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[en] The Ollo de Sapo Formation comprises variably metamorphosed felsic peraluminous volcanic rocks and highlevel granites that crop out over some 600km from the Cantabrian coast to central Spain in the northern part of the Central Iberian Zone. The Ollo de Sapo magmatism is not obviously connected with any major tectonic or metamorphic event so its origin is controversial. Some authors, based on trace-elements, have proposed that the Ollo de Sapo magmas originated in a supra-subduction setting but others, based on abnormally high zircon inheritance and field and structural data, favored a rifting environment. Here we present new oxygen and hafnium isotope data from the very characteristic Ollo the Sapo zircons, which in most cases, consist of ca. 485Ma rims and ca. 590-615Ma cores. We found that the Cambrian-Ordovician rims yielded unimodal distributions that cluster around ∂18O = 10, typical of S-type magmas formed from melting of altered crust. The Ediacaran cores, in contrast, cluster around ∂18O = 6.5, consistent with being arc-magmas. Rims and cores have the same average Hf isotope composition, but the rims are considerably more uniform. These data, coupled with existing wholerock element and Sr and Nd isotopic data, indicate that the Ollo de Sapo were S-type magmas that resulted from anatexis of younger-than-600Ma immature sediments mostly derived from different Ediacaran igneous rocks with a wide range of Hf isotope composition.
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Record Type
Journal Article
Geologica Acta (Online); ISSN 1696-5728; ; v. 15(4); p. 245-260
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[en] The activity concentration of plutonium in an environmental sample does not usually constitute sufficient information to determine if it is due only to fallout. Alpha and gamma spectrometry are used here conjointly in the study of environmental soil samples to distinguish between samples showing plutonium contamination due to fallout exclusively, and samples contaminated with plutonium from another source. The method was applied to soil samples collected in Palomares (Spain), where an accidental release of aerosols contaminated with plutonium occurred. The two contributions (fallout and accidentally released plutonium) were separated by means of the activity ratios between various radionuclides present in the samples analyzed. The fallout level was estimated from the 239+240Pu/137Cs activity ratio. For samples showing contamination due to the accident, the 238Pu/239+240Pu and 239Pu/240Pu activity ratios were also calculated to determine the grade of plutonium of this contamination
Primary Subject
S0265931X00001892; Copyright (c) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: Austria
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] The Variscan orogen of NW Iberia contains abundant syn- and post-tectonic granitoids. The post-tectonic granitoids are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, I-type granites, monzogranites ± granodiorites ± tonalites. The Porriño pluton studied here is a representative example. It consists of two units: i) a pink-red, peraluminous, biotite granite and ii) a gray, metaluminous to peraluminous, biotite (± amphibole ± titanite) monzogranite, including maficintermediate enclaves. SHRIMP U-Pb dating yielded 290-295Ma ages for all the units. The mineralogy and geochemistry show that the pink-red granite has features of I- and A-type granites, whereas the gray monzogranite and enclaves are I-types. Sr isotopes show scattered values for the pink-red granite (87Sr/86Sr295Ma ≈ 0.702-0.710) and uniform values for the gray monzogranite and enclaves (87Sr/86Sr295Ma≈ 0.705-0.706). Geochemical results indicate a peritectic entrainment of clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene ± Ca-plagioclase ± ilmenite ± garnet, and minor accessory phases (± zircon ± titanite ± apatite) into a melt similar to the leucocratic gray monzogranite. A mafic-intermediate source is proposed for the gray monzogranite and its enclaves. Restitic protoliths generated granitic melts with A-type features such as the pink-red granite. The I-type nature of many post-tectonic granitoids could be explained by the previous extraction of S-type syn-tectonic granites that left restites and less fertile rocks. Late orogenic new melting affected the previously unmelted and more mafic lithologies of the lower-middle crust, and gave rise to I-type granitoids. Repeated melting events affecting such lithologies and previous restites could have generated granitic melts with A-type features.
