Koster, J.N.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1980
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1980
[en] Convective flow phenomena (draft flow, Hele-Show flow) in a variety of slender vertical gaps heated from below subject to specified lateral boundary conditions are investigated. Temperature fields in the fluids are visualized by holographic interferometry. Power density spectra of time dependent thermocoupole signals are calculated. Flows in porous materials are simulated with the aid of the experiment. (orig./HP)
Es werden Konvektionsvorgaenge (Auftriebstroemungen, Hele-Show-Stroemung) in engen von unten beheizten vertikalen Spalten mit unterschiedlichen Abmessungen und seitlichen thermischen Randbedingungen untersucht. Die Temperaturfelder in den Fluessigkeiten werden mit der holographischen Interferometrie visualisiert. Leistungsdichtespektren werden von den zeitabhaengigen Signalen von Thermoelementen ermittelt. Die Experimente dienen zur Simulation von Stroemungen in poroesen Stoffen. (orig./HP)Original Title
Freie Konvektion in vertikalen Spalten
Primary Subject
Oct 1980; 150 p; (Diss.).
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Koster, J.N.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1982
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1982
[en] Some common experimental techniques to determine local velocities and to visualize temperature fields in natural convection research are discussed. First the physics and practice of anemometers are discussed with emphasis put on optical anemometers. In the second and third case the physics and practice of the most developed interferometers are discussed; namely differential interferometry for visualization of temperature gradient fields and holographic interferometry for visualization of temperature fields. At the Institut fuer Reaktorbauelemente these three measuring techniques are applied for convection and pipe flow studies. (orig.)
Es werden einige gebraeuchliche experimentelle Techniken zur Bestimmung von lokalen Geschwindigkeiten und zur Sichtbarmachung von Temperaturfeldern in Untersuchungen zur Naturkonvektion diskutiert. Zuerst werden die Physik und Anwendung der Anemometer diskutiert, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei den optischen Anemometer liegt. Zum zweiten und dritten werden die Physik und Praxis der am weitesten entwickelten Interferometer diskutiert, und zwar die Differentialinterferometrie zur Sichtbarmachung von Temperaturgradientenfeldern und die holographische Interferometrie zur Sichtbarmachung der Temperaturfelder. Diese drei Messtechniken werden im Institut fuer Reaktorbauelemente zum Studium von Konvektions- und Rohrstroemungen eingesetzt. (orig.)Original Title
Methodes experimentales en convection naturelle
Primary Subject
Nov 1982; 33 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Koster, J.N.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1987
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1987
[en] This paper studies the time dependent convective flows in Hele-Shaw slots which are heated from below. In this experimental study, the evolution of oscillatory phenomena is traced through the time dependent regime which is bounded on either side by regions of steady flow. The history of thermal events is recorded by thermocouples which protrude into the test fluid (silicon oil, Pr ≅ 37) at the four corners of the cavity. Flow patterns are visualized by holographic interferometry and temperature signals are analyzed using Fourier transforms and correlation functions. The results of this investigation show that the richness of the dynamic behavior of time dependent convective flows in high Prandtl number fluids is determined by the interaction of individual, spatially distributed instability events. Additionally, this behavior is dependent on the symmetry of the flow pattern which governs phase-locking properties of thermal plumes developing at different locations. (orig.)
Dieser Bericht untersucht zeitabhaengige Konvektionsstroemungen in von unten beheizten Hele-Shaw-Spalten. In dieser experimentellen Arbeit wird die Entwicklung oszillatorischer Phaenomene verfolgt. Sie findet in einem zeitabhaengigen Bereich statt, der beidseitig von stationaeren Stroemungszustaenden begrenzt wird. Das thermische Verhalten wird mit Thermoelementen registriert, die in den vier Ecken der Zelle in die Experimentierfluessigkeit (Silikonoel, Pr ≅ 37) ragen. Die Stroemungsmuster werden mittels holographischer Interferometrie sichtbar gemacht; die Temperatursignale werden mit Hilfe von Fourier-Transformationen und Korrelationsfunktionen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Vielfaeltigkeit des dynamischen Verhaltens zeitabhaengiger Stroemungen in Fluessigkeiten mit hohen Prandtlzahlen von den Wechselwirkungen einzelner, raeumlich verteilter Instabilitaeten bestimmt wird. Die Symmetrie des Stroemungsmusters ist dabei verantwortlich fuer die Phasenkopplung von thermischen ''Plumes'', die an verschiedenen Orten entstehen. (orig.)Primary Subject
Jul 1987; 38 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Koster, J.N.
ASME proceedings of the 32nd national heat transfer conference (HTD-Vol. 350). Volume 12: Fundamental experiment techniques in heat transfer; Thermal hydraulics of advanced nuclear reactors; Heat and mass transfer in supercritical liquid systems; Heat transfer in energy conversion; Heat transfer equipment; Heat transfer in gas turbine systems1997
ASME proceedings of the 32nd national heat transfer conference (HTD-Vol. 350). Volume 12: Fundamental experiment techniques in heat transfer; Thermal hydraulics of advanced nuclear reactors; Heat and mass transfer in supercritical liquid systems; Heat transfer in energy conversion; Heat transfer equipment; Heat transfer in gas turbine systems1997
[en] Segregation in compound electronic materials and advanced structural alloys is one of the prime foci in materials research. A radioscopic technique was developed to visualize density fields in opaque metallic melts. Beginning with pure element melts, the technique was refined to study alloys. With the pure monocomponent gallium every experiment delivered results that are in line with current theories. When alloying the gallium with indium, the experiments showed under specific conditions serious discrepancies with theory, such as a threshold for onset of convection in natural convection situations. This threshold is linked to an observation of a substantial gravitational segregation of indium in the melt which is, for currently unknown reasons, more than predicted by thermodynamic theory. Further, thermosolutal convection, which is also expected in the alloyed melts, does not develop according to predictions in salt solutions. In conclusion, the experiments have revealed several deficiencies in current theoretical treatments of liquid metal convection with solidification which emphasize the crucial need for experiments to validate analytical and numerical models
Primary Subject
Beasley, D.E.; Hassan, Y.A.; Cheung, F.B.; Yang, B.; Presser, C.; Olsen, D.A.; Tong, W.; Phelan, P.; Swanson, L.W.; McEligot, D.W.; Bogard, D.G. (eds.); Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO (United States); 261 p; ISBN 0-7918-1817-9; ; 1997; p. 15-22; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; New York, NY (United States); 32. National Heat Transfer Conference; Baltimore, MD (United States); 8-12 Aug 1997; Also available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 (US); $100.00
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Koster, J.N.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Schneller Brueter1977
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente; Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany, F.R.). Projekt Schneller Brueter1977
[en] Holographic interferometry is well suited for visualizing temperature, density, pressure and concentration fields in transparent fluids. The holographic real-time interferometer allows a continuous observation of stationary and instationary flow processes. After the explanation of the measuring technique, the problems arising during the interferometer set-up as well as the necessary adjusting operations are described. For heat transfer problems new possibilities for the application of holographic interferometry are revealed. Convection in boxes, temperature fields around heated or cooled bodies, concentration and diffusion processes in two phase-flows, mixtures and solutions as well as melting and freezing processes may be investigated. On the basis of particular examples some applications are presented. (orig.)
Die holographische Interferometrie ist gut dazu geeignet, Temperatur-, Dichte-, Druck- und Konzentrationsfelder in transparenten Fluessigkeiten sichtbar zu machen. Das aufgebaute holographische Echt-Zeit Interferometer ermoeglicht eine kontinuierliche Beobachtung dieser stationaeren oder instationaeren Vorgaenge. Nach der Erlaeuterung der Messtechnik werden die beim Aufbau des Interferometers auftretenden Probleme sowie die zu den Messungen erforderlichen Justierarbeiten beschrieben. Auf dem Gebiet der Waermeuebertragung ergeben sich neue Moeglichkeiten, die Probleme interferometrisch anzugehen. Es koennen, unter anderem, Konvektionsstroemungen in Behaeltern, Temperaturfelder um beheizte oder gekuehlte Koerper, Konzentrations- und Diffusionsvorgaenge untersucht werden. Anhand einzelner Beispiele werden einige Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten vorgestellt. (orig.)Original Title
Bericht ueber den Aufbau eines holographischen Interferometers
Primary Subject
Oct 1977; 22 p; 8 figs.; 24 refs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Koster, J.N.; Ehrhard, P.; Mueller, U.
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1984
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Reaktorbauelemente1984
[en] The evolution of convective flow in a finite Hele-Shaw cell is presented. Two new results were found. First, at the same Rayleigh number there coexist three different flow states in separated regions of the fluid layer, the center region having a steady flow and the two end regions exhibiting time-dependent flow. Second, the flow oscillations in the two end regions are monoperiodic and are never correlated. There is no transition to a more complicated oscillation observed. The time-dependent flow is bound at low and high Rayleigh number by transitions to steady state flow. (orig.)
Es werden Konvektionsexperimente in einer endlichen Hele-Shaw Zelle vorgestellt. Zwei wesentliche neue Ergebnisse wurden hierbei gefunden. Zum ersten zeigte sich, dass bei gleicher Rayleighzahl drei oertliche Bereiche existieren, wobei in der Mitte der Zelle stationaere und an zwei Raendern zeitabhaengige Stroemungsformen existieren. Zum zweiten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Oszillationen an beiden Raendern monoperiodisch und nicht korreliert (d.h. unabhaengig voneinander) sind. Ein Uebergang zu komplexeren Stroemungsformen konnte nicht beobachtet werden. Vielmehr waren die oszillatorischen Stroemungsformen, sowohl zu niederen als auch zu hoeheren Rayleighzahlen hin, durch stationaere Formen eingegrenzt. (orig.)Primary Subject
Dec 1984; 28 p
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The phase diagram for a gallium-indium alloy shows that the eutectic is formed at a temperature of 15.3 C and has a eutectic composition of 14.2 at. pct In (21.4 wt pct In). A eutectic melt is expected to solidify completely when the eutectic temperature is reached. This requires that no gravitational segregation occurs in the melt. A survey of the available literature on eutectic Ga-In revealed no prior experiments on the in situ visualization of solidification. The goal of this experimental work was to observe the isothermal solidification of a vertical layer of molten eutectic Ga-In in real-time using X-ray radioscopy
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Metallurgical Transactions. B, Process Metallurgy; ISSN 0360-2141; ; CODEN MTTBCR; v. 27(4); p. 686-689
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue