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Mitchell, C.H.; Young, M.J.
Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., London (UK)1980
Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., London (UK)1980
[en] The heat exchanger tubes of the fast breeder cooled with sodium are collected in bundles and are braced with a longitudinal series of grids. The grids are supported elastically on a central core of the tube bundle. The supports permit a relative displacement of groups of heat exchanger tubes relative to each other and to the core, which means that linear thermal expansion can be accommodated. The supports consist of forked brackets, which are arranged at the grids and at the core and grip into one another. (RW)
Die Austauschrohre des mit Na gekuehlten SB sind in Buendeln zusammengefasst und werden mittels einer Laengsreihe von Gittern verspannt. Die Gitter stuetzen sich federnd nachgiebig an einem zentralen Kern des Rohrbuendels ab. Die Abstuetzungen erlauben eine relative Verlagerung der Gruppen von Austauschrohren zueinander und zum Kern, wodurch lineare Waermeausdehnungen aufgenommen werden koennen. Die Abstuetzungen bestehen aus Gabelarmen, die sowohl an den Gittern als auch am Kern angeordnet sind und ineinander eingreifen. (RW)Original Title
Schneller Brutreaktor mit Rohrbuendel-Waermetauscher sowie Rohrbuendel-Waermetauscher
Primary Subject
27 Mar 1980; 17 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2937869/A/; Available from Deutsches Patentamt, Muenchen, Germany, F.R
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Mitchell, C.H.; Young, M.J.
Nuclear Power Co. (Whetstone) Ltd. (UK)1980
Nuclear Power Co. (Whetstone) Ltd. (UK)1980
[en] Elastic mounting of tube spacers in a heat exchanger for a LMFBR type reactor
Echangeur de chaleur caracterise en ce que les grilles sont montees elastiquement sur un axe central du faisceau de tubes d'un reacteur a neutrons rapides refroidi par metal liquideOriginal Title
Echangeur de chaleur, notamment pour metal liquide de refroidissement
Primary Subject
18 Apr 1980; 11 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2436955/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 19 Sep 1978, GB.
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Mitchell, C.H.; Young, M.J.
Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., London (UK)1980
Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., London (UK)1980
[en] A tube-in-shell heat exchanger is described for use in liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor constructions. The system consists of a bundle of heat exchange tubes with a central spine extending longitudinally through the shell and a series of longitudinally spaced transverse grids resiliently mounted on the central spine within the shell to provide transverse support for bracing the tubes apart. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
30 Apr 1980; 8 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 2032090/A/
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Aspden, G.J.; Chesworth, G.; Mitchell, C.H.
National Nuclear Corp. Ltd., Knutsford (UK)1985
National Nuclear Corp. Ltd., Knutsford (UK)1985
[en] A nuclear reactor is a liquid metal cooled fast breeder and has a primary vessel with an upper cylindrical portion and a lower hemispherical portion. A tank contains liquid metal and has a wall connected at its lower end to the lower portion. A hemispherical guard vessel is spaced from the portion and the floor of concrete vault and is connected to the primary vessel at the bottom end of the upper portion. The guard vessel provides a means of containing and detecting any leakage from that part of the primary vessel which is exposed to liquid metal. (author)
Original Title
LMFBR reactor vessels
Primary Subject
11 Dec 1985; 8 Jun 1984; 3 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 2160008/A/; GB PRIORITY 8414618; Available from The Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London, WC2A 1AY; Priority date: 8 Jun 1984
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No abstract available
Primary Subject
European nuclear conference; Hamburg (Germany, F.R.); 6 - 11 May 1979; CONF-790519--; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; ISSN 0003-018X; ; v. 31 p. 45-50
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Mitchell, C.H.
Proceedings of the IAEA specialists' meeting on in-core instrumentation and failed fuel detection and location, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, May 13-15, 19741975
Proceedings of the IAEA specialists' meeting on in-core instrumentation and failed fuel detection and location, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, May 13-15, 19741975
[en] This paper describes the monitoring equipment used in detecting and locating fuel failures in the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay, Scotland. The system operates by detecting delayed neutrons in coolant samples which are taken at the core outlet and the primary heat exchangers. A subsidiary system is used for monitoring fission product gas release which is accumulated in the reactor gas blanket or transported in the core outlet coolant samples. (author)
Secondary Subject
Pearson, A.; Lynch, G.F.; Lipsett, J.J. (eds.); Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. Chalk River Nuclear Labs; p. 363-374; Jun 1975; IAEA specialists' meeting on in-core instrumentation and failed fuel detection and location; Mississauga, Ontario, Canada; 13 May 1974
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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[en] For fast reactors it is necessary that both high safety standards and low generating costs are achieved for the introduction of commercial plants. The approaches to ensuring and assuring high integrity for the safety related structures are presented, and it is shown how this can be achieved while avoiding undue cost penalties. This is done with reference to the CDFR design. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] The design work on the European Fast Reactor (EFR) started in the spring of 1988 at the request of the EFR Utilities Group (EFRUG), which comprises electricity producing utilities from France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy. Other European utilities have expressed their interest in joining the EFR project. The EFR design work is being performed by EFR Associates, a group of design and construction companies that includes: (1) Novatome, a division of Framatome, France; (2) NNC, a member of the GEC group of companies, Great Britain; and (3) Siemens Engineerzeugung KWU, Germany. A first consistent design of a nuclear island for the EFR as submitted to EFRUG in the spring of 1990. This design combines the best features from previous national designs (SPX2, SNR2, and CDFR). Since 1990, the design validation work has been in an advanced stage, and EFR Associates proposal for the main features of a consistent design, which was presented to EFRUG in autumn 1991 (mid-phase 2), represented an important milestone in the design phase of the project
Primary Subject
Joint American Nuclear Society (ANS)/European Nuclear Society (ENS) international meeting on fifty years of controlled nuclear chain reaction: past, present, and future; Chicago, IL (United States); 15-20 Nov 1992; CONF-921102--
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Mitchell, C.H.; Cowan, G.; Sheriff, N.
Proceedings of the ANS/ASME/NRC international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: LMFBR and HTGR advanced reactor concepts and analysis methods1980
Proceedings of the ANS/ASME/NRC international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics: LMFBR and HTGR advanced reactor concepts and analysis methods1980
[en] A passive thermal barrier which stagnates sodium, is proposed for a liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR). To validate the design, a program of work is outlined. This program involves the development of computer programs and experimental simulations addressed at natural convection heat transfer in closed and permeable cavity systems
Primary Subject
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC (USA). Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; p. 1896-1913; 1980; p. 1896-1913; ANS/ASME topical meeting on reactor thermal-hydraulics; Saratoga, NY, USA; 9 - 12 Oct 1980; Available from NTIS
Record Type
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Report Number
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Ebbinghaus, K.; Debru, M.; Mitchell, C.H.
ANP'92 international conference on design and safety of advanced nuclear power plants1992
ANP'92 international conference on design and safety of advanced nuclear power plants1992
[en] In 1988 the utilities, R and D organizations and design and construction companies joined in the European Fast Reactor (EFR) Programme. During a five year period, a concept design combining the best features from previous national projects and incorporating innovative features, will be developed and validated. Progress made so far and the main achievements which have been obtained are described and the strategy towards achieving competitiveness is given. (author)
Primary Subject
Oka, Y.; Koshizuka, S. (Tokyo Univ. (Japan)) (comps.); Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokyo (Japan); [2182 p.]; 1992; v. 2 p. 15.4/1-15.4/6; Atomic Energy Society of Japan; Tokyo (Japan); ANP'92: international conference on design and safety of advanced nuclear power plants; Tokyo (Japan); 25-29 Oct 1992
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