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Paterson, J.A.; Koehler, G.; Wells, R.P.
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1981
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1981
[en] The Neutral Beam Engineering Test Facility will test Neutral Beam Sources up to 170 keV, 65 Amps, with 30 second beam-on times. For this application actively cooled beam dumps for both the neutral and ionized particles will be required. The dumps will be able to dissipate a wide range of power density profiles by utilizing a standard modular panel design which is incorporated into a moveable support structure. The thermal hydraulic design of the panels permit the dissipation of 2 kW/cm2 anywhere on the panel surface. The water requirements of the dumps are optimized by restricting the flow to panel sections where the heat flux falls short of the design value. The mechanical design of the beam-dump structures is described along with tests performed on a prototype panel. The prototype tests were performed on two different panel designs, one manufactured by Mc Donnell Douglas (MDAC) the other by United Technologies (UT). The dissipation capabilities of the panels were tested at the critical regions to verify their use in the beam dump assemblies
Primary Subject
Oct 1981; 6 p; 9. symposium on engineering problems of fusion research; Chicago, IL, USA; 26 - 29 Oct 1981; CONF-811040--134; Available from NTIS., PC A02/MF A01 as DE82004567
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Rimmer, R.; Koehler, G.
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2001
Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Funding organisation: US Department of Energy (United States)2001
[en] This paper discusses the design, fabrication and testing of a high power alumina disk window in WR1500 waveguide at L Band, suitable for use in the NLC damping ring RF cavities at 714 MHz and the LEDA Accelerator at 700 MHz. The design is based on the fabrication methods used for the successful PEP-II cavity windows. Four prototype windows at 700 MHz have been produced by LBNL for testing at LANL. The RF design and simulation using MAFIA, laboratory cold test measurements, fabrication methods and preliminary high power test results are discussed
Primary Subject
1 May 2001; 3500 Kilobytes; W-7405-ENG-36; Available from PURL:
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Feinberg, B.; Tanabe, J.; Halbach, K.; Koehler, G.; Green, M.I.
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1987
Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (USA)1987
[en] A prototype permanent-magnet drift tube quadrupole with adjustable field strength has been constructed and tested. The magnet uses iron pole pieces to provide the required field shape along with rare earth permanent-magnet material (samarium cobalt) to energize the magnet. A unique feature of the configuration is the adjustability of the field, accomplished by rotating the outer rings consisting of permanent magnets and iron. In contrast with a previous prototype magnet, this new design uses ball bearings in place of slide bearings to eliminate potential failures. The rotation is now achieved with a bevel gear mechanism. The prototype design also incorporates a new drift tube shell vacuum seal to allow easy disassembly. Tests were made of the magnetic properties and the mechanical performance of this magnet. Field errors are extremely small, and the magnet passed an accelerated ten year lifetime test. It is planned to use this type of magnet to replace 24 of the SuperHILAC prestripper drift tubes
Primary Subject
Mar 1987; 6 p; Particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (USA); 16-19 Mar 1987; CONF-870302--152; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE87009176; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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A rapid on-line technique for the determination of the δ18O and δ17O of gaseous and dissolved oxygen
Wassenaar, L.I.; Koehler, G.
International symposium on isotope techniques in water resources development and management. Book of extended synopses1999
International symposium on isotope techniques in water resources development and management. Book of extended synopses1999
No abstract available
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris (France); 290 p; May 1999; p. 274-275; International symposium on isotope techniques in water resources development and management; Vienna (Austria); 10-14 May 1999; IAEA-SM--361/90P; 4 refs
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[en] The goal of this paper is 1) to demonstrate a field sampling protocol for gaseous and dissolved oxygen and 2) to outline a rapid, on-line GC-CF-IRMS analytical procedure to measure the δ18O and δ17O of O2 gas. Preliminary data from field sites will also be presented to demonstrate the potential utility of oxygen gas isotope analysis as a tracer, and show a wide range of δ18O2 values encountered in different environments in Canada
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); [CD-ROM]; Dec 1999; [2 p.]; International symposium on isotope techniques in water resources development and management; Vienna (Austria); 10-14 May 1999; ISSN 1562-4153; ; Available on 1 CD-ROM from IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit. E-mail:; Web site:; Data in PDF format; Acrobat Reader for Windows 3.x, 95, 98, NT and Macintosh included. 4 refs
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Rimmer, R.A.; Corlett, J.N.; Koehler, G.; Li, D.; Hartman, N.; Rasson, J.; Saleh, T.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director. Office of Science. Office of High Energy Physics (United States)1999
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director. Office of Science. Office of High Energy Physics (United States)1999
[en] This report contains a summary of the R and D activities at LBNL on RF cavities for the NLC damping rings during fiscal year19999. These activities include the optimization of the RF design for both efficiency and damping of higher-order (HOMs), by systematic study of the cavity profile, the effect of the beam pipe diameter, nosecone angle and gap, the cross section and position of the HOM damping waveguides and the coupler. The effect of the shape of the HOM waveguides and their intersection with the cavity wall on the local surface heating is also an important factor, since it determines the highest stresses in the cavity body. This was taken into account during the optimization so that the stresses could be reduced at the same time as the HOP damping was improved over previous designs. A new method of calculating the RF heating was employed, using a recently released high frequency electromagnetic element in ANSYS. This greatly facilitates the thermal and stress analysis of the design and fabrication methods have been developed with the goals of lower stresses, fewer parts and simpler assembly compared to previous designs. This should result in substantial cost savings. Preliminary designs are described for the cavity ancillary components including the RF window, HOM loads, and tuners. A preliminary manufacturing plan is included, with an initial estimate of the resource requirements. Other cavity options are discussed which might be desirable to either lower the R/Q, for reduced transient response, or lower the residual HOM impedance to reduce coupled-bunch growth rates further still
Primary Subject
1 Nov 1999; 84 p; CBP-TECH-NOTE--196, LCC--0033; BNR: KA--1501020; AC02-05CH11231; Also available from OSTI as DE00877315; PURL:
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No abstract available
Original Title
ESMA- und SIMS-Untersuchungen reibgeschweisster Werkstuecke
Primary Subject
Chemische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin; Technische Hochschule, Karl-Marx-Stadt (German Democratic Republic). Sektion Chemie und Werkstofftechnik; Wissenschaftliche Tagung Technische Hochschule Karl-Marx-Stadt; no. 6; 190 p; 1984; p. 50-51; 4. meeting on analysis of solids; Karl-Marx-Stadt (German Democratic Republic); 26-29 Jun 1984; Published in summary form only.
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Rimmer, R.A.; Koehler, G.; Li, D.; Hartman, N.; Folwell, N.; Hodgson, J.; Ko, K.; McCandless, B.
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director. Office of Science. Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Office of Nuclear Physics (United States)1999
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Director. Office of Science. Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Office of Nuclear Physics (United States)1999
[en] This report describes the results of numerical simulations of the PEP-II RF cavity performed after the completion of the construction phase of the project and comparisons are made to previous calculations and measured results. These analyses were performed to evaluate new calculation techniques for the HOM distribution and RF surface heating that were not available at the time of the original design. These include the use of a high frequency electromagnetic element in ANSYS and the new Omega 3P code to study wall losses, and the development of broadband time domain simulation methods in MAFIA for the HOM loading. The computed HOM spectrum is compared with cavity measurements and observed beam-induced signals. The cavity fabrication method is reviewed, with the benefit of hindsight, and simplifications are discussed
Primary Subject
1 Nov 1999; 34 p; CBP-TECH-NOTE--197, LCC-0032; BNR: KA--1501020; AC--02-05CH11231; Available from OSTI as DE00877604; PURL:
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Koehler, G.; Schartz, J.; Schueler, H.
