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Iten, R.; Gehrig, S.; Koenig, Ch.
Infras AG, Zuerich (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2000
Infras AG, Zuerich (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2000
[en] This short report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) examines the situation with respect to levies and steering taxes on various forms of energy in European countries. Comparisons are made with the situation in Switzerland regarding energy prices for various consumer groups, taxation of energy carriers and exceptions for energy-intensive industries. Details are given on prices of energy and the levies imposed, in particular with respect to carbon taxes. Data are given for 11 European countries and detailed information on regulations concerning exceptions is presented for selected countries. Finally, fuel price differences between neighbouring countries are examined and the role of 'motor-fuel-tourism' is discussed
Original Title
Uebersicht ueber die Besteuerung von Energietraegern in Europa
Primary Subject
2000; 51 p; Available from ENET Publication Service at URL, click on 'ENET', then on 'ENET-Publications', then on 'number' for the search, and use the ENET report number 200270
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[en] The present interim report is the result of the debates within a working group set up for the preparation of the application of the supporting measures planned in Switzerland by the authorities in order to promote energy conservation and renewable-energy use. The goals and principles to be applied are first presented. The aim of the supporting strategy is to reduce environmental pollution and its follow-up costs; valuable impetus shall be also given to innovation and commercialisation of new products, in order to get a sustainable energy effect along with a contribution to economic development. The system to be built up shall be flexible and evolve according to continuous experience and to market needs. The authors describe for the 5 sectors considered (autonomous energy production units, buildings, electrical appliances, transportation, industry) the supporting models they suggest. They consider then the structures to be built up in order to fulfil the principle of the powers' separation: strategic decisions shall be made by a committee advising the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, whereas the cantons (=regional governments) and the agencies set up by the private industry shall be in charge of the execution of the measures
Original Title
Foerderstrategien fuer den Einsatz einer Energieabgabe. Arbeitsbericht
Primary Subject
Oct 1999; 194 p; Available from Indicate report number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The implementation of environmental protection legislation is slackening off. In the transportation area, above all, new ideas and concepts are called for in order to solve increasing environmental problems. Today's environmental policies are mainly based on rules and prohibition. These limit the freedom of choice of the traffic participants and often meet with resistance. The call for economic measures which should aim to provide for true cost allocation in transport is becoming louder and louder. The external costs in the transportation area should be charged to those responsible for them. How high are these external costs? Who actually causes them and who should pay for them? What does a comprehensive strategy look like that takes the 'polluter pays' principle into consideration and, at the same time, progressively reduces environmental pollution? These questions are examined for the Zurich agglomeration. This case example makes suggestions for a transportation policy that is ecologically efficient and shows what the process for the implementation of new instruments in the traffic area should look like in the short and long term
Der Vollzug der Umweltschutzgesetzgebung ist ins Stocken geraten. Vor allem im Verkehr sind neue Ideen und Konzepte gefragt, um die wachsenden Umweltprobleme zu loesen. Die heutige Umweltpolitik beruht hier hauptsaechlich auf Geboten und Verboten. Dies schraenkt die Entscheidungsfreiheit der VerkehrsteilnehmerInnen ein und stoesst auf Widerstaende. Immer staerker wird der Ruf nach oekonomischen Massnahmen, die Kostenwahrheit im Verkehr anstreben. Die externen Kosten im Verkehrsbereich sollen verursachergerecht angelastet werden. Wie hoch sind diese externen Kosten? Wer verursacht sie und wer muss dafuer aufkommen? Wie sieht eine umfassende Strategie aus, die das Verursacherprinzip beruecksichtigt und gleichzeitig die Umweltbelastung spuerbar senkt? Diese Fragen werden fuer die Agglomeration Zuerich untersucht. Das Fallbeispiel macht Vorschlaege fuer eine oekologisch effiziente Verkehrspolitik und zeigt, wie kurz- und langfristig der Prozess zur Umsetzung neuer Instrumente im Verkehrsbereich aussehen soll. (author)Original Title
Kostenwahrheit im Verkehr. Fallbeispiel Agglomeration Zuerich
Primary Subject
1993; 80 p; Verlag Ruegger; Zuerich (Switzerland); ISBN 3 7253 0463 7;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The productivity of energy and environment must be improved to a great extent on a worldwide basis. The CO2 output per heated dwelling and per vehicle must be reduced by around three to five times. Above all, industrialised countries have a lot to do. Implementing such tremendous structural changes without causing economical and social chaos takes decades. Analyses made on a long-term basis show that the price elasticity of energy demand is, in reality, considerably higher than indicated by conventional empirical analysis; provided that the price signals are reliably provided on in a long term basis. Also, fundamentally new instruments are needed in environmental politics: a step-by-step ecological tax reform that is neutral as far as fiscal and distribution policy is concerned would be an efficient and feasible solution. Countries that choose this path early will even be able to enjoy economical advantages as a result
Die Produktivitaet von Energie und Umwelt muss weltweit um ein Vielfaches verbessert werden. Der CO2-Ausstoss pro beheizte Wohnung und pro Auto muss um das Drei- bis Fuenffache abnehmen. Gefordert sind vor allem die Industrielaender. Solch gewaltige strukturelle Veraenderungen ohne wirtschaftliches und soziales Chaos zu erreichen, dauert Jahrzehnte. Langfristig angelegte Analysen zeigen, dass Preiselastizitaeten der Energienachfrage in Wirklichkeit wesentlich hoeher sind, als herkoemmliche empirische Analysen dies angeben; vorausgesetzt, die Preissignale sind zuverlaessig auf lange Frist angelegt. Und es braucht grundlegend neue Instrumente der Umweltpolitik: eine schrittweise oekologische Steuerreform, die staatsquoten- und verteilungspolitisch neutral ist, stellt eine effiziente und machbare Loesung dar. Laender, die sich frueh auf diesen Pfad begeben, werden sogar wirtschaftliche Vorteile nutzen koennen. (author)Original Title
Oekologische Steuerreform. Europaeische Ebene und Fallbeispiel Schweiz
Primary Subject
1992; 235 p; Verlag Ruegger; Zuerich (Switzerland); ISBN 3 7253 0444 0;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Kessler, S.; Iten, R.; Hacker, K.
Infras AG, Zuerich (Switzerland); Prognos AG, Basel (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2002
Infras AG, Zuerich (Switzerland); Prognos AG, Basel (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2002
[en] This report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the results of two studies made on the possibilities of replacing Switzerland's nuclear power production with electricity from renewable resources that are free from CO2 emissions. The report also contains a supplementary paper by the SFOE which looks at the option of replacing nuclear power with imported wind-based energy. This supplementary paper is presented in two versions, one in German and one in French. Purchasing possibilities and costs are reviewed for wind power that is to fill the supply gap left by the phasing out of Switzerland's nuclear power stations. The situation in Europe at the end of 2001 is examined and prognoses for the further development of wind energy use in the European Union - especially in the offshore area - are discussed. Two methods of guaranteeing the supply of wind power are discussed - long-term contracts and certificates. Estimates of the cost of imported wind power are presented and possibilities for Swiss industry participation are examined. Recommendations are also made for the promotion of other forms of renewable energy
Original Title
CO2 neutraler Ersatz der Atomenergie / Remplacement de l'energie atomique sans deterioration du bilan de CO2
Primary Subject
2002; 43 p; Available from ENET Publication Service at URL, click on 'ENET', then on 'ENET-Publications', then on 'number' for the search, and use the ENET report number 220123
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Iten, R.; Hammer, S.; Kessler, S.; Brunner, S.; Rieder, S.
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); Interface, Lucerne (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)1999
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); Interface, Lucerne (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)1999
[en] This comprehensive final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy presents the results of an evaluation made of the Energy 2000 Investment Programme which was launched to stimulate the economy and help meet Switzerland's goals in the energy sector. The aims of the evaluation and the methods used are discussed. The implementation of the programme, which provided financial support for energy-relevant projects implemented by private persons and institutions, is described and comments are made on the results obtained in the various regions of Switzerland. Further, the problems encountered, such as the economic situation, the shortage of energy consultants in western Switzerland, the short time available for the programme's implementation and the limited possibilities of spreading information in the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning sector are discussed. Also, the so-called 'go-along' effect - the unintentional support of projects that would have been realised anyway - is described. The positive results of the programme - in particular the correct and efficient implementation of those projects it supported - are mentioned. The last part of the report describes the impact of the programme on the Swiss economy, the consumption and use of energy and on the environment and presents appropriate figures
Original Title
Investitionsprogramm Energie 2000 - Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft, Energie und Umwelt
Primary Subject
1999; 242 p; Available from ENET Publication Service at URL, click on 'ENET', then on 'ENET-Publications', then on 'number' for the search, and use the ENET report number 200064
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Iten, R.; Oettli, B.; Jochem, E.; Mannsbart, W.
Infras AG, Zuerich (Switzerland); Fraunhofer Institut, Karlsruhe (Germany). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2002
Infras AG, Zuerich (Switzerland); Fraunhofer Institut, Karlsruhe (Germany). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2002
[en] This short report by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) introduces a concept that illustrates the possibilities available to Swiss authorities for the promotion of the export of sustainable energy technologies. It also defines the competencies of the players involved - the Business Network Switzerland (OSEC) and the SFOE. Targets in the economic, energy and research policy-making areas are presented. Present export volume is presented in the form of portfolio diagrams and is analysed. Proposed measures are discussed that are needed to reach the targets set. The measures are divided into national and international categories and allocated to the two organisations concerned. The measures proposed include those acting directly such as information and consulting, market preparation and penetration, marketing support, technical and scientific co-operation, financing and guarantees as well as supporting measures such as complete and detailed statistics and a guaranteed flow of information necessary for the enterprises involved. The appendix contains details of SFOE contact persons and further experts involved
Original Title
Konzept der Foerderung des Exports nachhaltiger Energietechnologien
Primary Subject
2002; 16 p; Available from ENET Publication Service at URL, click on 'ENET', then on 'ENET-Publications', then on 'number' for the search, and use the ENET report number 220204
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Hammer, S.; Oettli, B.; Schneider, Ch.; Iten, R.; Peherstorfer, N.
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); Oesterreichische Energieagentur, Wien (Austria). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2007
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); Oesterreichische Energieagentur, Wien (Austria). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland)2007
[en] This comprehensive report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) describes a mix of instruments that could increase the efficiency of electricity usage in Switzerland. The basis for the development of these instruments - the experience gained in Europe in this area - is discussed. Explicitly not discussed are energy and electricity steering taxes, which could also be part of a future instrument-mix. The measures suggested include the setting of compulsory long-term reduction targets that are to form the basis for strategies and measures to be taken in particular areas and the development of an appropriate instrument-mix for this purpose. These could include regulations and labels, a national fund and certificate trading. Suppliers of electricity could be committed to increasing the efficiency of electricity use and national programmes could also attempt to influence consumer habits. The instruments should, according to the authors, be based on the existing legal framework and use know-how and structures that are already available
Original Title
Instrumente fuer Energieeffizienz im Elektrizitaetsbereich. Auslaendische Erfahrungen und Instrumenten-Mix fuer die Schweiz
Primary Subject
Jun 2007; 173 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Iten, R.; Vettori, A.; Schmidt, N.; Vaterlaus, S.; Wild, J.
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); Plaut (Schweiz) Consulting AG, Berne (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland); Stromsparfonds Basel (Amt fuer Umwelt und Energie), Basel (Switzerland)2003
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); Plaut (Schweiz) Consulting AG, Berne (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Berne (Switzerland); Stromsparfonds Basel (Amt fuer Umwelt und Energie), Basel (Switzerland)2003
[en] This comprehensive report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents the results of an evaluation made concerning the Electricity Saving Fund operated in Basel, Switzerland. The aims of the fund, which is based on the imposition of a steering levy on electricity consumption, are presented and discussed. It is noted that the political policies behind this promotional scheme differ greatly from those of other Swiss Cantons. This study examines the direct and indirect effects of the steering levy and the resulting bonus for energy-saving consumers and takes a look at possibilities for transferring the idea to other Swiss Cantons. Questions asked include the degree to which the aims were fulfilled, were negative side-effects noted, is the implementation efficient, can the know-how gained be transferred to other communities and Cantons and which general experience was gained in the application of steering levies. Details on the implementation of the Electricity Saving Bonus are presented and discussed. Results of a survey on the perception of the scheme both in the commercial and private sectors are discussed. Also, the results of evaluations made concerning the degree to which the scheme's aims were fulfilled and their usefulness from the national economics point of view are discussed. Suggestions for improvements are presented. The report is concluded with an a selection of annexes on the topics dealt with in the report
Original Title
Evaluation des Stromsparfonds Basel
Primary Subject
Sep 2003; 220 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Electrical efficiency and renewable energy - Economical alternatives to large-scale power generation
Oettli, B.; Hammer, S.; Moret, F.; Iten, R.; Nordmann, T.
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); TNC Consulting AG, Erlenbach (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Energie Wasser Bern (ewb), Oekofonds, Bern (Switzerland)2010
Infras, Zuerich (Switzerland); TNC Consulting AG, Erlenbach (Switzerland). Funding organisation: Energie Wasser Bern (ewb), Oekofonds, Bern (Switzerland)2010
[en] This final report for WWF Switzerland, Greenpeace Switzerland, the Swiss Energy Foundation SES, Pro Natura and the Swiss Cantons of Basel City and Geneva takes a look at the energy-relevant effects of the propositions made by Swiss electricity utilities for large-scale power generation. These proposals are compared with a strategy that proposes investments in energy-efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy. The effects of both scenarios on the environment and the risks involved are discussed, as are the investments involved. The associated effects on the Swiss national economy are also discussed. For the efficiency and renewables scenario, two implementation variants are discussed: Inland investments and production are examined as are foreign production options and/or import from foreign countries. The methods used in the study are introduced and discussed. Investment and cost considerations, earnings and effects on employment are also reviewed. The report is completed with an extensive appendix which, amongst other things, includes potential reviews, cost estimates and a discussion on 'smart grids'
Original Title
Stromeffizienz und erneuerbare Energien - Wirtschaftliche alternative zu Grosskraftwerken
Primary Subject
May 2010; 211 p
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