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[en] A balance is made of nuclear data needed for studying FBR fuel cycle. From the accuracy of the obtained data, sensitivity calculations have enabled the future experimental measurements to be established
On fait le bilan des donnees nucleaires necessaires aux etudes relatives au cycle des combustibles des reacteurs a neutrons rapides. A partir des precisions obtenues actuellement sur ces donnees, des calculs de sensibilite ont permis de definir les priorites pour les mesures experimentalesOriginal Title
Donnees de base dans le cycle du combustible des reacteurs a neutrons rapides bilan et perspective
Primary Subject
1982; 6 p; International conference on nuclear data for science and technology; Antwerp (Belgium); 6-10 Sep 1982; DRNR-P--243
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The decay heat calculation code PROTEE has been checked against integral measurements and specific component measurement. Of particular relevance are the PHENIX measurements, which are presented here together with the calculation experiment value comparison. A reasonnable agreement is found and a slight tendency (approximately 10%) to over estimation of the PROTEE code is indicated
Primary Subject
Sep 1981; 22 p; 24. NEACRP meeting; Winfrith, UK; 14 - 18 Sep 1981
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Balloffet, Y.; Fremont, R. de; Josso, F.; Lapparent, D. de; Rossignol, R.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-les-Durance (France). Dept. des Reacteurs a Neutrons Rapides1979
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-les-Durance (France). Dept. des Reacteurs a Neutrons Rapides1979
[en] When comparing the behaviors of a heterogeneous core configuration and a homogeneous core configuration of a large LMFBR subject to a LOF type HCDA, it is necessary to understand the influence of many different core parameters. We present the results of the comparative calculations made with the SURDYN code, up to the end of the primary power excursion. They show that, if sodium does boil, the energy yield is larger with the heterogeneous core, but the preboiling time is then longer. Parametric calculations, with gradual modifications from the homogeneous core to the heterogeneous core, show that the power and temperature distribution and, to a smaller extent, the fuel reactivity feedback, are the main contributors. Doppler and void coefficients (somewhat smaller in the heterogeneous core) have less influence
Primary Subject
1979; 10 p; International meeting on fast reactor safety technology; Seattle, WA, USA; 19 - 23 Aug 1979
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Kertesz, C.; Koehly, G.; Josso, F.; Bernard, A.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1988
CEA, 75 - Paris (France)1988
[en] Radioactive wastes are mixed with cement then with an epoxy resin additioned of a hardening agent
Les dechets sont d'abord melanges a un ciment puis avec une resine additionnee d'un durcisseur et on laisse durcir le ciment et la resineOriginal Title
Bloc contenant des dechets en vue de leur stockage et procede de realisation d'un tel bloc
Primary Subject
10 Jun 1988; 5 Dec 1986; 15 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2607957/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8617081; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 5 Dec 1986
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Gauchon, J.P.; Gibot, C.; Josso, F.; Kervegant, Y.L.
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); Carboxyque Francaise, 75 - Paris (France)1989
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); Carboxyque Francaise, 75 - Paris (France)1989
[en] A process is claimed for cleaning with a sublimable abrasive, especially carbon-dioxide ice particles, and equipment for the operation. Application is made for decontamination of radioactive materials
L'invention concerne un procede pour le nettoyage a l'aide d'abrasif sublimable, en particulier l'anhydride carbonique sous forme de particules de carboglace, ainsi qu'une installation pour sa mise en oeuvre. Elle s'applique notamment a la decontamination des pieces radioactivesOriginal Title
Procede et installation pour le nettoyage de pieces par vibro-abrasion a l'aide d'abrasif sublimable
Primary Subject
13 Jul 1989; 7 Jan 1988; 7 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2625700/A/; FR PATENT APPLICATION 8800085; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Application date: 7 Jan 1988
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This paper describes the process developed to decontaminate the CO2 cooling system of the G2 gas-cooled reactor with the objective of recycling the majority of the scrap material as conventional waste. The process is first implemented before dismantling to facilitate pipe cutup operations. If necessary, a second application is performed in a sealed cell to meet the specified objective. (author)
Primary Subject
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London (UK); British Nuclear Energy Society, London; Institution of Nuclear Engineers, London (UK); IMechE Conference Series; (no.8); 252 p; ISBN 0 85298 660 2; ; 1988; p. 127-130; Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd; Bury St Edmunds (UK); International conference on decommissioning of major radioactive facilities; London (UK); 11-12 Oct 1988
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Donnet, L.; Adnet, J.M.; Faure, N.; Bros, P.; Brossard, Ph.; Josso, F.
Proceedings of the 5. International information exchange meeting on actinide and fission product partitioning and transmutation1999
Proceedings of the 5. International information exchange meeting on actinide and fission product partitioning and transmutation1999
[en] The main goal of the SPIN program developed by CEA is to improve the management of high activity waste containing minor actinides and long-lived fission products. In that field, americium has been pointed out as the main hazardous element to be firstly recovered. With the aim to extract more than 99% of the americium contained in high level liquid waste (HLLW), the SESAME process, which consists in the selective extraction of oxidised Am, is foreseen as a promising way to succeed in Am management. Dealing with the americium selective recovery from HLLW, many studies concerning the electrochemical oxidation of Am to its hexavalent state in the presence of lacunary poly-anionic ligands (LHPA) have been carried out. The main results of several laboratory scale tests of the SESAME process are presented and the further process development is discussed. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
546 p; 1999; p. 161-168; Actinide and fission product partitioning and transmutation; Mol (Belgium); 25-27 Nov 1998; 9 refs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An evaluation is presented of those nuclear data which relate to fuel cycle studies of fast neutron reactors. Sensitivity calculations, based on precise values obtained from actual data, allow the definition of priorities for experimental measurements and for future evaluations. (Auth.)
Original Title
Donnees de base dans le cycle du combustible des reacteurs a neutrons rapides. Bilan et perspective
Primary Subject
Boeckhoff, K.H. (ed.) (Commission of the European Communities, Geel (Belgium). Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements); 1072 p; ISBN 90-277-1560-2; ; 1983; p. 170-174; D. Reidel; Dordrecht (Netherlands); International conference on nuclear data for science and technology; Antwerp (Belgium); 6-10 Sep 1982
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Brunel, G.; Gauchon, J.P.; Kervegant, Y.; Josso, F.
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)1991
Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)1991
[en] The decommissioning of nuclear installations requires decontamination techniques that are efficient, simple to apply and producing a small amount of wastes, which are easy to process. With a view to this, three decontamination methods, which appear to be particularly suited to decommissioning, have been studied. These three methods are: - spraying of gels carrying chemical decontaminating agents, - electropolishing with a swab device, - abrasives blasting. After parametric tests on non-radioactive and active samples, the industrial application of these methods in the dismantling of installations was studied. These industrial applications concern: - decontamination of pieces coming from the German BWR ISAR by immersion and gel spraying, - decontamination, mainly by gel spraying, and dismantling of the BRENNILIS bituminisation plant, - decontamination of part of the cooling circuit of the graphite gas reactor G2 by gel spraying, - decontamination of a component of the FBR SuperPhenix, using dry abrasives blasting. During the first three applications, generated secondary wastes volume and form were determined. 33 tabs., 16 figs., 12 refs
Original Title
Nouvelles techniques de decontamination: gels chimiques, electrolyse au tampon et abrasifs
Primary Subject
1991; 92 p; CONTRACT NO FI1D-0003
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The Act of the French Parliament passed on 30 December 1991 concerning the management of high activity, long-lived nuclear wastes identifies three main lines of research: the separation of long-lived elements for their transmutation, repository in deep geological formations and, third, conditioning and interim storage. In each of these fields, the research organisation involved are required to provide the necessary scientific and technical assessments before the year 2006 to enable the public authorities to make the appropriate strategic decisions. The French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) drew up the SPIN programme as a response to the first axis of the Act: it essentially involves investigation on the separation and transmutation of the long-lived radionuclides present in spent nuclear fuel. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
274 p; ISBN 92-64-16148-1; ; 1998; p. 39-45; Long-lived radionuclide chemistry in nuclear waste treatment; Villeneuve-les-Avignon (France); 18-20 Jun 1997; 6 refs.
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