Galper, A.M.; Kirillov-Ugryumov, V.G.; Leikov, N.G.; Luchkov, B.I.
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference1982
Conference papers. 17. International cosmic ray conference1982
[en] The observed quasiperiodic atmospherical γ-radiation intensity variations with the amplitude of about 10% can be due to air density oscillations caused by stratospheric internal gravity waves. The vertical intensity is shown to be more greatly subjected to variations with the period of about 5 min. Pressure variations synchronous with those of γ-radiation are of the amplitude no more than 0.5%
Primary Subject
CEA, 75 - Paris (France); International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; 436 p; ISBN 2-7272-0068-4; ; 1982; v. 10 p. 293-296; Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique; Paris, France; 17. International cosmic ray conference; Paris, France; 13 - 25 Jul 1981; Sold by Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands
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Iyudin, A.F.; Kurochkin, A.V.; Leikov, N.G.; Luchkov, B.I.; Fesenko, A.I.; Yurkin, Yu.T.
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 41975
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 41975
[en] The results of balloon measurements of altitude, energy and angular dependences of gamma-ray intensity at energies above 40 MeV by means of telescopes with spark chambers are presented. (orig./WBU)
Es werden Ergebnisse von Ballonmessungen vorgestellt, in denen die Abhaengigkeit der Intensitaet von Gammastrahlen von der Hoehe, der Energie und dem Einfallswinkel bei Energien ueber 40 MeV durch Teleskope mit Funkenkammern untersucht wurden. (orig./WBU)Primary Subject
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik, Garching/Muenchen (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik; p. 1428-1433; 1975; 14. international cosmic ray conference; Garching/Muenchen, F.R. Germany; 15 Aug 1975; 4 figs.; 1 tab.; 14 refs. Available from ZAED.
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Galper, A.M.; Kirillov-Ugryumov, V.G.; Kurochkin, A.V.; Leikov, N.G.; Luchkov, B.I.; Yurkin, Yu.T.
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 11975
14th international cosmic ray conference. Conference papers. Vol. 11975
[en] Measurements were carried out with the help of a wide-aperture gamma-telescope with spark chambers in two flights of high-altitude balloons in October, 12, 1972 and July, 10, 1974. The variable gamma-radiation from the galactic source Cyg X-3 has been observed on October, 12, 1972. The comparison of two flight results is presented. (orig.)
Die Messungen wurden mit einem Weitwinkelgammateleskop mit Funkenkammern bei Ballonfluegen in grosser Hoehe am 12. Oktober 1972 und 10. Juli 1974 durchgefuehrt. Die veraenderliche Gammastrahlung der galaktischen Quelle Cyg X-3 wurde am 12. Oktober 1972 beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse von zwei Fluegen werden verglichen. (orig./BJ)Primary Subject
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics; Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik, Garching/Muenchen (F.R. Germany). Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik; p. 95-99; 1975; 14. international cosmic ray conference; Muenchen, F.R. Germany; 15 Aug 1975; 3 figs.; 8 refs. Available from ZAED.
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[en] A scintillating fiber sampling calorimeter telescope (SSCT (SF)) is proposed which is to be operated on board a satellite for the observation of cosmic gamma rays ranging from 200 MeV to 200 GeV. The idea of SSCT (SF) is based on the experience in developing a Si(Li)/Pb sampling calorimeter telescope (SSCT (Si)); SSCT(SF) replaces the Si detectors in SSCT(Si) by scintillating fibers. Some key parameters of SSCT(Si) are: the active area is 2,500 cm2, effective area 1,500 cm2, the median angular reoslution 1.6 degree at 1 GeV, 0.34 degree at 10 GeV, 0.21 degree at 30 GeV, and the r.m.s energy resolution is 20, 17 and 18% at 1, 10 and 100 GeV, respectively. If a thicker calorimeter is used, 17%/√E(GeV) is possible. SSCT(SF) is now under development. From a preliminary test, we expect that the angular resolution of SSCT(SF) is, at worst, almost the same as SSCT(Si), and the energy resolution could be better than 30% at 1 GeV. Probably almost the same energy resolution is obtainable. An effective area of one order of magnitude larger than the EGRET can be attained with a low cost
International conference on high energy gamma ray astronomy; Ann Arbor, MI (USA); 2-5 Oct 1990; CONF-9010289--
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Journal Article
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