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[en] Since the first discovery of microlensing events nearly two decades ago, gravitational microlensing has accumulated tens of TBytes of data and developed into a powerful astrophysical technique with diverse applications. The review starts with a theoretical overview of the field and then proceeds to discuss the scientific highlights. (1) Microlensing observations toward the Magellanic Clouds rule out the Milky Way halo being dominated by MAssive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs). This confirms most dark matter is non-baryonic, consistent with other observations. (2) Microlensing has discovered about 20 extrasolar planets (16 published), including the first two Jupiter-Saturn like systems and the only five 'cold Neptunes' yet detected. They probe a different part of the parameter space and will likely provide the most stringent test of core accretion theory of planet formation. (3) Microlensing provides a unique way to measure the mass of isolated stars, including brown dwarfs and normal stars. Half a dozen or so stellar mass black hole candidates have also been proposed. (4) High-resolution, target-of-opportunity spectra of highly-magnified dwarf stars provide intriguing 'age' determinations which may either hint at enhanced helium enrichment or unusual bulge formation theories. (5) Microlensing also measured limb-darkening profiles for close to ten giant stars, which challenges stellar atmosphere models. (6) Data from surveys also provide strong constraints on the geometry and kinematics of the Milky Way bar (through proper motions); the latter indicates predictions from current models appear to be too anisotropic compared with observations. The future of microlensing is bright given the new capabilities of current surveys and forthcoming new telescope networks from the ground and from space. Some open issues in the field are identified and briefly discussed.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics; ISSN 1674-4527; ; v. 12(8); p. 947-972
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Er Xinzhong; Ge Junqiang; Mao Shude, E-mail: xer@nao.cas.cn2013
[en] We study the lensing magnification effect on background galaxies. Differential magnification due to different magnifications of different source regions of a galaxy will change the lensed composite spectra. The derived properties of the background galaxies are therefore biased. For simplicity, we model galaxies as a superposition of an axis-symmetric bulge and a face-on disk in order to study the differential magnification effect on the composite spectra. We find that some properties derived from the spectra (e.g., velocity dispersion, star formation rate, and metallicity) are modified. Depending on the relative positions of the source and the lens, the inferred results can be either over- or underestimates of the true values. In general, for an extended source at strong lensing regions with high magnifications, the inferred physical parameters (e.g., metallicity) can be strongly biased. Therefore, detailed lens modeling is necessary to obtain the true properties of the lensed galaxies.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
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[en] There is a population of stars with velocities in excess of 500 km s−1 relative to the Galactic center. Many, perhaps most, of these hypervelocity stars (HVSs) are B stars similar to the disk and S stars in a nuclear cluster around a supermassive black hole (SMBH) near Sgr A⋆. In Paper I of this series, we showed that the eccentricity of the stars emerged from a hypothetical disk around the SMBH that can be rapidly excited by the secular perturbation of its intermediate-mass companion (IMC), and we suggested IRS 13E as a potential candidate for the IMC. Here we show that this process leads to an influx of stars on parabolic orbits to the proximity of Sgr A⋆ on a secular timescale of a few megayears. This timescale is much shorter than the diffusion timescale into the lost cone through either the classical or the resonant relaxation. Precession of the highly eccentric stars’ longitude of periastron, relative to that of the IMC, brings them to its proximity within a few megayears. The IMC’s gravitational perturbation scatters a fraction of the stars from nearly parabolic to hyperbolic orbits with respect to the SMBH. Their follow-up close encounters with the SMBH induce them to escape with hypervelocity. This scenario is a variant of the hypothesis proposed by Hills based on the anticipated breakup of some progenitor binary stars in the proximity of the SMBH, and its main objective is to account for the limited life span of the known HVSs. We generalize our previous numerical simulations of this process with a much wider range of orbital configurations. We demonstrate the robustness and evaluate the efficiency of this channel of HVS formation. From these numerical simulations, we infer observable kinematic properties for the HVSs.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] There is a dense group of OB and Wolf–Rayet stars within a fraction of a parsec from the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the Galactic Center. These stars appear to be coeval and relatively massive. A subgroup of these stars orbits on the same plane. If they emerged with low- to modest-eccentricity orbits from a common gaseous disk around the central SMBH, their inferred life span would not be sufficiently long to account for the excitation of their high orbital eccentricity through dynamical relaxation. Here we analyze the secular perturbation of Galactic Center stars by an intermediate-mass companion (IMC) as a potential mechanism to account for these young disk stars’ high eccentricity. This IMC may be either an intermediate-mass black hole or a compact cluster such as IRS 13E. If its orbital angular momentum vector is antiparallel to that of the disk stars, this perturbation would be effective in exciting the eccentricity of stars with orbital precession rates that resonate with the IMC’s precession rate. If it orbits around the SMBH in the same direction as the disk stars, the eccentricity of the young stars can still be highly excited by the IMC during the depletion of their natal disk, possibly associated with the launch of the Fermi bubble. In this scenario, the IMC’s precession rate decreases, and its secular resonance sweeps through the proximity of the young stars. We carry out numerical simulations with various inclination angles between the orbits of the IMC and the disk stars and show that this secular interaction is a robust mechanism to excite the eccentricity and inclination of some disk stars.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Guo, Rui; Hao, Cai-Na; Xia, X. Y.; Mao, Shude; Shi, Yong, E-mail: cainahao@gmail.com2016
[en] With the aim of exploring the fast evolutionary path from the blue cloud of star-forming galaxies to the red sequence of quiescent galaxies in the local universe, we select a local advanced merging infrared luminous and ultraluminous galaxy (adv-merger (U)LIRGs) sample and perform careful dust extinction corrections to investigate their positions in the star formation rate–M *, u − r, and NUV − r color–mass diagrams. The sample consists of 89 (U)LIRGs at the late merger stage, obtained from cross-correlating the Infrared Astronomical Satellite Point Source Catalog Redshift Survey and 1 Jy ULIRGs samples with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 database. Our results show that of adv-merger (U)LIRGs are localized above the 1σ line of the local star-forming galaxy main sequence. We also find that all adv-merger (U)LIRGs are more massive than and as blue as the blue cloud galaxies after corrections for Galactic and internal dust extinctions, with and of them outside the blue cloud on the u − r and NUV − r color–mass diagrams, respectively. These results, combined with the short timescale for exhausting the molecular gas reservoir in adv-merger (U)LIRGs ( to years), imply that the adv-merger (U)LIRGs are likely at the starting point of the fast evolutionary track previously proposed by several groups. While the number density of adv-merger (U)LIRGs is only of the blue cloud star-forming galaxies in the local universe, this evolutionary track may play a more important role at high redshift.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Zhu, Wei; Gould, Andrew; Penny, Matthew; Mao, Shude; Gendron, Rieul, E-mail: weizhu@astronomy.ohio-state.edu2014
[en] We undertake the first study of two-planet microlensing models recovered from simulations of microlensing events generated by realistic multiplanet systems in which 292 planetary events, including 16 two-planet events, were detected from 6690 simulated light curves. We find that when two planets are recovered, their parameters are usually close to those of the two planets in the system most responsible for the perturbations. However, in 1 of the 16 examples, the apparent mass of both detected planets was more than doubled by the unmodeled influence of a third, massive planet. This fraction is larger than but statistically consistent with the roughly 1.5% rate of serious mass errors due to unmodeled planetary companions for the 274 cases from the same simulation in which a single planet is recovered. We conjecture that an analogous effect due to unmodeled stellar companions may occur more frequently. For 7 out of 23 cases in which two planets in the system would have been detected separately, only one planet was recovered because the perturbations due to the two planets had similar forms. This is a small fraction (7/274) of all recovered single-planet models, but almost a third of all events that might plausibly have led to two-planet models. Still, in these cases, the recovered planet tends to have parameters similar to one of the two real planets most responsible for the anomaly.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Yan, Chang-Shuo; Lu, Youjun; Mao, Shude; Yu, Qingjuan; Wambsganss, Joachim, E-mail:, E-mail: luyj@nao.cas.cn2014
[en] Sub-parsec binary massive black holes (BBHs) have long been thought to exist in many QSOs but remain observationally elusive. In this paper, we propose a novel method to probe sub-parsec BBHs through microlensing of lensed QSOs. If a QSO hosts a sub-parsec BBH in its center, it is expected that the BBH is surrounded by a circumbinary disk, each component of the BBH is surrounded by a small accretion disk, and a gap is opened by the secondary component in between the circumbinary disk and the two small disks. Assuming such a BBH structure, we generate mock microlensing light curves for some QSO systems that host BBHs with typical physical parameters. We show that microlensing light curves of a BBH QSO system at the infrared-optical-UV bands can be significantly different from those of corresponding QSO system with a single massive black hole (MBH), mainly because of the existence of the gap and the rotation of the BBH (and its associated small disks) around the center of mass. We estimate the half-light radii of the emission region at different wavelengths from mock light curves and find that the obtained half-light radius versus wavelength relations of BBH QSO systems can be much flatter than those of single MBH QSO systems at a wavelength range determined by the BBH parameters, such as the total mass, mass ratio, separation, accretion rates, etc. The difference is primarily due to the existence of the gap. Such unique features on the light curves and half-light radius-wavelength relations of BBH QSO systems can be used to select and probe sub-parsec BBHs in a large number of lensed QSOs to be discovered by current and future surveys, including the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, the Large Synoptic Survey telescope, and Euclid.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Zhu, Wei; Mao, Shude; Penny, Matthew; Gould, Andrew; Gendron, Rieul, E-mail: weizhu@astronomy.ohio-state.edu2014
[en] We conduct the first microlensing simulation in the context of a planet formation model. The planet population is taken from the Ida and Lin core accretion model for 0.3 M ☉ stars. With 6690 microlensing events, we find that for a simplified Korea Microlensing Telescopes Network (KMTNet), the fraction of planetary events is 2.9%, out of which 5.5% show multiple-planet signatures. The numbers of super-Earths, super-Neptunes, and super-Jupiters detected are expected to be almost equal. Our simulation shows that high-magnification events and massive planets are favored by planet detections, which is consistent with previous expectation. However, we notice that extremely high-magnification events are less sensitive to planets, which is possibly because the 10 minute sampling of KMTNet is not intensive enough to capture the subtle anomalies that occur near the peak. This suggests that while KMTNet observations can be systematically analyzed without reference to any follow-up data, follow-up observations will be essential in extracting the full science potential of very high magnification events. The uniformly high-cadence observations expected for KMTNet also result in ∼55% of all detected planets not being caustic crossing, and more low-mass planets even down to Mars mass being detected via planetary caustics. We also find that the distributions of orbital inclinations and planet mass ratios in multiple-planet events agree with the intrinsic distributions.
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Faltenbacher, A.; Li Cheng; White, Simon D. M.; Jing, Yi-Peng; Mao Shude; Wang Jie, E-mail: afaltenbacher@mpa-garching.mpg.de2009
[en] Based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR6 (SDSS) and the Millennium Simulation (MS), we investigate the alignment between galaxies and large-scale structure. For this purpose, we develop two new statistical tools, namely the alignment correlation function and the cos(2θ)-statistic. The former is a two-dimensional extension of the traditional two-point correlation function and the latter is related to the ellipticity correlation function used for cosmic shear measurements. Both are based on the cross correlation between a sample of galaxies with orientations and a reference sample which represents the large-scale structure. We apply the new statistics to the SDSS galaxy catalog. The alignment correlation function reveals an overabundance of reference galaxies along the major axes of red, luminous (L ∼< L*) galaxies out to projected separations of 60 h-1 Mpc. The signal increases with central galaxy luminosity. No alignment signal is detected for blue galaxies. The cos(2θ)-statistic yields very similar results. Starting from a MS semi-analytic galaxy catalog, we assign an orientation to each red, luminous and central galaxy, based on that of the central region of the host halo (with size similar to that of the stellar galaxy). As an alternative, we use the orientation of the host halo itself. We find a mean projected misalignment between a halo and its central region of ∼ 25 deg. The misalignment decreases slightly with increasing luminosity of the central galaxy. Using the orientations and luminosities of the semi-analytic galaxies, we repeat our alignment analysis on mock surveys of the MS. Agreement with the SDSS results is good if the central orientations are used. Predictions using the halo orientations as proxies for central galaxy orientations overestimate the observed alignment by more than a factor of 2. Finally, the large volume of the MS allows us to generate a two-dimensional map of the alignment correlation function, which shows the reference galaxy distribution to be flattened parallel to the orientations of red luminous galaxies with axis ratios of ∼ 0.5 and ∼ 0.75 for halo and central orientations, respectively. These ratios are almost independent of scale out to 60 h-1 Mpc. (research papers)
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics; ISSN 1674-4527; ; v. 9(1); p. 41-58
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[en] PHL 6625 is a luminous quasi-stellar object (QSO) at z = 0.3954 located behind the nearby galaxy NGC 247 ( z = 0.0005). Hubble Space Telescope observations revealed an arc structure associated with it. We report on spectroscopic observations with the Very Large Telescope and multiwavelength observations from the radio to the X-ray band for the system, suggesting that PHL 6625 and the arc are a close pair of merging galaxies, instead of a strong gravitational lens system. The QSO host galaxy is estimated to be (4–28) × 1010 M ☉ and the mass of the companion galaxy is estimated to be M * = (6.8 ± 2.4) × 109 M ☉, suggesting that this is a minor merger system. The QSO displays typical broad emission lines, from which a black hole mass of about (2–5) × 108 M ☉ and an Eddington ratio of about 0.01–0.05 can be inferred. The system represents an interesting and rare case where a QSO is associated with an ongoing minor merger, analogous to Arp 142.
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