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Marini, B.
Caen Univ., 14 (France). Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire; Caen Univ., 14 (France)1979
Caen Univ., 14 (France). Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire; Caen Univ., 14 (France)1979
[en] The first results of the differential cross sections of elastic αd scattering at 3.98 GeV/c have been measured over a range .08<-t<1.8(GeV)2. In this experiment the incident α-particles beam extracted from the Saclay Saturne Synchrotron hits a liquid deuterium target and only the secondary α-particles are analysed by means of an achromatic double focussing spectrometer. For /t/>.2(GeV)2, the experimental data on αd collisions exhibit a two-peak structure in the secondary alpha spectra which corresponds to elastic and quasi elastic (with target deuteron break up) αd scattering. The quasi elastic parts of the spectra are analysed within the framework of the Glauber multiple scattering model. The values of the differential cross sections for elastic αd scattering are determined by substracting the quasi elastic contributions given by the theoretical calculation. The obtained differential cross sections which clearly show the first and second diffraction minima, are compared with three models generalizing the multiple scattering theory to nucleus nucleus scattering. These models use simple gaussian nuclear densities without short range correlations and approximate the nucleon nucleon scattering amplitudes with a simple exponential dependence according to the optical theorem. The prediction of CZYZ and MAXIMON model are the only ones to describe successfully the variations of the αd elastic differential cross section over the range of investigated transfers
Les premiers resultats des sections efficaces differentielles de diffusion elastique α-d a 3.98 GeV/c d'impulsion ont ete mesures sur un domaine de transfert compris entre .08<1.8(GeV)2. Dans cette experience, le faisceau incident de particules α extrait du synchrotron Saturne de Saclay est dirige sur une cible de deuterium liquide et les particules α secondaires sont seules detectees a l'aide d'un spectrometre achromatique a double analyse. Pour /t/>.2(GeV)2, les spectres en impulsion des alphas secondaires presentent une double structure correspondant aux diffusions elastique et quasi elastique (avec cassure du deuton cible) de l'alpha sur le deuton. Les contributions quasi elastiques des spectres experimentaux sont analysees dans le cadre du formalisme de la diffusion multiple de GLAUBER. Les valeurs des sections efficaces differentielles de diffusion elastique α-d sont extraites des spectres inclusifs par soustraction de la partie quasi-elastique donnee par cette analyse. Les sections efficaces differentielles α-d elastiques obtenues, qui montrent nettement le premier et le second minimum de diffraction, sont comparees a trois modeles fondes sur le formalisme de Glauber etendu a la diffusion noyau-noyau. Dans chaque modele, les densites nucleaires de l'alpha et du deuton sont representees par de simples gaussiennes sans correlations a courte portee et les amplitudes de diffusion nucleon-nucleon sont parametrisees a l'aide d'exponentielles satisfaisant au theoreme optique. Seules, les predictions du modele de CZYZ et MAXIMON decrivent de maniere correcte les variations de la section efficace differentielle elastique αd sur l'ensemble du domaine de transfert exploreOriginal Title
Mesure et interpretation de la reaction inclusive αd→αX a 3,98 GeV/c
Primary Subject
1979; 69 p; These (3e Cycle).
Record Type
Literature Type
Thesis/Dissertation; Numerical Data
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Marini, B.; Decours, J.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Direction des Technologies Avancees1990
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Direction des Technologies Avancees1990
[en] Zirconium shaping requires various methods: forging, extrusion, rolling, stamping, folding. The last method is retained as acceptance test for plates. Main parameters affecting bending are studied with tests and numerical simulations. The spring-back at the end of bending and optimal annealing temperature are also examined
La mise en forme du zirconium necessite l'utilisation de methodes variees: forgeage, filage, laminage, emboutissage, roulage, pliage, etc. Cette derniere methode presente la particularite d'etre celle retenue comme test de reception des toles. Les principaux parametres pouvant avoir une influence sur le pliage sont etudies au moyen d'essais et de simulations numeriques. Le retour elastique en fin de pliage et la temperature optimale de detensionnement sont egalement etudiesOriginal Title
Mise en forme: aspects de la recherche-developpement; Zirconium
Primary Subject
1990; 3 p; Symposium on Zirconium New Material for the Chemical Industry; Lyon (France); 10-11 Oct 1990
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Lemoine, P.; Marini, B.; Meny, L.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et de Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1986
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Inst. de Recherche Technologique et de Developpement Industriel (IRDI)1986
[en] In fast reactors the mixture of sodium at different temperatures is a source of thermal striping that can produce crack growth on metallic structure in the neighborhood. The aim of this study is the determination of conditions for crack formation at the surface of stainless steel components by heat. Testing equipment reproducing superficial thermal fatigue was realized and first tests concerning metallographic observations and microfractography are presented. Crack initiation is constituted by a great number of microcracks below 50 microns and their orientation are dependent of main plastic deformations. During crack propagation longer cracks (up to 3 mm) form a tridimensional network, characteristics are the same for mechanical and thermal fatigue
Dans les reacteurs a neutrons rapides, le melange de flux de sodium a des temperatures differentes est la source de rapides fluctuations thermiques (thermal striping), qui peuvent provoquer l'apparition et la croissance de fissures sur les parois metalliques voisines. C'est ce type d'endommagement qui est appele fatigue thermique superficielle. Le but de cette etude est de determiner les conditions d'apparition des fissures d'origine thermique a la surface des composants en acier inoxydable. Pour ce faire, une machine d'essai capable de reproduire des conditions de fatigue thermique superficielle a ete mise au point. Les premiers essais sont presentes, a partir des observations metallographiques des parois sollicitees et des coupes polies, et des examens microfractographiques des surfaces de fissuration. L'amorcage, homogene sur l'ensemble de la surface sollicitee, est constitue d'un grand nombre de microfisssures ne depassant pas 50 μm et dont les orientations sont directement liees aux orientations des deformations plastiques principales. En propagation, les fissures les plus longues (jusqu'a 3 mm) forment un reseau tridimensionnel; elles presentent les memes caracteristiques que celles obtenues en fatigue mecaniqueOriginal Title
Etude de la fatigue thermique superficielle d'un acier inoxydable austenitique; Stainless steel-304
Primary Subject
Jun 1986; 21 p; SFM International spring meeting on high-temperature fatigue; Paris (France); 9-11 Jun 1986
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Zahouane, A.I.; Gauthier, J.P.; Marini, B.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. de Technologie1988
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France). Dept. de Technologie1988
[en] Dissimilar ferritic-austenitic welded joints present in several nuclear reactor components are frequently subjected to fatigue. In this context we have measured the fatigue crack growth rate in a ferritic-austenitic welded plate using compact tension specimens. The most significant observation made is an important decrease of the crack propagation rate, linked to a high level of crack closure when cracks reach the ferritic-austenitic boundary. The reason for this is shown to be the presence of high residual stresses produced during the welding operation. Measurement of these stresses are made using a hole drilling method modified to allow determination of non-uniform stress fields. This method is based on the existence of a special function called transmissibility function. From the stress measurement results, first the residual stress intensity factors are derived using a weight function method and then a quantitative crack propagation analysis is performed. The results obtained give a satisfactory explanation to the observed decrease in the crack propagation rate and the crack closure phenomenon
Primary Subject
1988; 7 p; 7. European Conference on Fracture (ECF); Budapest (Hungary); 19-24 Sep 1988
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Frund, J.M.; Marini, B.; Bethmont, M.
Electricite de France (EDF), 92 - Clamart (France)1994
Electricite de France (EDF), 92 - Clamart (France)1994
[en] Strength to the fracture of the pipe in PWR has to be justified with mechanical analyses. These tests are based on the strength to ductile fracture of steels which are tested in lab. The values of resistance to fracture are obtained through tensile tests on CT specimens (determination of J-R curves). The purpose of this study is to justify the sizes of the specimens which have to be used to characterize the strength to ductile fracture of steel in secondary pipes. Tests were conducted on 0,5T-CT, 1T-CT and 2T-CT specimens. Two materials with different suffer contents were studied. The test results show that the JO,2 values gotten from the different specimens are similar. But the strength to ductile fracture in 2T-CT specimens in lower than the one measured in 0,5t-CT and 1T-CT specimens. The surface of fracture of the different specimens displays splits perpendicular to the notch and parallel to the sheet surface. These splits are produced by the separation of the manganese sulfur inclusions. The effect notes on the J-R curves seems to be relevant to these splits. The reason why these splits might be responsible for a decrease of the tearing modulus are not clearly defined up to this point. The results which have been published show the importance of the geometry effects (presence or not of lateral notches...) and the loading mode on the strength to ductile fracture. We note that the curves determined from tests on CT specimens are conservative. A few preliminary studies showed that the geometry effects on resistance to fracture can be studied and explained by using local approach methods. The Rousselier modeling is useful to explain the behaviour of ferritic steels in ductile fracture. (authors). 20 refs., 7 figs., 5 tabs
Original Title
Influence des dimensions et de la geometrie des eprouvettes sur l'amorcage et la propagation de la dechirure ductile
Primary Subject
Feb 1994; 18 p
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[en] This study deals with the effect of loading path on the strain to failure of a C-Mn-Ni-Mo steel. The tests are carried out at 373 K on axisymmetric, notched tensile specimens calculated by the finite element method. Specimen geometries containing different notch radii and leading to widely different stress triaxiality ratios are investigated. The effect of nonradial load path is studied using relatively sharply notched specimens. It is shown that a simple linear damage rule does not account for the experimental results. A model based on the critical cavity void growth rate calculated from the Rice and Tracey model is shown to give results consistent with the experiments provided that the effect of prestrain on constitutive equation and on the stress triaxiality ratio is properly taken into account. The experimental results are also compared to a model based on continuum damage mechanics. (author)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Engineering Fracture Mechanics; ISSN 0013-7944; ; v. 22(3); p. 375-386
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[en] Tensile tests were performed on homothetic different sized axisymmetrical notched tensile specimens (NT), at 100 C. A strong size effect was observed on the ductility : The average strain at fracture, as well as the scatter of results, decrease with the size of the specimen. Two statistical methods are proposed to model this size effect. The first modelling is a continuous approach based on mechanics of porous material, on a distribution of manganese sulphide volume fraction in a representative volume elements (R.V.E.) and on the weakest link theory. The second one is a discrete approach based on a Monte Carlo randomisation of critical growth rate of voids in finite element calculation. These two models are in agreement with the experimentation. In both cases, the size and scatter effects are obtained by the dispersion of the chosen intrinsic variable, as well as by the relative dimensions of the R.V.E. and of the whole specimen. The discrete approach shows a larger variation of the scatter than the continuous one. In particular, the saturation for large volume seems to be better described by the discrete approach. However, in the continuous approach, the introduction of an upper bound in the statistical description of the manganese sulphide fraction leads to an accurate description of the saturation effect. (orig.)
Primary Subject
2. European conference on mechanics of materials with intrinsic length scale: Physics, experiments, modelling and applications (EMMC-2); Magdeburg (Germany); 23-26 Feb 1998; 12 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal de Physique. 4; ISSN 1155-4339; ; v. 8(8); p. 63-70
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The evaluation of the reliability of pressure vessels in nuclear plants relies on the evaluation of failure probability models. Micromechanical approaches are of great interest to refine their description, to better understand the underlying mechanisms leading to failure, and finally to improve the prediction of these models. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the stress heterogeneities arising within the polycrystal in a probabilistic modeling of brittle fracture. Stress heterogeneities are evaluated from Finite-Element simulations performed on a large number of Statistical Volume Elements. Results are validated both on the measured averaged behavior and on the averaged stresses measured by neutron diffraction in five specific orientations. A probabilistic model for brittle fracture is then presented accounting for the carbide distribution and the stress distribution evaluated previously inside an elementary volume V0. Results are compared to a 'Beremin type' approach, assuming a homogeneous stress state inside V0. (authors)
Primary Subject
Available from doi:; 36 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Materials Science and Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing; ISSN 0921-5093; ; v. 528(no.18); p. 5861-5870
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External URLExternal URL
[en] Experimental results are presented concerning the influence on zirconium 702 rupture properties, of various metallurgical and mechanical parameters such as: microstructure type, initial strain hardening rate, anisotropy and stress direction, oxygen content in welds
Original Title
Etude de l'influence de parametres metallurgiques sur la resistance a la dechirure ductile de toles et de soudures en Zr 702
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Cailletaud, G.; Lemoine, P. (eds.); Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires (INSTN), Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); 317 p; ISBN 2-86883-271-7; ; 1996; p. 179-188; Editions de Physique; Les Ulis (France); Zirconium Meeting: Properties-Microstructures; Gif-sur-Yvette (France); 25-26 Apr 1995; 8 refs.
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[en] The aim of the present work is to derive empirically a simple expression of the uncertainties on Charpy transition temperatures (TT), which depends only on the test temperatures and the number of tests at each of these temperatures. Calculations of the TT uncertainties of a RPV steel are performed based on an empirical representation of Charpy test results and a Monte Carlo procedure to generate large numbers of data sets for different test matrices. Applying usual procedures to determine the TT to the generated data sets gives access to the distributions of these quantities from which the uncertainties are calculated.An analytical expression for these uncertainties is proposed. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Available from doi:; 14 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies; ISSN 2491-9292; ; v. 6; p. 57.1-57.12
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