Soro Bua, M.; Otero Martinez, C.; Vazquez Vazquez, R.; Santamarina Vazquez, F.; Lobato Busto, R.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera Sueiro, J.; Sanchez Garcia, M.; Pombar Camean, M.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] In this work is estimated variance kerma function pixel values for the real response curve nonlinear digital image system, without resorting to any approximation to the behavior of the detector. This result is compared with that obtained for the linearized version of the response curve.
Original Title
Estimacion de la varianza del ruido en imagen digital para control de calidad
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 204; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ambroa Rey, E. M.; Vazquez Vazquez, R.; Gimenez Insua, M.; Sanchez Garcia, M.; Otero Martinez, C.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera sueiro, J.; Lobato Busto, R.; Pombar Camean, M.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] Computed tomography (CT) is the imaging modality that contributes most to the growth of exposure to ionizing radiation from medical imaging, representing 12% of imaging procedures using ionizing radiation, but helps with 46% of the collective dose to the population. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the usefulness of the software DoseWatch for the study and optimization of the dose in scans of TCHMC. (Author)
Original Title
Uso de Dosewatch como herramienta para la optimizacion de la dosis en TCHMC
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 829; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available on-line:; 2 refs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Vazquez Vazquez, R.; Ambroa Rey, E. M.; Gimenez Insua, M.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera Sueiro, J.; Lobato Busto, R.; Sanchez Garcia, M.; Otero Martinez, C.; Pombar Camean, M.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] To compare the State of current of the Brainscan planner with the initial reference State has been successful. This new detector shows behavior similar to its predecessor (Gafchromic EBT2), but without the disadvantages arising from the construction of the same. (Author)
Original Title
Verificacion del estado de referencia del sistema de planificacion Brainscan mediante pelicula radiocromica Grafchromic EBT3
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 338; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gimenez Insua, M.; Ambroa Rey, E. M.; Vazquez Vazquez, R.; Sanchez Garcia, M.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera Sueiro, J.; Otero Martinez, C.; Lobato Busto, R.; Pombar Camean, M.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] As part of a project for animal research, replaced electronics one of the gamma-cameras (GC) of the service that was out of use, with the aim of using it for SPECT. The implementation is therefore required of the corrections that allow image quality enough for SPECT from raw data supplied by the team. This has been developed software that enables to perform correction of power, uniform and linearity on the acquired data. For validation, change in several parameters indicative of the image quality has been evaluated. (Author)
Original Title
Desarrollo del conjunto de correcciones para una gammacamara dedicada a investigacion
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 673; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available; 2 refs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gago Arias, A.; Brualla Gonzalez, L.; Gomez Rodriguez, F.; Gonzalez Castano, D. M.; Pardo Montero, J.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera Sueiro, J.; Sanchez Garcia, M.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National Congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] This paper presents a comparative study of the detector arrays developed by different business houses to the demand for devices that speed up the verification process. Will analyze the effect of spatial response of individual detectors in the measurement of dose distributions, modeling the same and analyzing the ability of the arrays to detect variations in a treatment yield.
Original Title
Estudio y caracterizacion de materiales de detectores para verificacion dosimetrica de radioterapia, analisis de las soluciones comerciales
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 296-297; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Vazquez Vazquez, R.; Sanchez Garcia, M.; Santamarina Vazquez, F.; Sorro Bua, M.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera Sueiro, J.; Otero Martinez, C.; Lobato Busto, R.; Pombar Camean, M.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] One of the suggestions in the new Protocol (February 2010) of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Routine quality control recommendations for nuclear medicine instrumentation is to record the value cps / MBq obtained in carrying out this test to track sensitivity thus obtained. Ideally, this sensitivity should remain constant over time. At our institution this parameter has been registered since February 2009. In this paper we analyze data collected through December 2010 (23 months), relating the apparent loss of sensitivity downtime losses.
Original Title
Evolucion temporal de la sensibilidad determinada durante la prueba de uniformidad extrinseca en dos gammacamaras
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 134; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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[en] The adequacy of the couple formed by the GAFCHROMIC XR-R film and the MICROTEK Scan Maker 8700 for skin dose determination has been evaluated. The main advantages are the ease of use the films, since it can be manipulated without special care and the ability to archive it in the dosimetric history of the patient. The main limiting factors coming from the scanner are the reproducibility over time and noise in the digitization; it is shown that this last component can be minimized at the cost of resolution. From the film itself, the limiting factors are the inter and intra film uniformity. Contributing an 6,5% to the overall uncertainty in dose determination. Overall, it has been shown that skin dose determination is possible with this film with an uncertainty below 10%. (Author)
Original Title
Valoracion de las peliculas Gafchromic XR-R para estimacion de dosis a piel en ''ablacion por radiofrecuencia''
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Radioproteccion (Madrid); CODEN RDPREY; v. 49(XIII); p. 65-68
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Comparative study of dose estimation in the change a conventional mammography to digital mammography
Vazquez Vazquez, R.; Otero Martinez, C.; Soto Bua, M.; Santamarina Vazquez, F.; Carril Iglesias, S.; Lobato Busto, R.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera Sueiro, J.; Sqanchez Garcia, M.; Pombar Camean, M.
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
XVIII National Congress SEFM and XIII National congress SEPR of Quality and Safety. Seville, Spain, 10-13 May 20112011
[en] Mammographic studies are now one of the most demanding radiological because of its effectiveness in detecting breast cancer early. The introduction of digital mammography has been a major advance because it has overcome some of the limitations of conventional systems. Due to the nature of the radiosensitive glandular tissue becomes very important control of the dose given to patients. In the present study is to analyze the variations in dosimetry that can exist between a conventional mammography and digital mammography.
Original Title
Estudio comparativo de estimacion de dosis en el cambio de un mamografo convencional a un mamografo digital
Primary Subject
619 p; 2011; p. 243; Editorial ADI; Madrid (Spain); 18. National Congress SEFM and 13. SEPR National of Quality and Safety; Seville (Spain); 10-13 May 2011
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Ambroa Rey, E. M.; Vazquez Vazquez, R.; Gimenez Insua, M.; Sanchez Garcia, M.; Otero Martinez, C.; Luna Vega, V.; Mosquera Sueiro, J.; Lobato Busto, R.; Pombar Camean, M.
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
III Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, 18-21 Jun 2013, Caceres Spain2013
[en] The objective of this work is to make a comparison of the doses in the 10 protocols most commonly used in our Center, before and after the commissioning of the software ASIR (Adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction). (Author)
Original Title
Impacto del algoritmo de reconstruccion iterativa ASIR en el CTDI de los estudios en TCHMC
Primary Subject
910 p; ISBN 978-84-697-1831-5; ; 2013; p. 747-748; 3 Joint Congress Spanish Societies of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection; 3 Congreso Conjunto Sociedad Espanola Fisica Medica y Proteccion Radiologica; Caceres (Spain); 18-21 Jun 2013; Available; 3 refs.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue