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Latu, Guillaume
Universite de Strasbourg, 4 rue Blaise Pascal, 67081 Strasbourg Cedex (France); CEA, DES-DEC (France)2018
Universite de Strasbourg, 4 rue Blaise Pascal, 67081 Strasbourg Cedex (France); CEA, DES-DEC (France)2018
[en] My contributions concern the improvement of computational methods from the point of view of parallelization, the design of optimized algorithms and implementations for specific machines, but also on the upgrade of some numerical schemes. In the various simulation codes on which I have been involved, it has been required to adapt or renovate calculation schemes for efficient execution on machines with a large number of cores. My inputs contribute throughout the entire chain, from modeling, to efficient implementation on large supercomputers. The studies I carried out were done in close interaction with the designers and users of the simulation codes so that the results are effective and usable in production. The document is composed of three main chapters plus a final one enclosing conclusions and perspectives. Although my scientific work is not limited to Gysela, I chose here to focus a large part of the document on this application in order to simplify the contextual setting and to allow me to get into some of the details. Chapter 2 concerns various studies carried out to make the best use of the today's supercomputers. After a short description of the physical problem in Gysela, the numerical methods are described, and then I discuss the improvements required to exploit the biggest academic calculators in Europe. Chapter 3 summarizes works in closer connection with the field of applied mathematics. The implementation of specific test cases within Gysela and the adaptation of numerical methods in the Vlasov and Poisson solvers make it possible to better preserve certain invariants and improve the precision of the code. Chapter 4 focuses on work on the development of parallel algorithms and the implementation of optimization techniques dedicated to new architectures. Studies on various applications are highlighted. I draw some insights from lessons learned on these new computing devices. The very last chapter 5 gives a conclusion of the previous chapters, and outlines some of the research projects I plan for the years to come
Mes contributions concernent l'amelioration des methodes de calcul du point de vue de la parallelisation, la conception d'algorithmes optimises et d'implementations pour des machines specifiques, mais aussi l'amelioration de certains schemas numeriques. Dans les differents codes de simulation sur lesquels j'ai ete implique, il a ete necessaire d'adapter ou de renover des schemas de calcul pour une execution efficace sur des machines avec un grand nombre de coeurs. Mes apports contribuent a l'ensemble de la chaine, de la modelisation a la mise en oeuvre efficace sur de grands supercalculateurs. Les etudes que j'ai menees l'ont ete en etroite interaction avec les concepteurs et les utilisateurs des codes de simulation afin que les resultats soient efficaces et utilisables en production. Le document se compose de trois chapitres principaux et d'un dernier chapitre contenant des conclusions et des perspectives. Bien que mes travaux scientifiques ne se limitent pas a Gysela, j'ai choisi ici de consacrer une grande partie du document a cette application afin de simplifier la mise en contexte et de me permettre d'entrer dans certains details. Le chapitre 2 concerne diverses etudes menees pour utiliser au mieux les supercalculateurs d'aujourd'hui. Apres une breve description du probleme physique de Gysela, les methodes numeriques sont decrites, puis je discute des ameliorations necessaires pour exploiter les plus grands calculateurs universitaires d'Europe. Le chapitre 3 resume les travaux plus etroitement lies au domaine des mathematiques appliquees. L'implementation de cas de tests specifiques au sein de Gysela et l'adaptation des methodes numeriques dans les solveurs de Vlasov et de Poisson permettent de mieux preserver certains invariants et d'ameliorer la precision du code. Le chapitre 4 se concentre sur les travaux de developpement d'algorithmes paralleles et l'implementation de techniques d'optimisation dediees aux nouvelles architectures. Des etudes sur diverses applications sont mises en evidence. Je tire quelques enseignements des lecons apprises sur ces nouveaux dispositifs informatiques. Le tout dernier chapitre 5 presente une conclusion des chapitres precedents et expose certains des projets de recherche que j'envisage pour les annees a venirOriginal Title
Contribution a la simulation haute-performance et aux methodes de calcul tres extensibles
Primary Subject
18 May 2018; 125 p; 194 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Informatique et Calcul Scientifique; HDR: Memoire d'Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches
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[en] In gyrokinetic turbulent simulations, the knowledge of some stationary states can help reducing numerical artifacts. Considering long-term simulations, the qualities of the Vlasov solver and of the radial boundary conditions have an impact on the conservation properties. In order to improve mass and energy conservation mainly, the following methods are investigated: fix the radial boundary conditions on a stationary state, use a 4D advection operator that avoids a directional splitting, interpolate with a delta-f approach. The combination of these techniques in the semi-Lagrangian code Gysela leads to a net improvement of the conservation properties in 5D simulations. (authors)
Primary Subject
Available from doi:; 18 refs.; This record replaces 49023948; This record replaces 50034269
Record Type
Journal Article
European Physical Journal. D, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; ISSN 1434-6060; ; v. 68(no.345); p. 1-16
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[en] Gyrokinetic simulations lead to huge computational needs. Up to now, the semi-Lagrangian code Gysela performed large simulations using a few thousands cores (65 k cores). But to understand more accurately the nature of the plasma turbulence, finer resolutions are wished which make Gysela a good candidate to exploit the computational power of future Exascale machines. Among the Exascale challenges, the less memory per core issue is one of the must critical. This paper deals with memory management in order to reduce the memory peak, and presents an approach to understand the memory behaviour of an application when dealing with very large meshes. This enables us to extrapolate the behaviour of Gysela for expected capabilities of Exascale machine. (authors)
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2014; 11 p; Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences; Springer, Berlin Heidelberg (Germany); PPAM 2013: International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics; Varsovie (Poland); 8-11 Sep 2013; ISBN 978-3-642-55194-9; ; Available from doi:; Country of input: France; 11 refs.
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[en] This work is devoted to the study of field-aligned interpolation in semi-Lagrangian codes. In the context of numerical simulations of magnetic fusion devices, this approach is motivated by the observation that gradients of the solution along the magnetic field lines are typically much smaller than along a perpendicular direction. In toroidal geometry, field-aligned interpolation consists of a 1D interpolation along the field line, combined with 2D interpolations on the poloidal planes (at the intersections with the field line). A theoretical justification of the method is provided in the simplified context of constant advection on a 2D periodic domain: unconditional stability is proven, and error estimates are given which highlight the advantages of field-aligned interpolation. The same methodology is successfully applied to the solution of the gyrokinetic Vlasov equation, for which we present the ion temperature gradient (ITG) instability as a classical test-case: first we solve this in cylindrical geometry (screw-pinch), and next in toroidal geometry (circular Tokamak). In the first case, the algorithm is implemented in Selalib (semi-Lagrangian library), and the numerical simulations provide linear growth rates that are in accordance with the linear dispersion analysis. In the second case, the algorithm is implemented in the Gysela code, and the numerical simulations are benchmarked with those employing the standard (not aligned) scheme. Numerical experiments show that field-aligned interpolation leads to considerable memory savings for the same level of accuracy; substantial savings are also expected in reactor-scale simulations. (authors)
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Available from doi:; Country of input: France
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Scientific Computing; ISSN 0885-7474; ; v. 74(no.3); p. 1601-1650
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Ghendrih, Philippe; Dif-Pradalier, Guilhem; Norscini, Claudia; Cartier-Michaud, Thomas; Estève, Damien; Garbet, Xavier; Grandgirard, Virginie; Latu, Guillaume; Passeron, Chantal; Sarazin, Yanick, E-mail: philippe.ghendrih@cea.fr2014
[en] The empirical scaling law used to support the projected ITER performance [1, 2] in analysed to determine the control parameters that must be considered in gyrokinetic simulations. The results of such an analysis are contradictory and do not appear to fit with present evidence from gyrokinetic simulations. Analysing the dependence of the correlation length on the ρ_* parameter, we show that local values of the correlation length are governed by the shearing effect of the corrugation patterns, but that coarse graining this value, in time, radially or poloidally does not allow one to recover this match. A comparison to the scaling law must then rely on the scaling properties of the Probability Density Function of the correlation length that is found to exhibit heavy tails with algebraic decay
Primary Subject
Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop 2014; Varenna (Italy); 1-5 Sep 2014; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 561(1); [14 p.]
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[en] This paper presents a study of techniques used to speedup a scientific simulation code. The techniques include sequential optimizations as well as the parallelization with OpenMP. This work is carried out on two different multi-core shared memory architectures, namely a cutting edge 8x8 core CPU and a more common 2x6 core board. Our target application is representative of many memory bound codes, and the techniques we present show how to overcome the burden of the memory bandwidth limit, which is quickly reached on multi-core or many-core with shared memory architectures. To achieve efficient speedups, strategies are applied to lower the computation costs, and to maximize the use of processors caches. Optimizations are: minimizing memory accesses, simplifying and reordering computations, and tiling loops. On 12 cores processor Intel X5675, aggregation of these optimizations results in an execution time 21.6 faster, compared to the original version on one core. (authors)
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2014; 8 p; IEEE Computer Society; Washington (United States); SYNASC 2013: 15. International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing; Timisoara (Romania); 23-26 Sep 2013; ISBN 978-1-4799-3035-7; ; Available from doi:; Country of input: France; 12 refs.
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Cartier-Michaud, Thomas; Schwander, Frederic; Serre, Eric; Ghendrih, Philippe; Dif-Pradalier, Guilhem; Garbet, Xavier; Grandgirard, Virginie; Latu, Guillaume; Sarazin, Yanick, E-mail: philippe.ghendrih@cea.fr2018
[en] Verification of a 1D-1V kinetic code with the PoPe method [1] is presented. Investigation of the impact of reducing the precision of the numerical scheme is analysed by following 3 indicators of the physics solved by the code, namely the plasma response to an external high frequency electric field wave. The response of the distribution function in the vicinity of the particle-wave resonance is found to be most sensitive to the resolution. Consistently, a rapid growth of the error indicator determined with PoPe is observed. However, no critical value of this indicator allowing us to retain the physics in a situation of degraded precision could be observed. The response of the amplitude of the electric potential fluctuations is characterised by a transient growth followed by a plateau. It is found that the loss of this plateau is governed by the resolution in v-space, but due to the generation of a symmetry in the problem rather than to errors in the numerical scheme. The analysis of the transient indicates that the growth rate of the amplitude of the electric potential is very robust down to very low resolution, step in velocity of 2 thermal velocities. However, a transition prior to this resolution, with step 0.5 thermal velocity, can be identified corresponding to a PoPe indicator of order zero, namely for errors of order 100 %. (paper)
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Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on the Theory of Fusion Plasmas 2018; Varenna (Italy); 27-31 Aug 2018; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 1125(1); [15 p.]
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Asahi, Yuuichi; Grandgirard, Virginie; Sarazin, Yanick; Donnel, Peter; Garbet, Xavier; Dif-Pradalier, Guilhem; Latu, Guillaume; Idomura, Yasuhiro, E-mail:, E-mail:
[en] The role of poloidal convective cells—i.e. low frequency axisymmetric modes of the electric potential—on transport processes is studied with the full-F gyrokinetic code GYSELA. In order to understand the impact of convective cells, we apply a numerical filter to convective cells and compare the simulation results with and without the filter. The energy flux driven by the magnetic drifts (due to the curvature of the magnetic field lines and to the gradient of the magnetic field intensity ∇B) turns out to be reduced by a factor of about 2 once the numerical filter is applied. A careful analysis reveals that the frequency spectrum of the convective cells is well-correlated with that of the turbulent Reynolds stress tensor, giving credit to their turbulence driven origin. The impact of convective cells on can be interpreted as a synergy between turbulence and neoclassical dynamics. (paper)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Asahi, Yuichi; Latu, Guillaume; Grandgirard, Virginie; Bigot, Julien
Proceedings of SNA + MC2020: Joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications + Monte Carlo 20202020
Proceedings of SNA + MC2020: Joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications + Monte Carlo 20202020
[en] Performance portability is expected to be a critical issue in the upcoming exascale era. We explore a performance portable approach for a fusion plasma turbulence simulation code employing the kinetic model, namely the GYSELA code. For this purpose, we extract the key features of GYSELA such as the high dimensionality (more than 4D) and the semi-Lagrangian scheme, and encapsulate them into a mini-application which solves the similar but a simplified Vlasov-Poisson system as GYSELA. We implement the mini-app with OpenACC, OpenMP4.5 and Kokkos, where we suppress unnecessary duplications of code lines. Based on our experience, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of OpenACC, OpenMP4.5 and Kokkos, from the viewpoints of performance portability, readability and productivity. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [433 p.]; 2020; p. 218-224; SNA+MC 2020: Joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications + Monte Carlo 2020; Chiba (Japan); 18-22 May 2020; Available from Atomic Energy Society of Japan, 2-3-7 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan; Available as PDF format, Paper ID: SNA08-2.pdf; 4 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs.
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[en] The simulation of nuclear systems relies on 3 keys: digital simulation, experimental simulation and nuclear data, to become an efficient predictive tool. Nuclear systems involve several scales of modeling from the neutron triggering a fission to the reactor system via the reactor core and the fuel assembly. Furthermore reactor physics implies the application of neutron transport theory, thermohydraulics, physical chemistry of materials and thermo-mechanical behaviour of the fuel element. Each of these 4 fields have dedicated computer codes that are accurate with a broad range of utilisation, today's challenge is to couple them to obtain high fidelity simulations. (A.C.)
Original Title
Preparer le nucleaire de demain
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