[en] The Forward Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector is part of the particle identification system of the DELPHI detector at LEP. It does particle identification in the momentum range up to 40 GeV/c. The detector covers the forward region of DELPHI between 15 < θ < 35 and 145 < θ < 165 . A quarter of the detector was operated in DELPHI during 1992 LEP running. The complete detector has been installed during the 1992/1993 winter shutdown. A short description of the detector will be given. First results from the background reduction algorithms will be presented for the partially installed detector. (orig.)
Secondary Subject
1. workshop on ring imaging Cherenkov detectors; Bari (Italy); 02-05 Jun 1993
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 343(1); p. 276-278
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gomez, F.; Adeva, B.; Afanasev, L.; Benayoun, M.; Brekhovskikh, V.; Caragheorgheopol, G.; Cechak, T.; Chiba, M.; Constantinescu, S.; Doudarev, A.; Dreossi, D.; Drijard, D.; Ferro-Luzzi, M.; Gallas, M.V.; Gerndt, J.; Giacomich, R.; Gianotti, P.; Goldin, D.; Gorin, A.; Gortchakov, O.; Guaraldo, C.; Hansroul, M.; Hosek, R.; Iliescu, M.; Jabitski, M.; Kalinina, N.; Karpoukhine, V.; Kluson, J.; Kobayashi, M.; Kokkas, P.; Komarov, V.; Koulikov, A.; Kouptsov, A.; Krouglov, V.; Krouglova, L.; Kuroda, K.-I.; Lanaro, A.; Lapshine, V.; Lednicky, R.; Leruste, P.; Levisandri, P.; Lopez Aguera, A.; Lucherini, V.; Maki, T.; Manuilov, I.; Montanet, L.; Narjoux, J.-L.; Nemenov, L.; Nikitin, M.; Nunez Pardo, T.; Okada, K.; Olchevskii, V.; Pazos, A.; Pentia, M.; Penzo, A.; Perreau, J.-M.; Petrascu, C.; Plo, M.; Ponta, T.; Pop, D.; Riazantsev, A.; Rodriguez, J.M.; Rodriguez Fernandez, A.; Rykaline, V.; Santamarina, C.; Saborido, J.; Schacher, J.; Sidorov, A.; Smolik, J.; Takeutchi, F.; Tarasov, A.; Tauscher, L.; Tobar, M.J.; Trusov, S.; Vazquez, P.; Vlachos, S.; Yazkov, V.; Yoshimura, Y.; Zrelov, P.2001
[en] The main objective of DIRAC experiment is the measurement of the lifetime τ of the exotic hadronic atom consisting of π+ and π- mesons. The lifetime of this atom is determined by the decay mode π+ π- → π0 π0 due to the strong interaction. Through the precise relationship between the lifetime and the S-wave pion-pion scattering length difference |a0 - a2| for isospin 0 and 2 (respectively), a measurement of τ with an accuracy of 10% will allow a determination of |a0 - a2| at a 5% precision level. Pion-pion scattering lengths have been calculated in the framework of chiral perturbation theory with an accuracy below 5%. In this way DIRAC experiment will provide a crucial test of the chiral symmetry breaking scheme in QCD effective theories at low energies
Primary Subject
QCD 00: International Euroconference on quantum chromodynamics: 15 years of QCD; Montepellier (France); 6-13 Jul 2000; S0920563201011392; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Kazakhstan
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Adeva, B.; Afanasyev, L.; Benayoun, M.; Benelli, A.; Berka, Z.; Brekhovskikh, V.; Caragheorgheopol, G.; Cechak, T.; Chiba, M.; Cima, E.; Constantinescu, S.; Detraz, C.; Dreossi, D.; Drijard, D.; Dudarev, A.; Evangelou, I.; Ferro-Luzzi, M.; Gallas, M.V.; Gerndt, J.; Giacomich, R.; Gianotti, P.; Giardoni, M.; Goldin, D.; Gomez, F.; Gorin, A.; Gortchakov, O.; Guaraldo, C.; Hansroul, M.; Iliescu, M.; Zhabitsky, M.; Karpukhin, V.; Kluson, J.; Kobayashi, M.; Kokkas, P.; Komarov, V.; Kruglov, V.; Kruglova, L.; Kulikov, A.; Kuptsov, A.; Kurochkin, V.; Kuroda, K.-I.; Lamberto, A.; Lanaro, A.; Lapshin, V.; Lednicky, R.; Leruste, P.; Levisandri, P.; Lopez Aguera, A.; Lucherini, V.; Maki, T.; Manthos, N.; Manuilov, I.; Montanet, L.; Narjoux, J.-L.; Nemenov, L.; Nikitin, M.; Nunez Pardo, T.; Okada, K.; Olchevskii, V.; Orecchini, D.; Pazos, A.; Pentia, M.; Penzo, A.; Perreau, J.-M.; Petrascu, C.; Plo, M.; Ponta, T.; Pop, D.; Rappazzo, G.F.; Riazantsev, A.; Rodriguez, J.M.; Rodriguez Fernandez, A.; Romero, A.; Rykalin, V.; Santamarina, C.; Saborido, J.; Schacher, J.; Schuetz, Ch.P.; Sidorov, A.; Smolik, J.; Steinacher, M.; Takeutchi, F.; Tarasov, A.; Tauscher, L.; Tobar, M.J.; Triantis, F.; Trusov, S.; Utkin, V.; Vazquez Doce, O.; Vazquez, P.; Vlachos, S.; Yazkov, V.; Yoshimura, Y.; Zrelov, P., E-mail: adevab@usc.es
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2003
arXiv e-print [ PDF ]2003
[en] The DIRAC spectrometer has been commissioned at CERN with the aim of detecting π+π- atoms produced by a 24 GeV/c high intensity proton beam in thin foil targets. A challenging apparatus is required to cope with the high interaction rates involved, the triggering of pion pairs with very detector efficiency.ation of the imaging sof the latter with resolution around 0.6 MeV/c. The general characteristics of the apparatus are explained and each part is described in some detail. The main features of the trigger system, data-acquisition, monitoring and set-up performances are also given
Primary Subject
S0168900203024082; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Slovenia
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 515(3); p. 467-496
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
Abraham, J.; Aglietta, M.; Aguirre, I.C.; Albrow, M.; Allard, D.; Allekotte, I.; Allison, P.; Alvarez Muniz, J.; Amaral, M.G. do; Ambrosio, M.; Anchordoqui, L.; Andrews, R.; Anguiano, M.; Anjos, J.C. dos; Aramo, C.; Argiro, S.; Arisaka, K.; Arteaga, J.C.; Atulugama, S.; Ave, M.; Avila, G.; Baggio, R.; Bai, X.; Barbosa, A.F.; Barbosa, H.M.J.; Barnhill, D.; Barroso, S.L.C.; Bauleo, P.; Beatty, J.; Beau, T.; Becker, K.-H.; Bellido, J.A.; Bello, P.; Bergmann, T.; Berman, E.; Bertou, X.; Biermann, P.; Billoir, P.; Biral, R.; Bluemer, H.; Bohacova, M.; Bollmann, E.; Bonifazi, C.; Boratav, M.; Boselli, A.; Brack, J.; Brunet, J.-M.; Bui-Duc, H.; Cabrera, V.; Camin, D.V.; Capdevielle, J.-N.; Carreno, A.; Cartiglia, N.; Caruso, R.; Carvalho, L.A. de; Casanova, S.; Casimiro, E.; Castellina, A.; Castro, J.; Cattaneo, P.W.; Cazon, L.; Cester, R.; Chavez, N.; Cheam, D.; Chiavassa, A.; Chinellato, J.A.; Chiosso, M.; Chou, A.; Chye, J.; Cillis, A.; Civit, B.; Claes, D.; Clark, P.D.J.; Clay, R.W.; Cohen, F.; Cordero, A.; Cordier, A.; Cormier, E.; Cotzomi, J.; Cotti, U.; Coutu, S.; Covault, C.E.; Creusot, A.; Cronin, J.W.; Cuautle, M.; Dagoret-Campagne, S.; Dang-Quang, T.; Silva, P. da; Darling, J.; Darriulat, P.; Daumiller, K.; Dawson, B.R.; Bruijn, L. de; Capoa, A. de; Oliveira, M.A.L. de; Souza, V. de; Della Selva, A.; Deligny, O.; Diaz, J.C.; Dobrigkeit, C.; D'Olivo, J.C.; Dorofeev, A.; Dova, M.T.; Dye, A.; DuVernois, M.A.; Engel, R.; Epele, L.N.; Eschstruth, P.; Escobar, C.O.; Etchegoyen, A.; Facal San Luis, P.; Fauth, A.C.; Fazzini, N.; Fernandez, A.; Ferrero, A.M.J.; Fick, B.; Filevich, A.; Filipcic, A.; Fonte, R.; Fulgione, W.; Gamez, E.; Garcia, B.; Garcia, C.A.; Geenen, H.; Gemmeke, H.; Germain-Renaud, C.; Ghia, P.L.; Gibbs, K.; Giller, M.; Gitto, J.; Glass, H.; Gomez Berisso, M.; Gomez Vitale, P.F.; Gonzalez, J.; Gonzalez, J.; Gora, D.; Goodwin, A.; Gouffon, P.; Grassi, V.; Grillo, A.F.; Grunfeld, C.; Grygar, J.; Guarino, F.; Guedes, G.; Guerard, C.; Gumbsheimer, R.; Harton, J.L.; Hasenbalg, F.; Heck, D.; Hernandez, J.M.; Hoffer, D.; Hojvat, C.; Homola, P.; Horvat, M.; Hrabovsky, M.; Insolia, A.; Jaminion, S.; Jeronimo, Y.; Jiang, L.; Kaducak, M.; Kampert, K.-H.; Keilhauer, B.; Kemp, E.; Klages, H.; Kleifges, M.; Kleinfeller, J.; Knapp, J.; Kopmann, A.; Kunka, N.; Kutschera, M.; Lachaud, C.; Lapolla, M.; Letessier-Selvon, A.; Lhenry-Yvon, I.; Lloyd-Evans, J.; Lopez, R.; Lopez Aguera, A.; Lucano, M.; Luna, R.; Ma, Y.; Mancenido, M.E.; Manfredi, P.F.; Manhaes, L.; Mantsch, P.; Mariazzi, A.G.; Markus, M.J.; Martin, G.; Martineau, O.; Martinez, J.; Martinez, N.; Martinez, O.; Mathes, H.-J.; Matthews, J.A.J.; Matthews, J.; Matthiae, G.; Marques, E.; Matussek, P.; Maurin, G.; Maurizio, D.; Mazur, P.; McCauley, T.; McEwen, M.; McNeil, R.R.; Medina, C.; Medina, M.C.; Medina-Tanco, G.; Melo, D.; Melocchi, M.; Menichetti, E.; Menshikov, A.; Meyer, F.; Meyhandan, R.; Meza, J.C.; Miele, G.; Miller, W.; Mohammed, M.; Monnier-Ragaigne, D.; Morello, C.; Moreno, E.; Mostafa, M.; Mussa, R.; Nassini, H.; Navarra, G.; Nellen, L.; Nerling, F.; Newman-Holmes, C.; Nicotra, D.; Nigro, S.; Nitz, D.; Nogima, H.; Nosek, D.; Nun#=tilde#ez, M.; Ohnuki, T.; Olinto, A.; Ostaptchenko, S.; Palatka, M.; Parente, G.; Parizot, E.; Pasaye, E.H.; Pastrone, N.; Patel, M.; Paul, T.; Pedraza, I.; Pekala, J.; Pelayo, R.; Pepe, I.M.; Perez-Lorenzana, A.; Perrone, L.; Peshman, N.; Petrera, S.; Petrinca, P.; Pham-Ngoc, D.; Pham-Trung, P.; Pierog, T.; Pisanti, O.; Playez, N.; Ponce, E.; Porter, T.A.; Prado Junior, L.; Privitera, P.; Prouza, M.; Pryke, C.L.; Rafert, J.B.; Raia, G.; Ranchon, S.; Ratti, L.; Ravignani, D.; Re, V.; Reis, H.C.; Reucroft, S.; Revenue, B.; Richter, M.; Ridky, J.; Risi, A.; Risse, M.; Rizi, V.; Roberts, M.D.; Robledo, C.; Rodriguez, G.; Rodriquez, J.; Rodriquez Martino, J.; Roman, S.; Rosa, L.; Roth, M.; Rovero, A.C.; Salazar, H.; Salina, G.; Sanchez, F.; Santander, M.; dos Santos, L.G.; Sato, R.; Schovanek, P.; Scherini, V.; Sciutto, S.J.; Sequeiros-Haddad, G.; Shellard, R.C.; Shibuya, E.; Siguas, F.V.; Slater, W.; Sm etniansky-De Grande, N.; Smith, K.; Snow, G.R.; Sommers, P.; Song, C.; Spinka, H.; Suarez, F.; Suomijaervi, T.; Supanitsky, D.; Swain, J.; Szadkowski, Z.; Tamashiro, A.; Thornton, G.J.; Thouw, T.; Ticona, R.; Tkaczyk, W.; Todero Peixoto, C.J.; Tripathi, A.; Tristram, G.; Trombley, M.; Tscherniakhovski, D.; Tuckey, P.; Tunnicliffe, V.; Urban, M.; Uribe Estrada, C.; Valdes, J.F.; Vargas, A.; Vargas, C.; Vazquez, R.; Veberic, D.; Veiga, A.; Velarde, A.; Vernotte, F.; Verzi, V.; Videla, M.; Vigorito, C.; Villasen#=tilde#or, L.M.; Vlcek, M.; Voyvodic, L.; Vo-Van, T.; Waldenmaier, T.; Walker, P.; Warner, D.; Watson, A.A.; Wiebusch, Ch.; Wieczorek, G.; Wilczynska, B.; Wilczynski, H.; Wild, N.R.; Yamamoto, T.; Zas, E.; Zavrtanik, D.; Zavrtanik, M.; Zepeda, A.; Zhang, C.; Zhu, Q., E-mail: a.a.watson@leeds.ac.uk2004
[en] Construction of the first stage of the Pierre Auger Observatory has begun. The aim of the Observatory is to collect unprecedented information about cosmic rays above 1018 eV. The first phase of the project, the construction and operation of a prototype system, known as the engineering array, has now been completed. It has allowed all of the sub-systems that will be used in the full instrument to be tested under field conditions. In this paper, the properties and performance of these sub-systems are described and their success illustrated with descriptions of some of the events recorded thus far
Primary Subject
S0168900203033497; Copyright (c) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Austria
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 523(1-2); p. 50-95
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL