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[en] The ternary system KReO4-RbReO4-CsReO4 has been studied. The liquid-solid equilibrium diagrams for ternary and all binary systems have been worked out. 10 refs, 4 figs
Original Title
Diagram fazowy ukladu KReO4-RbReO4-CsReO4
Primary Subject
Politechnika Warszawska, Warsaw (Poland); 381 p; 1993; p. 269-272; Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej; Plock (Poland); 6. St. Bretsznajder national seminar; 6. Krajowe seminarium im. St. Bretsznajdera; Plock (Poland); 22-24 Sep 1993; Available from Politechnika Warszawska, pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warsaw, Poland
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[en] A review of literature on the analysis of lanthanides performed by means of UV and IR absorption spectrophotometry, luminescence, spectral emission analysis, atomic absorption, mass spectrography and spectrometry as well as by ion exchange chromatography is given. It has been found that in direct and simultaneous determination of many lanthanides occuring over a wide concentration range the most precise results are obtained by the mass spectrography and ion exchange chromatography with fluorescent indicators. (author)
Original Title
Niektore aspekty chemii analitycznej pierwiastkow ziem rzadkich
Primary Subject
3. national symposium on rare earth elements and chemical metallurgy; Karpacz, Poland; 3 - 13 Jun 1974; 58 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Pr. Nauk. Inst. Chem. Nieorg. Metal. Pierwiastkow Rzadkich Politech. Wroclaw; (no.9); p. 17-35
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[en] A review of the literature dealing with the extraction of lanthanides and yttrium with di 2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid is presented. The effect of various factors on the distribution coefficient is discussed. The distribution coefficient increases with the increase in the atomic number of a lanthanide. In this series yttrium is placed between holmium and erbium. An increase in acid concentration in the aqueous phase reduces the distribution coefficient; for diluted solutions it is inversely proportional to the cube of acid concentration, for concentrated solutions no such relation is found. The type of solvent used affects considerably the distribution coefficient. In the hydrocarbon systems the distribution coefficients are much higher than those in alcoholic systems. The mechanism of the extraction process is complicated and depends on acid concentration in the aqueous phase. To simplify the matter, one may assume that at low acid concentrations three dimerized extraction solvent molecules split off one hydrogen ion and attach one lanthanide ion. At high acid concentrations the above mechanism is replaced by the solvation mechanism. The distribution coefficients of lanthanides at other oxidation states are very different from those at oxidation state (3); the distribution coefficient of cerium (4) is about 1000 times greater than that of cerium (3) whereas the distribution coefficient europium (2) is at least 1000 times smaller than that of europium (3). This provides for relatively easy separation of cerium and europium from a mixture of lanthanides by the fractional extraction method. (author)
Original Title
Estrakcja lantanowcow i itru kwasem dwu (2-etyloheksylo) fosforowym
Primary Subject
72 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Pr. Nauk. Inst. Chem. Nieorg. Metal. Pierwiastkow Rzadkich Politech. Wroclaw; (no.37); p. 1-62
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Salzburger, A.; Lukas, W.
Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society together with the Swiss and Austrian Societies for Astronomy and Astrophysics2011
Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society together with the Swiss and Austrian Societies for Astronomy and Astrophysics2011
[en] Full text: The ATLAS Inner Detector has been an integral part in many physics analyses of the ATLAS experiment since the start of data taking in late 2009. We present the performance of the innermost tracking detector in the context of physics measurements that have been carried out using track and vertexing information. Comparisons to results obtained with the full detector simulation will be included and a general assessment of the understanding of the system alignment and detector effects will be given. Finally, an outlook of a potential detector upgrade with a newly inserted innermost pixel layer will be given. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Swiss Physical Society, Physics Departement, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel (Switzerland); vp; 2011; p. 91; Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society together with the Swiss and Austrian Societies for Astronomy and Astrophysics; Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft und der Oesterreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft zusammen mit der Schweizerischen und Oesterreichischen Gesellschaften fuer Astronomie und Astrophysik; Lausanne (Switzerland); 15-17 Jun 2011; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record. Available from:; Available from: Swiss Physical Society, Physics Departement, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel (CH)
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[en] The molar excess Gibbs free energy Gsup(E) and excess chemical potentials μsup(E)(KReO4) and μsup(E)(CsReO4) were determined for ((1-x)KReO4 + xCsReO4)(s) at 806 K. The Knudsen-cell mass-spectrometric technique was used. For the empirical representations: Gsup(E) = x(1-x)(B1 + B2(2x-1)), μsup(E)(KReO4) = x2[B1 + B2(4(x-1) + 1)], μsup(E)(CsReO4) = (1-x)[B1(1-x)-B2((1-2x)2-x)], the parameters B1 = 5.49 kJ mol-1 and B2 = -0.43 kJ mol-1 were obtained. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics; ISSN 0021-9614; ; v. 12(9); p. 885-890
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[en] Using Knudsen cell mass spectrometry thermodynamic activities of components of the system KReO4-RbReO4 were determined for the solid state at 806 K and for the liquid state at 855 K. The unlimited solubility of both components in the solid phase and small positive deviations from ideality were found. (author)
Primary Subject
3. Conference of the socialist countries on molten salt chemistry; Karpacz (Poland); 28 May - 1 Jun 1979
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Polish Journal of Chemistry; ISSN 0137-5083; ; v. 54(5); p. 893-900
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Mass spectrum of vapours over copper(1) perrihenate has been investigated. The composition of vapours, the vapour pressure and enthalpy of vaporization of particular vapour components have been determined in the temperature range 650 to 780 K. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Roczniki Chemii; v. 48(5); p. 745-751
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Most of the programmes for the evaluation of radio in vitro tests proceed from the anticipation that the best method should give an approximation of standard values by a curve as perfect as possible. According to our experiences this demand, however, is not decisive for a good standard curve, as in principle all standard values can be incorrect. The application of relatively simple linearising transformations and an additional curve (recovery of a normal serum) guarantees the necessary precision in the programme described. After a short description of the contents of the system, the programme for the assessment of CPBA-methods is shown, by help of which the sample changer-calculator-system determines the absolute concentration of the substance to be measured. This makes the starting point for the more complex RIA programme which methodologically takes into consideration the special problems of these tests. (orig.)
Die meisten Programme zur Auswertung von Radio-in-vitro-Tests gehen von der Voraussetzung aus, dass das beste Verfahren eine moeglichst perfekte Annaeherung von Standardpunkten durch eine Kurve bieten muesse. Diese Voraussetzung ist jedoch nach unseren Erfahrungen nicht entscheidend fuer eine gute Standardkurve, da im Prinzip alle Standardwerte fehlerhaft sein koennen. Die Anwendung zweier einfacher, linearisierender Transformationen und eine zusaetzliche Auswertekurve (recovery eines Normserums) gewaehrleisten in dem beschriebenen Programm die notwendige Genauigkeit. Nach einer kurzen Beschreibung des Systemaufbaus wird das Programm zur Auswertung con CPBA-Methoden dargestellt, mit dem das Probenwechsler-Rechner-System vollautomatisch die Absolutkonzentration der zu messenden Substanz ermittelt. Es bildet den Ausgangspunkt fuer das komplexere Programm fuer RIA, das in der Methodik auf die erwaehnten, speziellen Probleme dieser Tests eingeht. (orig.)Original Title
Anwendungsorientierte Programme zur halbautomatischen Auswertung von Radio-in-vitro Tests
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
4 figs.; 12 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Nucl.-Med; v. 15(5); p. 237-241
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Mass spectra of thallium(1) perrhenate were investigated. The composition and pressure of vapours, as well as enthalpy of sublimation of thallium(1) perrhenate were determined within the temperature range 550-700 K. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Roczniki Chemii; v. 48(4); p. 593-602
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the energy dispersive analysis (electron microscope, scanning electron microscope) of ettringite monocrystals which are formed in highly aqueous cement suspensions a chemical composition is obtained which is very different from a phase in the generally accepted meaning of the term. A characteristic feature of this ettringite is that part of the Al2O3 content in the columns is replaced by SiO2. Besides, the SO3 in the canals may be partly replaced by SiO2. The differences in content are in all probability dependent on the type of cement initially used, the amount of sulphate additionally introduced, and the length of time of reaction. (orig.)
Bei der energiedispersiven Analyse (Elektronenmikroskop, Rastermikroskop) von Ettringitkristallen, die sich in stark waessriger Zementsuspension bilden, ergibt sich eine chemische Zusammensetzung, die stark von einer reinen Phase im herkoemmlichen Sinn abweicht. Prinzipielles Merkmal dieser Ettringite ist, dass ein Teil des Al2O3-Gehaltes in den Saeulen durch SiO2 ersetzt wird. Ausserdem kann das SO3 der Kanaele durch das SiO2 teilweise ersetzt werden. Die verschiedenen Gehalte sind mit groesster Wahrscheinlichkeit von der Art des Ausgangszements, von der Groesse der zusaetzlichen Sulfatzufuhr und der Reaktionsdauer abhaengig. (orig.)Original Title
Energiedispersiv-analytische Untersuchungen an Ettringiten in Zementleimproben
Primary Subject
2 tabs.; 11 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zement-Kalk-Gips; v. 30(7); p. 328-330
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