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[en] Tapioca can be used as yeast growth medium because it has high carbohydrates. Sterilization by gamma rays resulted in simple compounds and toxic compounds. The aim of the experiment was to know the effect of gamma rays on physical and chemical characteristic from tapioca and the growth of yeast isolates R1, R2 and mutant of R110 and R210. The doses were 10, 20, and 30 kGy. The results showed that the color of irradiated tapioca was lighter than non irradiated and the granule of pati was smaller proportional to the doses. Chemically a decrease of pH and solubility and the increase of glucose was obtained in tapioca. Irradiated tapioca has no influence on yeast growth with was detected by the showing of clear zone, and the yeast growth in 1% liquid tapioca medium showed fluctuation and had two growth pattern. (author)
Original Title
Pertumbuhan khamir pada tapioka iradiasi
Primary Subject
Available from Center for Informatics and Nuclear Strategic Zone Utilization, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 10 refs., 2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; ISSN 1907-0322; ; v. 2(1); p. 1-7
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[en] Tannin is anti nutrient compound which can be used to increased by pass protein in ruminant. The source of tannin was used from acacia leaf powder (Acacia mangium). The concentration of tannin was determined by precipitated of "1"2"5I-BSA method. The experiments were carried out by in vitro method in buffalo rumen liquid. The treatments were A(1.25%); B (2.5%), C (5%) and Kontrol (0%). The result showed that tannin supplementation was decreased the number of protozoa and the lowest growth occurred on A (1.25%). The composition of protozoa was decreased and the viability of protozoa population showed that nine isolates has high viability, i.e. Dasytricha rumination, Entodinium ecaudatum f. caudatum, Ostracodinium mammosum, Elytroplastron bubali, Entodinium nanellum, Charonin ventriculi, Entodinium rostratum, Ostracodinium bubali dan Metadinium medium. (author)
Original Title
Pertumbuhan protozoa dalam cairan rumen kerbau yang di suplementasi tannin secara in vitro
Primary Subject
Available from Center for Informatics and Nuclear Strategic Zone Utilization, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 13 refs., 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; ISSN 1907-0322; ; v. 2(2); p. 48-57
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Irawan Sugoro
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation2004
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation2004
[en] Agro-wastes such as sugar cane straw are potential sources as feed. Sugar cane straw contains tannins, an anti-nutrient, which could effect feed quality. The effect of tannins by in vitro gas production was compared to maize straw which has low tannins. Tannin concentration was measured by using PEG which is labelled by 14C. The result showed that the tannins concentration of sugar cane straw is 10.88 % dry matter. The others are digestibility of dry matter and organic matter, VFA, ammonia and pH. The gas production is 48.83 ml/500 mg after 24 h incubation. It is lower than the control i.e. 100.64 ml/500 mg. Additional PEG increase the gas production i.e. 30.5 %, because tannins is bounded by it. The concentration of ammonia, VFA, dry matter and organic matter digestibility on sugar cane straw with additional PEG is higher than without PEG, i.e 28.29 mg/100 ml, 15.56 nmol/100 ml, 52.18 % and 47.54 %. pH of sugar cane without PEG i.e. 6.62 is higher than additional PEG, i.e. 6.54. It could be concluded, tannins decrease of gas production, ammonia, VFA, dry matter, and organic matter digestibility and additional PEG increase gas production of sugar cane. (author)
Original Title
Pengaruh Tanin dan Penambahan Peg terhadap Produksi Gas Secara In Vitro
Primary Subject
Singgih Sutrisno; Sofyan Yatim; Pattiradjawane, EIsje L.; Ismachin, Moch; Mugiono; Marga Utama (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Nelly Dhevita Leswara; Umar Mansur (University of Indonesia, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Syamsul Arifin Achmad (Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung (Indonesia)); Komaruddin Idris (Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor (Indonesia)) (and others); Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia); 323 p; ISBN 979-3558-03-2; ; Feb 2004; p. 153-156; The Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation; Seminar Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; Jakarta (Indonesia); 17-18 Feb 2004; Also available from Center for Development of Nuclear Informatics, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 6 refs.; 2 tabs.
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[en] Ruminant forage needs could be enhanced by making silage. One of develop techniques was a continuous silage that is a modification technology of making silage by reducing the fermentation time through the addition of seeds inoculum at the beginning of the forages production. The quality of silage could be improved by adding a probiotic supplement such as BIOS K2. Forage that has a potency as silage is sorghum var. Samurai 2. The aim of this study was to evaluate the continuous silage of sorghum var. Samurai 2 that contained probiotics BIOS K2. Evaluation of sample used in vitro Hoheinheim gas test method by using buffalo rumen fluid which was incubated for 24 hours at 39 °C. Treatments were A (silage sorghum 21 days), B (continuous sorghum silage 3 days), and C (continuous silage sorghum 7 days). The parameters tested were degradation of organic matter (% DOM), ammonia, volatile fatty acids (VFA), the levels of carbon dioxide (CO_2) and methane (CH_4), as well as protein synthesis microbes (bacteria and protozoa). The analysis indicated there was a significant effect in the feed treatment to ammonia concentration, the concentration of VFA, microbial protein synthesis and % DOM, while there were no effect in levels of CO_2 and CH_4. Treatment of feed C produced ammonia, VFA and bacterial protein synthesis respectively of 0.44/ml; 0.89 mg/ml; and 5.18"-"1 hour"-"1, higher than treatment A and B. The treatment A had the highest DOM percentage i.e. 47.30 %, while B and C i.e. 25.18 and 37.15 % respectively. Treatment A and B had higher activity of protozoa microbial protein synthesis, respectively of 2.62"-"1hour"-"1 than treatment C of 2.55"-"1hour"-"1. It could be concluded that a continuous feed silage sorghum var. Samurai 2 with time of incubation for 7 days (C) has a better quality than sorghum silage with 21 days incubation (A). (author)
Original Title
Evaluasi in vitro silase sinambung sorgum varietas samurai 2 yang mengandung probiotic BIOS K2 dalam cairan rumen kerbau in vitro
Primary Subject
23 refs.; 1 tab.; 6 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; ISSN 1907-0322; ; v. 12(1); p. 1-12
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Sasongko, W. T.; Irawan Sugoro
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation2004
Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation2004
[en] Rice straw quality could be increased as feed by fermentation which has been mixed with bacteria inoculum from buffalo rumen. This experiment used rice straw from Atomita 4, four treatments and one control, i.e. A (rice straw, molasses 5 %, urea 5 %, and inoculum 10 %), B (rice straw, molasses 5 %, and urea 5 %), C (rice straw, molasses 5 %, and inoculum 10 %), D (rice straw and molasses 5 %), and K (control) have been used in this experiment. The parameters were digestibility of dry matter and organic matter, VFA, ammonia and in vitro gas production. The result, showed that the highest gas production, dry matter and organic matter digestibility occurred on A i.e. 17.48 ml/200 mg, 57.78%, and 52.39 %. The highest ammonia occurred on D (32.99 mg/100 ml) and the highest VFA occurred on C (12.36 mmol/100 ml). The concentration of ammonia and VFA of A significant to treatment of D and C). It may be concluded that the A treatment is the best and have potency to be develop. (author)
Original Title
Fermentasi Jerami Padi Varietas Atomita 4 Secara Basah dengan Menggunakan Inokulum Campuran Isolat Bakteri Anaerob Fakultatif Rumen Kerbau
Primary Subject
Singgih Sutrisno; Sofyan Yatim; Pattiradjawane, EIsje L.; Ismachin, Moch; Mugiono; Marga Utama (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Nelly Dhevita Leswara; Umar Mansur (University of Indonesia, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Syamsul Arifin Achmad (Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung (Indonesia)); Komaruddin Idris (Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor (Indonesia)) (and others); Centre for Research and Development of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia); 323 p; ISBN 979-3558-03-2; ; Feb 2004; p. 171-174; The Scientific Meeting on Research and Development of Isotopes Application and Radiation; Seminar Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pengembangan Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; Jakarta (Indonesia); 17-18 Feb 2004; Also available from Center for Development of Nuclear Informatics, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560923, PO BOX 4274, Jakarta (ID); 6 refs.; 3 tabs.
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Nur Maulidya Zain; Taufiq Bachtiar; Irawan Sugoro, E-mail: taufiqb@batan.go.id2018
[en] This study was conducted to examine the effect of endophytic microbes from paddy straw (MIRA-1 variety). The 15N technique was used to study the contribution of each endophyte microbes on N uptake. This research was conducted from November 2013 to April 2014 at Greenhouse and Laboratory of Fertilization and Plant Nutrition, PAIR BATAN, South Jakarta. This research used completely randomized design with 5 treatments repeated 5 times. The treatments were A1, A3, A6 (as isolates), K- (without treatment), and K+(100 % urea). The experimental results showed that the isolates A1, A3, and A6 are bacillus-shape Gram-negative bacteria which have potential applications biological fertilizer. Isolate A3 gave the highest result to increase plant dry weight and number of panicles with 33.29 % and 37.73 % Increasement in compare to control, respectively. The 15N technique showed that the contribution of A3 and A6 treatment gave no significantly effect to positive control (urea recommendation). The 15N technique also succeeds to illustrate that N2 fixation is mostly occurs in rice straw. (author)
Original Title
Kontribusi nitrogen dari bakteri endofit pada tanaman padi
Primary Subject
29 refs.; 3 tabs, 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; ISSN 1907-0322; ; v. 14(1); p. 1-9
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Irawan Sugoro; Sandra Hermanto, E-mail:
The Proceeding on National Seminar in Nuclear Science and Technology2009
The Proceeding on National Seminar in Nuclear Science and Technology2009
[en] Yersinia enterocolitica is one of bacteria which cause coliform mastitis in dairy cows. The bacteria could be inactivated by gamma irradiation as inactivated vaccine candidate. The experiment has been conducted to determine the inactive doses and the protein concentration of Yersinia enterocolitica Y3 which has been irradiated by gamma rays. The cells cultures were irradiated by gamma rays with doses of 0, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1.000 and 1.500 Gy (doses rate was 1089,59 Gy/hours). The inactive dose was determined by the drop test method and the protein concentration of cells were determined by Lowry method. The results showed that the inactive doses occurred on 800 – 1500 Gy. The different irradiation doses of cell cultures showed the effect of gamma irradiation on the protein concentration that was random and has a significant effect on the protein concentration. (author)
Original Title
Dosis Inaktif dan Kadar Protein Yersinia Enterocolitica Hasil Iradiasi Gamma
Primary Subject
Duyeh Setiawan; Rochestri Sofyan; Nurlaila Z; Poppy Intan Tjahaja; Efrizon Umar; Muhayatun; Nanny K Oekar; Sudjatmi K Alfa; Dani Gustaman Syarif; Didi Gayani; Djoko Hadi P; Saeful Hidayat (National Nuclear Energy Agency, Bandung (Indonesia)); Ari Darmawan Pasek; Nathanel P Tandian; Toto Hardianto (Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung (Indonesia)) (eds.); Centre for Nuclear Technology Material and Radiometry, National Nuclear Energy Agency (Indonesia); 386 p; ISSN 1858-3601; ; Nov 2009; p. 305-310; National Seminar in Nuclear Science Technology; Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir; Bandung (Indonesia); 3 Jun 2009; Also available from Center for Nuclear Technology Material and Radiometry, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jl. Tamansari 71, Telp. 62-22-2503997 Fax. 62-22-2504081, Bandung 40132 (ID); 14 refs.; 3 figs.
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Teguh Wahyono; Shintia Nugrahini Wahyu Hardani; Dedi Ansori; Tri Handayani; Dadang Priyoatmojo; Sihono; Firsoni; Wahidin Teguh Sasongko; Irawan Sugoro, E-mail:
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
National Proceedings Seminar on Isotope and Radiation Applications 20182018
[en] Sorghum was cereal crop that has potential used as forage in Indonesia. National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) as a research institute has released three sorghum varieties that can be used as animal feed. These varieties were Pahat, Samurai 1 and Samurai 2. Digestibility characteristics of mutant sorghum varieties need to be observed to determine the digestibility profile. This study was conducted to evaluated in vitro digestibility profile from mutation radiation sorghum produced by BATAN. Completely Randomized Design with five treatments and four replications was applied in this experiment. The treatment were N (Numbu as control varieties), P (Pahat), S1 (Samurai 1), S2 (Samurai 2) and GHP 1 (Food Mutant Lines 1). Variables measured were nutrition content, in vitro digestibility profile and gas production characteristics. Results showed that sorghum from mutation radiation breeding (P, S1, S2 and GHP 1) had lower NDF and ADF than control variety. The highest optimal gas production (a+b) was produced by Pahat sorghum (54.47 %) but not significantly different with control and GHP 1. The GHP 1 sorghum produced higher in vitro organic matter degradability (IVOMD) (55.31 %) than control variety (52.41 %) (P<0.05). GHP 1 as sorghum from mutation radiation potentially used as forage. It was represented from in vitro digestibility evaluation profile in form of high optimum gas production and IVOMD. (author)
Original Title
Profil kecernaan in vitro tanaman sorgum hasil pemuliaan dengan mutasi radiasi
Primary Subject
Farah Nurlidar; Rasi Prasetio; Ania Citraresmini (Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)) (eds.); Center for Isotopes and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia); 247 p; ISBN 978-979-3558-29-5; ; Aug 2018; p. 9-18; Isotopes and Radiation Support National Independence; Isotop dan Radiasi Mendukung Kemandirian Bangsa; Jakarta (Indonesia); 9 Aug 2018; Also available from Center for Utilization of Informatics and Region Strategic Nuclear, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek Area, Fax. 62-21-7560895, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 (ID); 30 refs.; 3 tabs.; 3 figs.
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Megga Ratnasari Pikoli; Farah Muthia Zadfa; Irawan Sugoro, E-mail:
[en] Methane gas derived from ruminants is one contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the world, including Indonesia. The methane gas emitted from livestock comes from two sources of emissions, i.e. digestion and faeces, so that production can be reduced through modification of the feed. One strategy for reducing methane gas production is by the addition of denitrifying bacteria, which transfer the electron acceptor for denitrification instead of methanogenesis. This study aims to investigate the potential of radiation-inactive denitrification bacteria in reducing production of methane gas in cow rumen liquid, which examined in vitro. In this study four treatments were examined which was consisted of the addition of active denitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria inactivated by the irradiation Gamma Cell 1000 Gy, and denitrifying bacteria inactivated by autoclaving 1.5 atmospheric pressure, 120 °C for 15 minutes; all were applied to the cow rumen liquid with the forage sorghum as the substrate in vitro. Results on the measurement of some parameters which were pH, ammonia, total volatile fatty acids, acetate, propionate, butyrate, bacterial biomass, protozoa biomass, production of total gas and methane gas at the 24 hour and 48 hour supported to a reduction of methanogenesis due to the addition of active and inactive denitrifying bacteria. The supplementation with the inactivated denitrifying bacteria reduced the methane gas production slightly higher than the active bacteria. The decrease in methane gas production from 24 to 48 hours from the addition of radiation-inactive and autoclaved-inactive denitrifying bacteria was 41.5 % and 55.3 %, respectively, higher than that of the active denitrification bacteria with a decrease of 13.6 %. (author)
Original Title
Bakteri denitrifikasi inaktif sebagai suplemen untuk mengurangi gas metana dari cairan rumen sapi
Primary Subject
28 refs.; 2 tabs, 4 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; ISSN 1907-0322; ; v. 13(2); p. 69-78
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Pingkan Aditiawati; Dea Indriani Astuti; Irawan Sugoro; Dwiwahju Sasongko, E-mail:
[en] Biosolubilization of coal is process of converting solid coal to liquid fuel/chemicals by mean of microorganism. The aim of this research was to study the effect of gamma rays irradiation with varian doses of irradiation into solubilization of subbituminous coal by Trichoderma sp. The dosage used was 5, 10, and 20 kGy and unirradiated coal as control. The method was submerged culture in MSS+ medium and incubated at room temperature and agitated at 150 rpm for 21th days. The parameters observed were colonization, pH and biosolubilization product based on absorbance value at λ250nm and λ450nm and GC/MS analysis for the best treatment. The results showed that coal biosolubilization could be increased by gamma irradiation. The mould could growth well in medium containing irradiated coal and the medium of pH was decreased after incubation. The biosolubilization was increased but the irradiation dosage of coal didn't affect significantly. The best dose was 20 kGy with product biosolubilization similar to gasoline and solar. Based on the result, the pre-treatment of gamma irradiation on coal has potency to increased biosolubilization. (author)
Original Title
Biosolubilisasi batubara hasil iradiasi gamma oleh kapang trichoderma sp
Primary Subject
15 refs.; 1 tab.; 4 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi; ISSN 1907-0322; ; v. 7(1); p. 11-20
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