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[en] Bridge- and point-type junctions made of yttrium (YBaCuO) or bismuth (BiPbSnCaCuO) ceramic bars of 2 x 2 mm2 or 2 x 1 mm2 cross section are investigated. It is shown that a two-parametric family of stable states is harnessed in the junction, each state having its own specific R value
Original Title
Issledovanie vol't-ampernykh kharakteristik dzhozefsonovskikh perekhodov iz VTSP keramiki
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] An attempt was made to investigate into concentration and temperature of a beam-plasma system by the laser scattering method. Relativistic electron beam generated by pulse high-current accelerator possessed the following parameters: approximately 1.5 MeV electron energy, approximately 25 kA beam current for approximately 6 sm diameter, approximately 60 ns duration of current pulse. Electron beam was injected into interaction chamber of 130 cm length and 12.8 cm in diameter, filled with neutral gas (Ar or 86% N2+14% SF6 mixtures). Electron beam was transported in external magnetic field of up to 5 Oe strength. Increase of plasma density up to 5x1016 cm-3 at Tsub(e) approximately 1 eV at p > or approximately 3 torr pressures was revealed, which testifies to the presence of collective processes in plasma
Original Title
Ehksperimental'noe issledovanie kontsentratsii i temperatury puchkovoj plazmy metodom lazernogo rasseyaniya
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Soviet Physics - Technical Physics (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoj Fiziki; ISSN 0044-4642; ; v. 53(8); p. 1466-1469
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A method has been proposed for determining the ion component of plasma by fluctuations of the scattered radiation intensity, which makes it possible, applying together with the traditional method of scattering, to measure electron and ion temperatures and density at any values of the Salpeter parameters. The scattering cross section is calculated. A very simple and reliable technique for measurements has been developed. The results of measurements of plasma parameters of an argon plasmatron jet are presented. The results have been compared with the data obtained by other methods. The range of applicability of the method is indicated
Original Title
Diagnostika plazmy metodom flUktuatsij intensiVnosti rasseyannogo izlucheniya
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Soviet Journal of Plasma Physics (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika Plazmy; ISSN 0367-2921; ; v. 5(5); p. 1151-1158
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Ob iskazhenii tomsonovskogo spektra pri malykh ob''emakh rasseyaniya
Primary Subject
4 refs.; published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika Plazmy; v. 2(6); p. 1017-1021
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
Opredelenie parametrov plazmy po otnosheniyu intensivnosti lazernogo izlucheniya, rassiyannogo pod raznymi uglami
Primary Subject
12 refs., published in summary form only; for English translation see the journal High. Temp.
Record Type
Journal Article
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur; v. 13(2); p. 435-438
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The synthesizer of the low-frequency alternating current on the Josephson effect basis is described. The 8-bit Josephson integral microscheme (with the superconductor-insulator-normal metal-insulator-superconductor transitions) with the working frequency of the SHF electrical pumping of 10 GHz is described. Special program software is developed for the synthesizer control. The preliminary results on the low-frequency sinusoidal electric signals are presented in form of tables
Описан синтезатор низкочастотного переменного напряжения на основе эффекта Джозефсона. В приборе использована 8-битная джозефсоновская (с переходами сверхпроводник-изолятор-нормальный металл-изолятор-сверхпроводник) интегральная микросхема с рабочей частотой СВЧ-накачки 10 ГГц. Для управления синтезатором разработано специальное программное обеспечение. Предварительные результаты синтеза низкочастотных синусоидальных электрических сигналов представлены в виде таблицOriginal Title
Tsifrovoj sintezator peremennogo napryazheniya na osnove dzhozefsonovskoj integral'noj skhemy s dvoichnymi sektsiyami
Secondary Subject
11 refs., 3 figs., 3 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The method for studying the dynamics of the strong-shunted Josephson transition, shifted by the experimental periodic current with controlled parameters, is developed. The analytical expressions for the transition processes damping rate and energy consumption, necessary for the Josephson transition switch-over from one quantum state to another one, are obtained. The results for the case of the transition shift by the short (single- and bipolar) pulses in the form of the δ-function are presented in the form of the exact analytical expressions
Развит метод исследования динамики сильношунтированного перехода Джозефсона, смещенного внешним периодическим током с управляемыми параметрами. Получены аналитические выражения для скорости затухания переходных процессов и энергетических затрат, необходимых для переключения перехода Джозефсона из одного квантового состояния в другое. Для случая смещения перехода короткими (одно- и биполярными) импульсами в виде δ-функции результаты представлены в виде точных аналитических выраженийOriginal Title
Dinamika perekhodnykh protsessov, proiskhodyashchikh v sil'noshuntirovannom perekhode Dzhozefsona pri ego smeshchenii posledovatel'nost'yu korotkikh impul'sov toka s upravlyaemymi parametrami
20 refs., 2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki; ISSN 0044-4510; ; CODEN ZETFA7; v. 124(3); p. 691-699
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The rectangular pulse generator on the basis of the Josephson effect is described. The microcircuit with the series of 512 consecutively connected nonhysteresis Josephson transitions pumped in through the SHF- radiation with the frequency of 10 GHz was applied. The quantization pitch and maximum amplitude were determined by the applied microcircuit and pumping frequency and were equal to 0.04 mV and 10 mV correspondingly. The switch-over time constituted ≤ 600 ns by the current control and ≤ 50 ns by the SHF-capacity modulation
Описан генератор прямоугольных импульсов на эффекте Джозефсона. Использовалась микросхема с цепочкой из 512 последовательно соединенных безгистерезисных джозефсоновских переходов, накачиваемых СВЧ-излучением частотой 10 ГГц. Шаг квантования и максимальная амплитуда определялись применяемой микросхемой и частотой накачки и были равны 0.04 мВ и 10 мВ соответственно. Время переключения составляло ≤ 600 нс при токовом управлении и ≤ 50 нс при модуляции СВЧ-мощностиOriginal Title
Generator signalov pryamougol'nykh impul'sov na osnove Dzhozefsonovskoj integral'noj mikroskhemy
16 refs., 4 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The analytical method for studying the electrodynamic properties of the Josephson transitions, irradiated by the pulse series in form of the Dirac δ-function is developed. The actuality of these studies is related to the possibility of creating the digital-analogous transformers and signal synthesizers of the assigned form with fundamental accuracy on the basis of the Josephson effect. The analytical expressions, determining the conditions of the phase capture, the average voltage on the transition and the Shapiro steps boundaries are obtained. The results are presented in the graphical form for the cases of the unipolar and bipolar pumping of the transition. The discussion of the obtained results and their comparison with the earlier known ones are carried out
Развит аналитический метод исследования электродинамических свойств джозефсоновских переходов, облучаемых последовательностью импульсов в виде δ-функции Дирака. Актуальность этих исследований связана с возможностью создания цифро-аналоговых преобразователей и синтезаторов сигналов заданной формы с фундаментальной точностью на основе эффекта Джозефсона. Получены аналитические выражения, определяющие условия захвата фазы, среднее напряжение на переходе и границы ступенек Шапиро. Результаты представлены в графическом виде для случаев однополярной и биполярной накачек перехода. Проведено обсуждение полученных результатов и сравнение их с ранее известнымиOriginal Title
Ehlektrodinamicheskie svojstva dzhozefsonovskogo perekhoda, obluchaemogo posledovatel'nost'yu δ-impul'sov
20 refs., 2 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki; ISSN 0044-4510; ; CODEN ZETFA7; v. 120(6); p. 1478-1485
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Laser light scattering is used to study the density and temperature of a plasma produced in a neutral gas by an electron beam. An increase in the plasma density to 5 x 1016 cm-3 with T/sub e/approx.1 eV was observed at pressures p> or approx. =3 torr, which indicates that collective processes occur in the plasma
Primary Subject
Cover-to-cover translation of Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoj Fiziki (USSR).
Record Type
Journal Article
Soviet Physics - Technical Physics; ISSN 0038-5662; ; v. 28(8); p. 904-906
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue