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[en] To evaluate the sonographic features and appearance time of the physiologic midgut herniation early in pregnancy. Sonograms of 87 features ranging from 7 to 13 weeks were obtained over a 2-month period. The presence or absence, the size and echogenecity of the physiologic midgut herniation were evaluate on each examination. Disappearance of the midgut herniation was confirmed on follow-up sonogram at 13-20 weeks, 3-12 weeks after the first sonogram. The results were analyzed in terms of appearance or disappearance time of midgut herniation. In all cases of physiologic midgut herination, an echogenic mass measuring 0.4-0.7 cm wa demonstrated within the base of the umbilical cord at its insertion into the fetal abdomen. This herniation was detected in 3/6 cases (50%) at 8 weeks, in 15/16 cases (94%) at 9 weeks, in 22/24 cases (92%) at 10 weeks and in 12/27 cases (44%) at 11 weeks gestation. None of the features studied at 7 weeks and 12 weeks had a midgut herniation. Sonographic findings of a 0.4-0.7 cm sized echogenic mass within the base of the umbilical cord which appears from 8 weeks to 12 weeks pregnancy represent physiologic midgut herniation in early pregnancy and should not be confused with pathologic ventral wall defected such as omphalocele or gastroschisis.
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8 refs, 3 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound; ISSN 1015-7085; ; v. 18(2); p. 125-129
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[en] Authors performed film mammography in 2167 patients with breast complaints who had visited to Yong Dong Severance hospital, Yonsei University from October 1, 1983 to September 30, 1985. Authors analysed 62 cases of film mammographic findings and 35 cases of ultra mammographic findings among confirmed 62 fibroadenomas and also authors analysed histopathologic cell type and ultra mammographic findings of confirmed fibroadenomas. The results followed. 1. The most prevalent age group was 3rd and 4th decade (74%). 2. The common dense breast pattern by Wolfe classification were P2 and DY patterns (80%) in film mammography. 3. The most common size of fibroadenomas was 1.1-3.0cm (71%) in long diameter. 4. Film mammographic findings of fibroadenoma generally showed single mass in 54 lesions (87%), well defined margin of mass in 45 lesions (58%) and halo sign in 62 lesions (80%). Well defined margin of mass is prominent in ductal cell dominant fibroadenoma (15%) and speculated margins of mass can be seen in mixed fibroadenoma (6%) and stromal component dominant fibroadenoma (3%). Halo sign of fibroadenoma was commonly seen in ductal cell dominant fibroadenoma (86%) and stromal component dominant fibroadenoma (85%). 5. Ultra mammographic findings of fibroadenoma showed oval shaped mass in 26 lesions (15%) with smooth margin of mass in 43 lesions (84%) and showed mostly intermediate internal echo in 48 lesions (94%). Relationship between histopathologic cell type and ultra mammographic findings were. Round shaped mass (67%), lateral shadowing (74%) was common in mixed type of fibroadenoma, lobulated margin of mass (45%), intermediate (94%) with uniform (78%) internal echo was common in stromal dominant type of fibroadenoma and smooth contour (100%), uniform internal echo of mass (83%) was common in ductal cell dominant type of fibroadenoma. Most ultra mammographic L/T lratio of fibroadenoma was 0.5-1.0 in 37 lesions (73%). 6. The diagnostic accuracy of film mammography in fibroadenoma was 92%, however combined imaging modalities raised the diagnostic accuracy into 95%.
Primary Subject
26 refs, 3 figs, 6 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 0301-2867; ; v. 22(1); p. 57-68
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[en] To evaluate the sonographic findings of the heterotopic pregnancy which is increasing recently. Thirty-nine cases of heterotopic pregnancy after ovulation induction and IVF-ET (In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer) during the recent 3 years were analyzed. They were diagnosed by ultrasonography and proved surgically afterwards. Sonographic findings were analyzed focusing on gestational week of intrauterine pregnancy and location of ectopic pregnancy. In particular, adnexal mass was evaluated with regard to size and the characteristic findings such as ectopic gestational sac (echogenic ring). Also, overian cyst and fluid collection in cul-de-sac space were reviewed carefully. Heterotopic pregnancy was proved surgically by salpingectomy in 33 cases and by resection of cornus in six cases. Sonographic diagnosis using transvaginal ultrasound was made from five weeks to nine weeks two days (six weeks and four days in average) from last menstral period in all 39 cases. Ectopic pregnancy was identified in ampullary part in 29 cases, in the isthmic portion of tube in four cases and in the cornus of uterus in six cases. The intrauterine pregnancy was diagnosed by identifying the intrauterine gestational saccontaining a yolk sac in seven cases and the embryo with fetal heart beat in the remaining 32 cases. Adnexal masses of heterotopic pregnancy were less than 3 cm in diameter in 2 cases (57%), 3-4 cm in 11 cases (28%) and more than 4 cm in 6 cases (15%). A characteristic finding of ectopic mass was echogenic ring which was visible in 33 (84.6%) cases by transvaginal ultrasound. Six cases had pelvic hematosalpinx and two had pelvic hematoma. Of 10 cases (26%) which were identified to have ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, eight (21%) had large amount of fluid collection in cul-de-sac and abdomen. Ultrasonographic identification of the intrauterine pregnancy and the ectopic chorion ring is effective for the early diagnosis of the heterotopic pregnancy.
Primary Subject
17 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 1738-2637; ; v. 18(1); p. 33-38
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[en] Small bowel obstruction is suspected when distension of bowel loops are seen on prenatal sonography. However, ileal atresia could show atypical feature that is absent of bowel dilatation. We present a case of ileal atresia that appeared as a single cyst-like dilatation of small bowel on late third trimester prenatal sonography.
Primary Subject
9 refs, 2 figs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound; ISSN 1015-7085; ; v. 22(4); p. 219-221
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[en] To evaluate ultrasonographic findings and usefulness in the diagnosis of breast diseases during pregnancy and lactating period. The authors evaluated the ultrasonographic findings of 18 breast diseases during pregnancy and lactation retrospectively. The ultrasonographic examinations were performed with linear-array 5 MHz transducer (ATL). Final diagnoses were obtained by the excisional biopsy, fine needle aspiration and clinical follow-up. Total 18 cases of breast diseases were consisted of 8 cases of galactocele, 4 cases of fibroadenoma, 3 cases of axillary accessory breast, 2 cases of lactating adenoma, and 1 case of phylloides tumor. The ultrasonographic findings of the above breast diseases were valuable in the diagnosis and therapeutic planning. Ultrasonography is the initial and useful method of diagnosing breast diseases during pregnancy and lactating period
Primary Subject
18 refs, 4 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 1738-2637; ; v. 33(3); p. 443-447
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[en] To review the retrospective imaging findings of thyroid cancer initially assessed as no suspicious malignancy. Of 338 nodules confirmed to be thyroid cancer, this study included 38 patients with 39 nodules assessed as no suspicious malignancy on initial sonography. (mean age:39 years, 36 females and 2 males). We evaluated sonographic findings by shape, margin, echogenecity, calcification, cystic degeneration and peripheral hypoechoic rim retrospectively. We analyzed whether sonographic findings were different according to the size (standard:1 cm). The most frequent sonographic findings were avoid to round shape 90%, well-defined smooth margin 64%, hypoechogenecity 54%, no calcification 92%, no cystic degeneration 77% and peripheral hypoechoic rim 56%. Suspicious malignancy findings were taller than wide shape 10%, well-defined spiculated margin 36%, markedly hypoechogenecity 10% and microcalcifications 8%. Isoechogenecity, cystic degeneration and peripheral hypoechoic rim were common in 1 cm more than nodules. Well-defined spiculated margin was common in 1 cm less than nodules. In retrospective, 56% showed no suspicious malignancy finding. Although nodules assessed as no suspicious malignancy on initial US had many retrospectively suspicious malignancy findings, still many nodules showed no suspicious malignancy finding. Suspicious findings were ignored due to equivocal finding in small size, isoechogenecity, cystic degeneration or peripheral hypoechoic rim. We need careful observation
Primary Subject
17 refs, 5 figs, 1 tab
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 1738-2637; ; v. 58(3); p. 213-219
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[en] To evaluate the sonographic and mammographic features of apocrine metaplasia of the breast. We retrospectively evaluated the sonographic and mammographic findings of 16 lesions that were diagnosed with only apocrine metaplasia after mammotome excision. The age ranged from 27 years old to 57 years old (mean age: 40 years old). The sonographic features were interpreted by the ACR BI-RADS(American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) for shape, orientation, margin, boundary, echo pattern, posterior acoustic feature, calcification and special cases. The mammographic features were interpreted by the ACR BI-RADS (American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) for breast composition, shape, margin, density and calcification. Sonographic features were that the shapes were oval (n = 16) in 100%. The orientation was parallel (n =15) in 94%. The margins were circumscribed (n = 8) in 50% and microlobulated (n = 8) in 50%. The echo patterns were hypoechoic (n = 8) in 50%, complex (n = 5) in 31% and anechoic (n = 3) in 19%. Posterior acoustic enhancement was seen in 69% (n = 11). There was internal microcyst (n = 4) in 25%. There was no calcification. Mammography performed for 12 cases demonstrated negative findings (n = 10) for 83%, obscured hypodense mass (n = 1) for 8% in 11 cases of breast composition 3 and 4, and circumscribed isodense mass (n = 1)for 8% in one case of breast composition 2. There was no calcification. The final assessment was category 4a (n= 7) in 44%, category 3 (n = 6) in 38% and category 2 (n = 3) in 19%. Although sonographic and mammographic features of apocrine metaplasia are occasionally suspicious malignancy such as microlobulation and complex echo. We consider the possibility of apocrine metaplasia if masses show internal microcyst and abrupt boundary
Primary Subject
19 refs, 3 figs, 4 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound; ISSN 1015-7085; ; v. 27(1); p. 35-40
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[en] Percutaneous catheter drainage has been reported to be an effective method in the management of selected patients with abscess and fluid collection. Its high success rate and relatively low complications make the procedure an alternative to surgery in the individual cases. During past two years percutaneous catheter drainage in 25 patients with intraabdominal abscesses and fluid collection was performed at the Department of Radiology, Yonsei University College of medicine. Here the technique and author's results were summarized. 1. The total 25 patients who had percutaneous catheter drainage are 10 liver abscesses, 3 subphrenic, one subhepatic, 4 renal and perirenal, 2 pelvic, one psoas, one anterior pararenal fluid from acute pancreatitis, one pancreas pseudocyst and 2 malignant tumor necrosis. 2. The modified Seldinger technique used for all cases of abscess and fluid drainage under guidance of ultrasound scan. The used catheters were 10F. Pigtail and 14F. Malecot (Cook c/o) catheters. 3. The abscesses and fluid of 17 patients among 25 were cured by the percutaneous catheter drainage and 4 patients were clinically improved. The catheter drainage was failed in 2 patients and 3 complication were developed. 4. The success rate of this procedure was 91.3%, failure rate was 8.7% and complication rate was 12%.
Primary Subject
20 refs, 7 figs, 3 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 0301-2867; ; v. 22(5); p. 661-671
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Apocrine carcinoma is a rare breast cancer and its frequency is about 0.4% of all breast cancers. Little is known about its clinical behavior and prognosis. To our knowledge, few studies have reported the radiologic appearances of apocrine carcinoma in the breast and there has been no such report from Korea. We describe the sonographic findings of a case of apocrine carcinoma in the breast. The sonographic findings are microlobulated heterogeneous hypoechoic lesion that has a central markedly hypoechoic portion and a peripheral mixture of iso and hypoechgenecity
Primary Subject
10 refs, 1 fig
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 1738-2637; ; v. 57(2); p. 203-206
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] We wanted to evaluate the clinical utility of performing bilateral whole breast US as a subsequent diagnostic method along with mammography in asymptomatic women. From May 2002 to Dec 2004, we conducted 3998 examinations on 3638 patients with negative findings on the clinical examination and negative mammographic results, and those breast tissues having a BI-RADS category 2, 3, or 4 density were further evaluated by performing bilateral whole breast US. The patients' age distribution ranged from 24 to 66 years (mean age: 43.6 yrs). The abnormalities were compared with core or vacuum assisted core biopsy, operations, and follow up US. For the normal cases, we used the clinical notes and the statistical data from the Korean Central Cancer Registry. For 3998 examinations of 3638 women who were examined with bilateral whole breast US, pathologic confirmations were available for 433 patients and follow-up data were available for 35 patients. The sensitivity, specificity, the positive predictive value and the cancer detection rate of using additional whole breast US were 50, 92.6, 0.6 and 0.5, respectively. The two cancers that were detected only on US were minimal breast cancer. Although all the breast cancers that were detected only on US were minimal breast cancers, performing bilateral whole breast US revealed a low cancer detection rate and a high false positive. Therefore, further studies will be needed to investigate the role of US as a screening tool
Primary Subject
24 refs, 2 figs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society; ISSN 1738-2637; ; v. 53(6); p. 451-456
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