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Johnstone, John A.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2010
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2010
[en] Protons extracted from the Main Injector (MI) in the MI-60 straight section are transported 84 m through quadrupole Q106 in the NuMI stub, at which point two 6-3-120 vertical switching magnets, followed by three EPB vertical dipoles, steer the beam into the main body of the LBNE beamline. From Q106 in NuMI the LBNE beamline transports these protons 722.0 m to the LBNE target, located 41.77 m (137.0 ft) below the MI beamline center (BLC) elevation, on a trajectory aimed towards DUSEL. Bending is provided (predominantly) by 34 long (6 m) MI-style IDA/IDB and 8 short (4 m) IDC/IDD dipoles (through 48.36o horizontally and -5.844o (net) vertically). Optical properties are defined by 49 quadrupoles (grouped functionally into 44 focusing centers) of the proven MI beamline-style 3Q60/3Q120 series. All focusing centers are equipped with redesigned MI-style IDS orbit correctors and dual-plane beam position monitors (BPM's). Ample space is available in each arc cell to accommodate ion pumps and diagnostic instrumentation. Parameters of the main magnets are listed in a table.
Primary Subject
1 Oct 2010; 8 p; AC02-76CH03000; Available from; PURL:; doi 10.2172/1002006
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Johnstone, John A.
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2001
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2001
[en] CDF would like to install high precision track detectors. There is ample room on A-sector side, but space needs to be created at B11. The favored plan is to shove the first 3 B11 dipoles inwards toward the IP by 2.274 m. This would require removal of the inert Q1 quadrupole and its spool plus an extensive number of other mechanical and cryogenic modifications. The orbit distortion these modifications introduce would then be compensated by shifting the six B16 and B17 dipoles outwards by about half that amount. Space for this dipole move could be generated by replacing the 72 inch spool at B18 with a short 43 inch spool, and removing the 16.5 inch spacer after B17-5. The above scheme certainly recloses the orbit, and doesn't require the detector to move. However, by moving the B16 and B17 dipoles, the B17 and B18 arc quadrupoles also get shifted downstream--B17 by 1.115 m, and B18 by 0.696 m. Longitudinal movements of arc quads by such large fractions of their magnetic lengths will clearly impact the overall machine optics
Primary Subject
16 Aug 2001; 944 Kilobytes; AC02-76CH03000; Available from PURL:
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Johnstone, John A.
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: DOE Office of Science (United States)2011
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: DOE Office of Science (United States)2011
[en] For the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) at Fermilab 120 GeV/c protons will be transported from the Main Injector (MI) to an on-site production target. The lattice design and optics discussed here has the beam extracted vertically upwards from MI-10 and the keeps the majority of the line at an elevation above the glacial till/rock interface and terminates on a target at 10 ft above grade. The LBNE beamline discussed here is a modular optics design comprised of 3 distinct lattice configurations, including the specialized MI → LBNE matching section and Final Focus. The remainder of the line is defined by six FODO cells, in which the length and phase advance are chosen specifically such that beam size does not exceed that of the MI while also making the most efficient use of space for achromatic insertions. Dispersion generated by variations in the beam trajectory are corrected locally and can not bleed out to corrupt the optics elsewhere in the line. Aperture studies indicate that the line should be able to transport the worst quality beam that the Main Injector might provide. New IDS dipole correctors located at every focusing center provide high-quality orbit control and further ensure that LBNE meets the stringent requirements for environmental protection.
