[en] The paper deals with the controversial role which nuclear energy played at the UN conference on environment and development of June 1992 in Rio
Original Title
Die Kernenergie in Rio: Mauerbluemchen oder tabu?
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] An exchange of open letters between an antagonist and a protagonist of atomic energy power generation. Following the reactor accident at Chernobyl, the first correspondent (H. Hubacher) suggests that energy conservation, together with additional emphasis on renewable energy sources, should permit abandonment of nuclear power without additional costs. He points to the costs of nuclear waste disposal, and to the statistical risks of future accidents. The other correspondent (M. Kohn) suggests that abandonment of nuclear power generation is proposed by special interests groups, and that alternative power generation from fossil fuels also poses dangers. He emphasises the enormous costs of abandoning nuclear energy. (G.M.E.)
Original Title
Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie
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Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The effects of modern technological developments on society are discussed, and it is noted that laymen are usually sceptical about technical promises, especially relating to accident prevention. It is suggested that engineers should be trained to consider safety, to use comprehensible language rather than jargon, to have some general knowledge, and to be aware of the media. As an example the author considers the information given at the time of the Chernobyl reactor accident. (G.M.E./G.T.H.)
Original Title
Der Energiefachmann im Spannungsfeld zwischen Technik und Gesellschaft
Primary Subject
Supersedes Elektrotech. Maschinenbau.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Switzerland and Austria, neighbouring countries with similar topography and climate, and political and social similarities have also comparable total and per capita energy consumption. In both countries approximately 70% of the electricity is generated in hydro power stations; the remaining 30% is generated in thermal power stations, fossil-fuel fired in Austria and nuclear and one oil-fired station in Switzerland. Future prospects and policy for the electricity supply industry are considered, the balance between supply and demand is discussed and reference is made to the Swiss nuclear power position. (P.G.R.)
Original Title
Tages- und Zukunftsfragen der Elektrizitaetspolitik
Primary Subject
Meeting of the Association of Austrian Electricity Undertakings on 'Electricity in our time'; Lienz (Austria); 25 Apr 1984
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Elektrizitaetswirtschaft; ISSN 0029-9618; ; v. 37(9); p. 371-380
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[en] The reasons for the excellent construction and operation records of Swiss reactors are examined. The factors contributing to the high reliability and excellent safety records are discussed. These include: selection of the plant concept, quality of suppliers, management practices, the approach to licensing, and the training of plant personnel. (UK)
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Fendel, H.; Schneider, K.; Kohn, M.; Bakowski, C.; Endemann, B.; Freidhof, C.; Stein, E.
Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany); Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Kinderklinik1996
Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany); Muenchen Univ. (Germany). Kinderklinik1996
[en] This initial research project was intended to elaborate and provide a retrospective survey and a collection of basic data showing the efficiency of frequent diagnostic applications of radiation in paediatrics. The results of the study are summarized as follows: Paediatricians' advanced training for treatment of frequent disease in children obviously has been ignoring the significance of affections of the urinary tract, so that in general doctors are giving preference to sonography as an entrance examination for young infants, and diagnostic radiology frequently is applied too late. There is urgent need for in-depth quality assurance measures in diagnostic radiology of infants. The codes of practice first published by the Bundesaerztekammer in 1989 and revised and amended in 1995 are only paper in many hospitals and practices. One reason is outdated equipment. Equipment specifications for paediatric applications have to be distributed in order to avoid gross mistakes in diagnostic imaging. Also, the lack of experience of doctors and radiographers in diagnostic radiology of infants and young children adds up to the technical deficiencies. Regulatory requirements need to be established in order to ensure acquisition and proof of expert training and knowledge in paediatric radiology and radiography, and suitable advanced training. Further research projects are needed in order to ascertain the impact of novel and recent methods, as for instance digital radiography, on radiation dose and image quality. Further, data have to be collected on the radiation dose administered during fluoroscopy and computed tomography in paediatrics. (orig./MG)
Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war zunaechst die Basisdaten ueber haeufige Roentgenaufnahmen in der Paediatrie zu erheben. Die Erhebungen fuehrten zu folgenden Schlussfolgerungen: Die Fortbildung der Paediater bei haeufigen Erkrankungen im Kindesalter beruecksichtigt offensichtlich nicht ausreichend Erkrankungen des Harntraktes. Die wirklich indizierte radiologische Diagnostik wird bei jungen Saeuglingen zugunsten der Sonographie haeufig zu spaet durchgefuehrt. Qualitaetssicherung in der diagnostischen Strahlenanwendung bei Saeuglingen ist ein dringendes Problem. Die 1989 erstmals publizierten und 1995 neu gefassten Richtlinien der Bundesaerztekammer werden in vielen Kliniken und Praxen nicht eingehalten. Eine der Ursachen ist die veraltete Geraetetechnik. Es sind Geraetespezifikationen fuer die Paediatrie notwendig, um grobe Fehler in der Aufnahmetechnik zu vermeiden. In der paediatrischen Roentgenaufnahmetechnik besteht ein erhebliches Ausbildungsdefizit bei MTRA und Aerzten, die nur selten Kinder roentgen. Es sind daher Nachweise zu fordern, welche die Roentgendiagnostik beim Kind nur den Personen gestatten, die eine gezielte Weiterbildung in paediatrischer Radiographie/Radiologie erhalten haben. Zudem sind dauernde Fortbildungsnachweise einzufordern. Weitere Forschungsprojekte sind notwendig, um die Auswirkungen neuer Techniken, z.B. die digital Radiographie, auf Dosis und Bildqualitaet zu ermitteln. Ferner sind Untersuchungen zur Strahlenbelastung bei der Roentgendurchleuchtung und der Computertomographie im Saeuglings- und Kindesalter dringend geboten. (orig./MG)Original Title
Wirksamkeit von Strahlenanwendungen in der Kinderheilkunde
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Mar 1996; 151 p; ISSN 0724-3316; ; CONTRACT BMU ST.SCH. 4024/887; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
Record Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Haskin, M.E.; Robbins, C.; Kohn, M.; Laffey, P.A.; Haskin, P.H.; Teplick, J.G.; Teplick, S.K.; Peyster, R.G.
The 72nd scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (Abstracts)1986
The 72nd scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (Abstracts)1986
[en] The authors have found annotated images an effective way of communicating the results of imaging studies to referring physicians. Of particular value is the collation of representative images from several modalities. Previously, hard copy of this collation was sent to the referring physician as an integrated imaging report. Recently they developed a computer-based station that transmits annotated images to remote personal computer (PC) terminals via a telephone modem which requires 30 seconds to send each image. This annotated image report can be quickly accessed by the referring physician at the remote PC terminal The prototype system, utility, diagnostic fidelity, and potential of this remote system are described
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Anon; p. 25; 1986; p. 25; Radiological Society of North America Inc; Oak Brook, IL (USA); 72. scientific assembly and annual meeting of RSNA; Chicago, IL (USA); 30 Nov - 5 Dec 1986
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] A prospective sample of 69 healthy adults, age range 18-80 years, was studied with magnetic resonance imaging scans of the entire cranium. Volumes were obtained by a segmentation algorithm that uses proton density and T2 pixel values to correct field inhomogeneities (shading). Average (±SD) brain volume, excluding cerebellum, was 1090.91 ml and cerebrospinal fluid (DSF) volume was 127.91 ml. Brain volume was higher (by 5 ml) in the right hemisphere. Men had 91 ml higher brain and 20 ml higher CSF volume than women. Age was negatively correlated with brain volume and positively correlated with CSF volume. The slope fo the regression line with age for CSF was steeper for men than women. This difference in slopes was significant for sulca but not ventricular, CSF. The greatest amount of atrophy in elderly men was in the left hemisphere, whereas is women age effects were symmetric. The findings may point to neuroanatomic substrates of hemispheric specialization and gender differences in age-related changes in brain function. They suggest that women are less vulnerable to age-related changes in mental abilities, whereas men are particularly susceptible to aging effects on left hemispheric functions
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; ISSN 0027-8424; ; CODEN PNASA; v. 88(7); p. 2845-2849
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This Europe-wide dosimetry study, covering 89 departments in 11 EC countries, measured entrance surface dose (ESD) using TLDs, and surveyed X ray equipment and radiographic techniques used for frequent paediatric X ray examinations of the chest, abdomen, pelvis, skull and spine. The survey was limited to infants (10 months, 4 months and prematures of ∼ 1 kg). Data analysis shows that radiographic techniques differed widely. This was one of the reasons for the large variations in ESD of an order of magnitude of 1:50. A substantial number of departments used either very old X ray generators and/or techniques which are poorly suited for paediatric radiology. A significant dose reduction was seen when recommended guidelines for good radiographic technique were followed. The results of this study emphasize the necessity for the adherence to easily followed guidelines for the improvement of training and equipment in paediatric radiology
Primary Subject
Kramer, H.M.; Schnuer, K. (eds.); Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg (Luxembourg); 315 p; 1992; p. 31-36; Seminar on Dosimetry in Diagnostic Radiology; Luxembourg (Luxembourg); 19-21 Mar 1991
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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