[en] A national conference with international participation was held in Podbanske to evaluate the results and experiences with the training of personnel for nuclear power in training centres of the sector of fuel and energy, within the educational system and at other workplaces. The rational development of the system of personnel training must contribute towards reducing the hazards of nuclear power caused by the human factor. The results and experiences were evaluated gained in the process of the unified system of training personnel for nuclear power plants, namely training centres of various institutions, institutions of higher education and in-operation training of personnel. In 1984, the first Czechoslovak simulator of a WWER 440 unit will be put into operation. (M.D.)
Original Title
3. celostatna konferencia o priprave kadrov pre jadrovu energetiku
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Jaderna Energie; ISSN 0448-116X; ; v. 29(12); p. 457-458
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Jacko, J.; Rozinek, P.
Vyskumny Ustav Jadrovych Elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice (Czechoslovakia)1983
Vyskumny Ustav Jadrovych Elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice (Czechoslovakia)1983
[en] The conference was held from April 26 - 29 1983 in Podbanske. The participants heard a total of 29 papers of which only one was not entered in INIS. The papers assessed the work of the branch training centre which started operating in 1979. The authors of the presented papers discussed the organization, form and content of the training of nuclear power plant personnel. The DIDAK system is described for computer-assisted training. It was stated that increased attention would have to be devoted to the training of middle technical personnel and workers. New apprenticeships were opened for nuclear power plants and secondary vocational training centre for the power industry was opened in Trnava. Nuclear specializations and nuclear disciplines are being introduced in higher education. Examples are given of institutions of higher education which have gradually devoted themselves to the education and training of personnel for nuclear power. (E.S.)
Original Title
Zbornik referatov z konferencie ''Priprava kadrov pre jadrovu energetiku''
Primary Subject
Apr 1983; 290 p; Training of personnel for nuclear power; Podbanske (Czechoslovakia); 26-29 Apr 1983; Available from Vyskumny Ustav Jadrovych Elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice (CS)
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[en] The basic stages are characterized of the development of a standard system of personnel training for the start-up, operation and maintenance of nuclear power facilities. The experience is analyzed gained by the Branch Training Centre of the Nuclear Power Plant Research Institute. Suggestions are submitted for improving the quality of personnel training based on Czechoslovak and foreign experiences. (author). 3 refs
Original Title
K niektorym otazkam zvysovania kvality pripravy personalu pre jadrovo-energeticke zariadenia
Primary Subject
English translation available from Nuclear Information Center, 156 16 Prague 5-Zbraslav, Czechoslovakia at US$ 10 per page.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Nuclear power plant personnel in Czechoslovakia is subject to periodical training in accordance with the Unified System of Nuclear Facility Personnel Training. This training is the responsibility of the Educational and Training Centre of the Nuclear Plant Research Institute in Trnava. Nuclear plant personnel is divided into 7 groups as follows: A - supervisory technical-administrative management staff; B - selected operating personnel such as shift supervisors, unit supervisors, reactor operators and secondary circuit operators; C - engineering-technical personnel of technical and maintenance departments; D - managing shift-operating staff; E - workers at technical plant departments; F - operational shift workers and servicemen; and G - maintenance personnel. These groups are respected in the training, which includes basic training, re-training and additional training. The basic training comprises 8 stages: general theoretical education; specialized theoretical education; on-the-job training in a plant designated for training; training on a simulator (group B); preparing for and taking final examinations for the certificate; doubling in the NPP designated for training (groups B, D, F); preparation in the NPP of future employment; preparing for and taking the state examination for obtaining the license (group B). Details of the management of the training process, experience gained during the implementation of the training and challenges for future improvement of the system are outlined. (P.A.)
Primary Subject
Antl, L. (ed.); Ceskoslovenska Komise pro Atomovou Energii, Prague (Czechoslovakia); 379 p; 1989; p. 159-171; Czechoslovak-British nuclear power seminar; Brno (Czechoslovakia); 8-9 Nov 1988
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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[en] The educational and research activity is described of the training centre which trains personnel for nuclear power plants in Czechoslovakia. Educational work includes training of personnel, the development of instructional and training aids, the assignment of tutors, curriculum development and the organization of final examinations. The results of the centre's educational work for the years 1979 to 1982 are tabulated. The research work of the centre is aimed at improving and increasing the effectiveness of the educational and training process. The spaces and equipment of the centre are described as are personnel conditions, the approach of trainees to education and the attitude of managerial staff to the centre's activities. (J.P.)
Original Title
Realizacia pripravy vybranych kategorii pracovnikov v rezortnom skoliacom a vycvikovom stredisku VUJE
Primary Subject
Jacko, J.; Rozinek, P. (eds.); Vyskumny Ustav Jadrovych Elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice (Czechoslovakia); 290 p; Apr 1983; p. 94-113; Training of personnel for nuclear power; Podbanske (Czechoslovakia); 26-29 Apr 1983; Available from Vyskumny Ustav Jadrovych Elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice (CS)
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Sestrienka, M.; Nyulassyova, M.; Majercikova, M.; Dugovic, M.; Jacko, J.; Rozinek, P.; Zoufaly, J.
Vyskumny Ustav Jadrovych Elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice (Czechoslovakia)1978
Vyskumny Ustav Jadrovych Elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice (Czechoslovakia)1978
[en] The concept is described in detail of the basic training of operating and maintenance staff of nuclear power plants in Czechoslovakia. Part of practicals is carried out in manufacturing plants and in conventional power plants, part is carried out in the training centre of the Novovoronezh Power Plant. The curriculum, subject scope and objectives of the individual courses for selected personnel are discussed. (M.S.)
Original Title
Smernica organizacneho zabezpecenia vyuky personalu JE EBO V-2 a EDU V-1
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 1978; 69 p; Available from Vyskumny ustav jadrovych elektrarni, Jaslovske Bohunice, Czechoslovakia
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The paper gives brief information on the formation of a training system for nuclear power plant personnel in the CSSR. It presents the division of personnel into categories and training groups, their training and licensing. By comparison with the training systems selected in other countries a set of common elements occurring in personnel training system was identified. On this basis it is recommended under the sponsorship of the IAEA, to work out guides with recommendations for the training of nuclear power plant operational and maintenance personnel. These guides would be the basis for the formation of local training programmes for nuclear power plant personnel. (author)
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; p. 305-315; ISBN 92-0-050080-3; ; 1980; p. 305-315; IAEA; Vienna; International symposium on manpower requirements and development for nuclear power programmes; Saclay, France; 2 - 6 Apr 1979; IAEA-SM--238/6
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INIS IssueINIS Issue