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Vijayan, P.K.; Maruthi Ramesh, N.; Pilkhwal, D.S.; Saha, D.
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)1997
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)1997
[en] An assessment of sixteen void fraction correlations have been carried out using experimental void fraction data compiled from open literature for vertical upward steam-water flow. Nearly 80% of all the data pertained to natural circulation flow. This assessment showed that best prediction is obtained by Chexal et al. (1996) correlation followed by Hughmark (1965) and the Mochizuki and Ishii (1992) correlations. The Mochizuki-Ishii correlation is found to satisfy all the three limiting conditions whereas Chexal et al. (1996) correlation satisfies all the limiting conditions at moderately high mass fluxes (greater than 140 kg/m2s) while Hughmark correlation satisfies only one of the three limiting conditions. The available void fraction data in the open literature for steam-water two-phase flow lies predominantly in the low quality region. This is the reason why correlations like Hughmark which do not satisfy the upper limiting condition (i.e. at x=1, α=1) perform rather well in assessments. Additional work is required for the generation of high quality (greater than 40%) void fraction data. (author)
Primary Subject
1997; 54 p; 27 refs., 23 figs., 5 tabs., 4 ills.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue