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[en] A pot experiment has been conducted to know the effect of straw application on the efficiency of nitrogen uptake and growth rice plant. The rice straw was applied at different time i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks before tranplanting. Soil without rice straw was used as control. Thirty gram of rice straw having 3.61 percent of N-15 atom excess was incorporated into 6 kg of latosol soil originated from Pasar jumat, in which Atomoita I, a lowland rice variety, was planted. Urea was given once at the tranplanting time. The result showed that the longer the time of the rice straw application prior to the transplanting time, the higher the N-straw uptake efficiency in the rice plant at any different stages. The highest efficiency was 6.14 percent, reached with straw applicaions at 4 weeks before tranplanting. Compared to the control, straw applications 2 weeks or more before tranplanting resulted in higher grain production, while application at or before 2 weeks of tranplanting produced lower production. (authors). 9 refs.; 5 tabs
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Pengaruh pemberian jerami pada serapan N dan pertumbuhan padi
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[en] Five methods of nitrogen fertilizer application were tested on tidal swamp soils at Upang Delta South Sumatera, namely a single dose of 100kg N/ha, two split-dosesof of (50+50)kg N/ha, (25+75)kg N/ha, (75+25)kg (75+25)kg N/ha, and a four-split doses of (25+25+25+25)kg N/ha. IR32 rice variety and 15N-labelled urea with 1.0 and 4.0% atom excess 15N were used in the experiment. The rate of efficiency of N utilization by plant was in the range of 26 to 44 percent. The highest efficiency was derived from the four-split doses with yield of grain amounted 4018kg/ha. The lowest efficiency was found with the single dose application of 100kg N/ha with a yield of 3705kg/ha. The highest yield was obtained from the two-split doses (50+50)kg N/ha with a slightly less efficiency (40 percent). No significant differences between the two methods of application were found, neither in the efficiency nor in the yield. (author)
Original Title
Pengaruh berbagai cara takaran pupuk nitrogen terhadap keefisienan penggunaan N-pupuk dan hasil
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14 refs.
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Numerical Data
Majalah BATAN; ISSN 0303-2876; ; v. 16(2); p. 39-47
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[en] Three field experiments have been carried out in three consecutive seasons namely wet season (120 days), dry season (120 days), wet season (120 days) at Pusakanegara. The purpose of this experiment is to test whether urea combined with Azolla could increase lowland rice production and soil quality. The experimental plots have a size of 20 m2 and in each experimental plot an isotope plot was placed with a size of 1 m2. The isotope plots were used to apply labeled 15N urea. Treatments conducted were lowland varieties: Atomita I (V1) and IR-64 (V2); several levels of urea and Azolla : Pu1 urea-tablets + an Azolla cover (Azc), Pu2 = urea-tablets + Azolla incorporated (Azi ), Pu3 = urea-prill + Azc , Pu4 = urea-prill + Azi; seasons : Ss 1 = wet season, Ss2 = dry season, Ss3 = wet season. The experimental design used was a factorial experiment in a Randomized Block Design, where each treatment was replicated four times. Parameters used were, dry weight of straw (St), grain (G), plant (P1 = St + G) in kg/ha; N-total percentage (% N-to) of St and G, percentage N-derived from urea + Az (% N-Pu) of St and G; percentage N-derived from soil (% N-S) of St and G; uptake of N-Pu and N-S in St, G and P1. Some results of these experiment were, N-Pu play a less important role in growth of lowland crop expressed in several parameters compared to N-soil. The form of N-urea in tablets are superior to that the form of urea in prills. For the last product of lowland rice which is grain obviously V1 (Atomita-1) is better than V2 (IR-64) expressed in t/ha. The progress of seasons showed clearly that there is an N accumulation which might be the increase of soil organic matter (SOM) and that means there is an increase in soil quality in the view point of N. (author)
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5 refs.; 7 tabs.
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[en] Organic matter in soil plays very important roles in agriculture, especially in highly weathered soil like most soils in Indonesia. Inorganic fertilizer which is an instant N source, is still required, to supply plant demand. Combination of organic matter and inorganic N fertilizer would be the best solution to achieve high agricultural product. To study organic matter addition in combination with N fertilizer in upland rice cultivation, two experiments were conducted in The Agricultural Research Station, Citayam. One experiment was a field experiment and the other was a pot experiment conducted in the field in which the field experiment was performed, by installing pots in the center of plot experiment 15N technique was applied in the pot experiment The experiments were designed with Randomized Block Design. Prior to the experiment. N soil was extracted by planting blanket plant. i.e. corn. The treatments for field and pot experiments were the same, i.e.: 0 as Control I (without organic matter, without N fertilizer); N as Control 2 (without organic matter, 45 kg N/ha at planting + 45 kg N/ha a month after planting); GN-I (Gliricidia at planting; 45 kg N/ha at planting + 22,5 kg N/ha a month after planting); GN-2 (Gliricidia at planting + Gliricidia a month after planting; 45 kg N/ha at planting); GN-3 (Gliricidia at planting; 22,5 kg N/ha at planting + 22,5 kg N/ha a month after planting); JN-I (rice straw at planting; 90 kg N/ha at planting); JN-2 (rice straw at planting; 45 kg N/ha a planting + 45 kg N/ha a month after planting); JN-3 (rice straw at planting; 45 kg N/ha at planting + 22,5 kg N/ba month after planting); KN-I(long bean residue at planting; 45 kg N/ha at planting + 22,5 kg N/ha a month after planting); KN-2 (long bean residue at planting; 22,5 kg N/ha at planting + 22,5 kg N/ha a month after planting). Soil N was successfully depleted by blanket plant showed by very low rice production and N uptake of Control I. Result of the pot experiment reported in this paper is the percentage of N derived from fertilizer (%N-dff) which is adopted to assess N fertilizer utilization in field experiment. Important information came of the experiments were that correct combination of organic matter and N fertilizer enhanced rice production and N uptake by rice. N immobilization in the use of organic matter having high C/N ratio, in this case rice straw, was very helpfully to regulate N dynamic in soil. Treatment of JN-I gave highest rice production. The pruning of Gliricidia was not only as N source, but also had the best effect on fertilizer N dynamic in soil giving high rice production and highest N fertilizer efficiency. N fertilization without organic matter addition (treatment N as Control 2) gave rice production not as high as IN-I or GN-I and low N fertilizer efficiency, informing that there were high N fertilizer loss and high utilization of soil N
Original Title
Kombinasi Bahan Organik Dan Pupuk n Inorganik Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Dan serapan N Pada Padi Gogo
Primary Subject
Hilmy, Nazly; Ismachin, Moch; Suhadi, F. (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.) (and others); Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technolgy, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 401 p; ISBN 979-95709-8-0; ; 2002; p. 287-294; 13. Scientific Meeting of Isotopes and Radiation Application On Industry, Environment, Health, Agriculture and Forming; Pertemuan Ilmiah Aplikasi Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi ke 13; Jakarta (Indonesia); 6-7 Nov 2001; Available from Center for Development of Informatics and Computation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 7refs; 4tabs; figs
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[en] Soil compaction, as a new tillage practice for paddy soil, is to substitute pudding in order to reduce land preparation cost. To study response of lowland rice to soil compaction, a pot experiment has been conducted which took place in the greenhouse of P3TIR-BATAN. Soil for experiment was taken from pusakanegara. Two factors (degree of soil compaction and rice variety) were combined. Degree of compaction was split into 3 levels (DI = normal; D215% more compact than normal; 30 % more compact than normal), and rice variety into 2 levels (IR64 and Atomita IV). KH232PO4 solution was injected into the soil surrounding rice clump to test the root activity at blooming stage of rice plant. Data resulted from this experiment is presented together with additional data from some other experiments of fertilization in the research s erie to study soil compaction. Some information's from experiment results are as following. Both rice varieties tested gave the same response to soil compaction. Root activity, according to data of 32P absorbed by plant, was not harmed by soil compaction at the degree tested in the experiment. This prediction is supported by the growth by rice observed at generative growth stage, in pot experiment as well as in field experiment, which showed that soil compaction tested did not decrease rice yield but in opposite in tended to increase the yield. In practising soil compaction in land preparation, fertilizers should be applied by deep placement to have higher increasing is rice yield
Original Title
Tanggapan Tanaman Pada Sawah Terhadap Pemadatan Tanah
Primary Subject
Suhadi, F.; Ismachin, Moch; Manurung, Simon (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.) (and others); Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technolgy, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 295 p; ISBN 979-95709-5-6; ; 23 Feb 2000; p. 115-120; Conference on the role of Isotopes and Radiation Technology to Make Prosperous Society; Peranan Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi untuk Mensejahterakan masyarakat; Jakarta (Indonesia); 23-24 Feb 2000; Also available from from Center for Development of Informatics and Computation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 9 refs; 4 tabs.; figs.
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Haryanto; Idawati and Las, Tamsil
Proceedings of a Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology. 1999/20002000
Proceedings of a Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology. 1999/20002000
[en] A pot experiment has been conducted in P3TIR greenhouse, pasar jumat, south jakarta to study nitrogen uptake and contribution of fertilizer for lowland rice affected by zeolite and sesbania green manure application. To study the N contribution of fertilizer, 15N isotope was used. The zeorea fertilizer was made from the mixture of zeolite and 15N labelled urea having 4.0% atom. Ten treatments of N fertilization were tried : zeorea I was applied once at transplanting (ZI IX), zeorea I was applied twice I.e at transplanting and at 30 days after transplanting - DAT (ZI 2X), zeorea I was applied at transplanting and at 30 DAT (ZI + ZII), zeorea II was applied once at transplanting (ZII IX), zeorea II was applied twice I.e at transplanting and at 30 DAT (ZII 2X), zeolit was applied twice I.e at transplanting and at 30 DAT (ZO 2X), half rate of urea was applied at transplanting and another half rate at 30 DAT ( U 1/2+1/2), sesbania green manure was applied at 30 DAT and zeorea II applied at transplanting (sesbania + ZII), one tate of urea was applied at transplanting (U IX), and half rate of urea was applied at transplanting and sesbania was applied at 30 DAT (sesbania + U 1/2). Result obtained from this experiment showed that the application of zeorea I at tran planting followed by zeorea II at 30 DAT resulted the highest yield of dry grain even though it contained nitrogen only 60% of the nitrogen content of the recommended rate. The highest nitrogen contribution of zeorea I.e 75.22 mg/pot was obtained by applying zeorea II at transplanting and at 30 DAT. Urea half dose (U 1/2) combined with sesbania green manure could be effectuated if given in zeorea from even more effective than urea full dose given at transplanting time (U IX). Impact of sesbania green manure seemed to be more positive if combined with zeolite
Original Title
Hasil Gabah Dan Sumbangan Pupuk Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Pemberian Zeolit Dan Pupuk Hijau Sesbania Pada Tanaman Padi Sawah
Primary Subject
Suhadi, F.; Ismachin, Moch; Manurung, Simon (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.) (and others); Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technolgy, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 295 p; ISBN 979-95709-5-6; ; 23 Feb 2000; p. 121-126; Conference on the role of Isotopes and Radiation Technology to Make Prosperous Society; Peranan Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi untuk Mensejahterakan masyarakat; Jakarta (Indonesia); 23-24 Feb 2000; Also available from from Center for Development of Informatics and Computation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 11 refs; 4 tabs.; figs.
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Idawati; Rasjid, Havid; Haryanto; Sisworo, Elsje L
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Application of Isotopes and Radiation, Book I, Agricultural, Animal and Biology1998
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Application of Isotopes and Radiation, Book I, Agricultural, Animal and Biology1998
[en] Plant growth is much affected by nutrient supply so that, in practicing periodic P fertilization, monitoring of available P for plant is necessary. The aim of the conducted experiment was to study P availability for paddy after two growing seasons without P fertilization. Paddy of IR64 variety was tested to grow on Pusakanegara soil (planting IV) which had been treated in the three previous growing season (planting I) with P fertilizers at the rates of 0kg P-PR/ha (OP), 120 kg P-PR/ha (120 PR). 180 kg P-PR/ha (180 PR), 60 kg P-TSP/ha (60 TSP), and 90 kg P-TSP/ha (90 TSP). N and K fertilizers were applied as basal fertilizers. 32P in the from of KH232PO4 was used in isotope dilution method to gain the information of P availability. It was seen that in this Planting IV paddy was growing poorly caused by P deficiency as expressed by L value of P residue which was very low and even giving almost no increase to L value of the soil. The amount of P derived from residue found in plant at Planting IV was only about 3 to 11% of P derived from fertilizer found at Planting 1. This information gave warning that P fertilization was again needed after an interval of two growing seasons without P fertilization regarding that in those two growing seasons paddy grown well as previously reported. Furthermore, it seemed that TSP residue had a tendency to be more potential than phosphate rock residue in releasing available P. The higher of TSp residue made paddy grown on soil with TSP residue have higher ability grown soil with phosphate residue. (author)
Original Title
Penggunaan Teknik Nuklir untuk Evaluasi Efek Residu Pupuk P terhadap Pertumbuhan Padi Sawah
Primary Subject
Suhadi, F.; Sisworo, E.L.; Maha, M.; Ismachin, M.; Hilmy, N.; Sumatra, M.; Mugiono; Wandowo; Soebianto, Y.S (Center for Application of Isotopes and Radiation, National Atomic Energy Agency, Serpong (Indonesia)); Center for Application of Isotopes and Radiation, National Atomic Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 240 p; ISBN 979-95390-7-2; ; 1998; p. 73-79; Scientific Meeting on Application of Isotopes and Radiation 1997/1998; Risalah Pertemuan Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi, Buku 1; Jakarta (Indonesia); 18-19 Feb 1998; Also available from Center for Development of Informatics and Computation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area Serpong, Serpong, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 10 refs; 5 tabs
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Haryanto; Idawati; Havid Rasjid; Elsje L Sisworo
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation2004
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation2004
[en] One field experiment has been conducted to study effect of two kinds of green manure and urea on production and N uptake in lowland rice. This experiment were used 11 treatments : (U) applying urea fertilizer at dose 200 kg urea/ha or recommended dose, (1/2 U) urea at 100 kg/ha, (1/2 U + Az) urea at 100 kg/ha + Azolla inoculation, (1/2 U + S) urea at 100 kg/ha + Sesbania incorporated at 50 DAT (days after transplanting), (Az + S) Azolla inoculation + Sesbania incorporated at 50 DAT, (Az + Sph) Azolla inoculation + Sesbania crop imported into the soil as green manure applied at preparation time of the land, (1/2 U + Az + S) treatment of (Az + S) combined with 100 kg urea/ha application, (1/2 U + Az + Sph) treatment of (Az + Sph) combined with 100 kg urea/ha application, (A) inoculation of Azolla, (S) Sesbania incorporated at 50 DAT, and Control (without urea, Azolla, and Sesbania). Lowland rice variety Cilosari was used in this experiment. This experiment was designed by Randomized Complete Block Design with 4 replicates for each treatment. To study the N-derived from fertilizer and green manure the 15N isotope technique was used with the non direct method. Labelled 15N ammonium sulphate with 10.12% 15N was applied at 1 m x 1 m isotope plots for each plot in this experiment. The result showed that treatment combination of 100 kg urea/ha + Azolla inoculation + Sesbania crop incorporated into the soil as green manure applied at preparation time of the land gave N availability of soil higher than that resulted by 200 kg Urea/ha application. These treatments were not significantly different for total N uptake and N-derived from fertilizer in the rice grain. (author)
Original Title
Pengaruh Kombinasi Dua Jenis Pupuk Hijau dan Urea terhadap Produksi dan Serapan N Padi Sawah
Primary Subject
Singgih Sutrisno; Sofyan Yatim; Pattiradjawane, EIsje L.; Ismachin, Moch; Mugiono; Marga Utama (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Nelly Dhevita Leswara; Umar Mansur (University of Indonesia, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Syamsul Arifin Achmad (Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung (Indonesia)); Komaruddin Idris (Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor (Indonesia)) (and others); Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia); 323 p; ISBN 979-3558-03-2; ; Feb 2004; p. 97-101; The Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation; Seminar Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; Jakarta (Indonesia); 17-18 Feb 2004; Also available from Center for Development of Nuclear Informatics, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 12 refs.; 4 tabs.; 1 fig.
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[en] The investigation of translocation 2,4-D herbicides using 14C as tracer on irradiated rice plant system. Condition of the soil was two kinds, that is normal soil and soil 30% up normal. The soil of rice field was spray with 1μCi of 2,4-D non labelled, one week after planting. A part of rice plant and weed was determined the radioactivity after 0, 2, 4, 8, and 10 weeks after spraying. The result showed that radioactivity maximum after zero week was in root and leaf of weeds, the second weeks in root of rice, the forth weeks in rice stick, and eighth weeks in leaf of rice. This result occur at normal condition soil of solid 30 % up normal soil. The residues of 2.4-D in rice was 4,24x10-3 ppb at normal soil and 3.16x10-3 ppb at solid 30% up normal soil. This result still lower than rate of WHO/FAO, that is 0,05 ppm
Original Title
Translokasi Herbisida 2,4-D-14C Pada Tanaman Gulma Dan Padi Pada Sistem Persawahan
Primary Subject
Suhadi, F.; Ismachin, Moch; Manurung, Simon (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.) (and others); Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technolgy, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 295 p; ISBN 979-95709-5-6; ; 23 Feb 2000; p. 151-155; Conference on the role of Isotopes and Radiation Technology to Make Prosperous Society; Peranan Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi untuk Mensejahterakan masyarakat; Jakarta (Indonesia); 23-24 Feb 2000; Also available from from Center for Development of Informatics and Computation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 8 refs; 1 tabs.; 5 figs.
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Wardana, M; Achmad, A; Idawati, D E, E-mail:
[en] Coastal settlements are formed in a fairly strong kinship system. Space that has the power of place will have an advantage over the natural environment and local wisdom. Coastal areas with high utilization rates face various negative impacts due to various human activities. Ecosystem damage, environmental pollution, land-use change, conflicts of social interest are some of the main problems that arise because of human exploitation of coastal areas. Coastal areas can be the areas most affected by disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, abrasion, and sea-level rise. Therefore, quality landscape models and approaches are needed to strengthen community resilience in disaster-prone coastal areas. This study uses a library research method or approach. The results of the research in the form of a coastal-settlement landscape development concept can be done through ecological, functional/economic, socio-political, behavioral, and cultural approaches. (paper)
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SEA-STEM 2020: 1. South East Asia Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics International Conference; Aceh (Indonesia); 20-22 Oct 2020; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
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Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 1882(1); [8 p.]
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