Primary Subject
Available on-line:
Record Type
Journal Article
Geologica Acta (Online); ISSN 1696-5728; ; v. 15(4); p. 283-304
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[en] Using the classical U-Pb method and laser ablation method the isotopic age of zircons from gneisses of Kozhubaevskii Metamorphic Complex located in the eastern slope of the South Urals was estimated. The results obtained by the two methods suggest Proterozoic (no less than 1800-2000 mln. years) age of the complex. Morphological features of the zircons permit identifying the dating with granulitic metamorphism stage
С использованием классического U-Pb метода и метода лазерной абляции определен изотопный возраст цирконов из гнейсов Кожубаевского комплекса, расположенного на восточном склоне Южного Урала. Результаты, полученные обоими методами, указывают на протерозойский (не менее 1800-2000 млн. лет) возраст этого комплекса. Морфологические особенности цирконов дают основание отождествлять эту датировку с этапом гранулитового метаморфизмаOriginal Title
Tsirkony i problema dokembriya v Glavnom granitnom poyase Urala (Kozhubaevskij metamorficheskij kompleks)
Primary Subject
12 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk - Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk; ISSN 0869-5652; ; CODEN DAKNEQ; v. 408(3); p. 370-374
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Using the LA-ICP-MS method based on a combination of laser ablation (LA) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), the U-Pb dating of some grains of polygenic zircons isolated from granites and adamellites of the Adui Batholith, was conducted. For most of zircons studied the model age value was 291±8 mln. years. However, for certain zircons the age proved no less than 1451 mln. years, i.e. the solitary crystals were able to retain relic memory of early stages of their existence
С использованием метода LA-ICP-MS, основанного на сочетании лазерной абляции (LA) и масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ICP-MS), проведено U-Pb-датирование отдельных зерен полигенных цирконов, выделенных из гранитов и адамеллитов Адуйского батолита. Для большинства изученных цирконов значение модельного возраста составило 291 ± 8 млн. лет. Однако, для некоторых из них значение возраста оказалось не менее 1451 млн. лет, т. е. эти единичные кристаллы смогли сохранить реликты памяти о ранних этапах своего существованияOriginal Title
Poligennye tsirkony Adujskogo batolita (Srednij Ural)
Primary Subject
4 refs., 4 figs., 2 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk - Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk; ISSN 0869-5652; ; CODEN DAKNEQ; v. 410(2); p. 244-249
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Pribavkin, S.V.; Fershtater, G.B.; Montero, P.; Bea, F.
V Russian Conference on isotope geochronology Geochronometric isotopic systems, methods of their study, chronology of geological processes. Conference materials2012
V Russian Conference on isotope geochronology Geochronometric isotopic systems, methods of their study, chronology of geological processes. Conference materials2012
No abstract available
Original Title
U-Pb datirovanie granitov i metasomatitov Berezovskogo zolotorudnogo mestorozhdeniya (Srednij Ural)
Primary Subject
Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Moscow (Russian Federation); Otdelenie Nauk o Zemle RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Problemam Geokhimii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Mezhvedomstvennyj Sovet po Rudoobrazovaniyu, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchnyj Sovet RAN po Problemam Geologii Dokembriya, Moscow (Russian Federation); Mezhvedomstvennyj Stratigraficheskij Komitet, Sankt-Peterburg (Russian Federation); Inst. Geologii Rudnykh Mestorozhdenij, Petrografii, Mineralogii i Geokhimii RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Inst. Geologii i Geokhronologii Dokembriya RAN, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Fond Fundamental'nykh Issledovanij, Moscow (Russian Federation); 391 p; ISBN 1-11111-111-1; ; 2012; p. 281-284; 5. Russian conference on isotope geochronology geochronometric isotopic systems, methods of their study, chronology of geological processes; V Rossjskaya konferentsiya po izotopnoj geokhronologii Geokhronometricheskie izotopnye sistemy, metody ikh izucheniya, khronologiya geologicheskikh protsessov; Moscow (Russian Federation); 4-6 Jun 2012; 10 refs.
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Korneev, N; Rodriguez Montero, P, E-mail: korneev@inaoep.mx2011
[en] We describe an application of dynamic holography in rubidium vapour for laser ultrasound detection. This medium combines good signal to noise ratio with high cut-off frequency of approximately 1 MHz.
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Secondary Subject
2. international symposium on laser-ultrasonics - Science, technology and applications; Talence (France); 5-8 Jul 2010; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online); ISSN 1742-6596; ; v. 278(1); [4 p.]
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[en] For refining the data on the age of metamorphic rocks of the Murzinka metamorphic complex and the earliest stage of their formation the age of zircons within plagiogneisses of the rocks was identified. The age was identified by two methods, i.e. laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS) and classical U-Pb method. It is shown that the oldest dating of the gneisses by the method of laser ablation, which is 1600-1800 mln. years, agrees well with the data provided by U-Pb method (1639 ± 42 mln. years)
С целью уточнения данных о возрасте метаморфических пород Мурзинского метаморфического комплекса и наиболее раннем этапе их образования определен возраст цирконов в составе плагиогнейсов этих пород. Определение возраста проводили двумя методами - лазерной абляции (LA-ICP-MS) и классическим U-Pb-методом. Показано, что древнейшие датировки этих гнейсов методом лазерной абляции, составляющие 1600-1800 млн. лет, согласуются с данными U-Pb-метода (1639 ± 42 млн. лет)Original Title
Tsirkonovaya geokhronologiya Murzinskogo metamorficheskogo kompleksa (Srednij Ural)
Primary Subject
9 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk - Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk; ISSN 0869-5652; ; CODEN DAKNEQ; v. 404(3); p. 407-410
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[en] Detailed isotopic-geochemical study of pseudoleucite tilaites in the Kytlym massif located in the Northern Urals was performed. By the method of Rb-Sr dating it was ascertained that formation of dunite-clino-pyroxenite-tilaite series of the above-mentioned massif embraced the time range from 360 to 330 ml. years, which is at least 80-60 ml. years younger than the main magmatism phase manifested in this sector of the Urals
Выполнено детальное изотопно-геохимическое изучение псевдолейцитовых тылаитов Кытлымского массива, расположенного на Северном Урале. Методом Rb-Sr-датирования установлено, что формирование дунит-клино-пироксенит-тылаитовой серии указанного массива охватывало временной интервал от 360 до 330 млн. лет, что по крайней мере на 80-60 млн. лет моложе главной фазы магматизма, проявившегося в данном секторе УралаOriginal Title
Izotopnyj Rb-Sr-vozrast psevdolejtsitovykh tylaitov platinonosnogo poyasa Urala
Primary Subject
15 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk - Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk; ISSN 0869-5652; ; CODEN DAKNEQ; v. 388(3); p. 373-377
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Granitoids of the Verkhisetsk massif in the Middle Urals are studied through the Rb-Sr dating method and by measuring the 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios. Each association of the studied rocks was specified by a separate Rb-Sr-isochrone. Two out of three isochrones showed close age values 316 and 320 mln years, whereas another one indicated essentially younger age - 284 mln years. Causes of observed variations are discussed
Методом Rb-Sr - датирования, а также измерением изотопных отношений 143Nd/144Nd изучены гранитоиды Верхисетского массива, расположенного на Среднем Урале. Каждая ассоциация изученных пород была охарактеризована отдельной Rb-Sr - изохроной. Две из трех изохрон дали близкие значения возраста - 316 и 320 млн. лет, а одна указала на значительно более молодой возраст - 248 млн. лет. Обсуждаются причины наблюдаемых расхожденийOriginal Title
Rezul'taty Rb-Sr-datirovaniya i izucheniya izotopnogo sostava Nd v granitoidakh Verkhisetskogo massiva (Srednij Ural)
Primary Subject
7 refs.; 3 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Doklady Akademii Nauk - Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk; ISSN 0869-5652; ; CODEN DAKNEQ; v. 363(3); p. 389-391
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