No abstract available
Original Title
Vysokoehffektivnyj detektor dlya registratsii nejtronov
for English translation see the journal Sov. J. At. Energy.; letter-to-the-editor only.
Record Type
Journal Article
At. Energ. (USSR); v. 31(6); p. 635-636
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A description is given of a device for: a) neutron scattering studies of condensed matter, in a wide temperature range and in an extremal magnetic field; b) neutron diffraction experiments with polycrystal and monocrystal samples, and with samples of spin glasses; c) determination of the magnetic structure of materials; d) studying the evolution of atom magnetic moments ordering and establishing magnetic phase transmissions. It incorporates a dismountable cryostat with a bearing flange, an insulation space and a container with a secondary refrigerant; a regulator of the sample temperature; a regulator of the refrigerant flow; a holder with the sample being measured and a regulated electric heater. Characteristic of the device is a heat-exchange chamber mounted at the bottom of the comtainer, with walls made of a low-conductivity material. The metal bottom of the chamber is profiled, with a butt on which the regulated electric heater is cooled. The insulation space of the heat-exchange chamber and the sample, defined by the coating, is vacuum separated from the insulation space of the cryostat and is connected to a vacuum pump. The coating is fixed to the bearing flange of the cryostat by means of a connecting unit. The flange is fixed to a mechanism for spatial orientation
Original Title
Ustrojstvo za neutronografski izsledvaniya
Primary Subject
29 Jul 1983; 12 Apr 1982; 11 p; BG PATENT DOCUMENT 34152/A/; BG PATENT APPLICATION 56173; Application date: 12 Apr 1982
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Vilensky, A.I.; Nickolsky, E.E.; Oleinikov, V.A.; Zagorsky, D.L.; Mchedlishvili, B.V.; Markov, G.N.; Dontzova, E.P.
Proceedings of the 3. conference: Particle track membranes and their applications1994
Proceedings of the 3. conference: Particle track membranes and their applications1994
[en] The processes of high-energy ions etching in polyimide (PI) were studied. Comparison between characteristics of etchant with various compositions was made. A new etchant (concentrated hydrogen peroxide) with high selectivity and high etching rate was suggested. The etchant is accessible and ecologically clean. PI track membranes for ultra- and micro-filtration were created. (author). 12 refs, 1 fig., 2 tabs
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw (Poland); 123 p; 1994; p. 73-77; Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology; Warsaw (Poland); 3. Conference: Particle track membranes and their applications; Jachranka (Poland); 26-29 Oct 1993
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Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS IssueINIS Issue