King, O G; Max-Moerbeck, W; Richards, J L; Pavlidou, V; Pearson, T J; Readhead, A C S, E-mail: ogk@astro.caltech.edu2012
[en] The OVRO 40 m Telescope monitoring program carries out twice-weekly measurements of the 15 GHz flux density of nearly 1600 blazars and other AGN, including all those associated with northern (declination > -20 degrees) Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) detections and a preselected sample ideal for statistical studies. We present some results from the program and describe the statistical method we have developed to assess the intrinsic radio variability of the sources in our sample. We also present a method for assessing the significance of correlations between radio and gamma-ray light curves.
Primary Subject
International workshop on beamed and unbeamed gamma-rays from galaxies; Muonio (Finland); 11-15 Apr 2011; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 355(1); [7 p.]
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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Ajello, M.; Shaw, M. S.; Romani, R. W.; Costamante, L.; Reimer, A.; Dermer, C. D.; King, O. G.; Max-Moerbeck, W.; Readhead, A.; Richards, J. L.; Stevenson, M., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: rwr@astro.stanford.edu2012
[en] Fermi has provided the largest sample of γ-ray-selected blazars to date. In this work we use a complete sample of flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) detected during the first year of operation to determine the luminosity function (LF) and its evolution with cosmic time. The number density of FSRQs grows dramatically up to redshift ∼0.5-2.0 and declines thereafter. The redshift of the peak in the density is luminosity dependent, with more luminous sources peaking at earlier times; thus the LF of γ-ray FSRQs follows a luminosity-dependent density evolution similar to that of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei. Also, using data from the Swift Burst Alert Telescope we derive the average spectral energy distribution (SED) of FSRQs in the 10 keV-300 GeV band and show that there is no correlation between the luminosity at the peak of the γ-ray emission component and its peak frequency. Using this luminosity-independent SED with the derived LF allows us to predict that the contribution of FSRQs to the Fermi isotropic γ-ray background is 9.3+1.6–1.0% (±3% systematic uncertainty) in the 0.1-100 GeV band. Finally we determine the LF of unbeamed FSRQs, finding that FSRQs have an average Lorentz factor of γ = 11.7+3.3–2.2, that most are seen within 5° of the jet axis, and that they represent only ∼0.1% of the parent population.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] Whether or not a correlation exists between the radio and gamma-ray flux densities of blazars is a long-standing question, and one that is difficult to answer confidently because of various observational biases, which may either dilute or apparently enhance any intrinsic correlation between radio and gamma-ray luminosities. We introduce a novel method of data randomization to evaluate quantitatively the effect of these biases and to assess the intrinsic significance of an apparent correlation between radio and gamma-ray flux densities of blazars. The novelty of the method lies in a combination of data randomization in luminosity space (to ensure that the randomized data are intrinsically, and not just apparently, uncorrelated) and significance assessment in flux space (to explicitly avoid Malmquist bias and automatically account for the limited dynamical range in both frequencies). The method is applicable even to small samples that are not selected with strict statistical criteria. For larger samples we describe a variation of the method in which the sample is split in redshift bins, and the randomization is applied in each bin individually; this variation is designed to yield the equivalent to luminosity-function sampling of the underlying population in the limit of very large, statistically complete samples. We show that for a smaller number of redshift bins, the method yields a worse significance, and in this way it is conservative: although it may fail to confirm an existing intrinsic correlation in a small sample that cannot be split into many redshift bins, it will not assign a stronger, artificially enhanced significance. We demonstrate how our test performs as a function of number of sources, strength of correlation, and number of redshift bins used, and we show that while our test is robust against common-distance biases and associated false positives for uncorrelated data, it retains the power of other methods in rejecting the null hypothesis of no correlation for correlated data.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL