Jentsch, G.; Krone, C.; Schubert, R.
ORGREB-Institut fuer Kraftwerke, Vetschau (German Democratic Republic)1985
ORGREB-Institut fuer Kraftwerke, Vetschau (German Democratic Republic)1985
[en] The invention has been aimed at a procedure and equipment for a radiometric assay of the content of bulk materials moved by conveyor belts. In particular it can be used for quantity and ash content determinations of lignite discharges by means of a radiometric conveyor-type weigher and ash content meter. The average radiometric mass attenuation coefficients of hard and soft gamma irradiation of the lignite-multisubstance mixture have been determined for low and high ash contents by ultimate analysis. A radiometric mass attenuation coefficient correlation has been formed and used for control and correction of the measured values of the conveyor-type weigher and ash content meter
Original Title
Verfahren und Anordnung zur radiometrischen Gehaltsbestimmung von Schuettguetern
18 Sep 1985; 11 Oct 1984; vp; DD PATENT DOCUMENT 227524/A/; Available from BUCHEXPORT, DDR-7010 Leipzig; ?: 11 Oct 1984
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[en] The invention has been aimed at a circuitry for the automatic tare balancing at radiometric weigh-feeder belts with digital data processing of the measurement pulse rate emitted by a radiation detector during a measuring cycle. To secure a non-perturbational and exact permanent pulse rate correction by the tare rate the measuring pulse rate is summed up under the operational mode 'taring' for a preselected rotation time of the empty belt and evaluated using a factor related to the length of measuring cycle. The resulting pulses are stored as an average value. Under the operational mode 'weighing' the difference between pulse rate and stored tare pulses will be formed and transmitted to a data processing unit
Original Title
Schaltungsanordnung fuer den automatischen Taraabgleich an radiometrischen Foerderbandwaagen
16 Oct 1985; 19 Oct 1983; vp; DD PATENT DOCUMENT 228716/B/; Available from BUCHEXPORT, DDR-7010 Leipzig; ?: 19 Oct 1983
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Krone, C.; Jentsch, G.; Berger, J.
ORGREB-Institut fuer Kraftwerke, Vetschau (German Democratic Republic)1987
ORGREB-Institut fuer Kraftwerke, Vetschau (German Democratic Republic)1987
[en] This invention has to do with a procedure and device for the simultaneous radiometric determination of quantity, quality and foreign substances in moved bulk materials in particular lignite at one measuring point. The section of the bulk material discharge is transmitted by nuclides for soft and hard gamma radiation in pairs. The pulse rates are registered in pairs by means of detectors and evaluated in real-time operation
Original Title
Verfahren und Anordnung zur radiometrischen Bestimmung der Menge, Qualitaet sowie Fremdkoerper in bewegten Schuettguetern
Primary Subject
1 Apr 1987; 18 Dec 1985; 5 p; DD PATENT DOCUMENT 244416/A/; ?: 18 Dec 1985
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Krone, C.; Humpert, H.M.; Schreiber, S.; Schubert, R.
ORGREB-Institut fuer Kraftwerke, Vetschau (German Democratic Republic)1987
ORGREB-Institut fuer Kraftwerke, Vetschau (German Democratic Republic)1987
[en] This invention relates to a conveyor belt balance for weighing bulk materials by utilizing the method of transmitted radiation with narrow collimated measuring channels and evaluation by polynomial approximation
Original Title
Radiometrische Foerderbandwaage
Primary Subject
6 May 1987; 30 Dec 1985; 4 p; DD PATENT DOCUMENT 245486/A1/; ?: 30 Dec 1985
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Krone, C.; Schingnitz, D.
Nuclear techniques in the exploration and exploitation of energy and mineral resources1991
Nuclear techniques in the exploration and exploitation of energy and mineral resources1991
[en] The RAMM measuring system, produced at ORGREB-Institute for Power Stations, is specially designed for the on-line determination of ash content directly at lignite streams. It operates according to the well known principle of two-energy transmission. The nuclides 241Am and 137Cs are used. The detector unit contains one scintillation probe with an NaI crystal and the capability for spectrometric evaluation of the radiation. There are several variants of the RAMM system electronics, tailored to specific user requirements. The RAMM ash meter determines ash content (in per cent) and output (in t/h) for the evaluation of the coal stream. Inserted directly into the conveying system without any prepreparation of the coal, the RAMM system can evaluate the coal quality regime in open air mines and in power plants. The measuring accuracies attainable by the RAMM system for lignite are ±2-5% ash content absolute and ±5% t/h output. The amortization time for the investment in RAMM is less than one year. Experience has also been gained in the use of the RAMM system for measuring the ash content of coal and peat and the iron content in iron ore. (author). 7 figs
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Proceedings series; 627 p; ISBN 92-0-060091-3; ; 1991; p. 85-91; IAEA; Vienna (Austria); International symposium on nuclear techniques in the exploration and exploitation of energy and mineral resources; Vienna (Austria); 5-8 Jun 1990; IAEA-SM--308/93
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