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[en] The energy and digital transitions under way are fundamentally different. The first leads toward a desirable goal (a low-carbon economy and society), while the second should serve economic, social or environmental objectives. Nonetheless, the convergence of these two transitions opens tremendous opportunities. Information and communications technology provides new possibilities to everyone (consumers, groups, firms) thanks to the access to data and the emergence of more interactive, flexible and decentralized 'energy models'. Several problems must be addressed to profit from this technology's full potential: control the consumption of energy by digital machines, ensure the security of information systems, set up new services for creating economic value, and redefine public and private stakeholders' roles
Original Title
Numerique et transition energetique
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Responsabilite et Environnement; ISSN 1268-4783; ; v. 3(no.87); p. 31-34
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Michel, Laurent
Proceedings of the European Commission Conferences on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems and Radioactive Waste Management - Volume 12024
Proceedings of the European Commission Conferences on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems and Radioactive Waste Management - Volume 12024
[en] In his keynote, Mr. Laurent Michel developed the following points: 1- The challenges and levers for the energy and climate transition 2- Changes in the energy mix and the role of nuclear power 3- The challenges of R and D and innovation to support the ecological transition
Dans son discours d'ouverture, Mr Laurent Michel developpe les points suivants: 1- Les Enjeux et leviers pour la transition energetique et climatique 2- Les evolutions du mix energetique et la place du nucleaire 3- Les enjeux de la R et D et d'innovation au service de la transition ecologiquePrimary Subject
Secondary Subject
Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives - CEA (France); European Commission, Brussels (Belgium); 450 p; ISBN 978-92-76-48978-8; ; 2024; p. 61-66; 10. European Commission Conferences on EURATOM Research and Training in Safety of Reactor Systems and Radioactive Waste Management - Euradwaste'22; Lyon (France); 30 May - 3 Jun 2022; Country of input: France; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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[en] In this paper we consider the Schroedinger equation with constant magnetic field of strength b>0 in all dimension. We study the behavior of the scattering amplitude and the scattering phase when the parameter b goes to infinity and the energy is far from the Landau levels
Primary Subject
(c) 2005 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
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Michel, Laurent; Louis, Aurelien
Conseil general de l'economie - CGEIET, Ministere de l'economie et des Finances, 120, rue de Bercy, Teledoc 797, 75572 Paris Cedex 12 (France)2020
Conseil general de l'economie - CGEIET, Ministere de l'economie et des Finances, 120, rue de Bercy, Teledoc 797, 75572 Paris Cedex 12 (France)2020
[en] Like all other industries, the nuclear industry, civilian and military, produces wastes - substances without use value that are to be eliminated. In comparison with other industries, the quantities and nature of these wastes are relatively well known (cf. Andra's national inventory: Although these wastes are now being stored in good conditions, nuclear waste management is regularly presented as a major obstruction that will keep this industry from attaining the status of being 'sustainable'. Why? Partly owing to the very nature of these wastes: they are radioactive, hence potentially dangerous if poorly managed. But above all because they have a much longer life cycle than ordinary wastes. Time is a key factor in the management of radioactive wastes. (authors)
Original Title
La gestion des dechets nucleaires
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Responsabilite et Environnement; ISSN 1268-4783; ; (no.97); p. 57-61
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In this paper, we study the residue of the scattering amplitude for the Schroedinger operator with long-range perturbation of the Laplacian, in the case where there are resonances exponentially close to the real axis. If the resonances are simple and under a separation condition, one proves that the residue of the scattering amplitude associated with a resonance ξ is bounded by C(h)|Im ξ|. Here C(h) denotes an explicit constant depending polynomially on h-1 and the number of resonances in a fixed box. This generalizes a recent result of Stefanov concerning compactly supported perturbations and isolated resonances
Primary Subject
S0305-4470(03)54270-6; Available online at or at the Web site for the Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General (ISSN 1361-6447); Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General; ISSN 0305-4470; ; CODEN JPHAC5; v. 36(15); p. 4375-4393
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[en] The Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory is member of the Survey Science Centre (SSC) of the XMM-Newton satellite. Among other responsibilities, we provide a database access to the 2XMMi catalogue and run the part of the data processing pipeline performing the cross-correlation of EPIC sources with archival catalogs. These tasks were all developed in Strasbourg. Pipeline processing is flawlessly in operation since 1999. We describe here the work load and infrastructure setup in Strasbourg to support SSC activities. Our nine year long SSC experience could be used in the framework of the Simbol-X ground segment.
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Secondary Subject
2. international Simbol-X symposium; Paris (France); 2-5 Dec 2008; (c) 2009 American Institute of Physics; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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[en] In its Climate Plan of July 2017, France made the commitment to raise its ambitions to the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. This implies thoroughly overhauling the country's energy system, which will have to eliminate nearly all fossil fuels. The shares of the biomass and renewable sources of energy for heating and electricity will increase in the energy mix. To eliminate carbon in this mix, the consumption of energy will have to be halved; and systematic efforts, made to improve energy efficiency, modify individuals' behaviors and reorganize society for a more sober consumption of energy. We must bear in mind that carbon neutrality at the national level implies working on the country's whole carbon footprint, making the most effective decisions and accompanying the most vulnerable households and firms during this transition. This long-term goal cannot be spared more vigorous actions in the short and middle run. (authors)
Dans son plan Climat de juillet 2017, la France s'est engagee a rehausser son ambition climatique en visant la neutralite carbone a l'horizon 2050. Cet objectif suppose de repenser en profondeur le systeme energetique du pays. Celui-ci devra etre decarbone en eliminant quasi completement l'ensemble des energies fossiles. La biomasse, la chaleur renouvelable et l'electricite auront un role croissant a jouer dans le mix energetique. Cette decarbonation du mix energetique impose que la consommation d'energie soit reduite par un facteur 2 environ. Cela passera necessairement par des efforts systematiques d'efficacite energetique ainsi que par des comportements individuels et une organisation collective plus sobres en energie. Il faut egalement garder en tete que l'objectif de neutralite carbone a l'echelle nationale doit s'accompagner d'efforts sur l'ensemble de l'empreinte du pays afin de prendre les decisions les plus efficaces et un accompagnement specifique des menages et des entreprises les plus fragiles. Cette ambition de long terme est indissociable d'une action renforcee de court et moyen terme. (auteurs)Original Title
Application a 2050 de la transition energetique et de la neutralite carbone a la demande d'energie, en France
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Available from doi:
Record Type
Journal Article
Responsabilite et Environnement; ISSN 1268-4783; ; (no.95); p. 10-15
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Michel, Laurent
Direction generale de la prevention des risques, Ministere de l'Ecologie, du Developpement durable, des Transports et du Logement, Grande Arche, Tour Pascal A et B, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2011
Direction generale de la prevention des risques, Ministere de l'Ecologie, du Developpement durable, des Transports et du Logement, Grande Arche, Tour Pascal A et B, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2011
[en] The first part of this report comments the major natural and industrial disasters which occurred in 2010 in France (Xynthia tempest, flooding, and forest fires) and in other countries. It also proposes some lessons from these disasters. The second part discusses the evolution towards a resilient society by a combined approach of sustainable development, of cultural good safeguarding, and person protection. It also discusses a prospective approach regarding natural hazards and technological accidents, adapted procedures, governance and land planning, the evolution of information and alarm systems, and emerging risks. The third part addresses the adaptation to natural hazards: frameworks and strategies, actions (regulatory prevention, flooding management, safety of hydraulic works, seismic plan). It assesses the financial and budgetary means brought by the State and its partners, and discusses some perspectives. It addresses the technological risks: legal and regulatory evolutions, safety of hazardous industrial installations, consequences of technological accidents. The next part deals with the control of civilian nuclear installations by the ASN. The last part presents the different involved structures and authorities
Original Title
Rapport 2010 du delegue aux risques majeurs
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2011; 160 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Frenot, Raymond; Peppoloni, Christine; Barbaras, Vincent; Bertsch, Claude; Combettes, Pascale; Duhaut, Jacky; Faivre, Jean-Raymond; Fevotte, Pascal; Gatti, Alain; Grunwald, Maurice; Jubert, Michel; Laurent, Francois; Lombard, Patrice; Messenet, Margueritte
Conseil economique social et environnemental de Lorraine - Cesel, Place Gabriel Hocquard, 57036 Metz Cedex 1 (France)2013
Conseil economique social et environnemental de Lorraine - Cesel, Place Gabriel Hocquard, 57036 Metz Cedex 1 (France)2013
[en] Based on several hearings of actors and associations, this report of a working group of the Lorraine Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESEL) first presents the management of nuclear wastes in France (national framework under European control, type and packaging of wastes within the scope of the Cigeo project). Then, it presents the Cigeo project (origin, decision process, governance and transparency, financing) and proposes a technical description of the project (installations, inventory and scheduling, reversibility and recoverability). Safety issues are then addressed: during exploitation, after site closing, and radiological impact and control of the storage and of its environment. The last part discusses the integration of the Cigeo project into the territory and the associated development opportunities
Original Title
Le projet Cigeo, elements de comprehension et d'analyse. Communication relative a la contribution du Cesel au debat public, Seance Pleniere du 11 octobre 2013
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oct 2013; 82 p; ISBN 978-2-11-138558-0; ; ISBN 978-2-11-138559-7; ; 10 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The goal of international negotiations on the climate should be an agreement that, applying to everyone, both addresses the issues of attenuation and adaptation, and focuses on the means for implementing a worldwide transition toward low-carbon economies. The European Union's position during negotiations has been laid down in the conclusions adopted by all member states of the Council of Europe. During bargaining sessions, meetings will be organized to coordinate EU member states' actions so that Europe speaks with a single voice. In this respect, the EU approach does not differ from France's. In effect, coordination between ministerial departments in France is ensured by the Secretariat General des Affaires Europeennes (SGAE), the secretary-general being the councilor on Europe to the President of the Republic
Original Title
Quelle approche europeenne adopter pour arriver a la conclusion d'un accord international?
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Responsabilite et Environnement; ISSN 1268-4783; ; v. 1(no.77); p. 25-28
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