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[en] If nuclear power is to contribute its share to ensuring in the long run low-cost and environmentally sound power supplies, and to managing the climate problem, any new nuclear power plant to be built has to be designed so as to be accepted by the public as a justifiable safety risk, and by the utilities as an imputed investment risk. The Konvoi-type nuclear power plants that started operation in 1988/89 have demonstrated already after this short period a very high safety standard, measured by international standards, which is based on and ensured by valuable construction and operation experience, as well as by the reliable and established licensing procedure. Starting from the current status and achievements, dynamic, evolutionary developments will bring about purposeful design improvements and a still enhancing safety standard by introduction of in-plant emergency management measures, so that even in the case of design-exceeding accidents, there will be no undue radiological hazard to the environment conceivable by the standards of practical reason. (orig.)
Soll die Kernenergie den ihr zukommenden Beitrag zur langfristig stabilen, preiswerten und umweltfreundlichen Energieversorgung und zur Loesung des Klimaproblems leisten, so muss der Bau eines Kernkraftwerkes fuer die Bevoelkerung ein vertretbares und nachvollziehbar zumutbares Sicherheitsriskiko, fuer ein EVU darueber hinaus ein kalkulierbares Investitionsrisiko darstellen. Mit den 1988/89 in Betrieb genommenen Konvoi-Anlagen ist bereits ein nach internationalen Massstaeben sehr hoher Sicherheitsstandard erreicht worden, der durch wertvolle Bau- und Betriebserfahrung sowie durch bewaehrte Genehmigungspraxis abgesichert ist. Aufsetzend auf dem erreichten Stand wird fuer kuenftige Kernkraftwerke im Sinne einer dynamischen evolutionaeren Fortentwicklung durch gezielte Auslegungsverbesserungen sowie durch konsequente Einfuehrung anlageninterner Notfallschutzmassnahmen der Sicherheitsstandard weiter erhoeht, so dass selbst bei Auftreten auslegungsueberschreitender Stoerfaelle eine unzulaessige radiologische Umgebungsbelastung nach den Regeln der praktischen Vernunft ausgeschlossen werden kann. (orig.)Original Title
Sicherheitstechnische Ziele und Entwicklungstendenzen fuer die naechste Generation von LWR-Kernkraftwerken
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Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Gesellschaft Energietechnik, Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.); VDI-Berichte; no. 822; 281 p; ISBN 3-18-090822-X; ; 1990; p. 107-135; VDI-Verl; Duesseldorf (Germany, F.R.); VDI/VDE technical meeting on perspectives of nuclear power and carbon dioxide abatement; VDI/VDE-Fachtagung ueber Perspektiven der Kernenergie und CO2-Minderung; Aachen (Germany, F.R.); 28-29 Mar 1990
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[en] Nuclear energy in industrialized countries has contributed considerably for many years to energy supply. Assessment of the state of the art, in particular of safety concepts, requires a differentiated approach. Analysis shows that advanced Western plants have both a satisfactory safety standard and a positive operating experience. That is a good starting point for further technological developments. For the next generation of nuclear power plants, worldwide plenty of reactor concepts are under discussion, the recognizable tendencies being both the evolutionary further developments of proved lines and the development of completely new (revolutionary) concepts. Most of the essential developments are achieved by international cooperation. A necessary prerequisite for the implementation of safety-related and economically improved nuclear installations is the acceptance of nuclear energy by politicians and the public. (orig.)
Die Kernenergie leistet in den Industriestaaten seit Jahren einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Energieversorgung. Die Beurteilung des Standes der Technik und insbesondere der Sicherheitskonzepte erfordert eine differenzierte Betrachtung. Die Analyse zeigt, dass mit den modernen westlichen Anlagen sowohl ein sehr befriedigender Sicherheitsstandard als auch eine positive Betriebserfahrung vorliegt. Damit ist ein guter Ausgangspunkt fuer eine Weiterentwicklung der Technik gegeben. Fuer die naechste Generation von Kernkraftwerken ist derzeit weltweit eine Fuelle von Reaktorkonzepten in Diskussion, wobei als Tendenzen sowohl die evolutionaeren Weiterentwicklungen bewaehrter Baulinien als auch die Entwicklung voellig neuer (revolutionaerer) Konzepte zu erkennen sind. Die wesentlichen Entwicklungen erfolgen ueberwiegend im Rahmen internationaler Kooperationen. Eine notwendige Voraussetzung fuer die Realisierung von sicherheitstechnisch und wirtschaftlich weiter verbesserten kerntechnischen Anlagen ist das Erreichen der Kernenergieakzeptanz in Politik und Oeffentlichkeit. (orig.)Original Title
Stand und Entwicklungsmoeglichkeiten der Reaktortechnik
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Gesellschaft Energietechnik, Duesseldorf (Germany); VDI-Berichte; no. 984; 339 p; ISBN 3-18-090984-6; ; 1992; p. 23-45; VDI-Verl; Duesseldorf (Germany); Specialists meeting: Nuclear energy and other energy options for the future - advantages, risks and economy; Fachtagung: Kernenergie und Andere Energieoptionen fuer die Zukunft - Nutzen, Risiken, Wirtschaftlichkeit; Aachen (Germany); 7-8 Oct 1992
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Maerkl, H.; Stegmann, R.
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. (DECHEMA), Frankfurt am Main (Germany)1994
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. (DECHEMA), Frankfurt am Main (Germany)1994
[en] Anaerobic processes are getting increasing attention in the disposal of liquid waste of the food industry and chemical industry and solid organic residues of the municipal sector. The main advantages of anaerobic processes are the favourable energy balance and the comparatively small volume of new biomass produced. There are new satisfactory technical solutions for nearly all problems encountered in practice. A conference on ''Anaerobic treatment of solid and liquid residues'' was held on 2-4 November 1994. The state of the art and new developments were presented in lectures by experts from research and practice. (orig.)
Anaerobe Verfahren gewinnen im Zusammenhang mit der Entsorgung von Abwaessern aus der Nahrungsmittelindustrie und der chemischen Produktion sowie der Behandlung von festen organischen Rueckstaenden auch aus dem kommunalen Bereich zunehmend an Bedeutung. Grundsaetzliche Vorteile anaerober Verfahren sind die guenstige Energiebilanz und der vergleichsweise niedrige Anteil neugebildeter Biomasse. Fuer die bei der Realisierung technischer Verfahren auftretenden Probleme werden zunehmend tragfaehige technische Loesungen angeboten. Bei der Veranstaltung ''Anaerobe Behandlung festiger und fluessiger Abfallstoffe'' vom 2.-4. November 1994 wurden durch Beitraege aus der Forschung und der Praxis der derzeitige technische Wissensstand festgestellt und neue Entwicklungstendenzen aufgezeigt. (orig.)Original Title
Anaerobe Behandlung von festen und fluessigen Rueckstaenden. Beitraege
Primary Subject
DECHEMA-Monographien; v. 130; 1994; 367 p; VCH-Verlagsges; Weinheim (Germany); Anaerobic treatment of solid and liquid residues conference, held by special Research Department 238 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Veranstaltung des Sonderforschungsbereiches 238 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft: Anaerobe Behandlung von Festen und Fluessigen Rueckstaenden; Frankfurt am Main (Germany); 2-4 Nov 1994; ISBN 3-527-10224-8;
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[en] The invention described concerns nuclear reactors with replaceable fuel elements. According to the invention, parts of the reactor core burned up in a first nuclear reactor are used for the first core of a second nuclear reactor. This permits considerable savings, particularly in pressurized-water reactors
Original Title
Patent; LWR
Primary Subject
23 Dec 1975; 4 p; US PATENT DOCUMENT 3,928,128
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[en] Lack of public acceptance in most of the industrialized countries presently impedes expansion of nuclear energy. Regain and reestablishment of public acceptance demand safety performance improvements appropriate to convince the public that the risk of occurrence of a severe accident will be further decreased and, in addition, that even an accident sequence exceeding the design basis will not expose the environment to an unacceptable radiological impact. Probabilistic risk analysis has proven to be an excellent guiding instrument for identifying safety improvement needs. The recently commissioned 1300 MW Konvoi PWR plants have already achieved a highly acceptable level of safety, the frequency of an accident event not coped with by the safety systems amounting to approximately 1.4x10-6 per year. Following a predominantly evolutionary way of safety improvements the proven safety features are to be maintained also for the next generation of NPPs since one of the most important criteria of design advance is reflection of operating experience and incorporation of proven technology. In addition, however, some potential safety performance improvements merit consideration, especially in the following areas: A novel I and C system using exclusively digital microprocessor-based technology as, e.g., presently under advanced development at Siemens will contribute markedly to further improve man-machine interface performance. Implementation of preventive accident management or equivalent design measures to maintain core coolability and pressure vessel integrity after incipience of an event exceeding the design basis. Exploration and elaboration of mitigative accident management measures and/or provision of precautionary design measures to maintain containment integrity even in case of a core melt accident. Implementation of such safety improvements will practically exclude occurrence of a severe accident with unacceptable radiological consequences to the environment. (author). 13 refs, 8 figs, 2 tabs
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Argonne National Lab., IL (USA); 673 p; Apr 1990; p. 203-219; International workshop on the safety of nuclear installations of the next generation and beyond; Chicago, IL (USA); 28-31 Aug 1989
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No abstract available
Original Title
Betriebsverhalten von Leichtwasserreaktor-Kernen
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6 figs.; 1 tab.; 3 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Atomwirtsch., Atomtech; v. 19(8/9); p. 439-443
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No abstract available
Original Title
Einfluss verschiedener Reaktorstrategien und Substitutionsmoeglichkeiten auf den Natururanbedarf
Primary Subject
1974; 18 p; Symposium on natural uranium supply; Mainz, F.R. Germany; 18 Nov 1974; 13 figs.
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[en] Till now 175 Pu-bearing fuel assemblies with altogether 7896 mixed oxide fuel rods designed and specified by KWU and fabricated by ALKEM have been or are in operation in German power reactors. In the Obrigheim (PWR) and in the Gundremmingen (BWR) plant up to 20% of the core are made up of Pu fuel. Fuel and core performance has been very satisfactory. This extensive operating and performance experience supplemented by results of post irradiation evaluations, irradiation tests, and nuclear experiments furnished sufficient evidence that large scale use of recycle Pu fuels in commercial LWR cores, at least up to SGR level, is technically feasible with the same degree of reliability and safety as in U-fueled LWRs
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Anon; p. IV.2.1-IV.2.13; 1977; p. IV.2.1-IV.2.13; American Nuclear Society; La Grange Park, IL; Conference on the plutonium fuel recycle; Miami Beach, FL, USA; 2 - 4 May 1977
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No abstract available
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Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] After a general review of the present world-wide energy situation (with particular reference to those of the Federal Republic of Germany and of Argentina) the possible contribution of nuclear energy in general, and of proven light water and heavy water reactor types in particular, to meeting the energy demand is discussed. The technical and economic development potential of those reactors is evaluated, both regarding plant components technology as well as fuel and fuel cycle improvement, with special emphasis on the Pressure Vessel Heavy Water Reactor type. The last section presents some results of nuclear reactor strategy calculations made for a scenario similar to that of Argentina over the period from 1970 through 2040 and involving the use of: A) heavy water reactors (HWR's) only, with and without plutonium recycling, and B) the use of HWR's plus fast breeder reactors. (M.E.L.)
Despues de efectuar una revision general de la situacion energetica actual en el mundo (con particular referencia a las de la Republica Federal de Alemania y de la Republica Argentina), se discute la posible distribucion de la energia nuclear en general, y en particular de los tipos de reactores de agua liviana y de agua pesada, para satisfacer la demanda energetica. Se evalua el potencial del desarrollo tecnico y economico de esos reactores, tanto en lo que se refiere a tecnologia de plantas y componentes como asi tambien a mejoras de los elementos combustibles y del ciclo de combustible, con especial enfasis en el reactor de agua pesada del tipo con recipiente de presion. La ultima seccion presenta algunos resultados de calculos de estrategias de instalacion de reactores nucleares para condiciones similares a las existentes en la Argentina y para el periodo comprendido desde 1970 hasta el ano 2040, basadas en la hipotesis del empleo de: A) reactores de agua pesada solamente, con o sin reciclado de plutonio y B) el uso de reactores de agua pesada mas reactores reproductores rapidos. (M.E.L.)Primary Subject
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Record Type
Journal Article
Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales; ISSN 0365-1185; ; v. 34 p. 301-333
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