No abstract available
Original Title
Fosfaty metallov kak kollektory
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal J. Anal. Chem. USSR.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zhurnal Analiticheskoj Khimii; v. 28(10); p. 1985-1990
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Karnaukhov, I.M.; Kovaleva, N.V.; Shcherbakov, A.A.
Theses of reports 'V Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2007
Theses of reports 'V Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2007
No abstract available
Original Title
Sinkhrotronnoe izluchenie iz ustanovki 'Nestor'
Primary Subject
Dovbnya, A.N. (ed.); Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Ukrainy, Kyiv (Ukraine); Natsional'nyj nauchnyj tsentr 'Khar'kovskij Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Institut, Khar'kov (Ukraine); Institut Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij i Yadernoj Fiziki, Khar'kov (Ukraine); 107 p; 2007; p. 76; 5. Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators; 5. Konferentsiya po fizike vysokikh ehnergij, yadernoj fizike i uskoritelyam; Khar'kov (Ukraine); 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2007
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[en] ZrC and Mo2C base pyrocarbon sorbents and the possibility of their use for concentrating microimpurities of organic compounds have been studied. Additive character of intermolecular interactions between adsorbate and adsorbent is shown. The highest values of adsorption heats have been obtained for activated carbon from ZrC having narrow pores which is related to increase in adsorption potential in micropores. 58 refs., 15 tabs
Original Title
Adsorbenty na osnove ugleroda dlya kontsentrirovaniya mikroprimesej organicheskikh soedinenij
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Karnaukhov, I.M.; Kovaleva, N.V.; Shcherbakov, A.A.
Theses of reports 'IV Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2006
Theses of reports 'IV Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2006
No abstract available
Original Title
Sinkhrotronnoe izluchenie iz ustanovki 'NESTOR'
Primary Subject
Dovbnya, A.N. (ed.); Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Ukrainy, Kyiv (Ukraine); Natsional'nyj nauchnyj tsentr 'Khar'kovskij Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Institut, Khar'kov (Ukraine); Institut fiziki vysokikh ehnergij i yadernoj fiziki, Khar'kov (Ukraine); 96 p; 2006; p. 73; 4. Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators; 4. Konferentsiya po fizike vysokikh ehnergij, yadernoj fizike i uskoritelyam; Khar'kov (Ukraine); 27 Feb - 3 Mar 2006
Record Type
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Karnaukhov, I.M.; Kovaleva, N.V.; Shcherbakov, A.A.
Theses of reports 'V Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2007
Theses of reports 'V Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators'2007
No abstract available
Original Title
Vybor materiala stekla dlya okna vyvoda sinkhrotronnogo izlucheniya iz nakopitelya 'Nestor'
Primary Subject
Dovbnya, A.N. (ed.); Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Ukrainy, Kyiv (Ukraine); Natsional'nyj nauchnyj tsentr 'Khar'kovskij Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Institut, Khar'kov (Ukraine); Institut Fiziki Vysokikh Ehnergij i Yadernoj Fiziki, Khar'kov (Ukraine); 107 p; 2007; p. 76-77; 5. Conference of high energy physics, nuclear physics and accelerators; 5. Konferentsiya po fizike vysokikh ehnergij, yadernoj fizike i uskoritelyam; Khar'kov (Ukraine); 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2007
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[en] The synchrotron radiation and its unique properties, especially continuum spectrum and high degree f polarization are widely used for research of a solid state. In article, characteristics of synchrotron radiation of an storage rng N-100 M (NESTOR) is adduce and the examples of application in a vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy of a slid sate, in research of an anisotropy of optical properties of crystals, applying methods of an ellipsometry, in research of a luminescence, of XANES-spectroscopy are considered
Original Title
Ispol'zovanie sinkhrotronnogo izlucheniya nakopitelya N-100 M dlya issledovanij v fizike tverdogo tela
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki. Vakuum, Chistye Materialy, Sverkhprovodniki; ISSN 1680-192X; ; (no.6/14/); p. 164-166
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Adsorption isotherms in the range 50-80 Deg C were measured by gas chromatography, and isosteric adsorption heats of isotopomers of water were calculated in the range of low fillings at two activated carbons (Norit and FAS) with close volume of micropores (0.38 and 0.37 cm3/g), but various surface chemistry (AC Norit with hydrophilic surface and AC FAS with hydrophobic one). Adsorption of H2O and D2O at AC Norit exceeds adsorption at AC FAS at all equilibrium pressures. Adsorption isotherms of H2O and D2O at every adsorbents are close, but some excess of isotherms and adsorption heats of D2O as compared with H2O ones observes. It is connected with the differences in adsorbate-adsorbent and adsorbate-adsorbate interactions as well as with the structure of molecules of adsorbates
Original Title
Adsorbtsiya izotopomerov vody na uglerodnykh adsorbentakh
Primary Subject
20 refs., 6 figs., 2 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The adsorption of H2O and D2O on porous polymers, Chromosorb-102 (styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer) and MN-200 (super cross-linked polystyrene), was studied by gas chromatography. Test adsorbates used to study the properties of the surface of these polymers were n-alkanes (C6 C9), C6H6, and the polar compounds CHCl3, CH3NO2, CH3CN, (CH3)2CO, C2H5COOCH3, and (C2H5)2O. The experimental data on the retention of the sorbates were used to determine the contributions of dispersion and specific intermolecular interactions to the total energy of adsorption for the systems studied. The electron donor KD and electron acceptor KA characteristics of the surfaces of Chromosorb-102 and MN-200 were determined. The KD and KA values obtained allow these polymers to be classified as weakly specific adsorbents with the predominance of electron acceptor properties. The adsorption isotherms of H2O and D2O were measured at 55, 67, and 80 deg C. The dependences of the isosteric heats of adsorption Qst on adsorption values were determined. The conclusion was drawn that H2O interacted with the surface of the polymers by the adsorption mechanism, whereas absorption likely made a noticeable contribution to the retention of D2O
Газохроматографическим методом изучена адсорбция Н2О и D2O на пористых полимерах: хромосорбе-102 (сополимере стирола с дивинилбензолом) и MN-200 (сверхсшитом полистироле). Для оценки свойств поверхности этих полимеров в качестве тестовых адсорбатов использованы н-алканы (С6-С9), С6Н6 и полярные соединения: СНСl3, CH3NO2, CH3CN, (CH3)2CO, C2H5COOCH3, (С2Н5)2О. Из экспериментальных данных по удерживанию сорбатов определены вклады энергий дисперсионных и специфических межмолекулярных взаимодействий в общую энергию адсорбции для изученных систем. Определены электронодонорные KD и электроноакцепторные КA характеристики поверхности хромосорба-102 и MN-200. На основании полученных значений KD и КA эти полимеры отнесены к слабоспецифическим адсорбентам с преобладанием электроноакцепторных свойств. Измерены изотермы адсорбции Н2О и D2O при 55,67 и 80 град С на этих полимерах. Определены зависимости их изостерических теплот адсорбции Qst от величины адсорбции. Сделан вывод о том, что Н2О взаимодействует с поверхностью этих полимеров по адсорбционному механизму, а в удерживание D2O заметный вклад, возможно, вносит абсорбцияOriginal Title
Adsorbtsiya H2O i D2O poristymi polistirol'nymi adsorbentami
Primary Subject
8. International conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry: physical chemistry 2006; Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro); 26-29 Sep 2006; 25 refs., 4 figs., 7 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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Polynuclear molybdenum oxoalcoxides - precursors of catalysts for N2 reduction under mild conditions
Bazhenova, T.A.; Kovaleva, N.V.; Kuznetsov, D.A.; Lysenko, K.A.
XXI symposium Modern chemical physics. Tuapse 2009. Summaries of reports2009
XXI symposium Modern chemical physics. Tuapse 2009. Summaries of reports2009
No abstract available
Original Title
Poliyadernye oksoalkoksidy molibdena - predshestvenniki katalizatorov vosstanovleniya N2 v myagkikh usloviyakh
Primary Subject
Prezidium Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Otdelenie Khimii i Nauk o Materialakh RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Fond Fundamental'nykh Issledovanij, Moscow (Russian Federation); Inst. Problem Khimicheskoj Fiziki RAN, Chernogolovka (Russian Federation); Inst. Khimicheskoj Fiziki im. N.N. Semenova RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Tsentr Fotokhimii RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet po Stroeniyu i Reaktsionnoj Sposobnosti RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Kompaniya Park-Media, Moscow (Russian Federation); 116 p; 2009; p. 84; 21. symposium on modern chemical physics; 21. simpozium Sovremennaya khimicheskaya fizika; Tuapse (Russian Federation); 25 Sep - 6 Oct 2009
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