Aspects of radiation protection with regard to radioactive contamination1983
Aspects of radiation protection with regard to radioactive contamination1983
[en] Dismantled reactor components from nuclear facilities represent a considerable value; from an economic point of view, the utilization of such materials is considered imperative, as stipulated by section 9 of the Atomic Energy Act and sect. 5 of the Federal Nuisance Control law (BImSchG). The dismantled reactor components are not to be disposed of as radioactive waste, but to be utilized in an unharmful way. The unharmful utilization is 'handling of radiactive materials' according to section 1 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance, Successful decontamination in an indispensable precondition for handling of such materials without the need for approval and/or notification (Sect. 4, Radiation Protection Ordinance). In the past, considerable problems emerged as to the reproducibility of dose rate and contamination measurements. Most of these irregularities occurred because of different measuring methods and the use of improper and/or different measuring equipment. To minimize these problems, a standardization of measurement is suggested. For this purpose, a measurement regulation was elaborated. The lecturer enters into the problem of giving proof of the dose limits for surface contamination prescribed by law for approval measurements. The work carried out so far is reviewed. Measurement problems occurred in the past are illustrated by individual examples. The difficulties and proposals for possible solutions are put up for discussion. (orig.)
Demontierte Anlagenteile aus kerntechnischen Anlagen stellen ein betraechtliches Vermoegen dar; auch aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht erscheint die Verwertung dieser Stoffe geboten, wie es auch Para. 9 AtG und Para. 5 BImSchG vorschreiben. Die demontierten Anlagenteile sollten nicht als radioaktiver Abfall beseitigt, sondern schadlos verwertet werden. Die schadlose Verwertung ist ein 'Umgang mit radioaktiven Stoffen' gemaess Para. 1 StrlSchV. Die erfolgreiche Dekontamination ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung, um mit den Teilen genehmigungs- bzw. anzeigefrei umgehen zu koennen (Para. 4 StrlSchV). In der Vergangenheit traten erhebliche Schwierigkeiten bei der Reproduzierbarkeit von Dosisleistungs-und Kontaminationsmessungen auf. Diese Abweichungen treten zum groessten Teil durch unterschiedliche Vorgehensweise bei Durchfuehrung der Messungen und durch das Verwenden ungeeigneter bzw. verschiedener Messgeraete auf. Zur Verringerung dieser Probleme wird eine Vereinheitlichung der Messungen vorgeschlagen. Dazu wurde eine Messvorschrift erarbeitet. Es wird auf das Problem des Nachweises der gesetzlich vorgegebenen Grenzwerte der Oberflaechenkontamination fuer Freigabemessungen eingegangen. Die bisher durchgefuehrten Arbeiten werden beschrieben. Anhand von konkreten Beispielen werden die in der Vergangenheit aufgetretenen messtechnischen Probleme aufgezeigt. Die aufgetretenen Schwierigkeiten und etwaige Loesungsvorschlaege werden zur Diskussion gestellt. (orig.)Original Title
Probleme bei der Ausmessung kontaminierter Anlagenteile
Primary Subject
Fachverband fuer Strahlenschutz e.V., Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.); 669 p; Nov 1983; p. 77-84; 17. annual Meeting of the Fachverband fuer Strahlenschutz e.V; Aachen (Germany, F.R.); 8-10 Jun 1983; Available from Eidgenoessisches Inst. fuer Reaktorforschung, Wuerenlingen (Switzerland)
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Feinberg, B.; Tanabe, J.; Halbach, K.; Koehler, G.; Green, M.I.
Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE particle accelerator conference: Accelerator engineering and technology1987
Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE particle accelerator conference: Accelerator engineering and technology1987
[en] A prototype permanent-magnet drift tube quadrupole with adjustable field strength has been constructed and tested. The magnet uses iron pole pieces to provide the required field shape along with rare earth permanent-magnet material (samarium cobalt) to energize the magnet. A unique feature of the configuration is the adjustability of the field, accomplished by rotating the outer rings consisting of permanent magnets and iron. In contrast with a previous prototype magnet, this new design uses ball bearings in place of slide bearings to eliminate potential failures. The rotation is now achieved with a bevel gear mechanism. The prototype design also incorporated a new drift tube shell vacuum seal to allow easy disassembly. Tests were made of the magnetic properties and the mechanical performance of this magnet. Field errors are extremely small, and the magnet passed an accelerated ten year lifetime test. It is planned to use this type of magnet to replace 24 of the SuperHILAC prestripper drift tubes
Primary Subject
Lindstrom, E.R.; Taylor, L.S; 2030 p; 1987; p. 1419-1421; IEEE Service Center; Piscataway, NJ (USA); Particle accelerator conference; Washington, DC (USA); 16-19 Mar 1987; CONF-870302--
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