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Leguet, Benoit
Caisse des depots et consignations, Departement developpement durable, 278, boulevard Saint-Germain, 75356 Paris SP 07 (France)2007
Caisse des depots et consignations, Departement developpement durable, 278, boulevard Saint-Germain, 75356 Paris SP 07 (France)2007
[en] Since the first study published in 2005 by the Climate Mission of Caisse des Depots, the number of carbon investment funds initiated in 1999 by the World Bank with the Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) has multiplied: 58 investment funds have a total capitalization estimated at 7 billion euros. The last two years have been marked by changes in investment strategies and approaches. The number of funds targeting financial capital gains has grown more than those aiming to provide CO2 credits for compliance. Investors are now getting involved early in the project development process, exposing themselves to higher risks in order to achieve greater profitability. However, demand for projects is likely to exceed supply, since only 50% of the capital raised is actually invested. Carbon funds play an important role on the international market: they finance a quarter of certified emission reduction units and a third of Carbon Emissions Reduction Units, and could contribute to the reduction of 700 million tons of CO2 equivalent. Awaiting the negotiation of a post-Kyoto agreement, the future of the carbon market is uncertain. A third of funds have announced that they will invest in post-2012 credits, but the amounts invested remain low. In October 2007, the European Investment Bank launched the first fund entirely dedicated to post-2012: some players remain confident in the future of carbon finance
Depuis la premiere etude publiee en 2005 par la Mission Climat de la Caisse des Depots, les fonds d'investissements en actifs carbone inities en 1999 par la Banque Mondiale avec le Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) se sont multiplies: 58 fonds d'investissement enregistrent une capitalisation totale estimee a 7 milliards d'euros. Ces deux dernieres annees ont ete marquees par des changements de strategies et d'approches d'investissement. Le nombre de fonds avec un objectif de plus-value financiere a cru davantage que ceux visant a fournir des credits CO2 pour la conformite des acteurs. Les investisseurs s'impliquent desormais des l'amont du processus de developpement du projet et s'exposent a des risques plus eleves afin d'obtenir une rentabilite plus importante. La demande de projets risque cependant d'exceder l'offre puisque seuls 50 % des capitaux leves sont effectivement investis. Les fonds carbone jouent un role important sur le marche international: ils financent un quart des URCE et un tiers des URE et pourraient contribuer a la reduction de 700 millions de tonnes d'equivalent CO2. Dans l'attente de la negociation d'un accord post-Kyoto, l'avenir du marche carbone est incertain. Un tiers des fonds annonce investir dans des credits post-2012, mais les montants investis restent faibles. La Banque europeenne d'investissement a lance en octobre 2007 le premier fonds entierement dedie au post-2012: certains acteurs restent confiants dans le futur de la finance carbone. (auteur)Original Title
Fonds d'investissement CO2: L'essor des capitaux prives - Note d'etude no. 12, novembre 2007
Primary Subject
Nov 2007; 40 p; 14 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Leguet, Benoit
Caisse des depots et consignations, Departement developpement durable, 56, rue de Lille, 75356 Paris 07 SP (France)2005
Caisse des depots et consignations, Departement developpement durable, 56, rue de Lille, 75356 Paris 07 SP (France)2005
[en] In France, agriculture is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG), behind transport and manufacturing industry. In 2003, the French agricultural sector emitted 107.9 million tons of CO2 equivalent (MteqCO2), i.e. around a fifth of French GHG emissions, excluding 'carbon sinks'. Despite the sector's strong technical potential for reduction, it has achieved little reduction in GHG emissions since 1990, unlike other sectors such as manufacturing. This suggests the need for incentives to reduce emissions. The profile of agricultural emissions sources, which are diffuse and emit a majority of GHGs other than CO2, makes it unlikely that the sector will be included in the European quota system. Other mechanisms must therefore be devised to enable emissions reductions in the agricultural sector to be valorized. Among the systems that could be envisaged, the project mechanisms set up in other countries suggest that we should consider setting up 'domestic projects' in France
L'agriculture est, en France, le troisieme secteur emetteur de gaz a effet de serre (GES), derriere le transport et l'industrie manufacturiere. Le secteur agricole francais a en effet emis, en 2003, 107,9 millions de tonnes d'equivalent CO2 (MteqCO2), soit environ un cinquieme des emissions francaises de GES, hors 'puits de carbone'. Malgre un fort potentiel technique de reduction, le secteur n'a que peu reduit ses emissions de GES depuis 1990, contrairement a d'autres secteurs comme l'industrie manufacturiere. Ceci suggere la mise en place d'instruments d'incitation visant a reduire ces emissions. Le profil des sources d'emissions d'origine agricole, diffuses et emettant majoritairement des GES autres que le CO2, rend peu probable l'inclusion du secteur dans le systeme europeen des quotas. Il faut alors imaginer d'autres mecanismes qui rendent possible la valorisation des reductions d'emissions du secteur agricole. Parmi les systemes envisageables, les mecanismes de projet mis en place a l'international invitent a reflechir a la mise en place de 'projets domestiques' sur le sol francais. (auteur)Original Title
Agriculture et reduction des emissions de gaz a effet de serre - Note d'etude no. 6, septembre 2005
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Secondary Subject
Sep 2005; 20 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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Leguet, Benoit
CDC Climat, 47 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2014
CDC Climat, 47 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2014
[en] Among the publications of CDC Climat Research, 'Tendances Carbone' bulletin specifically studies the developments of the European market for CO_2 allowances. Beside some statistical figures about energy production/consumption and carbon markets, this issue specifically addresses the following points: - Verified CO_2 emissions: in 2013, emissions of EU ETS stationary installations, estimated to 1,895 Mt CO_2, have decreased by at least 3% in comparison of 2012. - State aids for 2020 climate targets: the EU Commission has adopted new guidelines on public support for projects in the field of environmental protection and energy that notably promote a gradual move to market-based support for renewable energy. - Carbon leakage: the EU Commission has sent its draft proposal for a 2015-2019 carbon leakage list to the EU Climate Change Committee and has launched a public consultation on possible post-2020 carbon leakage provisions
Original Title
Tendances Carbone no. 91. L'Union europeenne en ordre de bataille sur le front de Paris 2015?
Primary Subject
May 2014; 8 p; ISSN 1953-0439;
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Leguet, Benoit
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2013
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2013
[en] Among the publications of CDC Climat Research, 'Tendances Carbone' bulletin specifically studies the developments of the European market for CO2 allowances. This issue addresses the following points: - Back-loading was rejected by the European Parliament on 16 April and referred to the Parliament's ENVI Commission. A new plenary session vote has been scheduled for early July. - Structural reforms: discussion at the Parliament ENVI Commission at the end of June. - The EU-ETS is a 'zombie' policy, because the EU's climate policy lacks ambition. - If we want the EU ETS to remain the flagship for the transition towards a low-carbon economy, we must restore economic players' confidence in Europe's long-term climate goals
Original Title
Tendances Carbone no. 80 'L'EU ETS, bel exemple de politique publique 'mort-vivante''
Primary Subject
17 May 2013; 8 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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[en] Internationally set objectives in the fight against climate change cannot be reached without funding from the private sector. Public money, a scarce resource, must be used as best possible, in particular when it has a leverage effect on private funding. In this respect, feedback from the Kyoto Protocol's clean development mechanism is of interest. On the eve of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, we must ramp up the mobilization of private resources. Smart unconventional monetary (SUMO) policies could help us toward this goal. Several countries have adopted such policies to cope with macro-economic circumstances or systemic risks. Is the destabilization of the climate not a risk of this sort?
Original Title
Pour impliquer le secteur prive dans les financements climatiques: les mecanismes de projets de Kyoto et les politiques non conventionnelles 'sumo'
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Journal Article
Responsabilite et Environnement; ISSN 1268-4783; ; v. 1(no.77); p. 82-85
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Ducret, Pierre; Leguet, Benoit
Institute for Climate Economics - I4CE, 47 rue de la victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2015
Institute for Climate Economics - I4CE, 47 rue de la victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2015
[en] I4CE - the Institute for Climate Economics is an initiative of the Caisse des Depots, which continues to support it, and the Agence Francaise de Developpement, which has joined this project, giving the Institute a strong international dimension. The two major French public financial institutions are thus joining forces to create a real think tank, open to other partnerships. From the outset, I4CE benefits from the expertise and reputation which CDC Climat Research has acquired over ten years through its publicly available research, its discussions with public and private decision makers, and its research partnerships with other teams in France, Europe and around the world. I4CE aims at strengthening this independent economic expertise and increasing its influence. The creation of I4CE in 2015 is a step towards creating an agenda of solutions for the climate. I4CE hopes that its work will feed into efforts by France and international negotiators to reach an agreement in Paris in December 2015. However, I4CE has long believed that the transition towards a 'de-carbonised' economy which is resilient to climate change does not depend solely upon work by governments. I4CE believes that three other categories of stakeholders are just as essential for ensuring that this change is successful: - the industrial sector, and the energy sector in particular, the speed of transformation of which will depend greatly upon the inclusion of a carbon price in its model; - the finance sector which now must incorporate the 2 deg. C objective into the way in which it allocates capital; - regional stakeholders which decide on the future of cities, agriculture and forestry. I4CE has developed and organised its research programme for the coming years around these three areas, with the aim of providing its partners with the keys to understanding and decision making, acting as a meeting point for the best academic work and the constraints of political and economic action. This report gives an overview of I4CE activities and ways of working
Original Title
2004-2015 Une decennie d'expertise economique au service du climat
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Secondary Subject
2 Dec 2015; 48 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Morel, Romain; Leguet, Benoit
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2013
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2013
[en] Among the publications of CDC Climat Research, 'Tendances Carbone' bulletin specifically studies the developments of the European market for CO2 allowances. This issue addresses the following points: The Doha Conference in Qatar followed two conferences that yielded relatively significant results, namely Cancun (2010) and Durban (2011). These previous conferences had most notably agreed on a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol (KP-CP2), begun a negotiation process aimed at achieving an international post-2020 agreement, as well as furthered progress on the issue of financing. The aim of the Doha Conference was therefore to provide a link between the process drawn up by the Bali Road-map (2007) and the one launched in Durban in 2011, with the aim of arriving at an international post-2020 agreement. In the end, the Doha Conference enabled the definition of the rules of the second period of the Kyoto protocol and provided direction for a global agreement in 2015, but was however unable to give a strong signal on the issue of funding
Original Title
Tendances Carbone no. 76 'Doha entrouvre la porte du passage a - 25 % pour l'UE'
Primary Subject
10 Jan 2013; 8 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Sartor, Oliver; Leguet, Benoit
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2013
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2013
[en] Among the publications of CDC Climat Research, 'Climate Briefs' presents, in a few pages, hot topics in climate change policy. This issue addresses the following points: - Is the French energy transition compatible with economic growth and a 'competitive' French economy? Our answer is 'yes, with some conditions'. - The French economy is better positioned today for a meaningful energy transition than it has been for over 40 years. At the level of the macro-economy, a steady shift to higher energy prices is now much easier without hurting economic growth than it once was. - A small percentage of energy-intensive sectors may need targeted and temporary assistance with this transition
Original Title
Point Climat no. 29 'Transition energetique et sauvegarde de la competitivite en France: soyons productifs'
Primary Subject
6 May 2013; 22 p; 11 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Desai, Zuheir; Alberola, Emilie; Leguet, Benoit
CDC Climat, 47 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2014
CDC Climat, 47 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2014
[en] Among the publications of CDC Climat Research, 'Tendances Carbone' bulletin specifically studies the developments of the European market for CO_2 allowances. Beside some statistical figures about energy production/consumption and carbon markets, this issue specifically addresses the following points: - Upsurge in volumes and fall in prices: Nearly 1.1 billion EUA's were traded, i.e. +23%, whereas the average EUA spot price fell by 6% in March 2014. - 2030 climate and energy package: The EU Council will take stock of progress made at its next meeting in June 2014, based on consultations with Member States. - International credits: The EU Commission should approve all international credit entitlements tables before the end of April for the first compliance of the EU ETS in phase 3
Original Title
Tendances Carbone no. 90. La reserve de stabilite de marche de l'EU ETS: une reforme structurelle marginale a long terme
Primary Subject
Apr 2014; 8 p; ISSN 1953-0439;
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Numerical Data
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Bellassen, Valentin; Stephan, Nicolas; Leguet, Benoit
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2012
CDC Climat, 47, rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris (France)2012
[en] Among the publications of CDC Climat Research, 'Climate Briefs' presents, in a few pages, hot topics in climate change policy. This issue addresses the following points: Medium-term (i.e. pre-2015) demand for credits from the EU ETS and secondary sources of demand appears to be limited to 1.6 billion tCO2e. The supply of Kyoto credits is relatively predictable, and will cover demand between now and 2013-2014 according to our base-case scenario. Our view is that the demand-supply equilibrium will lead to a de-correlation between the price of Kyoto credits and the EUA price, and may lead to a price for Kyoto credits that is very low, or almost nil. Unless CER and ERU demand-side policies are modified, we do not foresee any rebound in CER and ERU prices beyond the current year
Original Title
Point Climat no. 13 'Y aura t-il un prix de marche pour les CER et ERU dans deux ans?'
Primary Subject
2 May 2012; 12 p; 6 refs; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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