[en] Results are presented of technical and economical analysis of advisability of constructing combined Nuclear Power and Heating Plants (NPHP) assuring the possibility of their location near the areas of heat power consumption in case of observing a given degree of radiation safety for population and personnel. Specific features determining the choice of turbine-driven units for such plants are analyzed. Conditions of competiveness of a specialized NPHP with alternative power units, NPHP based on the WWER-1000 reactor and district heating plants (NDHP), are determined. Analysis of design specifications of NPHP with two VK-500 reactor units and structures of capital investments in such a plant reveal that an increase in the total capital investments in the NPHP would not exceed 2% with account of the difference in costs for grid heaters and a corresponding change in dimensions of operation rooms as well as changes in costs of heat removal system (within one site) at the TK turbine replacement by the T turbine
Original Title
Tekhniko-ehkonomicheskie predposylki sozdaniya spetsializirovannykh ATEhTs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
For English translation see the journal Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Atomnaya Ehnergiya; ISSN 0004-7163; ; V.55(1); p. 14-18
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Optimization problems related to nuclear power district heating plant (NPDHP) operation are considered. A method is considered for heat transfer from a NPDHP by warming the heating-system water with heat removed from the reactor core coolant. This method is based on the fact that greater subcooling of coolant entering the core results in a higher margin up to a critical heat transfer following a linear law. Reactor power can be also increased according to the same law. To evaluate competitiveness of thermal load addition schemes based on using the possibility of increasing a reactor power, different versions of covering users' thermal loads were considered. NPDHP with a boiling reactor with integral steam generator layout and a separator placed outside of the reactor vessel. The calculation results show the schemes of heat transfer from NPDHP, based on using the dependence of available thermal reactor power on the temperature subcooling to the coolant boiling at the core inlet, to be promising
Original Title
O ratsional'noj organizatsii otpuska tepla ot ATEhTs
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Thermal Engineering (UK).
Record Type
Journal Article
Teploehnergetika; ISSN 0040-3636; ; (no.7); p. 9-13
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Even when the nuclear power generation industry was at an early stage of development in the USSR, it was clear that focusing solely on the production of electricity would not adequately solve the basic problem which beset the industry, namely, supplanting scarce organic fuel in the country's fuel and energy economy. The only way this problem can be solved is by the extension of nuclear energy into the highly fuel-intensive area of heat production for community and domestic heating and for industrial consumers (1.5 times more fuel is used for this purpose than for the production of electricity). In CMEA countries, which are less well-endowed with fossil fuel resources than the USSR, this problem is even more acute. 1 tab
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue