[en] This paper is an analysis of studies of thermal decomposition of solids under the effect of an electric field (EF). Examples of this effect are cited. In discussing the EF effect on the rate of decomposition of solids, the following aspects are considered: properties of crystals grown in EF, the EF effect on the electronic and ionic processes in solids, the EF effect on dislocations, the EF effect on luminescence, phase transitions in EF (VO2), adsorption in EF; changes in the properties of solids surfaces under the effect of EF. The importance of electric field variations in the study and control of the rate of thermal decomposition of solids is emphasized
Original Title
Vliyanie ehlektricheskogo polya na termicheskoe razlozhenie tverdykh veshchestv
Primary Subject
182 refs.; for English translation see the journal Russ. Chem. Rev.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Uspekhi Khimii; v. 44(7); p. 1194-1216
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] The results of plastometric testings of Zircaloy-4 zirconium alloy in the temperature range between 500 and 1100 grad C are presented. The testings were executed via hot twisting at 0.5 and 2.5 s-1 deformation rates on Setaram plastometer. Analysis of flow curves is given and the area of maximal ductility of this alloy is established
Original Title
Issledovanie deformatsionnykh kharaktyeristik splava tsirkaloj-4
Primary Subject
3 refs., 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Shikov, A.K.; Kabanov, A.A.; Bocharov, O.V.; Kotrekhov, V.A.; Shtutsa, M.G.; Zavodchikov, S.Yu.
Conference program. Summaries of reports STC-2008. Nuclear fuel a new generation for NPP. Results of development, operating experience and development directions2008
Conference program. Summaries of reports STC-2008. Nuclear fuel a new generation for NPP. Results of development, operating experience and development directions2008
No abstract available
Original Title
Razrabotka i promyshlennoe osvoenie perspektivnykh tekhnologij izgotovleniya tsirkonievoj produktsii
Primary Subject
Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya Rosatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); OAO TVEhL, Moscow (Russian Federation); FGUP Vserossijskij Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Neorganicheskikh Materialov imeni akademika A.A. Bochvara (FGUP VNIINM), Moscow (Russian Federation); 84 p; 2008; p. 45; STC-2008. Nuclear fuel a new generation for NPP. Results of development, operating experience and development directions; NTK-2008. Yadernoe toplivo novogo pokoleniya dlya AEhS. Rezul'taty razrabotki, opyt ehkspluatatsii i napravleniya razvitiya; Moscow (Russian Federation); 19-21 Nov 2008
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Markelov, V.A.; Novikov, V.V.; Kabanov, A.A.; Tselischev, A.V.; Zheltkovskaya, T.N.; Ereomin, S.G.; Kobylyansky, G.P., E-mail: markelov@bochvar.ru2005
[en] Improvement of internally lined claddings of fuels follows the path of developing an inner liner for low alloyed zirconium alloys that has to combines resistance to SCC and high corrosion resistance in steam. Claddings internally lined with corrosion resistant alloys have been developed by several outside companies and a similar objective is being resolved at VNIINM. The set up objective specified the requirements placed on a liner material. With account for the requirements the basic alloying additives were chosen and laboratory-scale zirconium alloy ingots were fabricated that have been processed into strips. Based on the results of the investigations the choice was made of alloys containing Fe, Cr and Nb additives for linear tubing. Semi-commercial ingots of two compositions were fabricated from the developed low alloyed zirconium alloys and pilot batches of full-scale liner tubes based on E110 (Zr-1%Nb) alloy were produced for the VVER-1000 fuels. Out of - and - in pile tests of fabricated tube samples have been launched. (author)
Primary Subject
Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [1236 p.]; 2005; [15 p.]; 2005 water reactor fuel performance meeting; Kyoto (Japan); 2-6 Oct 2005; This CD-ROM can be used for WINDOWS 9x/NT/2000/ME/XP, MACINTOSH and UNIX; Acrobat Reader is included; Data in PDF format, Folder Name papers, Paper ID1043.pdf; 13 refs., 3 figs., 10 tabs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Shikov, A.K.; Bezumov, V.N.; Kabanov, A.A.; Dunaev, A.I.; Kotrekhov, V.A.; Shtutsa, M.G.; Nauman, V.A.; Chinejkin, S.V.
Conference program. Summaries of reports STC-2008. Nuclear fuel a new generation for NPP. Results of development, operating experience and development directions2008
Conference program. Summaries of reports STC-2008. Nuclear fuel a new generation for NPP. Results of development, operating experience and development directions2008
No abstract available
Original Title
Otrabotka tekhnologii polucheniya tsirkonievoj gubki magnietermicheskim metodom
Primary Subject
Gosudarstvennaya Korporatsiya Rosatom, Moscow (Russian Federation); OAO TVEhL, Moscow (Russian Federation); FGUP Vserossijskij Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Neorganicheskikh Materialov imeni akademika A.A. Bochvara (FGUP VNIINM), Moscow (Russian Federation); 84 p; 2008; p. 46; STC-2008. Nuclear fuel a new generation for NPP. Results of development, operating experience and development directions; NTK-2008. Yadernoe toplivo novogo pokoleniya dlya AEhS. Rezul'taty razrabotki, opyt ehkspluatatsii i napravleniya razvitiya; Moscow (Russian Federation); 19-21 Nov 2008
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[en] Comparative investigations of mechanical properties, macro- and microstructure of Zr-1%Nb alloy blanks produced in hot treatment of ingots applying two methods: forging and radial-shear rolling were carried out, and the quality of semi-finished and finished products were evaluated. It was demonstrated that forging had a larger depth of the structure processing as compared with rolling that forms the material state of higher characteristics of strength and impact viscosity and provides its compactness
Проведены сравнительные исследования механических свойств, макро- и микроструктуры материала заготовок из сплава Zr-1%Nb, полученных при горячей обработке слитков двумя способами: ковкой и радиально-сдвиговой прокаткой, а также оценка качества полуфабрикатов и готовых изделий. Показано, что ковка по сравнению с прокаткой имеет большую глубину проработки структуры, что формирует состояние материала с более высокими характеристиками прочности и ударной вязкости, и обеспечивает его компактностьOriginal Title
Sravnitel'nye issledovaniya sposobov proizvodstva polufabrikatov iz tsirkonievykh splavov
Primary Subject
2 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya; ISSN 0021-3438; ; CODEN IVUTAK; (no.1); p. 62-65
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The mechanisms responsible for passing plastic deformation in alloys are determined on the basis of results of X-ray texture analysis of Zr-1 % Nb and Zr-2.5 % Nb model specimens subjected to uniaxial compression at temperatures of β- and (α+β)- phase fields. These mechanisms include crystallographic slip in β-Zr and α-Zr in grains as well as mutual displacement of crystallites along interphase boundaries activated under conditions of α↔β phase transformations and underlying the phenomenon of superplasticity. The contribution of each of mechanisms to formation of semiproducts texture is dependent on temperature-rate compression conditions
На основании результатов рентгеновского текстурного анализа модельных образцов из сплавов Zr-1 % Nb и Zr-2.5 % Nb, подвергнутых одноосному сжатию при температурах β- и (α+β)-областей диаграммы фазового равновесия, установлены механизмы, ответственные за протекание пластической деформации сплавов. В число таких механизмов входит кристаллографическое скольжение в зернах β-Zr и α-Zr, а также диффузионный механизм взаимного перемещения кристаллитов по межфазным границам, активизирующийся в условиях протекания α↔β фазовых превращений и лежащий в основе явления сверхпластичности. Вклад каждого из механизмов в формирование текстуры полуфабрикатов зависит от температурно-скоростного режима сжатияOriginal Title
Mekhanizmy plasticheskoj deformatsii splavov na osnove tsirkoniya v usloviyakh odnoosnogo szhatiya pri razlichnykh temperaturno-skorostnykh rezhimakh
Primary Subject
16 refs., 8 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue