[en] Economic results of German studies are presented, which compare the four solar thermal technologies for electricity generation (parabolic trough collector system, central receiver system, parabolic dish/Stirling system, solar chimney plant). These studies were carried out by Interatom (today Siemens/KWU) in Bergisch Gladbach, Flachglas Solartechnik in Koln and Schlaich Bergermann and Partner in Stuggart under contract of DLR in Koln. Funds were made available by the German Ministry of Research and Development (BMFT). The results indicate that all of the investigated technologies have the potential to reduce the generating costs and that in the future costs of below 0.30 DM/kWh could be expected under excellent insolation conditions (e.G. 2850 kWh/m''2 a direct insolation as in California/USA). (Author) 25 refs
Primary Subject
Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologicas (CIEMAT), Madrid (Spain); 2 v; ISBN 84-7834-163-3; ; 1993; p. 817-826; CIEMAT; Madrid (Spain); 6. International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentration Technologies; Mojacar, Almeria (Spain); 28 Sep - 2 Oct 1992
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[en] The article gives an abbreviated version of a study under the guidance of the DLR, comparing solar tower and farming plants (channel collectors) for electricity generation, in respect of technical and economical aspects. The comparison considers various influencing factors such as for instance: Meteorological conditions, characteristic technical differences, unit size, and permits conclusions, which are important for the development and construction of future plants. (orig.)
Bei dem Aufsatz handelt es sich um eine gekuerzte Fassung einer unter Leitung der DLR erstellten Studie, in der solare Turm- und Farmanlagen (Rinnenkollektor) zur Stromerzeugung hinsichtlich technischen und wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten miteinander verglichen werden. Der Vergleich beruecksichtigt verschiedene Einflussgroessen wie z.B. meteorologische Bedingungen, charakteristische technische Unterschiede, Blockgroesse, und erlaubt Schlussfolgerungen, die fuer die Entwicklung, Foerderung und Errichtung zukuenftiger Anlagen wichtig sind. (orig.)Original Title
Solare Turm- und Farmanlagen im Vergleich
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Roy, A. (ed.) (department of chemical engineering, Ben-Gurion university of the Negev, Beer-Sheva (Israel)); Ministry of Science and Technology, Jerusalem (Israel); 120 p; Feb 1994; p. 55-56; SOLCOM I 1994: International conference on comparative assessments of solar power technologies; Jerusalem (Israel); 14-18 Feb 1994; NCRD--94-1; Also available from Library of the Ministry of Science and Technology, State of Israel
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Kiera, M.; Meinecke, W.; Wehowsky, P.
Solar thermal system technologies in a comparative evaluation. Tower-type power stations, parabolic trough collector power stations, parabolic dish reflector systems with Stirling machines and solar chimney systems1992
Solar thermal system technologies in a comparative evaluation. Tower-type power stations, parabolic trough collector power stations, parabolic dish reflector systems with Stirling machines and solar chimney systems1992
[en] This study was directed at identifying, demonstrating and interpreting shared features and differences of tower and farm concepts for solar power generation. The tools used are the SOLERGY calculation code, input/output characteristics, monthly and annual efficiencies and typical daily courses of plant outputs. Major results involve the dependence from meteorological conditions, plant configuration, operating mode, and the technology used. In conclusion, the author evaluates power generation costs and their development. (BWI)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wird versucht, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede bei Turm- bzw. Farmkonzepten zur solaren Stromerzeugung zu ermitteln, darzustellen und zu interpretieren. Als Hilfsmittel hierfuer werden der Rechencode SOLERGY, Input/Output-Charakteristiken, monatliche und ganzjaehrige Wirkungsgrade sowie typische Tagesverlaeufe der Anlagenleistung eingesetzt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse betreffen die Abhaengigkeit von den meteorologischen Randbedingungen, die Abhaengigkeit von der Anlagenkonfiguration, die Abhaengigkeit von der Betriebsweise, die Abhaengigkeit von der eingesetzten Technologie. Abschliessend wird eine Bewertung der Stromerzeugungskosten sowie deren Entwicklung vorgenommen. (BWI)Original Title
Studie zum Vergleich von solaren Turm- und Farmanlagen
Primary Subject
Becker, M. (ed.) (Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Koeln (Germany). Hauptabteilung Energietechnik); Meinecke, W. (ed.) (Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Koeln (Germany). Hauptabteilung Energietechnik); 380 p; ISBN 3-540-55996-5; ; 1992; p. 69-138; Springer; Berlin (Germany)
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Kolb, G.L.; Chavez, J.M.; Klimas, P.; Meinecke, W.; Becker, M.; Kiera, M.
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1993
Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)1993
[en] This paper summarizes the results of a study performed by the US and Germany to assess the technical and economic potential of central receiver power plants and to identify the necessary research and development (R ampersand D) activities required to reach demonstration and commercialization. Second generation power plant designs, employing molten-salt and volumetric-air receivers, were assessed at the size of 30 and 100 MWe. The study developed a common guideline and used data from previous system tests and studies. The levelized-energy costs for the second generation plants were estimated and found to be competitive with costs from fossil-fueled power plants. Potential for further cost reductions exists if technical improvements can be introduced successfully in the long term. Additionally, the study presents results of plant reliability and uncertainty analyses. Mid- and long-term technical potentials are described, as well as recommendations for the R ampersand D activities needed to reach the goal of large-scale commercialization. The results of this study have already helped direct research in the US and Europe. For example, the favorable potential for these technologies has led to the Solar Two molten-salt project in the US and the TSA volumetric receiver test in Spain. In addition, early analysis conducted within this study indicated that an advanced thermal storage medium was necessary to achieve favorable economics for the air plant. This led to the design of the thermal storage system currently being tested in Spain. In summary, each of the investigated receiver technologies has mid- and long-term potential for improving plant performance and reducing capital and energy costs (resulting in less than 10 cts/kWh given excellent insolation conditions) in an environmentally safe way and largely independent of fossil-fuel prices
Primary Subject
1993; 6 p; American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) international solar energy conference; San Francisco, CA (United States); 27-30 Mar 1994; CONF-940326--4; CONTRACT AC04-94AL85000; Also available from OSTI as DE94003797; NTIS; US Govt. Printing Office Dep
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Roy, A. (ed.) (department of chemical engineering, Ben-Gurion university of the Negev, Beer-Sheva (Israel)); Ministry of Science and Technology, Jerusalem (Israel); 120 p; Feb 1994; p. 43-44; SOLCOM I 1994: International conference on comparative assessments of solar power technologies; Jerusalem (Israel); 14-18 Feb 1994; NCRD--94-1; Also available from Library of the Ministry of Science and Technology, State of Israel
Record Type
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue