fields of science and technology such as Physics, Radiation, Mechanical engineering, Fire fighting, Medicine and Biology to cultivate future potential users of HANARO as well as broadening the user group. As a whole, 244 students from 15 universities have completed the courses of the programs developed and offered by this project. Also, 5 textbooks have been developed to support the programs
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Jun 2011; 166 p; Available from KAERI; 29 refs, 17 figs, 48 tabs; This record replaces 44122873
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Lee, Dong Young; Lee, C. K.; Hwang, I. K.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2008
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2008
[en] Objectives of Project - Development of Digital Safety Grade PLC and Licensing - Development of Safety System(RPS) and Licensing - Development of Safety System(ESF-CCS) and Licensing Content and Result of Project - POSAFE-Q PLC : Development of PLC platform for Shin-UCN unit 1 and 2 ·Development Scope : Processor module, Power module, 3 kinds of Communication module, Bus extension module(Master and Slave), 16 kinds of Input and Output module ·PLC application software development tool(pSET) - IDiPS RPS and IDiPS ESF-CCS : Development of PPS for Sin-UCN 1 and 2 ·Development Scope - 4-channels RPS with the KNICS inherent architecture - A part of 1-channels ESF-CCS with the KNICS inherent architecture - Licensing ·optical Report Submitted and Expected to finish the licensing process until Aug. 2008
Primary Subject
Apr 2008; 202 p; Also available from KAERI; 92 refs, 48 figs, 8 tabs
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Hwang, I. A.; Lee, T. J.; Lee, K. B.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2012
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2012
[en] The nuclear manpower development project has concentrated on the systemization and specialization of education and training programs and has actively carried out diverse activities to create new nuclear courses based on the experience of the Nuclear Training and Education Center (NTC) accumulated over the past years. NTC has developed customized education programs on 'Nuclear Introduction' to educate new employees of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) and on 'Technical education for criticality and shielding analysis of the spent fuel' for employees of the Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction. NTC has also developed specialized education programs for the students of nuclear engineering departments and sciences and engineering departments in universities making the most use of experimental equipment at KAERI and providing practical exercise with the research reactor, HANARO. For improving organizational performance and the development of skilled manpower, KAERI-ACE system has offered diverse programs addressing individual competency of industry personnel in terms of type of occupation and position. Also education on IT has been carried out to improve public relations on nuclear and field trips have been arranged to encourage local residents' better understanding of the nuclear industry. As the final outcome, NTC has developed 6 new education programs for employees in industry and students in academia, and offered 64 courses to 9,630 persons (273 domestic nuclear personnel, 509 university students, 8,075 KAERI staff, 773 local resident). Especially, in 2012, NTC is honored to won 'Presidential Awards of National Quality Management Awards'. This present that KAERI-ACE system has performed well through a improvement in recent years
Primary Subject
Dec 2012; 211 p; Also available from KAERI; 1 ref, 7 figs, 116 tabs
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Hwang, I. A.; Min, B. J.; Seo, K. W.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2008
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2008
[en] Nuclear Training Center (NTC) has concentrated its efforts on the systemization and specialization of education and training programs and has actively carried out diverse activities to create new nuclear courses based on its experience accumulated over the past years. The systematic and comprehensive education systems have been set up by streamlining the education systems for internal employees conducted sporadically over the past years. For the development of efficient education courses, expansion and diversification of education and training programs have been carried out based on the study of the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) methodology and a survey of manpower development in on-site industry. Furthermore, despite the decrease in the number of potential trainees due to various government-enforced regulations and the increase in the number of other nuclear education institutions, the consistent efforts to develop new courses and to improve previous programs based on evaluations from the trainees have led to an upgrade in the level of education and the efficiency of the operation compared to previous years. In terms of development, 7 education programs were improved accordingly and 10 new courses were created. The year 2008 was especially considered a landmark, as NTC was authenticated as one of the best Human Resource Development (HRD) institutions for providing various kinds of education in the field of nuclear energy. Today, it is recognized as the leading HRD center in Korea
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Dec 2008; 311 p; Also available from KAERI; 51 refs, 35 figs, 190 tabs
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[en] A computer simulation code is developed to examine electrorefining process for the conceptual ATW wastes treatment in Los Alamos National laboratory. A electrorefining process is modeled using diffusion layer theory and Butler-Volmer type interface reaction. In the bulk region, the concentration of fission products and actinides is assumed to be constant regardless of positions because turbulence due to stirring. Migration and diffusion is considered at the diffusion layer of molter-salt and diffusion is considered at the diffusion layer of liquid metals. Generalized Butler-Volmer model is applied at the interface between liquid metal and molten-salt. Mass conservation equation is solved by LSODI package. This paper presents the modeling and example calculation. (author)
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Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute, Seoul National University (Korea, Republic of); 490 p; Apr 1997; p. 323-351; Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute of Seoul National University; Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 2. KOMAC Feasibility Study (II); Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 17-18 Apr 1997; Available from KAERI
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Song, Soon Ja; Hwang, I. K.; Kwon, Kee Choon
Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society autumn meeting1998
Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society autumn meeting1998
[en] Fuel Failure Monitoring System (FFMS) detects fission gas and locates failed fuels in Liquid Metal Reactor. This system comprises three subsystems; delayed neutron monitoring, cover gas monitoring, and gas tagging. The purpose of this system is to improve the integrity and availability of the liquid metal plant. In this paper, FFMS was analyzed on detection method and compared with various existing liquid metal plants. Sampling and detecting methods were classified with specific plant types. Several technologies of them was recognized and used in most liquid metal reactors. Detection technology and analysis performance, however, must be improved because of new technology when liquid metal plant is built, but the FFMS design scheme will not be changed. Thereby this paper suggests the design to implement KALIMER(Korea Advanced LIquid MEtal Reactor) FFMS
Primary Subject
KAERI, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); [CD-ROM]; Oct 1998; [7 p.]; 1998 autumn meeting of the Korean Nuclear Society; Seoul (Korea, Republic of); 30-31 Oct 1998; Available from KNS, Taejon (KR); 6 refs, 2 figs, 4 tabs
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Lee, T.H.; Hwang, I.-S., E-mail:
Funding organisation: Korean Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Electric Power Industry Technology Evaluation and Planning, EIRC Program (Korea, Republic of)2012
Funding organisation: Korean Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Electric Power Industry Technology Evaluation and Planning, EIRC Program (Korea, Republic of)2012
[en] Material aging is a principle cause for the aging of engineering systems that can lead to reduction in reliability and continued safety and increase in the cost of operation and maintenance. As the nuclear power plants get older, aging becomes an issue, because aging degradation can affect the structural integrity of systems and components in the same manner. To ensure the safe operation of nuclear power plants, it is essential to assess the effects of age-related degradation of plant structures, systems, and components. In this paper, a mechanistically based probabilistic approach is reviewed as a framework for this material aging degradation of NPPs. For the first level modeling of this process, the EAC-induced failure process, is one of the main degradation processes of nickel-based alloys in the pressurized water reactor environments, has examined the effect of uncertainties in key parameters in models for EAC, fracture and inspection, based on a sensitivity study. (author)
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Nuclear Power, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, Vienna (Austria); EC Joint Research Centre (EC/JRC), Brussels (Belgium); OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA), Issy-les-Moulineaux (France); China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA), Beijing (China); China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), Beijing (China); Qinshan Nuclear Power Company (QNPC), Haiyan (China); Nuclear Power Qinshan Joint Venture Company Limited (JVC), Haiyan (China); Qinshan Third Nuclear Power Company (Q3), Haiyan (China); Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research, Design Institute (SNERDI), Shanghai (China); [1 CD-ROM]; ISBN 978-92-0-160508-5; ; 2012; 14 p; 2. International Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management; Shanghai (China); 15-18 Oct 2007; IAEA-CN--155-065P; ISSN 1991-2374; ; Available on-line: and on 1 CD-ROM from IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:; 7 figs, 1 tab., 35 refs; Full paper
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Hwang, I. A.; Lee, K. B.; Shin, B. C.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2011
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2011
[en] The nuclear manpower development project has concentrated on the systemisation and specialization of education and training programs and has actively carried out diverse activities to create new nuclear courses based on the experience of the Nuclear Training and Education Center (NTC) accumulated over the past years. As the demand of education program for training nuclear manpower is increasing due to the remarkable growth of nuclear industry, NTC developed customized education programs making the most use of nuclear experiment equipment and providing practical exercise with research reactor. For improving organizational performance and the development of skilled manpower, KAERI-ACE 2.0 system offered diverse programs addressing the type of occupation and position based on individual competency. Also education on IT was carried out to improve public relations on nuclear and field trips were arranged to encourage local residents' better understanding of the nuclear industry. As a continuous effort, In 2011, NTC specially conducted a survey of employees who are attached to small and medium sized business, and analyzed the present business situations and education requirements for the development of a Pre/under job education program. Prior to this, a briefing session took place for mutual exchange of opinions of industry and academia, based on which a test operation on 'Basic Radiation Education' was carried out. This program has a significance that it was first step toward connection between the nuclear industry and academia as well as an opportunity to educate the employee involved in nuclear engineering field. In 2012, this program is planned to be expanded. With reference to the in-house training, NTC established an 'e-HRD system' providing available resources concerned with education program for cultivating talented personnel. All the education programs are based on individual competency. The e-HRD system will be test operated in 2012 and applied to the supporting of mentoring program, OJT, retaining top employees
Primary Subject
Dec 2011; 242 p; Also available from KAERI; 7 refs, 20 figs, 134 tabs
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[en] Since a vessel head penetration had been found leaking at French Bugey 3 plant is 1991, many researches have been performed upon the cracking by PWSCC in CRDM nozzle penetrations. The prediction of both initiation and propagation of nozzle cracks in CRDM must be one of most important issues in the viewpoint of maintenance, safety review and life extension of nuclear power plant. In this study, an improved probabilistic analysis method based on Weibull distribution normalized by key parameters is presented through both vessel inspection data of domestic and foreign nuclear power plants and experimental data of many laboratories, and the applicability to the prediction of crack initiation is evaluated using a specific plant operational condition. The probabilistic approach used in this study might be considered as a realistics method for the prediction of crack initiation in vessel head penetrations with variously different kinds of influencing parameters, though this approach could not make a physically accurate prediction of crack initiation
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KAERI, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); [ONE CDROM]; May 2001; [13 p.]; 2001 spring meeting of the Korean Nuclear Society; Cheju (Korea, Republic of); 24-25 May 2001; Available from KNS, Taejon (KR); 15 refs, 6 figs, 5 tabs
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Hwang, I. A.; Lee, K. B.; Shin, B. C.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2010
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)2010
[en] The industry-university-research collaborative education is aiming at developing national nuclear human resources to satisfy with the increasing needs from the industry. For this efforts are being made to develop curricula customized to respective industry needs by improving existing ones. As the demand for training programs for the university students and domestic nuclear personnel was increasing owing to revitalization of nuclear industry, Nuclear Training Center (NTC) improved previous education programs to meet the needs. NTC has operated 2 education programs on research reactor experiments for the university students, and 18 programs on nuclear technology related experiment courses in 2010. Furthermore, the NTC developed new education programs related to 'standardized research reactor system design'. Also the request from universities for internship programs was increased by about three times in 2010 compared to those of the previous year, and this required to develop relevant curricula. In 2005, NTC developed KAERI-ACE, as a unique competency-based staff education system of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Based on the system, the NTC has performed 'systematic education'. In 2008, NTC was awarded Best HRD(Human Resource Development) in Public sector for the first time as a government-supported research institute. In 2009, the system was improved to become KAERI-ACE 2.0, based on which, in 2010, NTC improved and diversified education programs including various cyber training programs
Primary Subject
Dec 2010; 167 p; Also available from KAERI; 2 refs, 8 figs, 110 tabs
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