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[en] The study of the medical and biological consequences of the nuclear accidents is a vast program. The Chernobyl accident has caused some thirty deceases: Some of them were rapid and the others occurred after a certain time. The particularity of these deaths was that the irradiation has been associated to burns and traumatisms. The lesson learnt from the Chernobyl accident is to treat the burn and the traumatism before treating the irradiation. Contrary to what the research workers believe, the first wave of deaths has passed between 15 and 35 days and it has not been followed by any others. But the therapeutic lesson drawn from the accident confirm the research workers results; for example: the radioactive doses band that determines where the therapy could be efficacious or not. the medical cares dispensed to the irradiated people in the hospital of Moscow has confirmed that the biochemical equilibrium of proteinic elements of blood has to be maintained, and the transfusion of the purified elements are very important to restore a patient to health, and the sterilization of the medium (room, food, bedding,etc...) of the patient is indispensable. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an international cooperation for providing enough sterilized rooms and specialists in the irradiation treatment. The genetic consequences and cancers from the Chernobyl accident have been discussed. It is impossible to detect these consequences because of their negligible percentages. (author)
Original Title
Les consequences biologiques et medicales des accidents nucleaire
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Academie du Royaume du Maroc, Rabat (Morocco); Publications de l'Academie du Royaume du Maroc; Session 11; 357 p; 1988; p. 113-117; Academie du Royaume du Maroc; Rabat (Morocco); Nuclear accidents: causes and consequences. Measures to be settled on and implemented in case of nuclear accident; Les accidents nucleaires: Causes et consequences. Mesures a decider et a mettre en oeuvre en cas d'accident nucleaire; Paris (France); 10-11 Jun 1987
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[en] For 25 years, pollution for radiation has been governed by restrictive rules enacted and periodically revised by an international commission, and adopted by all countries. Nothing similar exists for mutagenic and carcinogenic chemicals. Since these substances affect the genetic material in the cells with reactions often similar to those caused by radiation, quantitative comparisons are possible, in particular for some of those compounds produced by the combustion of coal, oil and gaz. This paper describes the main results obtained at the Institut Curie, since 1975, with ethylene, ethylene oxide and vinyl chloride monomer. The consequences are discussed for: a) the establishement of control rules for the main genotoxic chemical pollutions; b) the assessment of long term risks in the cases of nuclear energy and of the energies obtained by combustion
Depuis 25 ans, la pollution par les radiations a ete regie par des regles restrictives edictees et revisees periodiquement par une commission internationale et adoptees par tous les pays. Rien de semblable n'existe pour les mutagenes et carcinogenes chimiques. Puisque ces substances affectent le materiel genetique des cellules avec des reactions souvent semblables a celles causees par les radiations, des comparaisons quantitatives sont possibles, en particulier pour certains de ces composes produits par la combustion du charbon du petrole et du gaz. On decrit les principaux resultats obtenus a l'Institut Curie depuis 1975 avec l'ethylene, l'oxyde d'ethylene et le chlorure de vinyle monomere. Les consequences sont discutees pour l'etablissement et le controle de regles pour les principales pollutions chimiques genotoxiques; l'evaluation des risques a long terme dans le cas de l'energie nucleaire et des energies obtenues par combustionOriginal Title
Evaluation et comparaison quantitatives de risques genotoxiques
Primary Subject
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection, 92 - Fontenay-aux-Roses; 642 p; 1983; p. 99-112; Societe Francaise de Radioprotection; Fontenay-aux-Roses (France); 10. Regional congress of International Radiation Protection Association; Avignon (France); 18-22 Oct 1982
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[en] The lesions produced in the genetic material by chemical mutagens, on the one hand, and radiations, on the other, are very similar. In both cases, they are either lesions in DNA or changes in the bonds between this DNA and the proteins which surround it. The lesions are sufficiently similar to elicit, in both cases, the activity of the same repair systems. The similarity between chemical and radiation induced mutagenesis can be demonstrated by checking that a strain which is hyper-sensitive to radiation because it lacks some repair system, is also hyper-sensitive to most chemical mutagens. These similarities between the lesions suggest that one can establish an equivalence between the 'dose' of a chemical and a dose of radiation, on the basis of the effects produced on some biological systems of reference. Once such equivalence has been established, one could extrapolate the rules of radiation protection to protection against that chemical. Is this principle applicable, and under which conditions. What prerequisites must be fulfilled. The goal of this paper is to answer these questions
Primary Subject
Chanet, R. (ed.); Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg; p. 154-168; 1977; p. 154-168; Seminar on dose effect relationship in radiobiology; Orsay, France; 24 - 26 May 1976
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[en] The dose effect of chemical agents, which produces given genetic effect, could be equated to the dose of ionizing radiations, expected to produce the same quantitative effect for the same end-point. The use of a common unit, Rad-equivalent, permits in principle to extrapolate the existing ICRP (International Commission for Radiological Protection) recommendations for radiations on to the recommendations for chemical mutagens. The equivalence between radiation dose and the dose of chemicals is significant only if certain conditions are met. Some of the most important ones will be: a) the reciprocity law, b) the shape of the dose-effect curves, c) the extrapolation of experimental results to man, and d) other factors such as physiological and genetic ones. It is consequently clear that there are limitations to the general character of this notion. Mutagenic chemical pollution is clearly required to be not only qualitatively but also quantitatively regulated. Although today it may appear premature to attempt to use a unifying concept such as rad-equivalent, at some stage in the future, the assessment of the total amounts of risks including radiations will be necessary. A common unit for the comparison and summation of risks will then turn out to be necessary. (Yamashita, S.)
Primary Subject
Okada, S. (Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine); Imamura, M.; Terashima, T.; Yamaguchi, H. (eds.); 1025 p; 1979; p. 721-728; Japanese Association for Radiation Research; Tokyo, Japan; 6. international congress of radiation research; Tokyo, Japan; 13 - 19 May 1979
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Rio de Janeiro; no. 32; nd; no. 32; International Symposium; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 15 - 20 Jul 1973; Published in summary form only.
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[en] In the light of well-established biological facts concerning the malignant transformation of cells and, more particularly, radiation carcinogenesis, the bases on which the values of the doses of ionizing radiations presently permissible have been founded are discussed. This casts doubts on the serious consequences of such fundamental questions as that of thresholds, the methods of extrapolation from HH (high doses, high dose-rates) to ss (small doses, small dose-rates), and finally on the consideration which must be granted to the fluctuations of natural radiation
A la lumiere de faits biologiques dument confirmes, touchant a la transformation cellulaire maligne et, plus particulierement, a la radiocancerogenese, on discute les bases sur lesquelles sont fondees les valeurs des doses de rayonnements ionisants actuellement considerees comme admissibles. Cette mise en question entraine de serieuses consequences sur des notions fondamentales, telle l'existence de seuils, sur les methodes d'extrapolation des FF (fortes doses, forts debits) au ff (faibles doses, faibles debits), enfin sur la consideration qu'on doit accorder aux fluctuations de la radiation naturelleOriginal Title
Reflexions sur la radiocancerogenese
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Journal Article
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[en] As a member of a working group set up by the Pontificia Academia Scientiarium, between May 2 nd and 5 th, 1983, the author confides some personal considerations over the main issues discussed at this meeting
Pour avoir participe a un groupe de travail reuni au Vatican par l'Academie Pontificale des Sciences, du 2 au 5 mai 1983, l'auteur soumet quelques reflexions personnelles que cette reunion lui a inspireesOriginal Title
Implications biologiques de l'optimisation des irradiations
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radioprotection; ISSN 0033-8451; ; v. 18(3); p. 155-163
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[en] When carcinogenic viruses are irradiated under suitable experimental conditions with ultra-violet rays or ionizing radiation, the various viral functions can be dissociated and virions defective in certain functions can be obtained. These defects are real mutations; they are passed on to subsequent generations provided the virions affected remain capable of reproduction. It has been possible to obtain various types of mutant, e.g. hyper producers of virions, non-productive transformers, non-transforming producers. The production of these mutants opens up certain experimental possibilities with regard to the transformation mechanism and the possible consequences of irradiation in vivo. Attention will be devoted in particular to the increased oncogenic capability in vivo which is sometimes observed in pre-irradiated viruses, and also to the consequences of this effect in the radiotherapy of certain malignant infections. These studies are also of interest for analysing the structure of the viral genome and throwing light on that fraction of the genome which is responsible for the transforming capacity. In the case of small viruses with a single DNA molecule (polyoma, SV-40) it has been possible to measure the fraction of the molecule responsible for the transforming capacity. In the case of the Rous virus the experiments suggest that the viral RNA is made up of sub-units capable of independent replication, the transforming capacity being possessed by only one of these sub-units. The induced defect may reveal the presence of transforming capacity in a virus considered as non- oncogenic because the transformed cells are usually eliminated by the infective process. In this way irradiation could render carcinogenic a virus which is not carcinogenic under normal conditions. The paper covers work done at the various viral radiobiology laboratories of the Radium Institute during the last two years. (author)
En irradiant des virus cancérigènes dans des conditions expérimentales convenables, avec des rayons UV ou des radiations ionisantes, on peut dissocier les diverses fonctions virales et obtenir des virions défectifs en certaines fonctions. Ces défectivités constituent de véritables mutations; elles sont perpétuées à la descendance des virions qui les portent lorsque ceux-ci sont restés capables de se multiplier. On a ainsi pu obtenir des mutants de divers types, tels que: hyperproducteurs de virions, transformants non producteurs, producteurs non transformants. La production de ces mutants ouvre certaines possibilités expérimentales concernant, d'une part, le mécanisme de la transformation et, d’autre part, les conséquences possibles des irradiations in vivo. L’attention est particulièrement attirée sur l'augmentation du pouvoir oncogène in vivo qu'on observe parfois chez des virus préalablement irradiés, et sur les conséquences de ce phénomène dans la radiothérapie de certaines infections malignes. Ces études présentent un autre intérêt, qui est d'analyser la structure du génome viral et d'apporter certaines indications sur la fraction de ce génome responsable du pouvoir transformant. Dans le cas de , petits virus à molécule unique d’ADN (polyome, SV-40) on a pu mesurer la fraction de la molécule responsable du pouvoir transformant. Dans le cas du virus de'Rous, les expériences sont en faveur d’une structure de l'ARN viral en sub-unités capables d'une réplication indépendante, le pouvoir transformant étant porté par une seule de ces sub-unités. La défectivité induite peut permettre de démasquer le pouvoir transformant d'un virus considéré comme non oncogène parce que les cellules transformées sont habituellement éliminées par le processus infectieux. L’irradiation pourrait ainsi rendre cancérigène un virus qui, dans les conditions normales, ne l'est pas. Dans le mémoire sont exposés les travaux effectués par les divers laboratoires de radiobiologie virale de l'Institut du radium au cours des deux dernières années. (author)Original Title
Effets des Radiations sur les Fonctions Genetiques des Virus Cancerigenes
Primary Subject
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); 512 p; Nov 1969; p. 13-19; Symposium on Radiation-Induced Cancer; Athens (Greece); 28 Apr - 2 May 1969; IAEA-SM--118/32; ISSN 0074-1884; ; 10 refs., 1 tab., 1 fig.
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[en] This paper overviews quite briefly the accident history and the radiological impact on the region itself and its population as also on Europe and France
Cet article resume assez rapidement l'accident et l'impact radiologique sur la region meme et sa population ainsi qu'en Europe et en FranceOriginal Title
Sur l'accident nucleaire de Tchernobyl
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Record Type
Journal Article
Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences. Serie 2; ISSN 0249-6305; ; CODEN CRSUD; v. 303(2); p. 105-110
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[en] An informal Joint Working Group on Radiation Quantities, consisting of representatives of the ICRU and other international organizations was initiated at the International Congress of Radiation Research in 1974. The conclusions of a meeting of the Group held in 1975 are summarised. Quantities are proposed to describe any type of radiation field in terms of the total amount of energy carried by the radiation and its distribution with respect to time, area, volume and solid angle, expressed in terms of either radiant energy (joules) or number of particles. If this general approach is agreed to by the parent organizations and others the Group will go on to recommend quantities to represent the interactions of fields with matter and to provide a dosimetric scheme usable with all types of radiation. (author)
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Journal Article
Photochemistry and Photobiology; ISSN 0031-8655; ; v. 28(1); p. 3-5
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