[en] Scanning Electron Microscope FEI-Quanta 400 (SEM) made in the USA was commissioned in late 2003. This equipment is used in many areas of materials science, metallurgy, engineering, electronics, medicine, agriculture, biology and so on. This facility has helped the researchers in conducting research in their respective fields as well have been providing services to agencies, institutions, industries and local industry. Since 2004, there were 81 projects and 5000 samples analyzed using this facility in Malaysian Nuclear Agency, while 23 companies and 900 samples were from various agencies. In addition, revenue derived from these services has able to provide for the maintenance of this equipment. SEM is an important step in the nuclear material testing process. Nuclear material can be inspected for its performance by getting information from its morphology micrograph by using SEM. It opens up a whole new world that is unseen by the naked eye. (author)
Primary Subject
2011; 12 p; NTC 2011: Nuclear Technical Convention 2011; Bangi (Malaysia); 13-15 Sep 2011; Also available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center; Oral presentation
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The strength and toughness of the heat-treated and tempered C-Mn are studied. Two types of heat-treatment have been carried out with the specimens in an argon gas. The variation in the fracture surfaces of the heat-treated and tempered specimens with impact test temperature is discussed also
Original Title
Kesan rawatan haba keatas sifat-sifat kekukuhan dan kelewatan keluli C-Mn
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue