Gumbatov, F.Yu.; Sulejmanov, B.A.; Lisanova, E.V.; Akhmedov, M.M.
XVIII Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry. Summaries of reports in five volumes. Volume 3. Actual problems of chemical industry, estimation of technical risks. Physicochemical basis of rational use of natural and technogenic resources. Chemical aspects of modern energetics. Petrochemistry, petroleum processing and catalysis2007
XVIII Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry. Summaries of reports in five volumes. Volume 3. Actual problems of chemical industry, estimation of technical risks. Physicochemical basis of rational use of natural and technogenic resources. Chemical aspects of modern energetics. Petrochemistry, petroleum processing and catalysis2007
No abstract available
Original Title
Raspredelenie estestvennykh radionuklidov i tyazhelykh metallov v ozere neftyanogo proiskhozhdeniya
Primary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskoe Khimicheskoe Obshchestvo im. D.I. Mendeleeva, Moscow (Russian Federation); Pravitel'stvo Moskvy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ministerstvo Obrazovaniya i Nauki Rossijskoj Federatsii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Natsional'nyj Komitet Rossijskikh Khimikov, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Soyuz Khimikov, Moscow (Russian Federation); 496 p; ISBN 978-5-94691-272-3 (VOLUME 3); ; 2007; p. 332; 18. Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry; XVIII Mendeleevskij s''ezd po obshchej i prikladnoj khimii; Moscow (Russian Federation); 23-28 Sep 2007; 3 refs.
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Humbatov, F.Y.; Suleymanov, B.A.; Lisanova, E.V.; Ahmedov, M.M.; Mikailova, A.J.
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
[en] Full text: The petroleum and accompanying layer water are contained in the structure many chemical elements, including natural radionuclides and placed in the interior of the Earth. There is in process production of petroleum occur carry out of numerous chemical substances of petroleum, polycyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons, salts of heavy metals, including soluble and not of soluble connections of stable and radioactive isotopes etc. on a surface. The radioactive reservoir dry up in places of the tax of petroleum and occurs concentrating of radioactive substances on a surface of the Earth with following adverse for the man and environment by consequences. As a result of process of accumulation on oil-extracting sites the natural radiating background changes. Gross weight of the polluted ground makes of 155 thousand tons on Absheron peninsula on precomputation. Similar negative influence have undergone as a result of flood layer waters from petroleum drill holes. The submit thesis is investigated radionuclides structure, radio-activity and parameters describing layer waters, which strongly influence processes of dissolution of minerals, precipitation and accumulation radionuclides. We chose object of research the second site of the first field Surakhany region which is a southeast of Absheron peninsula. Samples layer waters were taken from seven drill holes, which have different depths and accordingly different mineral structure and also from lake, which was formed as a result of functioning of drill holes. The results of the analysis were given in the table. The results of the analysis of water samples have attributed to chlorine - calcium brine (quantity of minerals more 50 g/l). There is a return proportionality between a radioactivity Radon 226 and quantity HCO3, which it is possible to explain by poor solubility RaCO3
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Gabulov, I. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Zafer, A. (TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)); Garibov, A. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Kerimov, M (President of ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Cakiroglu, Okay (President of TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)) (and others); ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan); Turkish Atomic Energy Authority; International Atomic Energy; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Sciences Of Uzbekistan; Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan; National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. Funding organisation: Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (Turkey); 234 p; Nov 2006; p. 99; 4. Eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2006; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Contains 1 comparative table
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Suleymanov, B.A.; Gumbatov, F.Y.; Abbasov, Sh.M.; Mikailova, A.C.; Lisanova, E.V.
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
[en] Full text: Activity of rock, process increasing alkalify of soil by ground water sorbsion of radionuclides in soil and other factors impact to the especial activity of natural radionuclides in soil. Energies of gamma rays which permit natural radionuclids not below 2,6 MeV and is partial swallowed by soil. The basic radiating part by a terrestrial surface gives radionuclids which are in thicker 30 sm of ground. In several zones of Azerbaijan (especially in central Aran regions) geological, ecological process that happen in environment and ground waters rise to the surface and in result of controlles irrigation in agriculture in result of this mineral composition changes upper surface layer and therefore condition appear for of the appearance radionuclids in solution situation which situated in upper surface and mixing with surface water. Analysis of radionuclide composition ground water allowed get information about environmental pollution in such areas. First of all the aim of this work is to determine the quantity of radionuclids and theirs distribution in the area Yevlakh region which is chosen for investigation. Running of Kur river throw Yevlakh region which basis provider water in Azerbaijan republic makes important to learn the problem. From different places of suburbs settlement and villages which border other regions generally 26 (water and soil) samples have taken and kept in hermetic marinelly for a month for making equilibrium and learned by Ge gamma-spectrometer and Radon-7 detector. Results of investigation show that irregular distribution of radionuclids in area. In soil sample taken from Aran settlement area observing technical origin Cs-137 (3,12Bk/kq) be explained a result of global settle process
Primary Subject
Gabulov, I. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Alper, Z. (TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)); Garibov, A. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Kerimov, M (President of ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Cakiroglu, Okay (TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)) (and others); ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan); Turkish Atomic Energy Authority; International Atomic Energy; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Sciences Of Uzbekistan; Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan; National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. Funding organisation: Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (Turkey); 234 p; Nov 2006; p. 121; 4. Eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2006; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Includes 2 tabs
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Suleymanov, B.A.; Gumbatov, F.Y.; Abbasov, Sh.M.; Mikailova, A.C.; Lisanova, E.V.
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
[en] Full text: Activity of rock, process increasing alkalify of soil by ground water sorbsion of radionuclides in soil and other factors impact to the especial activity of natural radionuclides in soil. Energies of gamma - rays which permit natural radionuclides not below 2,6 MeV and is partial swallowed by soil. The basic radiating part by a terrestrial surface gives radionuclides which are in thicker 30 sm of ground. In several zones of Azerbaijan (especially in central Aran regions) geological, ecological process that happen in environment and ground waters rise to the surface and in result of controllers irrigation in agriculture in result of this mineral composition changes upper surface layer and therefore condition appear for of the appearance radionuclides in solution situation which situated in upper surface and mixing with surface water. Analysis of radionuclide composition ground water allowed get information about environmental pollution in such areas. First of all the aim of this work is to determine the quantity of radionuclides and theirs distribution in the area Yevlakh region which is chosen for investigation. Running of Kur river throw Yevlakh region which basis provider water in Azerbaijan republic makes important to learn the problem. From different places of suburbs settlement and villages which border other regions generally 26 (water and soil) samples have taken and kept in hermetic marinelly for a month for making equilibrium and learned by Ge gamma-spectrometer and Radon-7 detector. Results of investigation show that irregular distribution of radionuclides in area. In soil sample taken from Aran settlement area observing technical origin Cs-137 (3,12Bk/kq) be explained a result of global settle process
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Gabulov, I. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Zafer, A. (TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)); Garibov, A. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Kerimov, M (President of ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Cakiroglu, Okay (President of TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)) (and others); ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan); Turkish Atomic Energy Authority; International Atomic Energy; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Sciences Of Uzbekistan; Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan; National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. Funding organisation: Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (Turkey); 234 p; Nov 2006; p. 121; 4. Eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2006; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Includes 2 tabs
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Humbatov, F.Y.; Lisanova, E.V.; Ahmedov, M.M.; Suleymanov, B.A.; Balayev, V.S.; Ibadov, N.
The seventh eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2014
The seventh eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2014
[en] Full text : Radionuclide composition of natural waters of Azerbaijan varies in a very wide range and depends on the type of water; lithologopetrographical complexes of rocks; circulation patterns of groundwater in areas of intensive and hindered water exchange; composition of total minaralization. The main reason for defining the chemical composition of spring water is their relationship with rocks. In this research determination the concentration of radon and radionuclides in water were carried out using the RAD-7, portable radon detector by DURRIDGE company and high-purity germanium detector gamma spectrometry system Canberra company accordingly
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Alizade, A. (President, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Garibov, A.A. (Director, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)) (and others); Azerbaijan National Academy of Siences, Baku (AZ)); Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (AZ)); Ministry of Communication and High Technologies, Baku (AZ)); National Nuclear Center, Institute of Nuclear Physics (KZ)); National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics (UZ)); National Academy of Sciences (KG)). Funding organisation: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan); 415 p; Oct 2014; p. 339; 7. eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 21-24 Oct 2014; Available in abstract form only, full text is entered in this record; Available from Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan; 1 tab
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
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[en] Full Text: Distribution of radionuclides along the Kur river and in it's some inflows on territory of Azerbaijan via gamma-spectrometer method has been investigated. The results of gamma spectrometer analysis for the contents radionuclides (Ra-226, Ra-228, K-40, co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137) in soil, bottom sediment have been given. It was determined that basically radionuclides collect in bottom sediment
Original Title
Kur chayi ve onun bezi qollarinda radionuklidlerin paylanmasi
Primary Subject
Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Translated from Azerbaijanian
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences. Physics and Astronomy; ISSN 2304-7453; ; v. 204(4); 5 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Humbatov, F.Y; Suleymanov, B.A; Lisanova, E.V; Ahmedov, M.M; Mikailova, A.J.
Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Research of natural radionuclides in layer waters in Surakhany region2006
Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Research of natural radionuclides in layer waters in Surakhany region2006
[en] Full text: The petroleum and accompanying layer water are contained in the structure many chemical elements,including natural radionuclides and placed in the interior of the Earth.There is in process production of petroleum ,polycyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons,salts of heavy metals,including soluble and not of soluble connections of stable and radioactive isotopes etc. on a surface.The radioactive reservoir dry up in places of the tax of petroleum and occurs concentrating of radioactive substances on a surface of the Earth with following adverse for the man and environment by consequences. As a result of result of process of accumulation on oil-extracting sites the natural radiating background changes.Gross weight of the polluted ground makes of 155 thousand tons on Absheron peninsula on precomputation.Similar negative influence processes of dissolution of minerals, precipitation and accumulation radionuclides.We chose object of research the second site of the first field /surahany region which is a southeast of absheron peninsula.Samples layer waters were taken from seven drill holes,which have different depths and accordingly different mineral structure and also from lake,which was formed as a result of functioning of drill holes.The result of functioning of drill holes.
Primary Subject
Humbatov, F.Y; Suleymanov, B.A; Lisanova, E.V; Ahmedov, M.M; Mikailova, A.J. (Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan)) (and others); Instutute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan). Funding organisation: National Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (UNAS), Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan (INPK), Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Sciences, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan); 233 p; Oct 2006; p. 99; Nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2006; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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Reference NumberReference Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Suleymanov, B.A; Gumbatov, F.Y; Abbasov, Sh.M; Mikailova, A.C; Lisanova, E.V.
Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Distribution of radionuclides in Yevlakh region area2006
Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Distribution of radionuclides in Yevlakh region area2006
[en] Full text: Activity of rock, process increasing alkalify of soil by ground water sorbs ion of radionuclides in soil and other factors impact to the especial activity of natural radionuclides in oil. In several zones of Azerbaijan (especially in central Aran regions) geological. Geological process that happen in environment and ground waters rise to the surface and in result of controllers irrigation in agriculture in result of this mineral composition changes surface layer and therefore condition appear for of the appearance radionuclides in distribution situation which situated in upper surface and mixing with surface water. Analysis of radionuclide composition ground water allowed get information about environmental solution in such areas. First of all the aim of this work is to determine the quantity of radionuclides and theirs distribution in the area Yevlakh region which is chosen for investigation. Results of investigation show that irregular distribution of radionuclides in area
Primary Subject
Mahmud, K. (Ch; President, ANAS, Baku (AZ)); Adil, G. (Director of Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (AZ)); Nuruyev, M. (Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (AZ)) (and others); Instutute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan). Funding organisation: National Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (UNAS), Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan (INPK), Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Sciences, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan); 230 p; Nov 2006; p. 121; Nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2006; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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