[en] Jupiter investigations carried out by the ''Pioneer-10'' and ''Pioneer-11'' space probes are considered in a popular form. It is shown that one can correlate the obtained observation results with the theoretical models of the Jupiter structure, its magnetosphere and atmosphere. A liquid model with an adiabatic temperature gradient is considered. The main components of Jupiter are hydrogen and helium. The data received from the space probes confirm the existence of generation of a considerable heat flux from the entrails of the planet, whose mechanism is yet unclear. The Jupiter atmosphere is tentatively described. Its main components and a model of the cloud cover, which includes three layers and is in good agreement with the experimental data, are given. Photographs are shown, they clearly demonstrate the turbulent structure of most of the Jupiter atmosphere. A scheme of the planet magnetosphere is presented; it has a dipole magnetic field with the angle of inclination to the rotation axis of approximately 10.2 deg from the strength 10.7 Oe to 14 Oe at the poles. The radiation belts inside the megnetosphere generate a power decimetric and decametric radiation
Original Title
Novoe o Marse i Yupitere
Primary Subject
3 figs the begin of this pape.; in Zemlya Vselennaya, 1977, No.2.
Record Type
Journal Article
Zemlya i Vselennaya (Earth and the Universe); (no.3); p. 16-21
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Modern state of studies on the question of the Venus origin is discussed. It is indicated that calculations of the planet thermal evolution model pointed up the Venus and Earth resemblance not only from the viewpoint of external parameters but also on the subject of their interior. The Venus probably has an iron core (about 7000 km in diameter), a layer with decreased viscosity which approximately begins from the depth of 200 km and a several dozens kilometers thick crust. The unique peculiarity of the Venus atmosphere is the existence of extended rarefied clouds which occupy a vast region of the atmosphere on a height of 48-65 km. The steam content in the Venus atmosphere is by three orders of magnitude less than in the Earth atmosphere; but there is no water on the Venus surface due to very high temperature. But much water may be in a gaseous state deep in the planet at temperatures higher than the critical one (374 deg C). In the originally rarefied Venus atmosphere water had to boil away promoting the development of a heavy ''hotbed'' effect and further growth of surface temperature. The above model of the Venus thermal evolution is one of probable hypotheses
Original Title
Venera: otkrytiya i problemy
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Zemlya i Vselennaya (Earth and the Universe); ISSN 0044-3948; ; (no.4); p. 13-18
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The H2O profile in the Venus lower atmosphere was restored on the base of the data on the effective radiation flux. The presence of the H2O vapors is shown to be concentrated mainly in the 20 to 48 km layer and to depend on the time and place of measurements. The absolute values of H2O content, as determined by optical method, are much lower as compared to the values, obtained by the methods of sampling, especially below 20 km
Original Title
Profil' H2O v nizhnej atmosfere Venery po izmereniyam ehffektivnogo potoka izlucheniya
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Cosmic Research (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya; ISSN 0023-4206; ; v. 22(2); p. 267-272
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Contemporary ideas of the planet Mars, as indicated by the result of studies of the planet from automatic stations of the Mariner and Mars type, are presented in popular science form. Based on photometric, spectral, and polarization studies in different ranges (infrared, ultraviolet, centimeter), conclusions and assumptions are presented concerning the structure and state of the planet surface; its atmosphere, density and climatic conditions; and the existence of a magnetic field. Many photographs of the planet are included
Original Title
Novyj oblik Marsa
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Priroda (Moscow); (no.8); p. 12-23
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The thermal model of the cometary nucleus on the basis of numerical solution of nonstationary heat conduction equation with regard to the energy balance on the surface, variability of thermophysical characteristics of material, influence of the dust component, proper rotation and orbital motion of a comet is considered. Temperature fields are calculated; the value of the reaction force, arising on the anisotropic gas flow out of the nucleus are estimated. The photometric model of the area around the nucleus containing quantitative estimations of the optic properties of the nucleus and dusty-gas atmosphere is constructed, with the application of the thermal model characteristics. The problem of brightness distribution in the surrounding of the cometary nucleus is investigated qualitatively
Original Title
Teplovaya i fotometricheskaya model' yadra komety
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A thermal model of a cometary nucleus is analyzed on the basis of a numerical solution of the nonsteady heat-conduction equation with allowance for energy balance at the surface, variability of the thermophysical characteristics of the material, the influence of the dust component, and the proper rotation and orbital motion of the comet. The temperature fields are calculated and the reactive force generated in the anisotropic outflow of volatile components of the nucleus is estimated. Using the characteristics of the thermal model, a photometric model of the region near the nucleus is constructed, containing quantitative estimates of the optical properties of the nucleus and the gas - dust atmosphere. The problem of the brightness distribution in the vicinity of a cometary nucleus is investigated qualitatively
Primary Subject
Translated from Astron. Vestn.; 21: No. 1, 47-60(Jan-Mar 1987).
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Carried out the experiments on the determination of the high-altitude distribution of the aerosol component characteristics of the Venus atmosphere. Studied have been made with the help of the reserve scattering nephelometer positioned on the ''Venera 11'' automatic interplanetary station. The main attention has been paid to the increase of the insulation efficiency of the facility with the aim of investigating the low layers of the planet atmosphere. The dependence of the σ light reverse scattering index in the atmosphere from the hight of 51 km to the surface in the region of the station landing. The σ value characterizes the local reflective capability of aerosols contained in atmosphere. On the basis of experimental information obtained at the ''Venera 9'', ''Venera 10'' stations analyzed are the measurement data on the ''Venera 11'' station. A cloud layer with the extension of approximately 3 km which corresponds to the 3d cloud lager according to the classification on the data of the ''Venera 9'', ''Venera 10'' stations is found out within the range of altitudes from 51-47.5 km. The volume scattering index in the layer constitutes 2-4 km-1 and the optical thickness is equal to 8. A conclusion which is made according to the experimental results of the ''Venera 9'' and ''Venera 10'' is being confirmed that the subcloud atmosphere in the whole is a transparent medium
Original Title
Aehrozol'naya komponenta atmosfery Venery po dannym izmerenij na stantsii ''Venera-11''
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Cosmic Research (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya; ISSN 0023-4206; ; v. 17(5); p. 743-746
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Measurements of the downward light flux during the descent from an altitude of 50 km to the ground have been made. Atmospheric layers with different optical thicknesses have been discovered. The optical properties of Venus atmosphere for different cloud models have been studied. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Woszczyk, A.; Iwaniszewska, C. (eds.); International Astronomical Union; p. 191-96; ISBN 902770449X; ; 1974; D. Reidel; Dordrecht, The Netherlands; Symposium on exploration of the planetary system; Torun, Poland; 5 Sep 1973
Record Type
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue