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Martinez, Jose
Universite de Perpignan (France); Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - CEA, CEN de Cadarache, Service de Radio-Agronomie (France)1989
Universite de Perpignan (France); Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies alternatives - CEA, CEN de Cadarache, Service de Radio-Agronomie (France)1989
[en] The pollution of aquifers by nitrates is aggravated by farming practices that leave the ground bare during the winter. The work described in this thesis was conducted in the context of research into suitable farming strategies to limit nitrate leakage. Two studies, one in the field and the other with lysimeters, were conducted in order to define the impact of the alternate cultivation of ryegrass as a catch crop in a succession of wheat/maize crops: (i) on losses due to leaching, and (ii) on the following crops. Nitrogen 15 labelling of the 200 kg N ha-1 applied to wheat, allows us to determine the contribution made by that nitrogen to the nitrate content of drainage water and, by following the tracer in the soil/plant/water system, to specify what becomes of a nitrate from fertilizer over several years. In the intercrop period (October to June), losses by leaching measured under lysimeters at a depth of one metre reached 110 to 120 kg N in bare soil. Catch crop cultivation limited these losses to 40 to 60 kg N ha-1. Leaching losses of N derived from fertiliser were 19% and 7%, respectively, from bare soil and ryegrass. Owing to unfavourable climatic conditions, the burying of the ryegrass in the spring is accompanied by a detrimental effect on the yield of the following crops (maize and wheat). The measurement of the microbial biomass determined subsequent to this burying of the ryegrass has shown a considerable increase in the size of that compartment. This increase leads to competition for the nitrogen between the plant and micro-organisms. A complementary glass-house study, indirectly confirmed the role of the soil structure (modified when the ryegrass is buried) particularly on the development of the subsequent maize crop. The tracer evaluation indicates a utilisation of 60% to 65% of the fertilising nitrogen by the first wheat crop, with subsequent maize and wheat crops taking 2% and 3% and 0,7% and 0,5% respectively for rotation with ryegrass and bare soil. Organisation in the soil, established on harvesting of the maize, differed between the 2 growing sequences: it varied under the lysimeters from 15% in bare soil to 23% with buried ryegrass. The corresponding field values are 20 and 23%. The overall balance of labelled N in the soil/plant/water system is between 92% and 97%. (author)
La pollution des aquiferes par les nitrates est aggravee notamment par les pratiques culturales qui laissent le sol nu pendant l'hiver. Le travail presente dans ce memoire s'inscrit dans le cadre de la recherche de strategies culturales aptes a limiter les fuites nitriques. Deux etudes l'une au champ et l'autre en lysimetres sont realisees afin de preciser l'impact d'une culture derobee de ray-grass intercalee dans une succession culturale ble/mais (i) sur les pertes par lixiviation (ii) sur le devenir du ray-grass enfoui dans le sol. Le marquage a l'asote 15 des 200 kg N ha-1 apporte au cours de la culture de ble nous permet de determiner la contribution de cet azote a la charge nitrique des eaux drainees et en dressant un bilan du traceur dans le systeme sol/plante/eau de preciser le devenir pluriannuel d'un engrais nitrique. Pendant la periode d'interculture (Octobre a Juin) les pertes par lessivage, mesurees sous les lysimetres profonds de 1 m, atteignent 110-120 kg N en sol nu. La culture derobee limite celles-ci a 40-60 kg N ha-1. Les pertes originaires de l'engrais azote s'etablissent a 19% et 7% de l'apport, respectivement sous les lysimetres en sol nu et cultive. Du a des conditions climatiques defavorables, l'enfouissement de la culture derobee de ray-grass au printemps s'accompagne d'un effet depressif sur les rendements des deux cultures suivantes (mais et ble). La mesure de la biomasse microbienne determinee a la suite de cet enfouissement a permis de montrer une augmentation importante de la taille de ce compartiment; cette augmentation a pu provoquer une competition pour l'azote entre la plante et les micro-organismes. Une etude complementaire, an vases de vegetation, a confirme indirectement le role de la structure du sol (modifie au moment de l'enfouissement du ray-grass) notamment sur le developpement de la culture de mais qui a suivi. Le bilan du traceur temoigne d'une utilisation de 60 a 65% de l'azote du fertilisant par la premiere culture de ble, les cultures de mais et de ble suivantes prelevent 2 et 3% et 0,7 et 0,5% respectivement pour la rotation en sol nu et la rotation avec ray-grass. L'organisation dans le sol, etablie a la recolte du mais, est differente entre les deux sequences culturales: sous les lysimetres, elle passe de 15% en sol nu a 23% avec le ray-grass enfoui; les valeurs correspondantes au champ sont 20 et 23%. Le bilan du traceur dans le systeme sol-plante-eau est compris entre 92 et 97%. (auteur)Original Title
Intervention d'une culture derobee de ray-grass sur les transferts d'azote dans le systeme sol/plante/eau lors d'une succession culturale ble/mais: etude par tracage isotopique 15N au cours d'essais au champ et en lysimetres
Primary Subject
21 Dec 1989; 198 p; [170 refs.]; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; These Docteur de l'Universite, Specialite: agro-chimie
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Gonzalez Martinez, Jose David
Institut Polytechnique de Paris, ecole doctorale no. 626 Ecole doctorale de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris - ED IP Paris, Ecole polytechnique, Omega - Organisation de Micro-electronique Generale Avancee, batiment 404, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex (France)2024
Institut Polytechnique de Paris, ecole doctorale no. 626 Ecole doctorale de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris - ED IP Paris, Ecole polytechnique, Omega - Organisation de Micro-electronique Generale Avancee, batiment 404, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex (France)2024
[en] The HGCROC ASICs are dedicated very front-end electronics designed to read out the High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL), which will replace the current end-cap calorimeters of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for the Compact Muon Solenoid collaboration (CMS). This work emphasizes the specific features of the HGCAL design that influenced the Silicon Photo Multiplier (SiPM) readout ASIC design. H2GCROC is a 130 nm CMOS ASIC designed to read out the SiPMs coupled to the scintillating tiles of the back hadronic sections of CMS HGCAL. The front-end preamplifier inside the chip is tailored for the SiPM's higher signal level, anticipating pC per Minimum Ionizing Particle (MIP) instead of fC/MIP ranges. This thesis presents the ASIC architecture and its characterization in the lab and test beam. It demonstrates good adaptability in calibration, radiation tolerance, and the ability to measure SiPM single-photon spectrum and MIP's energy with high resolution. This work also illustrates the improvements proposed, developed, and tested from the second to the third fabricated version of the ASIC and the future changes of the following and last ASIC version. (author)
Les ASIC HGCROC sont des composants electroniques frontaux dedies, concus pour lire le calorimetre a haute granularite (HGCAL), qui remplacera les calorimetres actuels du Grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) dans le cadre de la collaboration sur le solenoide compact a muons (CMS). Ce travail met l'accent sur les caracteristiques specifiques de la conception du HGCAL qui ont influence la conception de l'ASIC de lecture du photomultiplicateur au silicium (SiPM). H2GCROC est un ASIC 130 nm CMOS concu pour lire les SiPM couples aux tuiles scintillantes des sections hadroniques arriere de CMS HGCAL. Le preamplificateur frontal a l'interieur de la puce est adapte au niveau de signal plus eleve du SiPM, anticipant les pC par particule ionisante minimale (MIP) au lieu des gammes fC/MIP. Cette these presente l'architecture ASIC et sa caracterisation en laboratoire et en faisceau d'essai. Elle demontre une bonne adaptabilite dans l'etalonnage, la tolerance au rayonnement et la capacite de mesurer le spectre de photons uniques du SiPM et l'energie du MIP avec une haute resolution. Ce travail illustre egalement les ameliorations proposees, developpees et testees entre la deuxieme et la troisieme version imprimee de l'ASIC et les changements futurs de la prochaine et derniere version de l'ASIC. (auteur)Original Title
Conception et caracterisation d'ASIC de lecture des detecteurs SiPM dans des mesures de temps pico-seconde pour l'experience CMS HGCAL; ASIC; SiPM; Analog front-end; CMS; HGCAL; Particle physics
Primary Subject
27 Feb 2024; 193 p; 88 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses; Indexer: nadia, v0.3.7; These de doctorat de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Specialite: electronique et optoelectronique
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[en] The cryopreservation of semen in fish, as in many species even shows effects that decrease sperm quality and directly engage cell ability to successfully participate in the processes of fertilization and embryonic development. the characteristics such as mobility and fertilizing capacity of fertilization of sperm are considered to be quality criteria that allow to measure the success or failure of the process, since they are considered integrative variables, being indicators that depend not on a single factor, but on the stability and welfare of all structures, enzymes and subcellular functional compounds that give place to these spermatic characteristics. membrane damage (Adenylate cyclase, ion channels, grouping of other proteins, among others) and their implication in the route of signaling pathway leading to spermatic activation, ATP degradation and fragmentation of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (genome), degradation of kinase enzymes and other cytosolic proteins (proteome) are considered today, as some of the molecular factors that most affect during cryopreservation and markedly decreasing the fertilizing capacity and mobility of sperm in fish. Proposals on the molecular mechanisms, by which these subcellular factors interact and act as consequence of cryopreservation, are some of the topics covered in this review. Understanding the principles and factors that are involved in the origin of such damages, will allow to improved cryopreservation processes, making them less harmful and more efficient.
Original Title
Crioconservacion de semen en peces: efectos sobre la movilidad espermatica y la fertilidad.
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Journal Article
Acta Biologica Colombiana; ISSN 0120-548X; ; v. 15(2); p. 3-23
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[en] Littoral macrophytes from the La Fe reservoir (El Retiro, Antioquia) were sampled for ostracoda during June and September of 2008. This allowed the identification of four genera and six species of ostracoda belonging to the Cyprididae and Candonidae families, where Chlamydotheca and Cypridopsis were found to be the dominant genera. Chlamydotheca unispinosa was the most abundant species in the assemblage. Furthermore, the environmental variables: temperature, electric conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH were also measured, in order to establish their relation to ostracoda taxa, using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Results confirm the cosmopolitan character of Cypridopsis vidua and evidence the importance of plant substrate on the occurrence and distribution of the Cyprididae family. The possible application of the recorded ostracoda assemblage in paleoenvironmental interpretations is discussed.
Original Title
Ecologia de los ostracodos no marinos del embalse La Fe (El Retiro, Antioquia) y su potencial aplicacion en estudios paleoambientales
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Journal Article
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales; ISSN 0370-3908; ; v. 34(132); p. 397-410
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Ruiz Martinez, Jose Tomas
Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programmes. Proceedings of an International Conference. Companion CD-ROM. Book of Abstracts2017
Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programmes. Proceedings of an International Conference. Companion CD-ROM. Book of Abstracts2017
[en] The RTS-1 ''Galileo Galilei'' is an open pool research reactor with light water as moderator and coolant; it has a nominal power of 5 MWth. It went critical for the first time on April 1963 and it was definitely shutdown in March 1980. The RTS-1 is located in the “Centro Interforze Studi per la Applicazioni Militari” (CISAM) in San Piero a Grado (Pisa). This paper concerns the first phase of the decommissioning project which consists of the removal of the reactor pool water and the dismantling of all the submerged metallic components among others elements present in the reactor building.
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Waste Technology Section, Vienna (Austria); European Commission, Brussels (Belgium); OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), Boulogne-Billancourt (France); European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London (United Kingdom); [1 CD-ROM]; ISBN 978-92-0-111416-7; ; Jul 2017; 4 p; International Conference on Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programmes; Madrid (Spain); 23-27 May 2016; ISSN 0074-1884; ; Also available on-line: and on 1 CD-ROM attached to the printed STI/PUB/1759 from IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:; Figs.
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[en] A 56 years old woman with systemic sclerosis consult by rapidly progressive deterioration of his pulmonary and renal function developing a superposition syndrome with systemic lupus erythematosus, unusual presentation that respond to high doses of corticosteroid and ciclophos- phamide. This is the first reported case in the literature of a superposition syndrome that begins with systemic sclerosis. The clinical finding, immunologic profile and its possible association are discussed
Original Title
Desarrollo de lupus eritematoso sistemico en paciente con esclerosis sistemica
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[en] Polymyalgia rheumatica is a disorder with defined clinical characteristics and may be the initial expression or to be associated to other diseases. Although it is not associated to neoplastic diseases, may be their initial manifestation. We report a patient who presented the initial complaining of polymyalgia rheumatica as a manifestation of another illness, amyloidosis associated to multiple myeloma. We also discuss the clinical characteristics of these entities and revised the available literature with regard to this association
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Polimialgia reumatica como presentacion de mieloma multiple y amiloidosis
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[en] Since reliable program execution is necessary for the experiment integrity, new Fault Tolerant Local Monitoring Control (FTLMC) board for high energy particle detectors was developed to operate in harsh environments, taking into account the challenges that high energy physics experiments represent, a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Micro Controller (MC), previously tested in accelerated particle beam, was populated in such board. The MC is the TMS570 conceived for safety and critical applications. The FTLMC provide the necessary interfaces such as SPI, I2C, CAN bus and others for detector parameter surveillance in experimental physics applications. Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), a commonly used SCADA for physics experiments, is ported to the MC where pre-built specific mechanisms are used to apply redundancy to programs executing with insignificant amount of CPU overhead.
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DPG Spring meeting 2018 of the Section Matter and Cosmos (SMuK) with the following divisions, working groups and groups: Section matter and cosmos (SMuK), short-term and applied laser physics, plasma physics, history of physics, environmental physics, working group accelerator physics, working group equal opportunities, working group jDPG, working group philosophy of physics; DPG-Fruehjahrstagung 2019 der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK) mit den folgenden Fachverbaenden, Arbeitskreisen und -gruppen: Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Kurzzeit- und angewandte Laserphysik, Plasmaphysik, Geschichte der Physik, Umweltphysik, Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik, Arbeitskreis Chancengleichheit, Arbeitskreis jDPG, Arbeitsgruppe Philosophie der Physik; Muenchen (Germany); 17-22 Mar 2019; Available from:; Session: HK 8.5 Mo 15:00; Also available as printed version: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft v. 54(2)
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Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; ISSN 0420-0195; ; CODEN VDPEAZ; (Muenchen 2019 issue); [1 p.]
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Govaerts, Jan.; Lucio-Martinez, Jose-Luis., E-mail:, E-mail: lucio@ifug3.ugto.mx2000
[en] Nuclear muon capture on the proton and 3 He is considered both within and beyond the standard model in terms as general as is possible. Explicit and precise analytic expressions for all possible observables are given, assuming only a Dirac neutrino in the limit of vanishing mass. These results allow both for precision tests of the standard model and new physics, as well as for the assessment of the potential physics reach of experiments designed to measure specific observables. Using these expressions, stringent constraints can already be inferred from a recent precision measurement of the statistical capture rate on 3 He. Likewise, similar constraints should follow the completion of a precision measurement in progress of the singlet capture rate on the proton
Original Title
23.40.; 12.15.Ji; 12.60.-i; Nuclear muon capture; Precision tests of the standard model
Primary Subject
S037594740000316X; Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Fantoni, Paolo F.; Collier, Steve; Dyck, Claude van; Fernandez, Luis; Carrasco, Atanasio; Martinez, Jose Antonio
Institutt for energiteknikk, OECD Halden Reactor Project, Halden (Norway)1998
Institutt for energiteknikk, OECD Halden Reactor Project, Halden (Norway)1998
[en] A CAMS (Computerised Accident Management Support) prototype has been developed, presented and tested in the period 1993-96. HWR-440, issued in April 1996 and distributed at the EHPG meeting in Loen, May 1996, together with HWR-500, issued in May 1997, describe the current state of the prototype. The CAMS system has been developed with the goal to provide assistance to the operator and/or staff in the Technical Support Centre (TSC), before and during the occurrence of an abnormal condition, to improve the operator understanding of the current and future plant conditions, in order to avoid core damage and/or containment failure. The lessons learned from the development and test of the first prototype have led to the definition and design of a number of system improvements and extensions, which will cover the period 1997-99 and are described in this report. The main topics currently addressed in CAMS are (1) Redefinition and design of the CAMS MMI, including Human Factors Engineering principles for computerised accident management systems, (2) Improvement of the state identification and diagnosis capability, (3) Integration of procedure handling in the system, (4) Extension of the system scope to severe accidents, (5) Test of the Signal Validation module in real-time, and (6) Porting the system platform to Windows NT
Primary Subject
Feb 1998; 37 p; Available from IFE, PO Box 173, 1751 Halden Norway; 14 refs., 11 figs., 2 tabs.
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