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Grabovskij, E.V.; Zukakishvili, G.G.; Mitrofanov, K.N.; Olejnik, G.M.; Porofeev, I.Yu.
XXX Zvenigorod conference on plasma physics and CTS. Summaries of reports2003
XXX Zvenigorod conference on plasma physics and CTS. Summaries of reports2003
No abstract available
Original Title
Izmerenie magnitnykh polej v plazme mnogoprovolochnykh lajnerov na ustanovke Angara-5-1
Primary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Fizike Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Kompleksnoj Probleme Fizika Nizkotemperaturnoj Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); RAN, Inst. Obshchej Fiziki, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchno-Tekhnologicheskij Tsentr PLASMAIOFAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Inst. Teplofiziki Ehkstremal'nykh Sostoyanij OIVT RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); [248 p.]; 2003; p. 108; 30. Zvenigorod conference on plasma physics and CTS; XXX Zvenigorodskaya konferentsiya po fizike plazmy i UTS; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 24-28 Feb 2003; 3 refs.
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Koshelev, A.Yu.; Mitrofanov, K.N.; Grabovskij, E.V.; Samokhin, A.A.; Olejnik, G.M.
Book of abstracts of the XXXVIII International (Zvenigorod) conference on plasma physics and controlled fusion2011
Book of abstracts of the XXXVIII International (Zvenigorod) conference on plasma physics and controlled fusion2011
No abstract available
Original Title
Izmerenie radial'nogo raspredeleniya magnitnogo polya v plazme mnogoprovolochnoj sborki na ustanovke Angara-5-1
Primary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Fizike Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Kompleksnoj Probleme Fizika Nizkotemperaturnoj Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Inst. Obshchej Fiziki im. A.M. Prokhorova RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchno-Tekhnologicheskij Tsentr PLASMAIOFAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ob''edinennyj Inst. Vysokikh Temperatur RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); 416 p; ISBN 978-5-242-01171-6; ; 2011; p. 163; XXXVIII International (Zvenigorod) conference on plasma physics and controlled fusion; XXXVIII Mezhdunarodnaya (Zvenigorodskaya) konferentsiya po fizike plazmy i UTS; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 14-18 Feb 2011; 1 ref.
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[en] The results of the experiments on the X-ray sounding of the axial region of the liner, compressed by the current of the heavy-current generator, are presented. The soft X-pinch X radiation source was applied and the radiation was registered by the p-i-n diodes. Application of several filters with different transmission windows before the p-i-n diodes made it possible to provide for the interpretation of the measurement results in the experiments with the cascade liners of the complex elementary composition. The advantages of the method consist in the high time resolution (≅ 1 ns) and the possibility of delimiting by time the flashes from the Z-pinch radiation in the liner axis and from the X-pinch radiation
Приведены результаты экспериментов по рентгеновскому зондированию приосевой области лайнера, сжимаемого током сильноточного генератора. Использовался источник мягкого рентгеновского излучения Х-пинч, а излучение регистрировалось p-i-n диодами. Использование нескольких фильтров с разными окнами пропускания перед p-i-n диодами позволило обеспечить интерпретацию результатов измерений в экспериментах с каскадными лайнерами сложного элементного состава. Достоинства метода заключаются в высоком временном разрешении (≅ 1 нс) и возможности разграничить по времени вспышки излучения с оси лайнера от Z-пинча и излучения Х-пинчаOriginal Title
Rentgenovskoe zondirovanie priosevoj oblasti plazmy mnogoprovolochnogo lajnera na ustanovke Angara-5-1
Primary Subject
10. All-Russian conference: diagnostics of high-temperature plasma; X Vserossijskaya konferentsiya: diagnostika vysokotemperaturnoj plazmy; Troitsk (Russian Federation); 8-13 Jun 2003; 11 refs., 13 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Results of measurements of the axial magnetic field during the implosion of tungsten wire arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of 2.5-4.5 MA are presented. The azimuthal structure of the plasma produced from the wires is examined using the effect of the compression of the axial magnetic flux by this plasma. It is shown that the plasma starts to penetrate into the axial region of the wire array at the very beginning of implosion. A mechanism other than the formation of a closed current-carrying shell is proposed for describing the transfer of the external axial magnetic field to the central region of the array
Излагаются результаты измерения аксиального магнитного поля при сжатии проволочных сборок, состоящих из тонких вольфрамовых проволочек, на установке Ангара-5-1 при токе 2.5-4.5 МА. Для диагностики пространственной азимутальной структуры плазмы сборки использован эффект сжатия этой плазмой аксиального магнитного потока. Показано, что проникновение первых порций плазмы на ось сборки происходит на начальной стадии имплозии. Предложен механизм переноса внешнего аксиального магнитного поля в центральную область сборки, не связанный с образованием замкнутой токовой оболочкиOriginal Title
Izmerenie aksial'nykh magnitnykh polej vo vremya implozii mnogoprovolochnykh sborok na ustanovke Angara-5-1
Primary Subject
13 refs.; 10 figs.; 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The methodology for the X-ray diagnostics of the liner peripheral part at the Angara-5-1 facility through the X-pinch - the point X-ray source is described. The spatial resolution is not worse than 4 μm. The X-pinch radiation absorbed in the plasma, is registered on the photofilm. Transition from the darkening photomaterial density to the plasma density is provided for by means of application of the stepwise attenuator from the material analogous to the liner one. The results of the diagnostics of the peripheral part of the multiwire liner for the 70 ns after the current start through the liner are presented. The axial stratification with the pitch of 200 μm of the plasma density, breaking away from the wires, is observed
Описана методика просвечивания периферийной части лайнера на установке Ангара-5-1 посредством точечного рентгеновского источника - Х-пинча. Пространственное разрешение не хуже 4 мкм. Излучение Х-пинча, поглощенное в плазме, регистрируется на фотопленку. Переход от плотности почернения фотоматериала к плотности плазмы обеспечивается использованием ступенчатого ослабителя из того же материала, что и лайнер. Представлены результаты просвечивания периферийной части многопроволочного лайнера на 70-ю нс после начала тока через лайнер. Наблюдается аксиальная стратификация с шагом 200 мкм плотности плазмы, срывающейся с проволочекOriginal Title
Rentgenovskoe prosvechivanie periferijnoj oblasti szhimaemoj tokom mnogoprovolochnoj sborki na ustanovke Angara-5-1
Primary Subject
10. All-Russian conference: diagnostics of high-temperature plasma; X Vserossijskaya konferentsiya: diagnostika vysokotemperaturnoj plazmy; Troitsk (Russian Federation); 8-13 Jun 2003; 23 refs., 9 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Grabovskij, E.V.; Mitrofanov, K.N.; Nedoseev, S.L.; Olejnik, G.M.; Porofeev, I.Yu.; Samokhin, A.A.; Frolov, I.N.
XXXII Zvenigorod conference on the plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear synthesis. Theses of reports2005
XXXII Zvenigorod conference on the plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear synthesis. Theses of reports2005
No abstract available
Original Title
Geterogennye plazmoproizvodyashchie struktury pri tokovoj implozii provolochnoj sborki
Primary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); RAN, Nauchnyj Sovet po Fizike Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); RAN, Nauchnyj Sovet po Kompleksnoj Probleme Fizika Nizkotemperaturnoj Plazmy, Moscow (Russian Federation); RAN, Inst. Obshchej Fiziki im. A.M. Prokhorova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchno-Tekhnologicheskij Tsentr PLAZMAIOFAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); RAN, OIVT, Inst. Teplofiziki Ehkstremal'nykh Sostoyanij, Moscow (Russian Federation); 327 p; ISBN 5-7368-0275-9; ; 2005; p. 164; 32. Zvenigorod conference on the plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear synthesis; XXXII Zvenigorodskaya konferentsiya po fizike plazmy i UTS; Zvenigorod (Russian Federation); 14-18 Feb 2005
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Mitrofanov, K.N.; Grabovsky, E.V.; Zukakischvili, G.G.; Oleinik, G.M.; Porofeev, I.Yu.; Smirnov, V.P.
