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Litvinenko, V.N.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE SC Office of Science (United States)2011
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE SC Office of Science (United States)2011
[en] Energy recovery linacs (ERLs) are an emerging generation of accelerators promising to revolutionize the fields of high-energy physics and photon sciences. These accelerators combine the advantages of linear accelerators with that of storage rings, and hold the promise of delivering electron beams of unprecedented power and quality. Use of superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities converts ERLs into nearly perfect 'perpetuum mobile' accelerators, wherein the beam is accelerated to a desirable energy, used, and then gives the energy back to the RF field. One potential weakness of these devices is transverse beam break-up instability that could severely limit the available beam current. In this paper, I present a method of suppressing these dangerous effects using a natural phenomenon in the accelerators, viz., the chromaticity of the transverse motion.
Primary Subject
23 Dec 2011; 25 p; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL: Available from; doi 10.2172/1039648
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Litvinenko, V.N.
Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office of Science (United States)2010
Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office of Science (United States)2010
[en] This idea was originally developed in 2001 for, at that time, an ERL-based (and later recirculating -ring) electron-ion collider at JLab. Naturally the same idea is applicable for any gun requiring current exceeding capability of a single cathode. ERL-based eRHIC is one of such cases. This note related to eRHIC was prepared at Duke University in February 2003. In many case photo-injectors can have a limited average current - it is especially true about polarized photo-guns. It is know that e-RHIC requires average polarized electron current well above currently demonstrated by photo-injectors - hence combining currents from multiple guns is can be useful option for eRHIC.
Primary Subject
1 Jan 2010; 4 p; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:; doi 10.2172/1013527
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Litvinenko, V.N.
Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office of Science (United States)2010
Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office of Science (United States)2010
[en] This paper is a sub-set of my lectures presented in the Accelerator Physics course (USPAS, Santa Rosa, California, January 14-25, 2008). It is based on my notes I wrote during period from 1976 to 1979 in Novosibirsk. Only few copies (in Russian) were distributed to my colleagues in Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics. The goal of these notes is a complete description starting from the arbitrary reference orbit, explicit expressions for 4-potential and accelerator Hamiltonian and finishing with parameterization with action and angle variables. To a large degree follow logic developed in Theory of Cyclic Particle Accelerators by A.A.Kolmensky and A.N.Lebedev (Kolomensky), but going beyond the book in a number of directions. One of unusual feature is these notes use of matrix function and Sylvester formula for calculating matrices of arbitrary elements. Teaching the USPAS course motivated me to translate significant part of my notes into the English. I also included some introductory materials following Classical Theory of Fields by L.D. Landau and E.M. Liftsitz (Landau). A large number of short notes covering various techniques are placed in the Appendices.
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1 Sep 2010; 117 p; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:; doi 10.2172/1013513
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Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2007
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2007
[en] Cooling intense high-energy hadron beams remains a major challenge in modern accelerator physics. Synchrotron radiation of such beams is too feeble to provide significant cooling: even in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with 7 TeV protons, the longitudinal damping time is about thirteen hours. Decrements of traditional electron cooling decrease rapidly as the high power of beam energy, and an effective electron cooling of protons or antiprotons at energies above 100 GeV seems unlikely. Traditional stochastic cooling still cannot catch up with the challenge of cooling high-intensity bunched proton beams--to be effective, its bandwidth must be increased by about two orders-of-magnitude. Two techniques offering the potential to cool high-energy hadron beams are optical stochastic cooling (OSC) and coherent electron cooling (CEC)--the latter is the focus of this paper. In the early 1980s, CEC was suggested as a possibility for using various instabilities in an electron beam to enhance its interaction with hadrons (i.e., cooling them). The capabilities of present-day accelerator technology, Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs), and high-gain Free-Electron Lasers (FELs), finally caught up with the idea and provided the all necessary ingredients for realizing such a process. In this paper, we discuss the principles, and the main limitations of the CEC process based on a high-gain FEL driven by an ERL. We also present, and summarize in Table 1, some numerical examples of CEC for ions and protons in RHIC and the LHC
Primary Subject
31 Aug 2007; 10 p; FEL 07: 29. International Free Electron Laser Conference; Novosibirsk (Russian Federation); 26-31 Aug 2007; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:
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Litvinenko, V.N.; Derbenev, Y.S.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2008
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DS (US)2008
[en] Cooling intense high-energy hadron beams is a major challenge in modern accelerator physics. Synchrotron radiation is too feeble and two common methods--stochastic and electron cooling--are not efficient in providing significant cooling for high energy, high intensity proton colliders. In this paper they discuss a practical scheme of Coherent Electron Cooling (CeC), which promises short cooling times (below one hour) for intense proton beams in RHIC at 250 GeV or in LHC at 7 TeV. A possibility of CeC using various microwave instabilities was discussed since 1980s. In this paper, they present first evaluation of specific CeC scheme based on capabilities of present-day accelerator technology, ERLs, and high-gain Free-Electron lasers (FELs). They discuss the principles, the main limitations of this scheme and present some predictions for Coherent Electron Cooling in RHIC and the LHC operating with ions or protons, summarized in Table 1
Primary Subject
23 Jun 2008; 5 p; EPAC 08: 11. European Particle Accelerator Conference; Genoa (Italy); 23-27 Jun 2008; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:
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BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/SC (United States)2005
BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/SC (United States)2005
[en] A proposed luminosity upgrade to the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) includes a novel electron cooling section [1], which would use -55 MeV electrons to cool fully-ionized 100 GeV/nucleon gold ions. A strong (1-5 T) solenoidal field will be used to magnetize the electrons and thus enhance the dynamical friction force on the ions. The physics of magnetized friction is being simulated for RHIC parameters [2,3,4], using the VORPAL code [5]. Most theoretical treatments for magnetized dynamical friction do not consider the effect of magnetic field errors, except in a parametric fashion. However, field errors can in some cases dramatically reduce the velocity drag and corresponding cooling rate. We present two simple analytical models for the magnetic field errors. The simulated dynamical friction for the case of a perfect solenoidal field is compared with results from these new models. We simulate parameters for the existing cooler of the CELSIUS ring, because recent experiments [6] provide data that will later be used for code validation
Primary Subject
16 May 2005; 5 p; Particle Accelerator Conference PAC 2005; Knoxville, TN (United States); 16-20 May 2005; ISBN KB-02-02-01-1; ; AC--02-98CH10886; Available from PURL:
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Webb, S.D.; Litvinenko, V.N.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office Of Science (United States)2009
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office Of Science (United States)2009
[en] FEL-based coherent electron cooling (CEC) offers a new avenue to achieve high luminosities in high energy colliders such as RHIC, LHC, and eRHIC. Traditional treatments consider the FEL as an amplifier of optical waves with specific initial conditions, focusing on the resulting field. CEC requires knowledge of the phase space distribution of the electron beam in the FEL. We present 1D analytical results for the phase space distribution of an electron beam with an arbitrary initial current profile, and discuss approaches of expanding to 3D results.
Primary Subject
23 Aug 2009; 5 p; FEL09: 31. Free Electron Laser Conference; Liverpool (United Kingdom); 23-28 Aug 2009; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:
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BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/SC (United States)2005
BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY (United States). Funding organisation: DOE/SC (United States)2005
[en] Energy recovery linacs (ERLs) are potential candidates for the high power and high brightness electron beams sources. The main advantages of ERL are that electron beam is generated at relatively low energy, injected and accelerated to the operational energy in a linac, and after the use is decelerated in the same linac down to injection energy, and, finally, dumped. A merging system, i.e., a system merging together high energy and low energy beams, is an intrinsic part of any ERL loop. One of the challenges for generating high charge, high brightness electron beams in an ERL is development of a merging system, which provides achromatic condition for space charge dominated beam and which is compatible with the emittance compensation scheme. In this paper they present principles of operation of such merging systems. They also describe an example of such system, which they call a Zigzag or a Z-system
Primary Subject
16 May 2005; 5 p; Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 05); Knoxville, TN (United States); 16-20 May 2005; KB-0202011; AC--02-98CH10886; Available from PURL:
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Webb, S.D.; Litvinenko, V.N.
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office Of Science (United States)2010
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (United States). Funding organisation: DOE - Office Of Science (United States)2010
[en] We present analytical results for the one-dimensional dispersion relation for high-gain FELs. Using kappa-n distributions, we obtain analytical relations between the dispersion relations for various order kappa distributions. Since an exact solution exists for the kappa-1 (Lorentzian) distribution, this provides some insight into the number of modes on the way to the Gaussian distribution.
Primary Subject
23 Aug 2010; 5 p; FEL 2010: 32. International Free Electron Laser Conference; Malmo (Sweden); 23-27 Aug 2010; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:
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Hao, Y.; Litvinenko, V.N.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE SC Office of Science (United States)2012
Brookhaven National Laboratory (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE SC Office of Science (United States)2012
[en] In Coherent Electron Cooling (CEC), it is essential to study the amplification of electron response to a single ion in the FEL process, in order to proper align the electron beam and the ion beam in the kicker to maximize the cooling effect. In this paper, we use Genesis to simulate the amplified electron beam response of single ion in FEL amplification process, which acts as Green's function of the FEL amplifier.
Primary Subject
20 May 2012; 5 p; IPAC 2012: 3. International Particle Accelerator Conference; New Orleans, LA (United States); 20-25 May 2012; KB0202011; AC02-98CH10886; Available from; PURL:
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