[en] The boundary field of medical technology and its characteristics are described with the aid of selected examples. The most divergent physical principles have been used for blood flow determination so far although without great success. 'Classic' inherent gas measurement is described as well as, e.g., the dye dilution method, electromagnetic blood flow measurement, ultrasonic methods, and registration with the aid of nuclear magnetic resonance. The second set of problems deals with methods to determine the respiratory resistance. Finally, the fundamentals of a new radiological diagnostic method, computerized X-ray tomography, are outlined. (orig.)
Das Grenzgebiet der Medizintechnik und seine Eigenarten werden anhand von ausgewaehlten Beispielen beschrieben. Zur Blutflussbestimmung hat man bisher, allerdings ohne entscheidenden Erfolg, die verschiedensten physikalischen Prinzipien angewandt. Der klassischen Eigengasmessung werden z.B. die Farbstoffverduennungsmethode, die elektromagnetische Blutstroemungsmessung, Ultraschallverfahren und Registrierung mit Hilfe von Kernspinresonanz gegenuebergestellt. Der zweite Problemkreis befasst sich mit Ansaetzen zur Bestimmung des Widerstandes der Atemwege. Schliesslich werden die Grundzuege eines aktuellen radiologischen Diagnoseverfahrens, der Roentgen-Computer-Tomographie, skizziert. (orig.)Original Title
Aspekte der Physik in der modernen Medizintechnik
Primary Subject
41. physicists' meeting; Karlsruhe, Germany, F.R; 20 - 23 Sep 1977
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Physikalische Blaetter; v. 34(4); p. 157-174
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Mechanical components become deformed in three dimensions when subjected to asymmetrical thermal load, i.e. temperature gradients. For long components, such as occur in nuclear power plant refuelling machines, a calculation method has been derived which produces a dotted, two dimensional representation of the deflection line which occurs when the part is subjected to an asymmetrical temperature gradient field perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. (orig.)
Mechanische Bauteile verwoelben sich dreidimensional, wenn sie thermisch unsymmetrisch beansprucht werden, also Temperaturgefaellen ausgesetzt sind. Fuer lange Bauteile, wie sie in Kernkraftwerkslademaschinen auftreten, wird eine Berechnungsmethode abgeleitet, die zweidimensional punktweise die Biegelinie ermittelt, welche sich ergibt, wenn das Bauteil einem inhomogenen Temperaturgradientenfeld senkrecht zur Laengsachse ausgesetzt ist. (orig.)Original Title
Verformung langer, thermisch unsymmetrisch beanspruchter Bauteile in Kernkraftwerkslademaschinen
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Siemens Forschungs- und Entwicklungsberichte; ISSN 0370-9736; ; v. 11(1); p. 33-37
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] We report the results of dielectric spectroscopy, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies performed on the nematic liquid crystal (LC) mixture Merck ZLI-1132 filled with TiO2 (rutile and anatase) and SiO2 nanoparticles. The observed static dielectric permittivities are interpreted in terms of orientation of the LC with respect to the measuring electric field. Adding of SiO2 particles mainly induces a statistical orientation of LC molecules, whereas TiO2 particles promote the perpendicular orientation. The dynamics of LC molecules in all systems is very similar. The reason for the slightly faster reorientation observed in the mixtures may be connected with a disturbed nematic order near the surface of solid particles
Record Type
Journal Article
Ukrayins'kij Fyizichnij Zhurnal (Kiev); ISSN 0372-400X; ; v. 49(no.12); p. 1167-1173
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gavrilko, T.; Puchkovska, G.; Shymanovska, V.; Kernazhitsky, L.; Hauser, A.; Kresse, H.; Baran, J.
Ukrainian-German Symposium on physics and chemistry of nanostructures and on nanobiotechnology. Book of abstracts2010
Ukrainian-German Symposium on physics and chemistry of nanostructures and on nanobiotechnology. Book of abstracts2010
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Kyiv National University, Kyiv (Ukraine); Ukrainian-German Research and Educational Center of Nanobiotechnology, Kyiv (Ukraine); National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine); STCU, Kyiv (Ukraine); International Bureauof the BMBF, Bonn (Germany); DFG, Bonn (Germany); 266 p; 2010; p. 108; Ukrainian-German Symposium on physics and chemistry of nanostructures and on nanobiotechnology; Beregove (Ukraine); 6-10 Sep 2010; Available from Ukrainian INIS Centre
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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