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
15th International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004. Proceedings2005
[en] The data on measurements of magnetic fields in plasma during current implosion of multiwire cylindrical liners at the Angara-5-1 facility are presented. The compression of an axial magnetic flux with the plasma produced by a multiwire liner is investigated. A compression model for such flux is suggested. Radial and azimuthal structures of the current plasma are studied. It has been shown that in the process of the plasma production a magnetic field is frozen-in to the plasma. The liner volume is filled with the plasma impregnated with current and magnetic field
Приведены данные об измерениях магнитного поля в плазме при токовой имплозии цилидрического многопроволочного лайнера на установке Ангара-5-1. Исследуется сжатие магнитного потока вместе с плазмой, образованной многопроволочным лайнером. Предложена математическая модель такого потока. Изучаются радиальные и азимутальные структуры токовой плазмы. Показано, что в процессе образования плазмы магнитное поле вмораживается в плазму. Объем лайнера заполняется плазмой, пропитанной током и магнитным полемPrimary Subject
Mesyats, G.; Smirnov, V.; Engelko, V. (eds.); Federal Agency for Atomic Energy, Moscow (Russian Federation); Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (Russian Federation); Ministry for Education and Science of Russian Federation, Moscow (Russian Federation); D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); 922 p; ISBN 5-87911-088-5; ; 2005; p. 818-821; 15. International conference on high-power particle beams. BEAMS'2004; Saint-Petersburg (Russian Federation); 18-23 Jul 2004; 1 fig.
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[en] Backlighting diagnostics for studying the peripheral region of an imploding liner in the Angara-5-1 facility by using X-ray emission from an X-pinch is described. The spatial resolution of the diagnostics was no worse than 4 μm. The X-pinch emission passed through the plasma was recorded with a photofilm. The plasma density was reconstructed from the photofilm blackening density with the help of a step attenuator made of the same material as the liner. Results are presented from experiments on X-ray backlighting of the peripheral region of a multiwire liner at the 70th ns after the beginning of the discharge. It was found that, by this time, the wire cores were depleted to different extent, their masses totalled 70% of the original wire mass, and their diameters had increased approximately threefold. The plasma ejected from the wire cores was found to be axially stratified with a spatial period of 200 μm. Sometimes the axial nonuniformity of the core material with a characteristic scale length of 20 μm was observed
Primary Subject
Translated from Fizika Plazmy, ISSN 0367-2921, 30, 139-146 (No. 2, 2004); (c) 2004 MAIK ''Nauka / Interperiodica''.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] Results are presented from measurements of the axial magnetic field during the implosion of tungsten wire arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of 2.5-4.5 MA. The azimuthal structure of the plasma produced from the wires is examined using the effect of the compression of the axial magnetic flux by this plasma. It is shown that the plasma starts to penetrate into the axial region of the wire array at the very beginning of implosion. A mechanism other than the formation of a closed current-carrying shell is proposed for describing the transfer of the external axial magnetic field to the central region of the array
Primary Subject
Translated from Fizika Plazmy, ISSN 0367-2921, 31, 707-720 (No. 8, 2005); (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
[en] Results are presented from experiments on the X-ray backlighting of the axial region of an imploding high-current multiwire liner. Backlighting was performed with the use of an X-pinch serving as a source of soft X-ray emission, which was recorded by pin diodes. The use of several filters with different passbands in front of the pin diodes allowed the interpretation of the results of measurements in experiments with cascade composite liners. The sensitivity of the diagnostics was ≅125 μg/cm2 for a plasma of high-Z elements (W) and ≅220 μg/cm2 for a plasma of low-Z elements (C, O, N) at a photon energy of the probing radiation of 1.0-1.5 keV. An advantage of the method is its high time resolution (≅1 ns) and the possibility of the separation in time of the emission bursts from Z- and X-pinches on the liner axis. The method does not impose restrictions on the pulse duration of the backlighting radiation source
Primary Subject
Translated from Fizika Plazmy, ISSN 0367-2921, 30, 115-128 (No. 2, 2004); (c) 2004 MAIK ''Nauka / Interperiodica''.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
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