[en] A defect model explaining the oxygen potential of gadolinia doped urania based on the defect structure of pure urania has been developed. In the hyperstoichiometric region, dopant exists mainly as an isolated form; and in the hypostoichiometric region, as a vacancy-dopant cluster. Gd-dopants are assumed to push away nearby oxygen interstitials reducing the number of interstitial sites. This model explains the discontinuous change of the oxygen potential at O/M=2 as well as the increase of the potential with the dopant concentration
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Korean Nuclear Society, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 607 p; 1991; p. 405-415; 1991 spring meeting of the KNS; Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 24-25 May 1991; Available from KNS, Taejon (KR); 10 refs, 5 figs, 5 tabs
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[en] A defect model explaining the oxygen potential of Gadolinia doped urania based on the defect structure of pure urania has been developed. Gd-dopants are assumed to stay in the cation sites pushing away nearby oxygen interstitials reducing the number of interstitials sites. Gd-dopants also form dopant-vacancy clusters in the abundance of oxygen vacancies. This model explains the discontinuous change of the oxygen potential at O/M = as well as the increase of the potential with the dopant concentration. (Author)
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Kim, Jang Wook; Suh, Jung Min; Kwon, Jung Taek; Kim, Kyu Tae
Proceedings of international symposium on research reactor and neutron science2005
Proceedings of international symposium on research reactor and neutron science2005
[en] Recently some defective fuel rods and intact fuel rods were transported from the storage pool in the nuclear power plant site to the PIE facility in KAERI. The non-destructive examination, destructive examination, and chemical examination were carried out in the hot cells. Then the oxide layer thickness of clad inner surface and outer surface were examined. In this study, the oxide state and hydride structure of the intact fuel rod and the defective fuel rod are evaluated with the results of the PIE
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The Korean Nuclear Society, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 922 p; 2005; p. 262-266; International symposium on research reactor and neutron science; Taejon (Korea, Republic of); 11-13 Apr 2005; Available from Korean Nuclear Society, Taejon (KR); 4 refs, 10 figs
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[en] To evaluate the brain MRI findings in patients with neuropsychiatric lupus. In 26 patients (M:F = 2:24 ; aged 9-48 years) in whom the presence of systemic lupus erythematosus was clinically or pathologically proven and in whom neuropsychiatric lupus was also clinically diagnosed, the findings of brain MRI were retrospectively evaluated. MR images were analyzed with regard to the distribution, location, size and number of lesions due to cerebral ischemia or infarction, the presence of cerebral atrophy, and the extent and degree of brain parenchymal and intravascular enhancement. The most common MRI findings were lesions due to cerebral ischemia or infarction occurring in 18 patients (69%), and located within deep periventricular white matter (n=10), subcortical white matter (n=8), the cerebral cortex (n=7), basal ganglia (n=7), or brain stem or cerebellum (n=2). The lesions were single (n=3) or multiple (n=15), and in 17 patients were less than 1cm in diameter in regions other than the cerebral cortex. In six of these patients, lesions of 1-4cm in diameter in this region were combined, and one occurred in the cerebral cortex only. Cerebral atrophy was seen in 16 patients (62%), in ten of whom there was no past history of treatment with steroids for more than six months. In 15 patients (58%), contrast-enhanced MR image revealed diffuse enhancement of the basal ganglia or intravascular enhancement. In no case were MRI findings normal. The primary mainfestations of neuropsychiatric lupus are multifocal ischemia or infarctions in the cerebral cortex, and subcortical and deep white matter, and the cerebral atrophy. Contrast-enhanced MR images also demonstrated diffuse enhancement of the basal ganglia and intravascular enhancement, both thought to be related to the congestion due to the stagnation of cerebral blood flow
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16 refs, 3 figs
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Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 0301-2867; ; v. 43(6); p. 657-661
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[en] We evaluated the imaging abnormalities of the brain observed during and after treatment of acute childhood lymphoblastic leukemia. The study group consisted of 30 patients (male : female=19 : 11 ; mean age, 64 months) with acute childhood lymphoblastic leukemia during the previous ten-year period who had undergone prophylaxis of the central nervous system. Irrespective of the CNS symptoms, base-line study of the brain involving CT and follow-up CT or MRI was undertaken more than once. We retrospectively evaluated the imaging findings, methods of treatment, associated CNS symptoms, and the interval between diagnosis and the time at which brain abnormalities were revealed by imaging studies. In 15 (50% ; male : female=9 : 6 ; mean age, 77 months) of 30 patients, brain abnormalities that included brain atrophy (n=9), cerebral infarctions (n=4), intracranial hemorrhage (n=1), mineralizing microangiopathy (n=2), and periventricular leukomalacia (n=3) were seen on follow-up CT or MR images. In four of nine patients with brain atrophy, imaging abnormalities such as periventricular leukomalacia (n=2), infarction (n=1) and microangiopathy (n=1) were demonstrated. Fourteen of the 15 patients underwent similar treatment ; the one excluded had leukemic cells in the CSF. Six patients had CNS symptoms. In the 15 patients with abnormal brain imaging findings, the interval between diagnosis and the demonstration of brain abnormalities was between one month and four years. After the cessation of treatment, imaging abnormalities remained in all patients except one with brain atrophy. Various imaging abnormalities of the brain may be seen during and after the treatment of acute childhood lymphoblastic leukemia and persist for a long time. In children with this condition, the assessment of brain abnormalities requires follow-up study of the brain
Primary Subject
31 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 0301-2867; ; v. 45(3); p. 309-315
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[en] Renal hemangioma is an uncommon benign tumor which usually causes painless or painful gross hematuria. Its preoperative diagnosis is extremely difficult or even impossible. We experienced three cases of renal hemangioma, located mainly at the pelvocalyceal junction or in the inner medulla. US demonstrated variable echogenecity, and CT revealed a lack of significant enhancement. Where there is gross hematuria in a young adult, especially when the renal mass located in the pelvocalyceal junction or inner medulla shows little enhancement on CT, renal hemangioma should form part of the differential diagnosis
Primary Subject
12 refs, 3 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Journal Article
Korean Journal of Radiology; ISSN 1229-6929; ; v. 1(1); p. 60-63
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