Primary Subject
1 Sep 2011; 8 p; AC02-07CH11359; Available from; PURL: Available from; doi 10.2172/1039715
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Michelotti, Leo; Johnstone, John
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2009
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2009
[en] A recent proposal to detect μ → e direct conversion at Fermilab asks for slow extraction of protons from the antiproton source, specifically from the Debuncher. (1) A third-integer resonance originally was considered for this, partly because of the Debuncher's three-fold symmetry and partly because its operational horizontal tune, νx ∼ 9.765, is already within 0.1 of νx = 29/3. Using a half integer resonance, νx = 19/2, though not part of the original proposal, has been suggested more recently because (a) Fermilab has had a good deal of experience with half-integer extraction from the Tevatron, the Main Injector and the erstwhile Main Ring, and (b) for reasons we shall examine later, it depopulates the entire bunch without an abort at the end. This memo presents considerations preliminary to studying both possibilities. It is meant only as a starting point for investigations to be carried out in the future. The working constraints and assumptions have oscillated between two extremes: (1) making minimal changes in the antiproton source to minimize cost and (2) building another machine in the same tunnel. In this memo we adopt an attitude aligned more toward the first. The assumed parameters are listed in Table 1. A few are not (easily) subject to change, such as those related to the beam's momentum and revolution frequency and the acceptance of the debuncher. Two resonance exemplars are presented in the next section, with an explanation of the analytic and semi-analytic calculations that can be done for each. Section 3 contains preliminary numerical work that was done to validate the exemplars within the context of extraction from the Debuncher. A final section contains a summary. Following the bibliography, appendices contain (a) a qualitative, conceptual discussion of extraction for the novice, (b) a telegraphic review of the perturbative incantations used to filter the exemplars as principal resonances of quadrupole, sextupole and octupole distributions, (c) a brief discussion of linearly independent control circuits, and (d) two files describing the antiproton source's rings in MAD v.8 format, not readily available elsewhere. All figures are located at the end. We emphasize again, the work reported here barely begins the effort that will be required to design, validate and perform resonant extraction from the Debuncher. Our goal was to compile these preliminary notes in one place for easy future reference, preferably by a young, intelligent, motivated and energetic graduate student.
Primary Subject
1 Jun 2009; 45 p; AC02-76CH03000; Available from; PURL:; doi 10.2172/966797
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Johnstone, John A.
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2000
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2000
[en] Given the advanced state of operational plans for late Run II (132 nsec bunch spacing) the C0 IR insert should be designed to operate such that it does not impact nominal Tevatron parameters. This implies an entirely localized insert -- one which is completely transparent to the rest of the machine. This condition has several important design implications, some of which are pointed out below. An IR design similar to that employed at CDF and D0 is unacceptable as a C0 candidate. The addition of such a (single) low-β region to the machine raises the tune by a half-integer in each plane, moving them far from the standard operating point and right onto the 21.0 integer resonance. The nominal (fractional) operating point is most elegantly maintained by adding 2 local low-β in each plane, thereby boosting the tunes by a full integer. The B0 and D0 IR's are not optically-isolated entities. Progression through the low-βsqueeze involves adjusting, not only the main IR quadrupoles, but also the tune quad strings distributed around the ring. The result is that the nominal lattice functions at any point in the ring, and the phase advances across any section of the ring, are not fixed, but vary with each stage of the squeeze. A new insert must be sufficiently flexible to track these elusive matching conditions. Without collisions at C0 the unit transfer matrix added by the insertion ensures that the incoming and outgoing helices are automatically matched to their nominal Run II values. To maintain this match with collisions at all 3 IP's, however, requires that additional separators be added in the arcs. Space for these separators can only be generated through replacing standard Tevatron arc dipoles by new magnets with enhanced strengths. In the following sections two design variations for an interaction region are presented. The first of these, which incorporates stronger dipoles, meets all of the ideal design criteria outlined above. The result is a truly independent 3rd Tevatron IR capable of supporting simultaneous collisions at all 3 IP's. The second, stripped-down, version includes neither stronger dipoles nor new arc separators. While this insert is still optically transparent to the machine, collisions can only occur at B0 and D0, or just C0, but not all three. The weaker dipoles also result in a significant reduction in the space available for a detector. However, as is demonstrated near the end of this report, if all the B- and C-Sector separators are freed to assist in C0 orbit control, it might be possible to support collisions at B0 and D0, plus C0, with the second design
Primary Subject
27 Jul 2000; 164 Kilobytes; Physics Advisory Committee; City not supplied, CO (United States); 18-20 Jun 2000; AC02-76CH03000; Available from PURL:
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Johnstone, John A.
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2000
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2000
[en] Future upgrades at Fermilab possibly include installation of a third detector in the Tevatron at the C0 straight section. The front-running contender for this site is currently the BTeV heavy quark program. A significant fraction of proposed BTeV detector R and D calls for installation of a new low-luminosity interaction region at C0 early in Run II. New magnets will not be available during the interim period and any medium β* IR insert must therefore be designed solely from Tevatron spares. This paper discusses some of the IR optics design issues related specifically to this magnet restriction and, more generally, issues affecting the Tevatron and its operation that will arise with the installation of any low-β* IR at C0. The results of several attempts (and subsequent failures) to find a viable C0 IR optics solution using existing magnets are presented
Primary Subject
5 Jul 2000; 430 Kilobytes; AC02-76CH03000; Available from PURL:
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Johnstone, John A.
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2000
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Energy Research (ER) (United States)2000
[en] Two possible conceptual optical designs for a stand-alone C0 IR insert were presented. Both inserts are optically transparent to the rest of the machine, with no impact on Run IIb Tevatron operating parameters. Both design variations require high-field LHC-like quadrupoles for the final focus triplet. In the first version, with enhanced dipoles creating space for separators in the arcs, collisions can be created at all 3 IP's simultaneously. Stronger dipoles also free more than 26 m of space for the detector. At C0, β* is limited to ge50 cm by βmax in the IR triplets. The second version of the IR has neither new dipoles nor new arc separators. Collider scenarios have either B0 and D0 at collision, or just C0. At C0, β* can be decreased to 40 cm, but the price paid is a substantial reduction in free space available for the detector. This first pass at C0 IR designs has left a number of questions unresolved. A few of these outstanding issues that a second iteration of the IR designs must address are discussed
Primary Subject
28 Aug 2000; 696 Kilobytes; AC02-76CH03000; Available from PURL:
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Johnstone, John A.; Fermilab
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2006
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2006
[en] A concept is being developed to install a second, low energy ring (LER) above the LHC to accelerate protons from 450 GeV to 1.5 TeV prior to injection into the LHC. The arc and dispersion suppresser optics of the LHC would be replicated in the LER using combined function ''transmission line'' magnets originally proposed for the VLHC. To avoid costly civil construction, in the straight sections housing detectors at least, the LER and LHC must share beampipes and some magnets through the detector portion of the straights. Creating the appropriate optics for these LER-LHC transition regions is very challenging: In addition to matching to the nominal LHC lattice functions at these locations the changes in altitude of 1.35 m separating the LER and LHC must be performed achromatically to avoid emittance blowup arising from vertical dispersion when the beams are transferred to the LHC
Primary Subject
1 Jul 2006; 3 p; 10. European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC06); Edinburgh, Scotland (United Kingdom); 26-30 Jun 2006; AC02-76CH03000; Available from; PURL:
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Sen, Tanaji; Johnstone, John; Fermilab
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2007
Fermi National Accelerator Lab., Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2007
[en] We consider the different options proposed for the LHC IR upgrade. The two main categories: quadrupoles first (as in the baseline design) and dipoles-first have complementary strengths. We analyze the potential of the proposed designs by calculating important performance parameters. We also propose a local scheme for correcting the quadratic chromaticity
Primary Subject
1 Jun 2007; 3 p; Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07); Albuquerque, NM (United States); 25-29 Jun 2007; AC02-76CH03000; Available from; PURL:; Conf.Proc.C070625:1718,2007
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Johnstone, John A.
Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science - SC, High Energy Physics (HEP) (SC-25) (United States)2017
Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Science - SC, High Energy Physics (HEP) (SC-25) (United States)2017
[en] This paper investigates the feasibility of re-purposing the MuCool Test Area beamline and experimental hall to support a Muon Spin Resonance facility, which would make it the only such facility in the US. This report reviews the basic muon production concepts studied and operationally implemented at TRIUMF, PSI, and RAL and their application to the MTA facility. Two scenarios were determined feasible. One represents an initial minimal-shielding and capital-cost investment stage with a single secondary muon beamline that transports the primary beam to an existing high-intensity beam absorber located outside of the hall. Another, upgraded stage, involves an optimized production target pile and high-intensity absorber installed inside the experimental hall and potentially multiple secondary muon lines. In either scenario, with attention to target design, the MTA can host enabling and competitive Muon Spin Resonance experiments
Primary Subject
12 Apr 2017; 44 p; OSTIID--1423218; AC02-07CH11359; Available from; PURL:
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